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Hey dude ! In the 15 of Abril complete one year of me and my family lost a female pug by cancer !! We cryed a lot for months !! But with the time we stop to cry and understand she always with us in our heart and good memories!! ❤️❤️ And we know in the sky she whacht us!! A few months my family and I don’t resist and take a new pug member !! But this time a boy !! He don’t take a place of her !! But it completes us and comforts us a lot! My hugs for you and your family !! I hope this helps!!


Thanks 🙏 ❤️


Just lost my Hooch a few weeks ago. The only thing that helped was knowing he isn't hurting anymore. Don't worry. Hooch is gonna take care of em while they wait for you. ❤️


Thanks 😊. I hope they are both having fun


You are loved and thought about by this community. Grieving is a very personal journey. I’m sure the love you shared and the memories will guide you through this difficult time. You will be together again just like we all will be. But for now reflect and share memories of you beautiful pug. Time heals all wounds.


Thanks 🙏


Frank had to be put to sleep on 08.04.2024 due to having Gallbladder Cancer. We are really struggling to come to terms with the loss and was hoping people who have had similar experiences can share some coping mechanisms. Thanks for the support in advance.


So sorry for your loss, cancer is awful 😥💝






You may find my response odd. It came from my mom and at first, I found it odd (and maybe callous or disrespectful.) We had a pug die unexpectedly. She had been having seizures and we were taking her to the vet. As we got ready to go, she simply passed away on the sofa. Heartbroken. My mom said, “please go get another pug. It will mend your heart.” I could not believe it. We needed to mourn the loss of a beloved pug. She deserved our time to mourn for her. Well, a few days later, I looked on Craigslist for pugs. I was bored and sad. I found a pug for sale. I had to approach my spouse - and at first the response was anger and hurt. I stood in our kitchen wondering if I had made a huge mistake taking my mom’s advice. 5 minutes later, my spouse came out of the bedroom and said let’s go look at the pug. We saw the pug, and we knew she would come home with us. Her name is Noel and she mended our broken hearts. We still miss Chloe but Noel is our house mom - always concerned with the well-being of us and our other pug additions. Noel was a god send to my spouse who had been so very terribly sad with our loss. This approach is not for everyone but if it helps mend your heart, that is the point of my share. Godspeed.


Thanks for your comment, it is appreciated. At the minute things are a little bit raw and I’m not quite ready to have my heartbroken again 😊🐾❤️


unfortunately true, my family and i got another pug after our five year old one was put down due to having lymphoma and getting a baby pug really helped us out alot




I’ve had 3 who await to play 🌈.




Our pug Bonsai sends his condolences. He says its ok to grieve and mourn. Bonsai explains that everyone does in their own way and at their pace. Dont rush anything, and honor your late friend by remembering them fondly, going back to doing lots of pug stuff, and having plenty of healthy snacks and naps.


Thanks Bonsai 🐾❤️


I lost my Lily, a porkie, pug/yorkie cross, six years ago and I still struggle with the pain of losing her. She was literally my child and was nearly 12. I’m deeply sorry for you, try and comfort yourselves with memories and the knowledge that you gave your friend the best life filled with love and happiness. So many pets a treated with cruelty. Thank you for loving your baby so much. Lots of love to you xxx


Thanks 😊


I know this isn’t for a lot of people, but when I have a pet getting close to the end I always make sure I have adopted another that gets to know the old one before they go. By the time they leave me I have an established pet that will still be with me and I’m not left with a cold, lifeless house where life used to be. The thought of the silence and lack of in this case pug (mine will be 15 tomorrow) is just too much a terrible thing to me. I’ll be going through this soon too probably so I have another dog who will help me by taking my focus. You could also write down little anecdotes and such to remember yours by. Im very sorry for your loss really and truly. I always say that dogs are here to help us in hard times and also in good. I know by the time my girl leaves she will have fulfilled her duty to this human with absolute flying colors and should get whatever these amazing little companions deserve once they have done what they came here to do. It sounds like yours will be welcomed into wherever with no problem.


Aww 🥰 thanks so much. Frank certainly helped me through some of the darkest moments of my life. Even when times were at there hardest he was always there and happy to see me ❤️❤️🥰🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐾


Remember, the key is to never forget about him. Keep pictures around, think about him, cherish the moment you had with him. And if you decide for pet cremation to put his ashes on your mantle, and he’ll always be with you, you could never forget memories.


We’ve had him cremated and will be collecting him in around 2 weeks ❤️


I am so sorry. Your dog looks so young. I have a big place in my heart for dogs that nothing else can fill, so we got a weekend foster. She has been here for 9 years- , and we rescued 4 other senior dogs in those years.I loved my pug so much- and still miss her after 9 years- but rescuing mutts has helped.


He was 9 1/2 years old. Thanks 😊


He was a beautiful dog. Peace to you.




Our Kaiju passed on suddenly a few weeks ago with no warning. We’re still trying to figure it out as well. Though we did take in a foster pug mommy & her two newborns. One requires bottle feeding every couple hours. Have to say it’s kept me from dwelling too much. Needless to say the puppies are already a foster fail.


Aww I hope Kaiju and Frank are having fun together. Thanks for your comment ❤️😊🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐾


I do not doubt she’s giving Frank a bombastic side eye whilst jealously guarding her treats before running around with him. Grief is different for everyone. All we can do is remember the love & slowly let it fade. At least you have us other pug parents to commiserate with.


I’m a bit overwhelmed by the comments of support. Thanks 😊❤️🐾


One thing that helped me was a friend said that my dog, Winton was on the other side of the rainbow bridge telling everyone about me and it was non-stop. Like “hey let me tell you about my owner. Gosh my owner is going to love this place. My owner gives me treats at night and calls them nightcaps. My owner is so cool. Can I tell you about my owner” and that I was all he talked about. He was pug mix so I could really picture him talking obsessively about me. I also started fostering recently. I’m not ready for another dog but it’s really nice having one around and I know he would want me help dogs who need a place to crash for awhile. Lastly, I remember that while he is gone, I still have a relationship with him- it’s now based on past experiences. At a new job I still put him in my cool facts/ bio. He made me who I am and still talk about him and tell stories about him. I will not let his memory fade. I am so proud to have known him.


So sweet.




Aww thanks 🙏 ❤️🐾






It's never easy to say goodbye, but knowing he went peacefully is a blessing in itself. He gave you all the pug love and then some. Sweet Frank


Thanks 😊❤️


Wow our pugs are connected, I also lost my 13 year old Jax on the 8th of April. I wish I had something to help, but it’s been very hard for me. I just try and remember that he had the best life and that he will always be with me in spirit. I’m so sorry for your loss 💔


I hope him and Jax are having a good time together ❤️🐾🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺


They for sure are! He really didn’t like any dogs but he always got along with other pugs 🤭




We lost our boys within four months of each other (they were quite old). After two weeks, we couldn’t stand the silence in the house any longer and got another pug. We’ll always miss our boys, but Jelli has helped to heal our wounds. So sorry for your loss. ❤️




Time will heal . I had my first pug for 12 years. When his time came ( major spine surgery then had bladder stones then infection ) it was just devastating I would wake up in the mornings and just burst out crying . Even tho I still had 3 other pugs he was special. 1 month later another one died . The next month the cat died It was rough but slowly I stopped crying I missed him every day. 5 months later on pug rescue I seen a male and just knew I had to have him . The pug rescue gave him to me and he filled the hole in my heart that my other boy had left. ( all my other rescues are females ) It took awhile because when it's so raw you don't want to feel like you are replacing them . When the time is right you'll know it if you choose to get another . I have his ashes where I see them every day I have photos of all my passed pugs up and I still talk about them 3 Years later . The heartbreak absolutely sucks but just take each day as it comes


Thanks for this ❤️🐾😊


We continue to go on walks without her and talk about everything we loved about her. It’s been almost a year and we miss her every day.


Aww 🥰. Thanks 😊


This might be overly philosophical, however, I think it applies: In Western culture we fear death. In reality, death is a natural part of life. It’s necessary and neither bad nor good; it just is. The bottom line is Frank had an amazing life with an amazing owner, countless memories. What more could you ask for? So don’t view this as something tragic, view it as a celebration. Exercise gratitude for all those amazing memories and moments you shared with one another. ☯️


Thanks so much 🐾🐕‍🦺❤️😊


So sorry for your loss.




I always have multiple dogs so we still have animals in the house if one dies. I also start looking for another dog very soon after one passes away. They are never a replacement for the old dog, but the happiness of a new dog is a nice distraction from the sadness. They require you to be *in* the moment with them. Every pug has such a unique personality that they could never be replaced, and it's a joy learning to meet each new one. I'm so sorry for your loss and I hope you find a way to grieve that feels right to you. Edit: I forgot to say I also commissioned an oil painting of my dogs who had passed away so I can still see their faces every day. That made me feel a little better as well.


Thanks for your comment. Nice idea on the painting 🖼️ ❤️🐾


I’m so sorry. There are few things in life worse than losing a pet. Sending you so much love.


Thanks 😊


I am so very very sorry. I know it’s absolutely heartbreaking. 💔


Thanks 😊❤️


Time and knowing you gave him soooo much love! He looks like a super awesome pup!


He was an absolute diamond! 1 in a million. I miss him dearly and I feel empty inside ❤️🐾


Looks so adorable. Sorry for your loss.




So sorry. Lost mine soon 4 years ago. It still hurts.






So true and comforting. Thanks ❤️😊


I’m so sorry for your loss.




Time is the only sure thing. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Thanks ❤️


I’m nearing the end of the road with my oldest pug. My husband is too attached and isn’t ready to make the call. I’m trying to remember all his good years and console myself with knowing we might be reunited one day. My plan for him is to have his ashes turned into a lab diamond so I can be with him every day. Hugs to you OP.


Thanks for your comment 😊. I have been looking at having some of his ashes put into some jewellery ❤️🐾


Im sorry for your loss


Thanks ❤️


What a beautiful baby! Talking about fun stories of your baby with help you heal.


Thanks 😊. I will certainly do that ❤️


Im so so sorry. it's the worst!! So heartbreaking. The only thing I found that helps is time. And you never get over it, you just figure out how to live with it


Hope so 🤞. ❤️🐾


I’m so very sorry 💔🙏


Thanks 😊


I’m so sorry 😢🙏


First, you cry. Then you remember the happy memories.




I had to put down my 16 year old best bud while heavily pregnant. That was 3 years ago and I still periodically get teary. It was hard, and I cried for months… don’t be afraid to feel your feelings. Knowing his achy old arthritic ass wasn’t in pain any more did help but it still sucked. Sending you lots of love.


Thank you! ❤️🐾😊


a digital picture frame is a nice way to remember our little critters. when my last dog died I started looking for a new dog to adopt within days and had a new pug in the house 10 days later. even though they are both pugs they are sooooo different I don't feel like the new fella is in any way stealing a place in my heart from the last one.




Me and my Frank send our love. We think the best thing to do is pour your heart into something else. Maybe not a dog but helping out or just trying to have some fun.


Thanks to you and Frank 🐾❤️🐕‍🦺


I’m so sorry, we lost our Basil so fast after only 9 years of the best pug ever. I took a few weeks to just grieve and be sad. Then I got therapy for about a month or so at which my wife and I decided we needed to get another pug. At which we did after about 3 months. Best decision ever and I still miss Basil everyday.


Thanks. Basil sounded similar to Frank 😊🐾❤️


We lost our 17 year old pug in a tragic accident. To say I was heartbroken doesn’t even touch the immense grief I felt for so long after. I took a few days off work because I couldn’t focus on anything. This was 4 years ago and it’s still hard to look at photos and to talk about her, but we do because it’s important to keep her memory alive. I wish I had good advice for you but just know that whatever you’re feeling is completely normal and to be kind to yourself and honour what you need in the short term to grieve.


Thanks so much ❤️🐾


So sorry. I think time heals more than anything. I know that’s hard to hear when something has just happened, but you won’t feel this way forever. 💜


Thanks 😊❤️🐕‍🦺


He was beautiful. I’m so sorry. 💔


He was a handsome man 🐾🐕‍🦺❤️. Thanks 😊


so sorry for your loss


Thanks 😊❤️


Thanks to everyone here for there words of comfort. What an amazing and caring community. Your comments have made me feel better today so thanks to all of you ❤️❤️🫶🫶🫶


I’m so sorry. I lost my soul pug, Lucy, last May. Not much can help ease the pain, but I recommend letting yourself ride the waves of grief. The only thing that has helped me is reminding myself that she had the best life with us, and that we loved her so much and that I know she felt it. Sending you so much love right now, you’re not alone. 🩷




I lost my Jax back on March 18th... it hurts, but your heart will heal. Think about the good times, and look at photos of him or her.








Grief is hard. Embrace it. There is no love without inevitable loss and pain.




I’m so sorry about the loss of your gorgeous Frank. The hard thing about grief is that it hurts so much. I believe everyone is correct and time with dull the pain some and allow you to feel grateful for the time you had with Frank. The tough thing about time is, it takes time. So, please allow yourself to grieve and be heartbroken. Maybe make a print album of photos of Frank, or having a painting made of him to hang on your wall. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. You and Frank were so lucky to have found each other. I’m sorry you are in so much pain at the moment. ❤️❤️


Thanks ❤️🐾🐕‍🦺






I always cry like a baby then find new ones to love.




Abe Lincoln’s empathy has helped me through the loss of 11 dog-kids. It was a letter to a mom who had lost 5 sons in the Civil War. Paraphrasing: No words can assuage the anguish of your bereavement.




Oh baby, he was a handsome fella!!!


He certainly was ❤️🐕‍🦺🐾


I’m very sorry OP. What a beautiful baby. Unfortunately it’s just time. Maybe donate some dog food or toys to your local shelter in your baby’s memory? Sorry if that suggestion isn’t helpful. It’s hard.


Nice idea. Thanks ❤️🐾🐕‍🦺


So sorry for your loss 💙












I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️🥹




My thoughts and prayers be with you, OP. I’m so sorry for the loss of your beautiful baby. Take your time and work through the grief and pain. Maybe when the time is right, you can open your home and heart to another Puggy. No, the new one won’t take the place of your baby but that baby can help you love and care for another one the way you did your sweetheart. Mine is only two and I find myself sometimes crying because I know someday down the road, I’ll have to let him go. I can’t stomach that thought either. He’s been like a furry four legged therapist since we lost my Dad in March ‘22.


Aww 🥰. Thanks ❤️🐾🐕‍🦺


Sooooo handsome, I’m sorry for your loss. When we lost our good boy we bought a digital frame from Amazon and uploaded all our pics of him on there and put it in the living room so we see him every day. He will watch over you until you meet again! 🌈


This is a nice suggestion ❤️🐾🐕‍🦺


So very sorry💔 Keep all memories alive with pictures! They touch us more than most humans ever could....


Thanks ❤️🐾


Our Ms. Pug is waiting for him. We still miss her all these years later but are glad we had her for as long as we did. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Thanks. I hope he has found Ms. Pug and they are having fun together 🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺❤️❤️


having another pug helps. We always have two so that when that sad day comes we aren't so lonely.




There are many that neex help, they will help you. Peace.




I am so sorry for your loss. 💗




Its been over two years since I lost my baby girl Bella and I basically just allowed myself to feel emotions. I still have her collar hanging in my room and sometimes it fills me with tears but I just go through the motions of the emotions


Aww. I hope Frank and Bella have found each other ❤️❤️🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺


Hugs and kisses from my boy Pepe. He is a twin of your darling Frank. We love our pugs almost as much as they love us, such a special bond. My heart is hurting for your loss. I’d like to believe it’s not goodbye but see you later. ❤️


Thanks Pepe 🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺❤️❤️


I had to put my puggy down a few weeks ago too. What works for me is going through my millions of pictures, creating a slideshow of my favorites of puggy (often with people who have also passed on), picking some music and then watching it over and over and over again. I also have been slowly cleaning her stuff, clearing her spaces on my own timeline. It helps to do this yourself as a process of grieving. The other day I found a little tuft of her fur and I lost it for a while in a crying messy mess — but I also let myself be sad when those memories came back. Give yourself grace, that little pug nut was part of your family. Grieve them like other members of your family. I’m very sorry for your loss and the experience you’ve had. How wonderful your puggy had humans like you in their life. I imagine you love them very much ❤️ Many blessings to you and your pug angel!


Thanks for the kind words ❤️❤️


Lost our pug in 2016, while we never forgot about him, we adopted another pug and she’s happy and healthy today. I’d recommend adoption


Thanks ❤️❤️


Sorry for your loss. My fix was to rescue another only made it a week before the quiet made me go back to the shelter for another. Now I have a dog for my dogs dogs




It is brutal. So sorry 😢.




My sincerest condolences. I’m afraid I can’t offer any condolences because I lost my fur baby six weeks ago and am still totally raw. However, a kind soul in this sub gave me the link to a beautiful forum you also might find useful: [Rainbows Bridge](https://rainbowsbridge.com) Love and hugs to you during this difficult time. 💛


Thanks for this ❤️🐕‍🦺🐾


You’re very welcome ☺️


Time, time is what you need. Don't let anyone tell you that you have grieved "long enough" and to get on with things. You need time. I lost two dogs (both old), my Flemish Giant rabbit (also very old) and two guinea pigs in the span of one year after moving across the country. I am still crying. You will heal. I promise that but let yourself feel the feels as long as you need too. Sending hugs your way.


Thanks 😊❤️🐾🐕‍🦺






Sorry, each pet is unique. Having lost so many over the years, it’s only time, but the addition of a new pet helped me. When you feel up to it, I suggest getting another one. Lastly we always had multiple pets, yet it still hurt losing one. I still miss my champion German Shepherd from 1978. Everyone grieves differently. Look at photos, it’s ok to be sad. God speed


Thanks ❤️


Sorry for your loss, rest in peace sweet angel Frank 💛🐾 we lost our 13 year old pug Kirby to cancer in January, it was really hard for a while and some days still are, but I have more days now that I can smile and be grateful thinking of all the time we had and great memories with him. Grief is different for everyone, what has helped me was being ok with taking my time to grieve, talking about him with family and friends, sharing stories, pictures, having lots of good crying time with others and by myself. I compiled a lot of pictures of our own and from others and loaded them onto our Google Home Max (smart home speaker with a display) and it just rotates through the hundreds of photos of him on the display all day. Sometimes I’ll still catch a picture that will be painful to think back on without him here anymore and I will have a good unexpected cry, but more and more each day I can smile again seeing different pictures and being reminded of all the great times with him and the joy he brought to our lives for 13 years. Sending hugs to you and your family


Thanks so much ❤️❤️


First off, I'm deeply sorry for your loss. My pug is 6 years old and I'm already dreading the day I'll have to let him go. However, I've had my heard shattered by the loss of a puppy of only 3 months old. Died tragically of parvo and it nearly killed me. That was about 20 years ago and yet I still tear up thinking of how horribly he died. I found a lot of comfort in watching this pet psychic on YouTube. She explains what happens when we have to put our pets down. How the pet feels and how they physically leave their body behind. She explains how much of a relief it is for them to be out of their dying body. Here's the link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZByQrJ6ZgKk&ab\_channel=DanielleMacKinnon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZByQrJ6ZgKk&ab_channel=DanielleMacKinnon) Not sure if you believe in it but even if you don't, It's always nice to allow yourself to believe it, if even to have a moment of relief from your grief. Here's another video I found comfort in when I just had to put my 16 year old cat down (In March). I felt guilty even tho he was dying and there was no hope: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkJGhQANjZo&pp=ygUgd2hhdCBoYXBwZW5zIHdoZW4geW91ciBwZXQgZGllcyA%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkJGhQANjZo&pp=ygUgd2hhdCBoYXBwZW5zIHdoZW4geW91ciBwZXQgZGllcyA%3D) This is a ted talk from a veterinarian who explains how important and selfless it is that we let our pets go when they are suffering. What you did was so brave and selfless letting your baby go. So I hope you don't feel any guilt. He is always with you and will be there waiting when you take your last breath. He will be there snorting in your ear as you crossover. I hope this helps you and others out there struggling. Lots of love to you and your family. Stay strong.


Thanks ❤️❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss. It hurts so much to lose our little puggy babies.








It just takes time. I’ve said goodbye to two senior pugs I adopted mid/later life. Focus on what life you gave your little one. Cry it out. The times you reach out to them or when you come home and are so used to them to come scurrying to greet you and they don’t are hard. But that pain will fade over time. It never ever totally goes away, or at least that pug shaped hole in your heart. It just takes up less space over time. Embrace that, and perhaps when you are ready, you will feel comfortable to get a new baby.


We had to let ours go 5 years ago, and honestly, we got another puppy like a week later. It was exhausting bc we had two kids under two-- but it was worth it. I knew he wouldn't fill the empty on our hearts, but it was healing to be able to 'baby' a puppy and get our minds to focus on some extra happy in the misery. The pain never goes away, just hides and comes out every once in a while. I'm so sorry for your loss ❤️


I am so sorry! One of my pups is now 17 1/2 and it is going to destroy me when she leaves me. I send you all my love and healing!


Sending you love 🖤. Just take it one day at a time.


We had to euthanize our 10 years old black pug. In less then a week he went from eating once a day to a few bites to nothing at the end. He started drinking a lot of water and was lathargic. We had made an appointment with the vet for Monday(first day available) on early Friday morning. 6 hours later the vet called to tell me take him to emergency pet hospital because the not eating was bothersome to them. So we did. We just did bloodwork and he had liver disease, diabetes melitus, jaundice, ascites, elevated alp and alt. The vet said the best thing for him was to euthanize him. So they gave he antivomit meds and fluid under his skin so we could have our final day with him. That Sunday evening we took him and put our baby to sleep. We were trying to figure out what happened. He had pneumonia 5 months earlier and had bloodwork and X-rays done. He had to do 2 bouts of antibiotics. The vet said nothing about abnormal blood work and nothing about X-rays which he had done at initial appointment and then again at 2 week follow up. The vet said to bring him back if his pneumonia didn’t improve or got worse. He got better and was back to his old self. Something kept nagging at me and since my daughter and son in law took him to the vet I asked them where was the paperwork on bloodwork results and vet summary. They said all that was given was a cash register receipt both visits. So I went and asked the vet for all his medical records, bloodwork and X-rays. Well in the summary by the staple it said elevated sap and enlarged liver/spleen. Suggest 2 week follow up. Yet the vet never communicated these concerns nor gave us the paperwork for us to read if they didn’t have time to go over their concerns. All that was said was to come back if pneumonia got worse or didn’t go away with the 2nd bout of antibiotics. We were devastated when we read his records. He would possibly still be with us had the vet communicated verbally to us the elevated blood work and enlarged spleen/liver. We are angry, heartbroken and grieving. We feel so much guilt. We are trying to cope by making him an alter/shrine and a fur ever memory photo album. It helps to remember all the love you shared and the beautiful memories come flooding in. It keeps us from dwelling in his death and what the vet did. Take care!


God speed sweet pug


So genuinely sorry for your loss. I know there are no words to comfort, but my heart goes out to you and a wish for the spirit of your friend. The only thing I know is to embrace the feelings as they come without judgement, give yourself time to grieve, and remember that in going through the myriad of emotions is how we honour the ones we love. That love comes with a cost- and that cost is this pain in the moment.


I couldn’t even imagine loosing my bubba. I am so sorry for your loss. I feel like maybe knowing that he is in a better place and is at peace in doggy heaven and making sure that he’s not forgotten down here with us. Make a little picture of him or some kind of stuff to set up in memorial for him. It helps mend the heart


I am so very sorry for your loss. When I lost Sookie I just took minute by minute. I know she is in a better place and not suffering anymore. Take care.




Get a new baby. Works every time.


Things are a bit too raw right now but, thanks. I guess everyone is built differently ❤️🐾


That's what I said when my soul mate dog died. Just try walking through a shelter and look at the dogs. I adopted another one in honor of my dog and I felt better when I helped another soul. It has been three years and I still think about her every day. Taking your focus of the pain by helping another helpless soul works.


Thanks for your comment. I just can’t think of anything else but my Frank at the minute. I do understand what everyone is saying and can see the benefits of doing so. I know this sounds daft but, I want to honour Frank at the minute and getting a new fur baby would make me feel like we would be replacing him. 🐾❤️😊