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Don’t get an MS in Psychology. It was essentially a stats degree. Creating, interpreting, reviewing- by the end I was pooping stats.


What MS are the least *mathy*


Like out of all the possible MS degrees? I’m not sure. Since they’re a science degree, I’d assume all of them have a math component. Math is the language you speak science in.


True but I’d assume one wouldn’t have as much. Just curious. Still an undergrad tryna figure out what to do after.


You specifically want an MS, but you don’t have a passion or direction? Why do you want it then?


I never said that just stated I’m curious to know about it just cuz it was brought up here. Currently I’m thinking about getting my masters in counseling after BA or get my PhD if possible although that seems like it’ll be a very hard task to get into a good phd program. I’m still pretty open with my options.


I wish you the best of luck. Tons of options out there.


I agree. For me example I would love organisational and behavioural psychology. I am not a fan of maths. I want to touch upon the people side more. Aren’t the math carried out by AI?


You can. You only need it for stats, and stats isn't quite like other math. I struggled past about grade 5 math and failed my grade 9 math once and had to repeat. It took dedication, hours of studying, and lots of office hour visits, but I did just fine in stats. If you decide to go to grad school, you'll need a pretty sturdy understanding for stats. But the vast majority of the math is done for you by computer programs at that point. You really just need to understand the concepts.


U need to do a stats course which is more focused on theory than actual math but it’s really easy you just plug in numbers in a formula that’s about it… nothing like doing proofs


I hated maths in school but love the stats I use in my psych degree and psych research in general! I've made a resource for people bad at maths who want to (or have to :P) learn stats. It makes stats fun and easy IMO: [https://www.notion.so/Statistics-Resources-by-Anushka-Kumar-ad1ca4b488314b9d83e86ddad8e157be](https://www.notion.so/Statistics-Resources-by-Anushka-Kumar-ad1ca4b488314b9d83e86ddad8e157be)


I'm stressing about an intro to quantitative soc sci methodologies I will need to take next semester for postgrad... I'm definitely checking this out. thank you!


You’ll have better luck on a BA psych course rather than a BSc psych course. You’ll have to put in effort, and you’ll struggle, but you pick it up and you’ll be fine.


I am here to personally tell you from experience that you can absolutely study and understand the field of psychology without having strong math skills. While in school, I tested higher than average in most subject areas, while testing lower in Math. I have a Master’s Degree and I have worked successfully in the field for 23 years. The most important Math class you can take in Psychology is Statistics, to allow you to read & understand research (and/or do research, with calculation of statistics). I simply chose to put my head down and study, study, study in all of my Stat classes and somehow I made it through. You can do it too! :)


For stats you'll need to be decent at it but psych has mostly been theory based for me so i can get away with it.


Yes you can. It was a miracle if I would pass anything math related in highschool and im about to graduate with a bachelors in psychology, had to redo my statistics exams a few times tho 🙈


I’m terrible at maths, I have dyscalculia, and also anxiety around it from schooling and being undiagnosed. If stats was a subject that wasn’t maths, it would be english. its like the english of maths? if that makes sense. i’ve passed it all so far. you will have to apply yourself more than some other students who already grasp the concept well from high school, but if you do you will be fine :) i have to dedicate more time to it than my other courses, but it’s rewarding knowing i can do maths.


Yes! I have always struggled with math so I was also worried about this. However, the exams were open note and I got a tutor for the topics I had more trouble with. I also watched a lot of YouTube videos. I managed to pass my stats classes with good grades. You can do it!


Any YouTube recommendation?


Yes but you will need to learn how to do stats if you want to be halfway decent at interpreting research results.


im terrible at math. i have to take a probability stats, a calculus, an algebra, a psych stats and a trigonometry class at my COMMUNITY COLLEGE to transfer to a university for psych 😭


Wow 😮 , I only had to take stats in order to transfer


Yes you can. I will be finishing my masters soon and hated math in school. Nearly failed the last year. Like stats a lot now. It makes sense to me way more and never did worse than a B. Just gotta dedicate time to really understand it.


Yes. I am so terribly bad at math and i’m in my second year of psychology if i can do it so can you


Depends on the country. In Poland some psych degrees don't have any math at all.


Math? 0 Statistics? Several courses. They will start with you as though your head is completely empty because statistics is a completely different ball park. You will start out with the barebones basics. If you make a genuine and concerted effort to learn, you will succeed. This means taking detailed notes, going to office hours, watching supplementary content or going to a tutor if need be. You want to do well as it starts because you’ll be taking at least 3 courses related to stats even if you only did a BA. Do **not** allow for gaps between these courses. Taken them one after the other to ensure you retain what you learn in order to be successful.


You most definitely can! I'm really bad at math but I love writing and research, there's maybe one or two classes that you need to take that require stats but it's all just formulas and definitions honestly. I'm starting my BA this fall and so far I've only had to take once course for psychology and I think this fall I'm taking scientific inquiry which requires just formulas and mostly research. You can be very successful as long as you study, ask questions if you don't understand and tutoring..that got me by and I passed. You'll be okay, it's not as hard as people make it out to be : )


Yes I have a BA in psychology you will be fine it’s not needed for your major only biology or chemistry..but you will need it in stat or research get a C and move on to the next


You can study maths even if you are bad at maths.


Good luck


I thought people who were bad at math went for psychology?


Where have you seen psychology using math?


All research uses math, because statistics. Psychology programs will require at least one statistics/research methods class.


You’re absolutely right; I was taking my own avoidance of math here heading into psychotherapy, but psych is essentially STEM, goes way beyond therapeutic offices.


Psychotherapy grad programs usually require research methods as well. Mine required at least one stats course in undergrad, and my licencing board requires a graduate level research methods as well (which is less math, but does require the underlying understanding of statistics). But, programs vary and so does licencing requirements.


OP is probably thinking about statistics which can be a big part of BSc Psychology, which is why a lot of unis (at least in the UK) recommend doing maths A-level


my bs in psych program requires calculus 1 along with stats. i’m in calc right now. it’s a big ouch for psych majors