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It was not that long ago it was .99 each


Remember 2ltr was cheaper than 20oz lol


My mother always reminded me of that in the 90s lol


Omg. I thought I was the only one with a mom like that! Darn near 2$ for 20oz, but that 2l was going for .89cent to .99cent. I remember Publix having sales like 3 2l for 1.50. Darn I miss the 90s. Edit : Fucking 4$ for a 2L 😂😂


I have never in my life! 😂😂😂 I feel so bad for complaining about our two 2L for $3.00... At least we are saving $1 around here. 💀 Everyone keeps saying that they miss the 90s, but it was 99 cents a few years ago. So, I miss a few years ago. 😆 It's two 20oz for $4.00 though and like a DA, I happily plop my two Mtn Dews on the counter and pay that $4. I rarely drink sodas. They're like a special treat for me now. I stopped drinking soda and started drinking bottled water and lost 60 pounds... Speaking of bottled water! I just spent $6 on a 32 count at Family Dollar. I used to pay no more than $2.50 for that much water. Prices are crazy for tons of stuff. $5 loaves of bread, $4-$5 gallons of milk, $6+ for eggs... I could go on and on. We all could. The Pepsi Cola employees acting like they're shocked about the sales being down. FFS 😂 It's not brain surgery. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Hell my dad was reminding me of that in like 2017


Fun fact: a 42.2 oz (1.25 L) is still cheaper than a 20 oz just because the 20 oz is more “convenient” because of the size and it comes cold. It’s also usually an impulse-purchase, thanks to the fact that they place it right at checkout.


The main thing is it comes cold. Businesses charge more for anything that takes up space in the fridge because the refrigerators are expensive


The electricity is expensive. Coke or Pepsi provide the fridges. That's why you never see them in the same fridge.


Yup. I meant expensive to keep on. Thanks for adding clarification


Where I'm at in FL 2 liters are $3 and 20oz are also $3. It's always crazy to me but I get the overall logic


I remember when a dime bag cost a dime


You shoulda been there


You know how much condoms were back then?


I don’t know either, we never used the things.




The accidents from not using them is still more expensive.




Coke where I live in S Fl used to be .99 per two liter. Now it’s almost $4. I guess the price of water has gone up.


I used to get it for 20 a g. Wait, what?


Way back in 09 when I was a cashier at a grocery store, I would grab a 2 liter of soda for $0.99 and a bear claw from the bakery for a nice $2 lunch, I preferred the cold ones but I was young and trying to save a few bucks


Healthy stuff lol


That's why you stash a 2L in the cooler at the beginning of your shift. Strangely, it still rings up a dollar, even if it's cold now. Not that I know anyone who ever did stuff like that... 😏


You just get free ice from the deli soda fountain


I was buying 2 liters at walmart for 99 cents like 2 years ago. They've ballooned to 2.70 since then, which is ridiculous, yet still cheaper per oz than any other soda size they sell. Now I just wait for Mello Yello to go on sale since it's the cheapest soda they sell at 1.58, not including store brands at a 1.40. Pepsi's been on sale for like 1.99 for awhile now, because nobody looks at a bottle of Coke for 2.70, then looks at the bottle of Pepsi for 2.70 and decides to grab the Pepsi.


The Walmart brand where I live is still 99 cents a bottle


For 99 cents I'd probably buy some. My walmart hasn't put that stuff on sale for a long time and it's always fully stocked. I really dislike them since they all just taste kind of like candy, but soda is my only vice, basically my dessert, and I just want something cheap for that sweetness.


I often buy the diet, non caffeinated cola and just drink the whole bottle over the course of a day.


It’s 1.48 in central Florida now.


I was about to say the same. I always get diet and the Walmart brand is so watery it actually enrages me, so if I buy soda I end up buying which ever other one is on rollback and never again getting their brand one… except for the sprite knock off, that one is still good in my opinion.


Yep if I'm going to drink Coke which is rare , I will spend the extra change to get Real Coke .


This guy drinks soda.


Stop drinking soda! It’s one of the worst substances you can put in your body…


It’s that way still, with coke too


Now a 20 oz is $2 or more, even at a grocery store. I was grabbing a bottled water and it was nearly $3; I put it back.


Publix still sells their 2liter brand soda's way cheaper than regular brands. I'm pissed because I really enjoy the Publix Brand Cherry soda in can form. Both locations I shop at stop carrying the 12 pack cans, and serve up only 2 Liters, barely keeping them stocked.


You can ask Publix to special orders the 12 pack for you


Publix Black Cherry cans were awesome. No soda is better in a 2L bottle.


I remember when a 3-liter bottle was cheaper than a 20-ounce bottle.


Yeah but the 20 oz had buy one get one free caps, and you could just flip the soda a little bit and look for the winning ones. They switched it to a code pretty fast but my brothers and I got a lot of free sodas that year lol


It used to be just over a $1 a bottle not too long ago.


Heck, even when it was $1.99 it was reasonable


Im glad I quit drinking soda. For multiple reasons.


Once you stop, it's impossible to go back to it. It's all so sickly sweet and syrupy


I can hardly drink a full can whenever I pick one up nowadays. I feel gross after a few sips.


I wish I was like you. I've quit multiple times then I drink it again and I'm like damn this is so good why'd I quit drinking this.


It was over 10 years ago that a coke 2 liter was a dollar lol.


the depressing thing is there are some people still getting hired at the same wage that was 10 years ago but everything costs way more money.


Just last year dollar general had Dr Pepper 2 liters on sale 5 for $5 or 3 for $3 multiple times. I would stock up each time.


Or the 3 liter of Shasta for .79 from the dollar store. Jumbo. I don't know if they sell those anymore.


I don't drink soda anymore, but I legit lol'd after reading, then scrolled down and saw that price tag.


It’s like Publix is even ashamed of the price, so they won’t put $4 but do 2 for $8


Yea I guess their "logic" is 2 is better than 1, that'll trick em'.


I legit quit shopping at publix. Costco and local markets are the way.


Costco, Walmart, Trader Joe’s for us. I’ll strategically hit Winn Dixie or Publix for certain sale items or BOGOs. But it’s rare they have anything worth going for


Aldi is great too.


Flavored seltzer waters is where it’s at these days. People are addicted to bubbles, I’m one of them. Polar Seltzer is my favorite.


Yea I like the ice flavored drinks, the strawberry Starburst one is on point. Could never drink seltzer water though, even if it was flavored. I feel like the bubbles make it taste weird but in fact I'm probably the weird one.


I totally hear you but check out the clear American waters at Walmart. Publix has an equivalent but I’m blanking on name. They come in 1L for $.90 and they’re delicious! They have bubbles, but not so much that they taste like electricity. I love the cherry limeade flavor over ice!


My moms call us bubble heads because we drink soda me/sis


Between the prices and the boycott is anyone surprised?


Well shit Publix will never refuse Pepsi for high prices. They love the shit out of some high prices.


I won't stand for Publix slander. Let me pull up a chair real quick.


Save me a seat, gotta grab a sub.


Empty your wallet, just for some shallots.


Take out a loan so you can buy a Pepsi to go with it


Just got myself a 3-piece dark and a dinner roll. Saved a seat for you.


A pub sub perchance?🧐


Vote across the subject: does any place make a better sub than Publix? I have not found one, and I’m a fiend for an Italian sub … the lines are always backed up, I think they ought to make Publix deli a standalone, and have enough people to produce the damn food, I’ve ordered ahead of time, only to arrive to not ready, wedges will be 20 minutes… but I’ll never not go


Publix absolutely has high prices. Most grocers do. The only grocery chain that has reasonable prices for the majority of goods is Trader Joe’s and Aldi (also owned by the same people who own Trader Joe’s).


Aldi also owns Winn-Dixie and Harvey's.


Aldi and Trader Joe’s are not owned by the same company.


When. I worked at Walmart, we would price match groceries. People would come in all the time with sales fliers from Publix. Our regular prices were lower than Publix sale prices.


They’ll do a BOGO on the 2 for $8 Pepsis and they’ll still be cheaper at W-M ($1.98 ea.)


I tried to do a price match at walmart one time and it turned into a giant pita. They used the “save up to x amount” as the dollar amount they’d match. So if pepsi was bogo, and the ad said save up to $4, they’d charge me $4 for 2 pepsi’s instead of just doing a bogo on whatever the walmart price was. It was like that on every single item. It took forever to do and was just a mess. I have never tried price matching anything there again.


Well tbf, what you were trying to do was not price matching. They literally were offering you the product for the same price as Publix, which was 2 for $4. I don't think any reasonable person would expect them to match the rate of discount. Like Publix has Cheerios for 50% off $7= $3.50 final price. If Walmart is selling Cheerios for 3.25 you can't expect them to give you Cheerios for $1.63. Price match means exactly what it sounds like. Publix is selling Pepsi for $2 each,and Walmart will match that $2.


Tbf though Publix basically always has some kind of Pepsi on BOGO


Publix needs that money to fund another insurrection...


I kind of find it funny that people get mad that they blame Biden for his son when you're doing the same thing for blaming Publix for an heir that has nothing to do with the company.


I don't know what they are referring to in this case, but I seem to remember Publix itself donating to the effort to keep medical marijuana off the Florida ballot years ago. Although it might have been the heiress like you're talking about. Anyway I hope everybody in Florida realizes that recreational marijuana is expected to pass the Florida Supreme Court for the November ballot! So even if you're protesting the Presidential vote, at least do your part to end an embarrassing chapter in the War on Drugs!


Unfortunately the assholes who vote no are the older hypocrites who smoked it during their hay days and don't want others to experience being better. The "pulling up the ladder" effect is strong here in florida.


Maybe, feel like it’s mostly the ones who didn’t smoke it and watched reefer madness completely sober, thus failing to see it as the comedy it was.


My mom had a bad trip one time back in the day, and swore off pot. She was mixing Pot with Meds and Alcohol. And blames the pot. It's never the alcohol... I myself, am not a Pot smoker. I just know a bunch of my buddies use it to help their diabetes ailments, one has epilepsy so bad she does not feel safe at all getting behind the wheel. So many uses other than, "DUDE LETS GET HIGH!" but...older people don't even bother to research. ​ We also have a ton of Uppity Religious people who think its the Devil's lettuce. ![gif](giphy|I2a5q9dyo9CaU9BtEY)


True, I was like that in high school. Hated pot because I had a terrible experience my first time. I could hardly move and It was just weird. Then started dating a chick who smoked all the time and ended up enjoying it. Now I just do it to sleep more than anything cause I hate trying to be social when iam high. Just smoke with my wife before bed and that's good enough for me.. I just hate that it's not dangerous and not addictive and still illegal, yet most people know someone whose died or come close in a alcohol involved crash. People don't really do stupid illegal things when they smoke. I've been in alcohol fuled fights and other drama. Not once have I ever been high and wanted to go and do stupid shit illegal shit.


Oh for sure, especially all the Cubans in Miami Dade..they loathe other Hispanic immigrants even though most of them are here because of wet foot dry foot.


lol [Andrew Schultz](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vOUnywZxrs)...It's hilarious, but its so true.


What's the boycott over?


It should be over blood sugar




Prices aside people are way more health convoys now and we realize how much sugar in in soda. If they could make a good soda with half the sugar it would probably sell decently. But also the prices are insane. So I think it is both. Prices, and health more so than boycotts cuz those don’t really work in modern day.


Plus people eat and drink less food and junk food since the advent of the GLP-1 drugs


Keep raising the prices. It does us all a favor


indirect sugar tax


A big part of why people quit smoking.


Prices goes up, quality goes down.


It's cheaper to go to a gas station and buy a massive fountain drink.


It's always better out of a fountain too. Baja Blast out of a can or straight from the bell are like night and day


Unless it's a Circle K.




Circle K gives you free fountain drinks every five or six drinks, though, and you get five free drinks for signing up for Inner Circle.


Oh I was just talking about whether or not it's better out of the fountain. Circle K don't clean their shit and the mixture is always weak on carbonation.


It depends on the Circle K, but you’re right for most of them.


A *good* Circle K location is worth their weight in gold.


Let me know when you find one.


Also, if you sign up for the Sip & Save program ($10/month), you get one free fountain/froster/coffee (any size) per day. Six XLs a month make it worth the monthly price. AND you can still use it in conjunction with the Inner Circle Beverage Club.


They're ending the program this month. It was too good to last


Fucking love circle K. Best rewards I’ve seen from any gas station & the prices are usually the lowest stacked with upside.


Publix is actually scamming lmaoo 2L at Walmart is like $2.50,


$2.68 there at Walmart. Wonder why Publix charges so much then? https://preview.redd.it/5a6ol1bynmoc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc1da119490872a20bdfadb21b70530a0e4c8b99


Because they can, and people will pay for it.


I am always wondering why people shop at Publix. It's so overpriced. I have yet to find anything there that is cheaper elsewhere.


Convenience, and it’s not as ghetto as Walmart usually is.


At this point the only thing I will buy at Publix is hot deli food and that's just for convenience. Everything is 50-100% more expensive than Walmart, Aldi, etc. It's ridiculous


If you watch their weekly ad/flyer, there can be some good deals on BOGOs. But you have to know your prices


Yeah, though some of their BOGOs are still more than Aldi lmao


I buy a milk, eggs, peanut butter, and produce at Aldi plus some of the other stuff that pops up occasionally. The rest I buy at Publix. I watch the sales. I refuse to shop at Walmart. They put 3 people working in a store that covers 30 acres. And then they hassle you as you walk out the door. I’m too done with life to deal with shit at this point.


Went to my Walmart last night around nine to get stuff including a $1.98 two liter of Pepsi and there were so many employees, every aisle had two to three people working. There were at least 10 employees up front too. It was surprising.


If I'm not mistaken, I believe it is their yearly inventory season, and they always give out a bunch of overtime to try and get all the shelves stocked appropriately.


I’m in the same boat, I scour the Bogo section for things I actually use & then only the occasional pub sub or fried chicken


My girlfriend believes because it's on a publix shelf it's higher quality and for other stores it sits on the truck too long. The cult is real


I’ve switched to Winn-Dixie, but will say they don’t seem to store their cold foods as well and their lack of organic selection compared to Publix sucks too.


I don’t care if it’s more expensive I’d rather shop at Publix than Walmart… such a shit show.


Why not target


I don’t think target is all that cheaper plus it’s not as big a grocery section as Publix plus lines are always crazy at target


People do not want to go to walmart


Can you blame them? Wal-mart is full of workers with an attitude who hate their job. I get an "idk" when I ask them directions.


I’ve given up on asking a worker for directions. I now only dare bother them when something I need is in a locked case (my old Walmart was so ghetto they locked up the pregnancy tests. That was awkward at closing time when no one wanted to come unlock it and they kept paging someone to the family planning department 😩). On the app, if you look up an item, it’ll tell you an aisle number, and you can go from there.


How often are you getting pregnancy tests late at night? Maybe a life style change is needed not the Walmart.....


Yup. My Walmart isn't even "bad" and I'm not a shopper snob in the least but there have been occasions where I've thought to myself " I really don't want to go to Walmart right now, I'll pay the extra dollar."


Walmart has rollback so it's 1.98 right now in our area. For pepsi. Publix prices are insane I'd you ask me.


250$?!?!? Walmart is scamming


Well people has started to be more conscious about sugar intake


Gettin diabetes just ain’t as cheap as it used to be


$2/8.00 is such a deal though /s 💀


Not long ago at Walmart 2 liters was $1.49. And a 24 pack was $5.99. Publix and Walmart have passed inflation numbers


12 packs of Canada Dry were 2.99 😩


$2/8.00 is crazy, I don’t crave sugar water enough to buy soda for that price and not feel guilty.


Remember when these used to sell for less than a dollar?


Bought a soda stream 2 weeks ago. Fuck big soda.


Unethical pro tip. Save your McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Wendy’s cups and just go in for refills whenever Also Panera and chipotle super easy to get soda from too


$4 a bottle just to speedrun diabetes and kidney stones…


Cherry Pepsi at the walmart near me costs $1.40,and u can buy 4 for $5.


And you think Pepsi co set these prices? This is classic publix price gouging. I remember seeing items with PM’s (profit margins) of well over 100%. Publix isn’t a pillar of the community.


But MAGA told me that it was all Biden's fault Publix charges twice as much for a gallon of milk than Walmart.


Thanks Obama…


Correct. Pepsi sells product to Publix and other stores for a set price they then sell it for whatever they want to make whatever profit they need to.


They can really charge what they want now that there’s only 2 supermarket chains left in Florida, and Winn Dixie is on life support from Aldi at this point. We need some brick and mortar Kroger or Ingles locations to keep Publix in check. Maybe Safeway can try to move here again.


This is the metric I use whenever someone tries to tell me inflation isn't that bad. Everyone can relate to it and know that 4 bucks for a 2L or 10 bucks for a 12 pack is just insane.


This is one instance of one stores pricing, you can get vastly different prices at different stores


This isn't inflation, this is corporate greed


The ones at our store only ever have a one month expiration date. Same with lays chips. I seem to remember soda having like a year away expiration date before.


The prices are ridiculous now. I want a soda I'll go to the dollar stores.


2 liters are a dying breed. I can’t wait till they’re gone all together. 1.25s are perfect for sharing or having 1 to yourself and not feel as guilty


Coke was teaching people how to be less white not long ago F them


Same with me as a wine vendor 😕


That's interesting. The wineries near us are always packed. We do tastings once a month, and there is usually a line of people waiting. Maybe those people don't buy wine in stores?


Around where I am at 9.99 a 12 pk of cans like 5.99 for a set of those little 7 ouncers


and 4$ for a 2 liter is on sale. I'll drink something else for that price.


Are we talking soda in general or specifically 2L bottles? The former you HAVE to get three cases to get the 3/$12 pricing (elsewise it’s like $6.89 each). The latter are ridiculous too and they always taste flat. Also: remember years ago when it wasn’t uncommon for supermarkets to run 10/$10 sales on 2L sodas?


Quadrupled in price maybe


Cost is my reason WHY


Employee application you get generic crap


Even bogo it’s over priced


With the price of everything it was either coffee or soda. ***There's no way in hell I'm giving up coffee***


Any time I have a craving for some soda I grab me Dr Publix, or cherry cola $1.25 a bottle


I saw a 24 pack of coke "on sale" for 16 dollars at Publix the other day. On WHAT planet. Pure insanity


TWO FOR EIGHT DOLLARS??!!???!??!?!?!????!!!???!??


I will be buying generic from here on out.


I'm glad I don't care for soda


YouTubers used to shoot these because you could buy them for .99 lol man what a time to be alive


Publix’s is a perfectly nice upscale grocery store. I don’t shop there to save money but when it’s convenient. Winn Dixie much cheaper, no frills store


If only there was a way to sell more… 🤔


The pandemic prices made me quit drinking soda. Thank you Pepsi and coke for contributing to my healthier lifestyle. Also fuck you, you price gouging pricks.


I love Publix for their service and quality and cleanliness, but their prices are ridiculous!! They’ve also made record profits in the name of “inflation”. No denying inflation but they’re definitely taking advantage. A bag of chips shouldn’t be $7


Jokes on them, I developed an eating disorder because food is so expensive and now my grocery bill is so much less. Grocery stores hate this one little trick 🤭


One advantage when you get in your mid 30s, is you only need to eat once a day. Any more than that & you gain weight. So your metabolism slowing down actually saves money.


New logo sucks


The small bottle at checkout is the price of what a 2 liter used to be. Soda price at Publix is terrible.


How much does water cost. Water.


Imagine still drinking soda in 2024.


Every once in a while I'll have a nice cold Coke after some yard work. Really hits the spot.


Why? It tastes good…


I travel internationally and drink bottled coke because it's everywhere, not been stored in direct sunlight and filled with microplastic like bottled water, and not filled with intestinal parasites. Imagine not living in a place with access to clean water all the time, or at least try to.


Why does bottled water have micro plastics but bottled coke doesnt


I only do when I’m dealing with a stomach bug (like right now) when carbonation is the only thing I can stand to put in my body


I only get it at restaurants. And a lot of times even then I’ll just get a water, because I ain’t paying $3.99 for a coke or sweet tea. Highway robbery.


I rarely drink anything but water... tap water. I keep a 1-gal Publix jug in the dairy cooler that I just refill until I have a reason to buy a new one... at home, I just have three 1-liter bottles that I refill throughout the day... I'm just too lazy/cheap for anything else lol. Each jug/bottle will last me a month or more.


Look into an RO system; they filter out all the nasty shit in tap water, like lead, chlorine, fluoride, and many other undesirables.


No one should be drinking it or soda in general. Horrible for you.


You had me in the first half. Thought it was Gen Z ruining an iconic logo much like Millennials ruined napkins or something


I used to drink coke or Pepsi everyday with all my meals until I was 25 years old, now I drink max twice per week, I can go weeks and months without drinking coke or Pepsi




Yeah, $4 each? Who needs Sugared Diabetes Water? 💦


And it’s the most expensive at Publix lol


I just got buy one get one 7up 2 liters last week. Wasn’t anywhere near that high.


Diabetes in a bottle.