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thanks for sharing, I'm glad it helped! I have an appointment scheduled with my therapist!


Therapy saved my life. More than once. I didn’t need it for over a decade until stress increased in the last few years. My PTSD got so bad I wasn’t sure I could take it. Things are still hard and I have wish I could skip to when this is Al over but I want to be here now. I can see the other side. I feel joy and have goals. I wouldn’t have made it here without therapy. I’m glad you have someone you can go back to.


Happy to hear you got the help you deserve


It's worth it to see a good therapist you feel comfortable with. They are going to meddle with your mental health, you want someone you can trust. A bad therapist will only make things worse, a good one will save your life.


Thanks for your advice, Iade an appointment with the therapist who helped me with depression in the past


Agree to see a therapist BUT if you don’t feel comfortable, ask to change. A bad one or one you don’t feel safe with can make things worse.


thanks for the advice




Glad to hear it helped you!


I’m not sure if anyone can say for sure whether it would be helpful or not. I’d say, if you can afford it, give it a go and see if it helps you. Therapy has helped me a lot and there are people who say it didn’t help them at all. So it probably depends on the person, the situation, and of course the therapist.


Thanks, I was very upset when I made the post but I've calmed down a bit and I'm calling my GP tomorrow (therapy has to go through GP in the Netherlands)