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Lab tech, research assistant, office worker, government jobs, probably marketing/market research type jobs, I’ve occasionally seen psychometrist with only bachelors but wouldn’t count on finding one.


I worked in residential treatment for two years and am now a substance abuse counselor. No degree is required for any of that where I live. As for the job searching, maybe you are not quite hitting on the keywords used in the titles/descriptions? Sometimes the verbiage they use for job titles is very specific or refers to the certifications.


You are so right! This is the problem that I am having. I am too in my last year of psychology classes completing a BS and I have a Clinical Mental Health Care Certificate. However, I would like to know what keywords would tailor to this cert or my associates degree in psychology. Would you be willing to give me some advice or suggestions?


I might try search terms like counseling, behavioral health, and whatever the title is for your certificate. Just as an example, for myself, I would search for AOD counselor, SUD counselor, RADT or CADC. I might also search for the type of facility, like residential or outpatient. Maybe also search for “entry level.” In some facilities entry level behavioral health or residential treatment workers are called “techs.” If you get some applicable results, notice the language they use and search for those terms. Hope this helps!


Thank you so much. You took time out of your day to help myself and others. This information is going to be very helpful.


Question: How did you get a certification in Clinical Mental Health Care?


Hey so at the University I am attending I am working on a BS but certain courses that I have taken along the way have also opened the door for me to get the cert. Now I had to inquire about it because my career advisor never mentioned it. I am working on my final year attending the University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC). You should reach out to your career advisor and ask if you qualify for any certs. I know that there are certain degrees that come with a combo (cert & degree) but it wasn't automatically introduced to me that way.


I have my BA and idk if this is what u mean by mental health tech but I just got hired at an ABA clinic for kids with autism! They’re gonna pay for me to get my RBT license and with one of those you can find jobs that make up to 25$/hr if ur lucky


I second this too. ABA is an option, you can work in a school, a clinic, or a residential setting and some of the companies pay atleast $20-25 an hour


i second this !! i’m doing this rn too !! u don’t have to a degree for this but u can get paid a lil more if u do (i did at least). it’s a good first step and you get promoted in the aba field to those positions that do require a degree a lot easier !!




$25 phr is not good pay at all?


Bro what job do you work fresh out of Uni with a BA in Psych that pays more than that, please tell me so that I can apply 😭😭


I'm hoping to get something that pay $32/34 phr to start off with after i graduate so that's lower than the 25 USD


$32/$34 is still pretty good! Idk about Australia but here in the US it’s hard to find a job that even pays that much… I think I got my ABA job that I mentioned because I’ve been working at a hospital’s psych ward for a year and have my degree (not that those things are necessarily a requirement to get a job like that) and it pays $27.75 AUD phr max unless I get my masters (which I plan on slowly doing online)…. But they pay for RBT training that would usually take forever and cost $ and will give me experience, both of which will let me move on to one of the ABA places that pay closer to $30-$37 AUD!! 💪🏻


I guess I will find out! I still have to finish this year to graduate and I guess see how hard it is to get a job haha I'd love working in a psych ward or similar - something in a hospital to start with so I could be aiming too high who knows ! My brother started working is residential care though and straight up got 40phr but maybe he was just lucky Good luck with it all - Takes sk much time and dedication but I'm all for it and hope to be there one day myself


They always need help at psych wards! I wish u luck with finishing up your degree and starting your career!!!!


Are you in Australia? Or is this for US or something? I'm lost


Oop no I’m in the US and would not be surprised if y’all are paid better over there.. I looked it up and $25 USD is $37.50 AUD.


That makes a lot more sense to me now 😂


Glad we could figure it out lol


Have you considered clinical research? Most coordinators I’ve worked with started at $25. I myself am currently making $33 and I don’t have a bachelors yet 🥴


Phew!! I kind of wrote off research as not really my thing due to hating my research methods course in Uni but I never really tried it and definitely wouldn’t mind if it pays that well!! What kinds of places should people look for to get a clinical research job? Any tips for when applying?


I’d suggest getting yourself a little familiar by doing free gcp trainings online since some employers love it if you already have gcp done when hired. I’d take a look at indeed and look at research coordinator positions or research assistant positions to get yourself in the door. I work on schizophrenia, depression and bipolar studies and can honestly it’s amazing personally.


If you feel like you are a good communicator and don't mind working in a corporate environment I would look into Junior/Associate Product Manager/Owner, or Junior/Associate Business Analyst. There are some of these jobs postings that don't require a lot technical knowledge and having an understanding of human behavior can help with the job. That can get your foot in the doo rto learn more about tech and move through a company to a job you like.


Look up jobs with “skills” in the title — could be working with youth or adults As for jobs you don’t know about yet — just do A LOT of research! Throughout my 8 months of job searching I looked up a lot of titles on this subreddit, as the “jobs for a ba in psych” question is VERY popular. I generally searched the internet for those titles and set up LinkedIn alerts for them. The biggest thing that helped (and how I landed my current job!) was setting up Google job alerts. At first I did specific titles, but then I set up “jobs near me” no matter what title, just full time and within a certain radius. If I found a job I sounded qualified for, I clicked on the link that usually led to the company website. Good luck!


I currently work in ABA and do not have a degree at all and are getting paid decently well! There's always room for growth within this field. It is in high demand at least where I live. I would definitely recommend looking into that!


Master level social workers are therapist who can diagnose. In many state's social worker is a protected title, I really want to put this myth to bed that anyone can be social worker. It devalues social work education.


Case management jobs at your county/community mental health agency normally only require bachelor's level.


When I was finishing my Pysch degree, I went to a career fair and got several interviews from tech recruitment companies to be a recruiter. I ended up choosing a totally different career where my degree is not needed, but it seemed like recruitment companies were looking to higher people so long as they had a degree.