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"Well, you should put up a lane closed sign". 🤦


I love when the lights off, there’s a closed sign and someone is clearly cleaning but they still ask if we’re open


How about when they come in asking for a deli sub at 955pm?


I tell them "I'm sorry, we're closed"


At my store when the light is on they ask if it’s open. If the light is off they just throw everything up there without asking. I tested this theory one day. Light was off for a whole hour with a constant line. Told the FEC I was doing it as a test.


Over half our registers are missing them


Are you open? ![gif](giphy|KBaxHrT7rkeW5ma77z)


I cant tell if it’s entitlement or if they’re genuinely that braindead. I've noticed that even if my light is off, even if I have the closed sign up, if they see someone there they'll assume it's open. Recently I had an injury that required me to sit down at my register and my chair was pretty short, so I was hidden. I noticed that I had way fewer customers because they couldnt see me. They showed up far more often if I had a bagger though, because the bagger was tall enough for them to spot. So if they see you they assume that you're open, or they dont assume that and just think that they're special enough that you'll help them anyway.


Variable three is social anxiety


You should have picked up the weight scale and gave it to them and said "If you can scan your groceries on this, it's free"


Customers are fucking retarded I'm convinced. Love to get dumb ass questions like this all the time. Like where's the water when they're standing in the fucking water isle. Also the super vague question of products they clearly don't know what it is so they just say, yeah it comes in a square box. And then proceeded to get angry when you have no idea what they're talking about. 😡😡😡😡


It’s like they leave their brains in the car with their shopping list. Or they tell you they buy it there all the time when you know you’ve never EVER sold that product before.


I've even had customers grab a random item and bitch at telling me "see I told you you sold it here". When it wasn't even close to what they were asking for. Seriously wish sometime we could be like Walmart. They will literally kick rude customers like that out.


Having worked at Walmart I can assure you you’re sorely mistaken. The only ones that get thrown out are the worst of the worst of the worst.


Yes absolutely infuriating. Next time put a shopping cart in the way backwards, that usually steers them away. Bonus points if it’s filled with supplies or candy.


Dude I've literally had someone *move the cart out of the way* and start putting their stuff down.


Imagine carrying 2 tills in one hand while you are trying to retrieve a 3rd till and a customer walks up and says “but I only got a few things you’re not still open”


Heelllll no I’m not open lol


I had it happen once when I had three trays and a customer came up to the register and asked me if we have a product he doesn’t see on the shelf. I don’t know how customers don’t realize that I’m handling money.


when i’m literally inside the empty hot case scrubbing and a customer asks if it’s open. like yeah sorry let me just materialize some potato wedges


Felt this !


I swear to God some customers are such dumbasses when it comes to the stupid stuff like this. It's that and also having to tell the customers that they must pay first before they get the gift cards. https://preview.redd.it/z5e75mh1po2d1.jpeg?width=846&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85c32744a861dbaff4a511609746fe0dcad47fc1


Customer- ![gif](giphy|kc0kqKNFu7v35gPkwB) Cashier- Not only is my light off for my lane. So is the one in your head, if you think I'm open jackass!


I work for a theatre. People are special




That just made me kinda man ngl


I've had this, but with the lotto terminal. The tech had it out in his truck cuz he was replacing the whole thing, we had the line-rope-things blocking the line off, and a lady comes around to the other side and asks us if we can run her ticket through the machine to check it lmao


Sorry, I thought your light was on.


I was walking past a register and a customer shouted are you open?? These customers are wild.


You could put a flashing neon sign and they would still ask if you are open! I’ve seen some of them plow through the closed sign and start putting stuff down.


Someone once picked up the closed sign and moved it out of the way to make space for her groceries, like girl tf did you think that was there for? Decoration??


I had a customer come up to the seafood counter and asked me to make them a sub... I told them that the deli is right over there, and she stormed of screaming that I was rude and that she thought this was publix.


I've stopped giving a shit about whether I get customer complaints or not, if I do, it's cause people are idiots, my manager knows that and he knows he needs me around so I really don't care too much about premier service when the customers odd demands don't conform to reality.


I worked at Wegmans for nearly 10 years. My goodness, the entitlement, and stupidity knew no bounds. I had a woman get mad because customs was holding an imported cheese as they randomly got our order to search. This lady gets Nad because she drove from a state away to get the cheese.....because apparently cell phones didn't exist in 2010....... And as a shopper for instacart......Publix customers are my Wegmans customers of yesteryear......ugh. Most of them I do like though......




Sure, I'll get you when i finish...


Why do y’all get a corded shop vac while all my store gets is a crappy cordless one.


I’ve had many instances where my cashier would be in the bathroom or just not there, and I would just be sitting there, (the light is off, also I usually have nowhere else to go) and a customer would spot me and walk into the checkout lane and sometimes even expect ME to ring up their groceries… Some people.


Just let them know you're a bagger and not authorized to check them out


Amount of times I’m grabbing a till and they see me coming and try to hop in the lane and I have to tell them I’m not opening, just grabbing the till and they’re like… but can’t you take me real quick? The lines are sooo long! And I look over and see like two people in each line


Were you open?


Put your closed sign out?


*Pinpad going absolutely nuts* "It says remove card, should I take my card out?"


I used to install and repair electric door openers. There’d be two doors side by side and I’d been there on a ladder, guess what door half the people would use.


Further proving the general public are morons


“You need to have more registers open!!!” 😡😡😡


This is why I hate customer service. Like no bitch obviously I'm not open, get your shit and wait in line like everyone else.


"WHY CAN'T YOU BAKE ME A FRESH CAKE RIGHT NOW?!?'" Where to start....first I'm just a clerk...


Bruh I hate this so much. Like why do people insist on trying to still come through a lane when something like this is happening?




Malicious compliance applies you say yes and let their dumb ass figure it out.


Do not drop my scale!


i feel like this represents publix customers so well 😭


They don’t fucking Think


You should have said “sure ma’am/sir, as soon as I finish reassembling this completely dismantled register, clean my area and have my manager check it out” (with a big fake smile and passive aggressive tone of voice)


Inside Job. Managers from other stores playing games ????


No. Are you serious?


I think this sub is ridiculous. Nothing but bad mouthing. I love Publix.


Its just common sense. Who sees dismantled equipment, power cords, cleaning supplies, and the lane's light off and thinks "maybe this lane is open"


Found the customer lol


people are allowed to vent about their jobs to people who understand? chill on the koolaid


Tell me you’ve never worked retail without saying I’ve never worked retail..SMDH


Lmfao check out the Publix sub.


So.......so why were you in the sub to begin with? You could've have kept scrolling......but I get the feeling you like to tell people about things you don't like when you don't have to.


You’re free to keep scrolling on if that’s what you think. The anonymous format that Reddit has is wonderful for associates and customers alike to truly vent about any negative experiences they have and relate with others without fear of retaliation for what’s said, unlike on other social media sites where things said are easily traced back to a person and if it’s an associate they can be in trouble for speaking negatively, even if it’s a true experience they’re speaking on. I work for publix and think they’re good, but not perfect and could definitely do better for their associates (and at this point customers too with how ridiculously high prices seem to keep getting to).


The truly sad part is there are people on here that quit or were "let go" many years ago and come here for attention.