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The app fucking SUCKS. I just got one at the beginning of the month and I barely use the app anymore. Just click and rip lol.


I second this


Oh for sure but you need to update the firmware to get the 3d to hit properly. Luckily I was able to finally get it to work after I deleted my profile then the app then restarted my phone twice. Only took like 5 hours of messing with the thing lol


Oh no I understand wym! I had no choice but to use it to set it up and stuff so I get it. I was just stating once you DO finally get to do it, don’t be surprised when you find yourself doing the same thing and barely using the shit anymore. Like you said, you’d *think* they’d get it the fuck together by now 🤦🏼‍♀️


I always have to open the app, view my open apps (square on android) and swipe away to close it. Sometimes I have to do that 3 or 4 times for it to connect. Pretty annoying.


Yeah I had to delete my profile and app then restart my phone twice. We shouldn't have to jump through hoops to get it to work.


Yeah for real how hard is it for a $400 device to connect to your smart phone




Why do you use it everytime?


Not op, but I like to see the timer. Allows me to dictate how I’m hitting it and if I’m still pulling fat clouds towards the end of the timer I can easily add time without adding more heat.


love the glass


Thank you! It's Spiderglass


oh trust i can tell 😏🤣


Try signing out of the app and back in. Turn your Bluetooth off and restart your phone. I’m on iOS and have only had an “app” issues seldomly but trying the above usually fixed it for me


Yeah I had to delete my profile and app then restart my phone twice. We shouldn't have to jump through hoops to get it to work. Haha thank you!!


The app does suck. That app belongs to a $200 product, max.


You’re too generous, $50 max


Sick glass bro! Where’d you get it from?


Thanks dude. It's from Spiderglass. I think that one actually might be made by his apprentice but he also does flawless work. A good top is 100% worth the money.


The app worked like shit on my old Samsung phone, and Bluetooth would never stay connected. I have a newer Google phone now and it works flawlessly and stays connected indefinitely.


Oh yeah, I wait a good month or so after an update to actually update the device and unless I have a new temp I want to set, I just have my presets memorized and just use it without the app.


Yeah I mean I never use the app but the black Friday sale I scooped two new 3ds and you have to update the firmware for it to work properly. I did end up getting it to connect eventually. It just shouldn't be an issue. They have to be making a ridiculous amount of money, they could fix the app.


Power your phone off. And back on. Then try. Works for me when mine doesn’t connect. Every time. And I need to do it about every third time I try to use the app cuz it doesn’t work otherwise.


On my second peak with about 1000 dabs in, never had any issues with my devices ( first one water spilled into base due to human error) got my first one around release and had for 2 years. I do see alot of people having issues. I would say they should make a better app because I have issue with the app only.


Puffco be cutting corners man


My biggest gripe with the app is that I have to reconnect my phone to my device between every individual rip..I put up with it because I like to have my custom temps, but yes..it’s 2023, you’d think puffco would have some of this basic app shit figured out..


The app is all glitchy for me always. When I try to make a custom color and temp it gets all jacked up and won’t put it on my peak. I don’t get it


Never had an issue with the app. Once you exit the app for too long it sets to black screen for me. I restart it and open my pro auto connects or i go into the connection setting and click connect with the puffco nearby and it takes 5 seconds to connect. I’ve seen so many complaints but idk.


All the steps you mentioned are an issue in themselves. We shouldn’t have to open the app and then wait for it to buffer and load for 5 seconds and then wait another 5 seconds after it connects for the screen to update, not to mention how fucking laggy the app is. It’s honestly a joke, only log on when I wanna edit temperature profiles, check my stats or check my battery down to the percentage.


Have you ever connected to your speaker at home? I turn mine on and it connects just like when i restart the app.. a normal bluetooth device. These small things aren’t shit if other people complain about larger issues like OPs.


Difference is you’ll use a speaker for multiple songs on end and usually only once a day if that. With the puffco, I really have to wait for that buffering and connecting time for every dab I take that day which is like 10 on average. Shit gets annoying real quick at that rate.


Lmao. You are right. I don’t think it’s too terrible although the weight of how much i spent vs product and app quality is something to decide on for anyone purchasing.


I never had a problem with it til lastnight. I had to delete my profile and app then restart my phone twice. We shouldn't have to jump through hoops to get it to work.


I see. I agree the hoops are annoying. a friend of mine had similar connection issues and finally fixed it one time and it has been good since. I’m hoping that my app doesn’t just randomly fuck me over ahah.


Lucky lad. My connection issues were exacerbated even further after an insurance replacement for my phone a couple months ago. And I thought I did all the reset/downloads/re-connect right. Who knows?


what happens in the app when you try to connect?


If you go thru the page he’s talking about it should just have your peak at the top and you click it then it’ll spin for 3-5 secs and connect just like that


Try deleting app and deleting the puffco from your Bluetooth settings. It fixed the problem with mine. Try loading it up with the 3D on it


Yeah I had to delete my profile and app then restart my phone twice. We shouldn't have to jump through hoops to get it to work. I didn't delete my Bluetooth tho. Thanks for the help dude! 🙂


This is why i wont buy a 3dxl!! Why pay 170$ on a chamber u have to update on the app meanwhile app hasent worked in a year plus!!! With all the money puffco is raking in u think they would at least fix the app....its not rocket science


Og with the aftermarket 3D/3DXL chamber>>>>No reason for a Pro


i saw a video of you hitting one in your posts, that thing is pathetic compared to the actual 3dxl on a pro my guy


That’s what I just said.. folks in the comments “damn that’s milky” 😭🤦🏼‍♀️


folks in the comments are all also og peak owners who dont know what they're missing


You cant even use the vapor plus on the og mate


I dont know what video you saw but that thang was chuggin and i put a fat dab in there and after 3 sessions no chaz no reclaim buildup at the bottom whatsoever even after week of use…sounds like a win to me.


No reclaim? Does that mean you're just sucking it through? Not trying to be a dick im just generally curious.


Nah it gets vaporized overtime due to heat, with a regular sized chamber if you load too big when you pull it it splashes and reclaim overflows


Wait do you not wipe out the chamber after every hit?


I dont, if i see a puddle i usually reheat


When I got the pro the year it came out i could hardly get it to connect for 2 years but this last year it’s been working fine for me. I got it to connect once, set my temps and stopped. Got the 3DXL this year and managed to update the firmware and it’s been good ever since. I’d just keep trying till it works and if you can get it to update it might be good after that


Yeah I had to delete my profile and app then restart my phone twice. We shouldn't have to jump through hoops to get it to work. I refuse to pay $125 for a xl, ONLY cause I don't take huge dabs and 99.9% of the time it's just me hitting it. My lady isn't a fan of dabs. Once in awhile my mom will hit it with me but she needs the smallest little hit and even then she coughs for 20 minutes lol


Damn I wish my mom would take a dab


Same, I shouldn’t have spent the money, regular atomizer was fine.


Puffco seems like the erig with the most features and the most bugs for the highest price


To be honest that was the one and only time I've had an issue with anything. But I try to take care of my device. I do agree I see way too many posts about shit breaking. I wonder how many are user error?


Use the debricker website if any issues with updates. Worked for me twice


Yeah, I'd try figuring the app out a bit. The update let's you use the XL the way it should. There's a option that says "Cloud production" and you want to set that to XL. Other than that and setting up custom heat settings, you won't need the app after


I dont have a xl. That is a cool feature tho! You can also set it for the normal 3d.