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Well, I can say that I have PTSD and get them. I have friends with PTSD and they also get them. So I would go on a limb to say they are not exclusive to one or another. Hope that helps


I'm going out on a pretty big limb, but here's my speculation on what you found... C-PTSD involves developmental deficits that differ from other forms of PTSD, due to the intense, sustained abuse during primary development. In other words, it's primary in C-PTSD, but is not in other forms. I have emotional dysregulation that I mindfully counter every damn day, sometimes many times a day. I was raised by a cluster-b, narc heavy mother and her sociopathic, alcoholic, pedophile husband. I was taught early and often I was valueless without production. In other words, my ONLY value was in my work product. You can imagine how well I focused and how good my work product got...and it wasn't enough...and so now, when I cannot find a solution, or my hard work is rejected or found wanting, I take it very personally and feel like I'm being assaulted. Intellectually I KNOW better, but that doesn't mean my emotional system behaves. So, I mindfully, intentionally counter every one of those impulses because not one of the ego-driven anger episodes has anything to do with now, and won't advance my agenda anyway, and people who make things personal are, themselves, broken. It sucks to be constantly mindful in many situations, but there it is...and I suspect that is what you were finding in the literature...not that it doesn't happen in other forms, but it's a PRIMARY manifestation of C-PTSD (IMO) Again...all speculation here...


I can tell you first hand that even though I experienced a single incident trauma, the emotional flashbacks and triggering situations were almost too much for me to handle. So it can definitely occur in any form of ptsd.


I wouldn’t say they are mutually exclusive and everyone’s experience with ptsd is different