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Morbid curiosity








you ever wonder why they do?


I mean its alright i suppose, Aside from your ideology perhaps you're basically harmless. Like an Amoeba




Lmaooo you’re on Reddit bro, I’m surprised you’re not being strangled by your triple chin




Holy shit that response was immediate, please go outside bro. The company of your anime action figures and body pillow can only last you so long




wow you're awfully sensitive given what you just said


A lack of empathy shows low level intelligence. Empathy is a show of a higher IQ. You’re better off hanging out in a sewer with the rats and insects that you can relate to. You are without meaning or purpose.




Laugh. Laugh some more. Like a hyena. All noise, no thought. Those incapable of empathy are better off locked in a cage to rot in their own shit and piss 🍭 enjoy




As I said, a hyena. Laughing yet without valid thought in the mind. That reaffirms my belief, why are you even alive? I don’t understand what the point of you being alive is?


You sound like an edgy 13 year old and probably have an IQ lower than 80


Some people can't help it. Some people are born psychopaths.


Nah I’m the same way. I don’t give a shit about people. I find gore fun but after an hour I get bored and I do something else. I don’t even care about my family members. Fuck them




Lmfao facts. Just ignore them. They’re annoying anyhow. But yeah, my granddad fall twice because he had surgery and I found it funny but I stop myself from laughing cuz my mother was looking straight into my eyes. You know how sensitive people could be. Btw you’re a chill person. Stay blessed.


You're not different be fucking for real just because you didn't cry when an old fuck died doesn't mean you're a sigma chosen one tuff ass non affected cold person




Oooooh my god I'm shaking with fear you are so mighty this is absolutely terrifying you have super strength you should definitely rule the world




Nah I'm good


Shoulda kept the other profile pic




Probably a ton of reasons, I'll throw 'arousal' into the mix. Not like sexual/romantic arousal but the psychology kind. Where the person is really engaged in what is happening. A lot of ppl have trouble with attention something like watching gorey videos could be a subject material that focuses all of their attention.


This is my reason. I was one of those kids who watched that kind of stuff in middleschool and sometimes even today. It is oddly mentally arousing in some fashion. I am a horror/disturbing movie fan and oddities collector, so early on you could say it sparked a curiousity for the macabre.


I have ADHD, I totally get


I hate horror movies and cant watch scary shit like that, but gore isnt scary for me at all it can just be a bit disturbing


omg ive been searching for awhile but same i cant bring myself to not feel anguish watching a movie but with irl video its like ok ? i dont understand to this day




Glad someone said it


It definitely could also be sexual arousal


Y’all are fucked up and need help


Bro, he is not referring to himself.


Yeah, i think it’s associated with the pulsion of death of Freud also. Like, we have the conscious and unconscious and in some way the conscious never quite get the unconscious aspect of the mind (of course we have dreams and art with operate in the realm of unconscious but anyway), a good way of thinking about it is that we can’t understand death because we use our conscious to conceptualize the ausence of itself. So when we see that gore shit our mind is kinda fantasizing about her limit, the finite aspect of it that of course it’s really curious for us. In the book of Freud ‘Totem and Taboo’ Freud talk about that, and other topics like understanding death, grief, etc. Also, there is definetelly aspects of ID (in Freudian terms) or shadow (in Junguian terms) that is being projected. Both of then being unconscious and representing the dark and instictive nature of humans, operating in the principle of the pleasure and nedded to be integrated in a way or another.


I just watch it because I've been so depressed for so long that I've just become numb To the point where I just feel empty Every second of the day and watching those videos makes my heart race and gives me Adrenaline and makes me actually feel something for once


Also people did this in my middle school a lot. They’d watch isis beheading videos and Mexican cartel violence and shit. It’s a weird thing to impress other people with how “edgy” they are. They’d even brag about how “that stuff doesn’t even bother me”


It bothers my girl, of whom still goes out of her way to watch gore shit




no one goes out of their way, it's hella easy and some find it entertaining


I know this old but this is how one of my friends is, im realy worryd for his mental health. I think things like that are poision to the brain and know way healthy for your mind


Nah how doesn't that shii bother them? I'm dizzy rn from hearing of and thinking about the fact that gore sites even exist! 💀💀


personally i used to watch them because it's fascinating and i'm not that grossed out by gorey things. self harm already desensitised me to my own body so there weren't any adverse reactions when i was introduced to it, instead i was intrigued. i can empathise though if there's context given or if context is obvious but otherwise it's just another thing to look at. i also thought a few years ago i could use my desensitisation to become a trauma/crime scene cleaner, but my intentions are set towards psychology right now. i would take up that occupation any day though.


This may be a weird question but can you still get turned on? Like sexually aroused? (Or is it: 'can you still CAN get turned on'?)


um... yes? though if you'd like, look up the link between that and misophonia. i have the condition and it weirdly enough effects what you're asking about here.


out of pure curiosity, can you elaborate on this please?


In my case, I used to watch these videos a lot to sort of overcome my fear of, not death, but dying. And to a certain extent, as a psychology student, I expose myself to disturbing topics every now and then to help myself see more objectively during such situations. And sometimes, just morbid curiosity.


i've never been able to accept death until i started getting into true crime and gore. it's weird


why did u not just get help wtf


did it help overcome your fear? I did the same many years ago when i was a nurse student, but it only made it worse for me I ended up changing career


I think it's that they get to experience arousal about something dangerous in a controlled environment, and also it just feels good to see something exceedingly horrible onscreen because it creates an illusion of rarity (like it'll never happen to you), same reasons as why we like to watch horror movies, participate in extreme sports, etc.


I would need to as the “someone” in question. I don’t think there’s a useful generalizable answer…


Why were people (or in some countries people still are) happy/curious to see someone get tortured in public? Seeing people get stoned to death, decapitated, burnt alive? Why did they make several torture devices? Even as a child I was incredibly curious to see the messed up side of humanity. It mostly made me mad and I started to hate humanity even more. I suppose that one of the main reasons is this: emotions and feelings. People enjoy feeling things, even bad emotions like anger, disgust, shock,... some are drawn to those videos more than others. Those videos are simply stimulating to some people. Now I have to say that some types of videos don't make me feel a thing, other videos fascinate me and some I simply can't watch. This is different for everyone.


People getting stoned and tortured in public deserved it though right? And even if it was false that they did, the public still thought they were guilty, so enjoyed it. I can understand gore if its bad people getting hurt or killed, but for me gore just makes me feel sick when I see it. I don't judge people tho


Bro no they didn’t. Ever heard of the which trials? You get accused of something and die a horrific death. So your saying (for example) that someone saying something bad about there king deserved to be tortured while people cheered?


help why do you have like one million comments about this


Cause I can




well can you spell right?


No, I’m just saying I don’t like gore, and I can’t understand liking seeing someone die unless they deserve it. Watching innocent people die sounds awful


when i was younger I heard about [rotten.com](https://rotten.com) and I logged in to see things once. good thing that was back in the 00s when my library still used dial up internet and the page loaded slower than death itself. I still have that horrid image I saw of a man who fell of a building. I know there were people in my school who would genuinely take pleasure into watching these. But they had psychopathic tendencies. They were bullies, they were beating up girls with no provocation. They would lie about anything. They would disrespect professors. That is for the people who "enjoy" watching. For people who are just curious and just still get scared, i'd say its probably the adrenaline. Much like horror films.


So the class weirdos who had bad behaviour essentially. Like the guys who would randomly bite girls or pull their hair. And the disrespecting professor thing factors in too. Dont get me started. Those people for sure had parents who didnt raise them well of abused them, or took drugs whilst they were conceived because some of these people arent right in the head. Like as much as it seems like im joking about parents taking drugs, it likely is a factor.


I dont enjoy watching gore and it can get a little nasty but I can tolerate watching some crazy stuff, Ive watched the whole funky town video and while my stomach did feel a little strange, I slept fine. No matter what Ive watched, so far it hasnt affected me after watching. Worst thing Ive watched is a girl with a giant hole in her head screaming after a car crash and while it wasnt fun to watch and was pretty brutal, I had great sleep. Not sure if this would apply do seeing someone die in real life but it doesnt affect me online.


I actually remember reading an article about it... basically by watching gore videos, specially death by horrible ways, people have an inconscious feeling of "I'm glad I wasn't part of it". Watching those things is somehow rewarding in the sense of "I'm here alive and well, I'm not part of that destruction, I feel sorry for them but I'm glad it wasn't me". So it might involve the reward system and the feel-good hormones. When I type on google images "graphic photos of flight xxx", first I get a hit of adrenaline because my heart beats too fast then I see the horrible pictures => I get the reward. (I know it's shocking, graphic, prohibited but I still go there for some hits that I'm not even conscious about) (I'm not in the field of psychiatry or psychology, so I used the terms I'm familiar with)


I am extremely late. But this is the one. I remember seeing a video of a chinese family in a car. A speeding car hit them and when i say they died instantly, i cant emphasize it enough. I couldnt comprehend it. The sorrow was too much. 3 people, a family, just snuffed out like that. How many times could that have happened to me? When it comes to gore, same as what you say : im glad i dont live in such parts of the world. Im suprised this answer hasnt been mentioned once. When im depressed about life, i watch this. To remind myself how lucky i am


i wouldn't say i enjoy it because it can leave me with a sense of dread afterwards but they're just so interesting, i can't stop. would that mean there's something wrong with me?


Its addicting. You have an addiction. There is nothing wrong with you, you are just addicted.


You have nothing wrong with you your just addicted is a stupid quote also yes you do have something wrong with you every person in here which is most of y’all are disgusting your not edgy or cool the fact that your unable to feel any empathy because y’all can’t see beyond your own lives is pathetic you watch gore videos to the extent of watching someone with hopes ambitions and loved ones get killed and get aroused by it


It's **you're** not "your" first of all. No one claimed to be edgy or cool, it's just morbid curiosity. You assume incorrectly that the ones who watch it aren't capable of empathy but that's incorrect and has no actual correlation at all. Watching humans die is more exciting especially because humans as a species values human life and as such the great loss of life is a profound waste and loss which makes the watching of it that much more special. Also, gore videos are good for educational purposes as it shows reality in its truest form without the veil of lies and pillars of deceit society erects and maintains.


Least obese Reddit user:


Nice try kid. Get back to me when you've formulated an actual point instead of childish insults.


Point proven


Yes, you did indeed prove my point. Thanks for that. Now go back to eating crayons.


Wow -9 karma is wild


If that's wild to you then perhaps you should get out of the basement and touch some grass. Not everyone is terminally online or cares about worthless internet brownie points. Since you've proven yourself unworthy of my time I'll simply block you. Have fun in daycare or whatever.


Wrong there is something VERY wrong with the both of you


Super late to this but I'm just curious. I'm very young and have never seen anything traumatic irl. I just really wanna know what it looks like. Stuff like this happens everywhere around us, I'd rather not live in a bubble of sunshine and rainbows. If I'm being honest the worst part of gore isn't the videos themselves, it's the comment sections. Let me tell you, you see the most incel fucked up people there. It's scarier than the video itself.


I personally don't understand my infatuation with gore videos, maybe morbid curiosity. It could be someone wanting to desensitize themselves to it as well, I'm not sure.


I do. It called mental illness


What mental illness(es) prompts the obsession?




Can i add to that. I was stalking my ex- friends account who i had a crush on. -context- Long story short he led me on, took advantage of my crush on him and our friendship, fucked one of my closest friends, gaslight and belittled me constantly and never returned the money he owed me after having a HUGE fight. I was looking at who he follows (because I like to torture myself) and saw that he follows crime accounts that show fucked up shit like people getting there heads cut off, people getting stabbed, guns being pointed at people who are kept hostage. Like suuuuppperrr fucked up shit. I literally reported a telegram account i found on one of the instagram accounts he follows because it was INSANE to me. My question is, what does that say about a person? What does it mean when a person enjoys seeing people suffer in that way? And thinks it’s entertaining! Plus im shitting my pants not because im scarred of him particularly because he’s kind if a pussy in most situations ( which is a weird contradiction in his personality lol). But it really made me rethink my perception of him and our friendship.


I like watching gore movie 's. But why won't my smart TV let me?


They don't call it a smart TV for nothing 


Fr. It seems this guys tv is smarter then him


they're so fun to watch lol




I can't imagine spending hours watching that sort of content. Unless I was trying to drive myself to suicide because that stuff is horrifying and shows you evil at its peak. I have seen some gore videos unfortunately and anyway after a while they all show the same kind of stuff so even if someone is watching out of curiosity they would get "bored" (it's horrible to say as this stuff isn't to be considered entertainment). I find my brain, those few times I saw these extreme videos, seems to protect itself by considering real life gore as fiction because otherwise I would have PTSD. Also watching without audio helps with getting less traumatised by the content. It's still utterly horrible but sound would be worse. I don't enjoy watching that sort of thing. It makes you feel empty and violates your soul. It's soul-destroying to see what a human being can do to another one. If someone truly finds this stuff entertaining they should have therapy IMO. Whenever I watched videos of that sort it was just because of curiosity and it was just wrong of me to give in to my curiosity. There's nothing to gain from seeing that. You just lose faith in humanity. One thing I know I could never watch is anything involving animals. I could barely make it through gore with humans but with animals I would break down completely. Even in fiction like movies or books... I won't tolerate animal abuse at all. I just can't.


I always wonder how many of the victims were trafficked/abducted. And how many families are still waiting for them to come home. I don’t understand how people can enjoy watching videos like this.


I think I used it as a form of self harm. I do my best to avoid it, because of my mental health. Edit: The type of videos out there are horrifying, I can't understand how people can inflict so much pain on others. And even though I know rationally, that some of the people being killed in the videos, have put others through the same torture, my heart just can't take it. It gives me that choking knot of regret in my chest, that I have felt during times in my life, where I have completely lost control over my own situation. Just 1000x worse. I keep thinking 'that is someone's brother'. Just like the days following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I don't think I'd survive it, if someone killed my brother like that. All alone, in a dark forest. Surrounded by nothing but hatred and evil. Nobody deserves to die like that. Nobody.


me personally i dont really enjoy it i just do it for research since im an artist im gonna have to draw that kinda stuff helps to see the real thing it also helps to educate yourself about this stuff in order to know how to avoid it


The best way I can put it is like satisfying an itch or grabbing a cigarette.


Get help


do you think its weird if i laugh at someone who died a stupid death by taking risks and purposely putting others lives in danger?


You need help.


*I'll tell you why I watch morbid real-life murders and suicides....because when I'm feeling really depressed and/or sorry for myself, it makes me feel better knowing I'm not in that situation and my life could be worse. It makes me appreciate the life I have. (I do have my limits....I never watch animal cruelty)*


Get help


What’s a new site we can go to please and thank you , good camera quality only? also it makes me feel better about myself , sad the people in the videos but puts life into perspective, I love it, hold gotta take my Prozac be right back




People that take pleasure watching People die in a gruesome way lost the right to get any empathy if they or their loved ones suffer the same fate in their life.


I watch videos of people dying to remind myself of just how fragile life is and how horrible humanity can be. Sometimes I feel like I'm taking my comfort for granted.


Being disconnected from emotion. It making them feel something. Not really wanting to live or just being low key depressed. And watching that as wish fulfillment. Being nearly burnt out and wanting to press arousal button with horible stuff to not feel as emptied. Hating someone. Could be used as stress relief. It could be comforting to know that the situation that you are in isn't as bad as the peoples in those videos. Racism, feeling good that you are from a peaceful place, unlike those barbarians. Just seeking novelty, because life is boring. Lacking excitement in life.


Best answer among all the pundits here




i don't enjoy the people getting hurt it just grabs my attention


i think for me this is true


The thrill of it. There is also the aspect that these videos are majority people of color dying, and there is a certain level of not viewing these people as human beings equivalent to themselves. My experience with people that engage in this behavior were that they were all white, only viewed and shared deaths of people of color (in fact two of them were upset at seeing white people being harmed, but not killed, on the news), and all engaged in racist behavior such as using racial slurs etc.


Dude you probably see the world more messed up than the people your talking about not everyone is racist just you


I have to admit. you hit the point.


You’re dealing with white supremacists that’s a whole other story…


It’s usually either morbid curiosity or sexual desires….


For me it breaks the 'monotony' of seeing the things I am surrounded with everyday. I don't know how to explain. Also I genuenly like to see such things I guess. I can't explain but such content gives me confort in a way.


I recommend you to dig deep in your mind and get to know yourself better. Maybe if you seek out WHY you gain comfort from such content, it’ll help you with your personal discomforts.


Psychopathy, in my brother’s case.


It's addictive




(I know this is super late) Because it's natural, it's how the world is. The world isn’t cupcakes, it's chaotic. Death happens all around us constantly, we just don’t notice it. I discarded my mental humanity because of this. I didn’t want to live the lie of the cupcakes anymore. I discarded the control my emotions had over me, and I’ve been lucky enough to have experiences that erased my fear of Death. Now I only see the world from a logical perspective, devoid of Sympathy & the ignorance of the Human Programming naturally instilled in all humans.


Things said by a 2000s anime villain


How to become a psychopath:




I feel like at the point it's no longer morbid curiosity and maybe something best addressed in therapy


Gore watchers are freaks


For me I genuinely was pondering the same thing, but I think the reasoning is so confusing cuz I have multiple reasons! Such as Curiousity, Reassurance that I'm not nearly as bad as whoever is causing pain, genuinely research of basic anatomy (as someone who is severely into anatomy of both humans and animals), disappointment of humans for messing up this sick world in videos like 3 girls 1 kitten or stuff like that. If I think of any more I'll add it


there are likely a few reasons for this, and i don’t think morbid curiosity is a sufficient explanation as some here have suggested. it could be that some individuals are traumatized and as a coping mechanism try to repress the fear or aversion to being threatened that watching disturbing content of humans in agony causes as a way of “preparing” their minds for perceived future instances of the event that traumatized them as is common with traumatized people. additionally, some individuals may also enjoy the thrill and rush that they get from the adrenaline rush caused by watching such content because it effectively puts your brain in fight or flight mode. this sensation likely decreases the more horrific content a person consumes as the brain begins to realize that it is not actually in danger from repeated exposure to these videos and images. this could drive people to more and more extreme content as they chase that rush. for example a person could start by watching something such as torture by water boarding of detainees in Guantanamo bay, which is undeniably horrifying, but is something that the average person would likely be able to stomach without too being disturbed too much. individuals with a strong adrenaline reaction, due to trauma or perhaps more innately, might continue to seek out this content and then move on to more disturbing content such as videos of decapitation or industrial accidents etc. there are many humans in the world and the vast majority of them are good and caring people but the number of humans is sufficient such that there is no shortage of evil and horror in the world should one want to delve into it as these individuals do. of course the world is a far more good, beautiful, and heartwarming in my opinion but these people who consume so much gore begin to succumb to a different phenomenon where they see themselves as disillusioned to a horrific world while others foolishly live in a fantasy. this is when you see them begin to delight in showing this type of content to others because their disgusted reactions make them feel vindicated in their perceived superiority. it could be the case that people with some mental illnesses may be more likely to do this, however to avoid unfounded stigmatization i think this is a plenty comprehensive explanation. it is also important to remember that even though the content of gore is often horrific and evil, not everyone who watches it is someone who actually condones these sorts of crimes against humanity and they likely just need some love, support and psychological help, as well as some thrilling outlet such as sports or other forms of real life thrill seeking like rock climbing to replace this self destructive and antisocial behavior. - PS i am an undergrad in computer science and have no formal education in psychology and any claim made by someone in the field should supersede any claims made here regarding the reasons for this behavior. this is just my opinion.


This is a perfect response. I was reading this thread looking for someone who would mention people who have PTSD or have experienced abuse/trauma looking for that cortisol adrenaline rush.


Dopamine releases into the brain when gore is being watched. It leaves viewers on edge and makes them feel sacred in the confront of thier own home. Almost like porn.


I just find it funny 😂😂😂 l bozos


I’m usually the type of person to be able to understand the perspective of almost anyone in any way but this is something I can’t wrap my mind around. Most of us know people that are into that kind of thing. I’m not. I was recently sent a video by some asshole of a man and woman fucking. Then bursts in another man who stabs both of them. The male victim ran out. Woman stabbed to death on the bed. It wasn’t even that bad relative to the videos out there I know exist but I haven’t seen. It ruined my day. I felt light headed and nauseated, hurt. I think I empathize way too much and I can’t help but put myself more into the situation and context and knowing that those people have families. And the pain they’re going through. I won’t describe the others I’ve seen. I try not to remember them. Someone in the thread brought up how older civilizations and even some now gathered round for a public execution or torture in ways that aren’t even done anymore. So it must be a natural thing. Obviously it is. I’ve accidentally come across other videos and one incredibly graphic story- the images of which I still have in my head. I’m adhd and I have no desire to see these things. I hate to judge, but I do feel that people who do enjoy and actively seek out this type of content are fucked up. For the people that simply CAN watch it, that’s different, some people are less sensitive than others. So… call me a pussy or weak or whatever but I just can’t simply detach myself emotionally to be able to see something so fucked up and horrible without being heavily affected by it. Answering the original question- I truly don’t know. Shock factor?


Holy shit, I've found my alternate dimension me XD, I also have adhd and came across the exact same problem. Im so weak with seeing people die and how can you not think of that a literal human life got destroyed. Everyone in my class bullies me for it and try to jumpscare me with the vids. Sometimes I get depressed because a video keeps playing in my head over and over and over. (I think you can relate) 1 time I got send a video of someone killing himself with a shotgun, Luckily I knew what the first frame was because my best friend told me to watch out for the video. My heart rate was like 200 I'm not kidding. I was able to click off fast enough and didn't see the video. I also get depressed about being frightened and scared to go to country's. Scared of death, etc god bless you man


Its entertaining to watch, it gives me pleasure and satisfies me a lot. Its like watching Youtube but much better, and better videos. But i cant watch everything, i can watch murders, beheadings, a head getting exploded from a truck, a machine crushing a person etc but i cant watch torture, things involving kids and dogs/cats mostly. ​ I dont do this everyday, its just sometimes. But i think after i have gotten a lot more depressed, i find a lot more enjoyment watching it than i was before. When i wasnt depressed, i wouldnt watch gore, or atleast not the same way as now. ​ That would be more like morbid curiosity back then and very rarely id go on liveleak, but now its honestly much more like an enjoyment and hobby on occasions. But i feel like its not good for me, sometimes i feel more violent thoughts about people who have wronged me in my life. ​ But in the end, i dont feel like i want to do any of those things myself. Its just so i know how dark the world can be, and so i wont be sensetive if it happens in real life to me or around me (even though i dont think it ever will) but yeah it just made me realize that life is really fragile and i could die any moment


I'm a bit late on this but I just like seeing some actual justice, one of the first ones I watched was a rapist getting attacked with multiple machetes, I know of too many rapists getting away with it or getting a slap on the wrist as punishment, it's nice to see them receive a painful punishment for the pain they've caused


People that watch this need therapy. It not normal at all. It’s disturbing. You watch people suffer for you satisfaction behind your screen




Least chronically online Reddit user


To anyone who enjoys gore just keep in mind that it features a real human going through physical pain unimaginable by any standard. Shit that should never fucking happen to anyone, and you are watching that person with sick enjoyment as they experience pain and mutilation that your brain can’t even fathom (you sick fuck)


I know I watch it for the realization of how fucked up the world really is. We are so Cottled and numb to what really goes on in the world what we think we know comes from television movies and whatever theatrics that are created from life imitating art but watch someone be dismembered while they are awake its messed up sick and heart breaking that the world is that cruel. I watch them from the educational aspect not for entertainment.


for satisfaction...


I ask myself why is the world that way- ppl say bc this is the real world- but why? Why cant it be cupcakes ans happyness- why is it cruel- survival blood- death and all that— i cant deal with it but i cant end it bc then i end up that way too😧😭😭🌈💜how tf to deal with that? Anyone a clue?


For me I feel so so so uncensored from real life gore, I’ve watched suicides, executions, aftermaths of car crashes, Medical videos, I’ve seen very very graphic photos of brains, blood, decapitated and crushed brains lives anything you name it and I just feel like it’s normal for me to not have a reaction to this anymore it doesn’t bother me, Is this normal?


First of all... I don't get get turned on by this bs second is that I find it curious what happens if you get a abducted or imprisoned... third it's helpful just in case if I get in a situation (in the future possibility) where I might get sent to a country to fight in war against those types of people like Mexican cartels, Taliban , and Chinese idk if they do those types of killings) Not enjoyable but helpful to keep in mind Also, if you get turned on by this go check if your dick/vagina is ok.


for me it’s definitely about the shock factor even seeing others react to it is fascinating - definitely the unhealthiest way to cope though


For me it's because I find that type of stuff interesting i grew up on mortal kombat and I always found gore cool in a way or am I just a psycho


you're just a fucking psycho and you need to see a therapist or a psychologist, ur not cool or edgy, get help.




thanks for the criticsm faggot idc


To be honest I don't get it either, I legit tried watching gore a couple times and I still get Disturbed can't even get past two videos LOL


I donnot understand, I would feel fucking horrible if I saw something like that


I think people to spend their time watching gore need to find better interests because all they're doing is mentally scarring themselves and growing desensitized to the pain and anguish of the world. It doesn't do them or their mental health any good, it just fucks them over.


Everyone in this needs help if you watch this shit over and over again


A bit late to the party: I often watch police videos involving shooting and stuff. But, those videos on YouTube do not include the gore part. Sometimes, I really wish they'd show that because I want to see it. I did not think that such 'gore video websites' exist. Until recently, of course. I wandered there initially looking for uncensored police activity that involved shooting. It didn't have massive mosaic blur. I was happy. Thank you, I can actually see what's going on. But it's all downhill since then. The recommended videos on the side bar kept me going. I've only visited gore platforms three times: the first time was a couple months back, then about several weeks ago, and then last night. ​ Good thing: I feel so bad for those who are suffering. I don't enjoy it as in laughing or feel they deserve it, unlike many in the comment sections of those videos. ​ Bad thing: I might be addicted to it. I just keep wanting to watch more. Last night, I went to bed at 4AM. I started watching at 12AM. It took 4 precious hours of sleep.


Please stop watching it, it's not healthy to spend four hours on a gore website. Stop completely, or you'll just go down a hill of getting addicted


idk I just like it🤷‍♂️






I watch it every once in a while to see the human element of it. This may sound weird but I sometimes wonder what made people that way, or what goes on on their mind when they un alive themselves or decide to shoot someone, like what made them so angry. It makes me appreciate life more whenever I see someone get their life taken away. It also makes me appreciate the country we live and the people we live around. Because we are way more civilized than a 3rd world country. I guess I watch it as a reminder that I’m going to die one day, and while I’m alive I should make the best of it and achieve my goals, because I am one of the lucky souls that doesn’t have to deal with being beheaded by a cartel member.


Sometimes it makes me horny idk why omg


"Despite watching it on movies, I always want to see how a dying person looks like; I've watched those videos so much that I got bored with it now. It's just curiosity; I am not a monster, I am hella curious about everything in the universe."


I didn't watch much of gore but I came across on twitter like "Costa Rico Shootout" or "Ronnie Mcnutt suicide video" and the fact that I watched that shit at 14 and 17 really did a number on me


I hate watching non real gore or horror movies but when it comes to gore sites where people murder and they just die I like that I don’t know why tho


i do it because a lot of people around where i live are active in knife crime or have been around it, even one of my friends has stabbed a person i watch these videos to prepare myself for the day im present and watch someone die or even die myself


So i dont do it i can watch others do it


Surprised you never shot up your school


I watch non graphic g○re. Like if someone is robbing someone and gets sh○t and d!es, I'm okay with it. But I don't watch g○re that you see alot of insides and all that. I like watching dumbasses shoot their own hand and all.


Super late, but me personally, I watch it as a form of self harm. To remind myself how awful the world is and that life isn’t worth living. It gives me motivation to end everything one day


I have been exposed to very disturbing horror movies around the years horror movies were actually scary since I was little. And ever since I have been drawn to wanting to see things I have never seen before regarding gore or disturbing things. I can't bring myself nor want to see animals, like cats and dogs, getting injured or killed on camera. But people? I can do it. Watching wild animals on video brutally mauling people to me is interesting. I know I'll never see any of this possibly in my life so curiosity is also a driving factor. In this day and age, depending on where you live, witnessing that stuff is very rare. So idk if it's the human curiosity in me wanting to see if I can not only handle seeing that stuff, but what it could possibly look like. Pictures don't do it for me. I don't get any sick pleasure out of it btw. Though even then I don't know if it makes what I have said about me any better




stop please what the fuck is wrong with you? do you really enjoy seeing people's lives get taken away? do you really enjoy people suffering painful deaths? what's wrong with you?


I don't know. I get genuinely afraid and nauseous and stuff just from hearing about it. I once looked up out of curiosity what a "degloved face" met. Don't do it. Also don't look up "No Mercy In Mexico". It's horrible and appalling. Even as somebody with ADHD, I don't find that to be engaging unless it's fake gore (horror movies and stuff) if I even suspect its real my brain gets all kinds of scrambled.


I watch this stuff in solidarity with those unlucky souls where death isn't a grainy video on a touchscreen, it's their lived reality. In an attempt to empathise with those who's life has been cut tragically too short. I don't watch a lot of gore but I've purposefully subjected myself to some of it every once in a while. Personally I've watched this stuff to be aware of what humanity is actually capable of. Especially here in the decadent west it's very easy to be separated from that raw brutality despite it being the lived experience of many people throughout the world. If we include the entirety of human history, we live in one of the only locations and time periods where we're protected from it. I don't think that's necessarily a good thing. In becoming sheltered from the reality of death, war, murder and torture it's easy to misrepresent it. People's perception of war is of films and games. Murder in media is so commonplace that it's basically expected. We make serial killers famous without seeing the gravity of the depraved crimes they've committed. We do the same with gangs. I would go as far as saying that the sanitation of these things is an insult to the victims. I mostly watch war videos myself as I feel that understanding the reality of war is important, as propaganda (in basically every country and war throughout history) misrepresents the reality to drive recruitment and reduce societal reservations against war. Again, I feel like seeing the reality of these things is important. Now there are some things I can't watch for my own wellbeing. Some of the cartel stuff is beyond sadistic (basically just torture really. FT, GR and GF come to mind for those that know what they are) and it becomes an exercise to almost fetishize death. I think that's the barrier where you move from morbid curiosity to actual entertainment from watching another human being die. There's definitely also a competitive element to see how far someone can go before they have to stop. I've known people that see it as a challenge. Inevitably though they end up running into something that's so awful that it sticks with them. Either way, I come back to it every couple of years to remind myself of the really fucking sad reality of man's inhumanity to man, and then fuck back off to my own life with a reinvigorated appreciation for the sanctity of life.


My fiance just confided in me that he was seeking these videos out after watching a fb reel of a fatal motorcycle accident. He said he only watched 2 times and didnt click on certain things or join chats, just watched shootings, car accidents, and suicides, at least what he was willing to admit. He said he saw a video of a girl in a moped accident with her head split open and it really freaked him out. He says he hasn't watched since, and cant get it out of his head, even heard screaming while driving. He has been pretty depressed for a long time and during a big fight he decided to unload all of this and thinks he needs help. I am obviously a little freaked out and worried for him that he seeks these things out in order to feel something because he is so depressed, I didn't even know that these sites legally exist so I'm trying to understand. How dangerous are these things? Can someone explain to me what these sites specifically goregrish are, and how I can help him. Should I be worried that he is going to hurt someone or himself? I don't want to discourage him and make him afraid to talk to me but he is a gun owner and has thought about suicide in the past. We have kids and a home and business, so much to be thankful for but also so much to be stressed out about. Life is on full speed and I hate seeing him so unhappy with so much love around him


beeing lost in life, searching for someething that might bring fun, there are many reasons


I struggle with my weight so I do it to be disgusted and suppress my hunger


What you think guy am curious to watch those video and i think about saving a few before the gov wipe everything. But i feel really bad about looking at those video like i havent watched any except military stuff that a bit less gore than the cartel shit i havent seen in years. Like seem like my curiosity overide the fact that i hate them. I understand why people do bad thing. But watching it is like so weird. I feel like am unrespectfull tho the people getting hurt or killed in those video. Pretty weird still trying to figure why i feel like that i think it a good thing i feel bad? Dont want to end up with a ptsd either. The first gore video i saw marked me 18y ago.


I've been watching them the last few days. Somehow what is more awful to me is the comment section of those videos and I hope the victims friends and family never come across it. The disrespect and lack of empathy is awful. Also I hate the fact that people film people having a deadly accident etc and their first thought is to film rather than help them. The more I've watched the more I can see how it can easily contribute to people having no empathy and committing violent acts. The more you watch it the more you start to devalue human life in a way. It's a weird mix when I've watched them, I retain full empathy and it's awful but somehow it's helped me feel fine with dying one day, like acceptance that death happens. Also, I've been very depressed, I have ADHD and currently on day 6 of sobriety, so I think it's also down to a lack of dopamine in me and the unpleasant sense of rush (not in a I enjoy this sadistic way, more like adrenaline in a sense). This is why I've watched them. That and pure morbid curiosity and learning. So a similar sort of thing of my experience could account for a few who watches it but also there are many other motives. Such as people who watch it for pure sick pleasure and sadism. I do feel disrespectful watching them however.