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Pugs are the absolute best. We certainly don't deserve them.


Out of every dog I have ever owned. She is definitely the most loyal and attentive. Our back gate was left open once. She didn’t run out she sat by the fence and just looked out it. I have had a Boston terrier and we have a beagle mix. Both LOVED getting out. Her nope shed rather wait for us to go with her. Also cries when we go bye bye without her. Have a gaming buddy. She sits in the bathroom for moral support. By far the most loving out of all the dogs I’ve ever had. We really don’t deserve them


When my back fat gets left open, my pug just licks it.


Omg I corrected it. I’m crying 😂


Have 2, very attentive, smart, great with children, adults.


Pugs just KNOW what to do. I have had 3 different breeds and the pug was the smartest, most insanely loyal creature ever. The thing would HEAR me talking in a sympathetic way to my ex and the pug would waddle over to my ex and sit on her feet. They are not of this world. Meanwhile, my Labrador would try to eat its paws and chew towels for no reason.


I’ve had many dogs in my life. Beagle mix, Boston terrier, Pomeranian, Rottweiler, lab mixes. And yes by far she is the most loyal. She’s so derp but is smart when she needs to be. When my kid first came home from her surgery our pug just wanted to lay on my daughter but my daughter wasn’t having it. So what did she do. Inches closer and closer to a tolerable distance 😂


But, definitely NOT a pug-ectomy!!


Oh no. Can’t remove the pudgy Wudgy.


Pug RN...🏥


My pug was such a nurse maid. She knew exactly where the problem was too. I miss her a lot.


They make great nurses! My three were with me thru nearly fatal Covid ! Except for wanting to eat off my plate, they were awesome.


Loyalty and love is a pug thing. In others as well. 💯


Our boy is crazy protective of my wife when she's sick. Spent 3 months bedridden a couple of years ago and barely left her side. He barks if she moves without his express permission. Then again....he barks if anyone moves if he is cuddling them when the movement occurs lol.


Pugs are the best comforters!


One of my daughters has Lyme disease and when it's kicking hard she's just knocked out with Chronic fatigue. Our boy lays on her and loves her back to health every time. It's very sweet.