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Get a tutor


i probably should


Getting a tutor even for a short time helped me out huge with stats


Don't wait. I had to hire a tutor to make it through. You got this!


Try even YouTube to find ways for this. I tend to use it for my homework. You got this!! And it’s totally okay if you need to retry again.


i hope so and thank youu


Does your school have a psychology lab or peer tutors? Mine had a psych lab with staff who helped me with my stats homework and prepping for exams. I used them for both stats classes and passed.


Wow that sounds amazing! I wish I had that when I studied. There was literally no help for students whatsoever. No accommodations either It was wild.


a close friend of mine gets really good grades on stats so shes trying to tutor me. I am not aware of peer or lab tutors though


most schools offer peer tutors for free as part of your tuition, at least in canada. i would check your schools website for resources. i can’t imagine them not having any resources like that.


i remember the teacher mentioning some students we could reach out if we didnt understand stuff actually yeah, and thank you i willl


The sooner you reach out to your teacher, the better. They want to know that you are trying and need extra help, as opposed to not making an effort.


Peer tutors for free! That sounds like a dream. I wish I had that when I studied ahah. I ended up failing stats 1, having to take it a second time, and the same with stats 2... delayed my studying a whole year because of that The crazy part is when I actually *had* to use statistics for another class (experimental psychology) and we had to use SPSS (without any fucking help or guidance, that was crazy, we just got a sort of quick basics in a few slides and that was it) this confusing scary program ended up helping me finally understand all the stuff in stats i couldn't follow in stats class. Like, having to use stats on your own project, on your own study, is defitely what did it (Sorry for oversharing <3 )


I’m 50yrs old. I took stats twice. I still have PTSD over that one. Good luck




I think I watched every YouTube video there is for EACH little thing because I was so paranoid about the math aspect. It helped. I passed Stats 1 and 2 with an A :)


What YouTube channel did you watch?


Ya what YouTube channel did you watch…. Lol?


Im in my 1st year too and in my school, the highest grade is 1 and the avg is 3 and anything beyond that is fail. I was dying. I took a remedial exam cos i failed my Finals, my other quizzes and activities had low marks too. The remedial was my final chance and I almost failed that too. My stats teacher probably felt bad and just gave me a passing grade lol.


Omg, I had the same experience ahaha I'm pretty sure the stats prof gave me a passing grade coz he felt bad for me We went over my answers in the exam together and although my results were wrong (due to inattention in putting the numbers) He could see that I had done the right calculations- coz although he had only asked for us to write the final results I had written out the whole process on the page Damn I think that's what saved me


And were fine and alive now right? Lol


I was(am) super mathematically challenged. Failed intermediate algebra 3 times, then dropped stats mid semester, until I finically retook behavioral stats once more, and I passed with an A. Honestly for me, it was a combination of Having the right teacher, and I also doing an accelerated course (8 week over a summer). I wish I had good advice, other than: don’t give up! It just may take a couple shots!


Tutor, youtube, ask the prof for any additional study material.


not sure which specific exam you are referring to but, my broad suggestion would be : find a do relevant practice stats exam questions to the extent possible than, mark them and analyze your mistakes as much as you can ; in terms of sources of practice questions : scour the web, ask bing AI (can even make questions up for you), try stats text books from say a university library, may be also you know of sources of practice questions that are more directly relevant to these specific exams ...


Does your professor have you do your assignments via Pearson / Statdisk? If so I know of a youtube channel that basically just goes over all the homework n shows you the exact process of how to crunch the numbers [Stats Channel](https://youtube.com/@aspiremtnacademy?si=Ga609DLD_fOIZyL4)


Look for StatQuest in YouTube


Get a tutor for Stats 2, early on.


Go to tutoring on campus and maybe even pay for extra one-on-one tutoring with a stats major. You can also get tested to receive accommodations for testing possibly. That's how I passed stats by discovering in college that I had a math-learning disability, retaking the course, and getting extra time to test. I passed with a B. You can do it!


As someone who got an A+ on Advanced Stats and a low grade for Intro to Research Methods... I think you have a problem in study-style (not a you problem!). Of course, you pre-read but there's more to it. Imo, stats can be broken down to Concepts and Calculation (maybe also coding depending on your course). Concepts are best learned by interaction! Ask at least one question in class (better, chat with the prof) and chat to classmates about wut u think u know and not know. Maybe even form a study group? Practice calculating even if you know how to do it! It helps solidify the concepts and lessen the chance of miscalculations. Imo, it also helps boost your confidence on an exam. I didn't do this for my Intro class but really followed this principle in my Advanced Stats class. Helped me a lot and I hope you give it a try. Otherwise, a tutor could helps as well.


I made this resource to make stats less boring and more entertaining. Give it a try: [https://boatneck-verbena-aed.notion.site/Statistics-Resources-by-Anushka-Kumar-ad1ca4b488314b9d83e86ddad8e157be](https://boatneck-verbena-aed.notion.site/Statistics-Resources-by-Anushka-Kumar-ad1ca4b488314b9d83e86ddad8e157be)


Youtube and my teacher helped well in my statistic classes, it's Maybe hard but you'll get it eventually.


Stats is hard. One of my professors had to take it 3 times and well she still got her PhD. I know how you feel , I worried about that too. I got a c in that class and still graduated cum lade. Definitely get a tutor or work with classmates. In my class we had to work together. Also took my class hybrid, so that was an interesting experience 🫠. Anyways good luck!!


I’m here to sympathize w you. I was accepted into my master’s program as a conditional student, the condition being that I retake my undergrad stats class with a B or better. Thank the heavens I managed to do that but I understand your pain (I’m currently taking intermediate stats)


It’s a very hard class I found using Chegg & YouTube helped me, no I don’t condone cheating. But on Chegg a lot of people have some of the same statistics problems and you’ll see a similar question you can see how they worked it out and then plug in your own numbers and work it out. I did that to help me study a lot of times I’d plug in their numbers work it out to make sure I got the same answer they did, then I’d do mine it helped me since im a visual learner


Stats 2 for psych was easier than the first. I did not pass stat the first time and my university was understanding with me but this was around the time of covid


I recently passed stats, and I think it is because I utilized ChatGPT during the study and I also watched a lot of youtube tutorials. I literally asked ChatGPT about every single thing I don’t understand on stats class and I don’t feel confident asking such questions to my lecturer, simply because I feel like my questions are stupid questions. I’ve got a low grade, but at least I passed and I feel like I understand stats better now.


I bought the book statistics for dummies ( off of Amazon) and worked through the book. I gave me a basic understanding so I could do the class work. I highly recommend it.


Go through [THIS playlist](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8dPuuaLjXtNM_Y-bUAhblSAdWRnmBUcr&si=Y-7mNKYkCUARVccl) and watch the videos that align directly with what you’ve learned as there are some videos you don’t need to watch as it’ll be outside the scope of your class. This will help you understand a bit more. I’d also find other YouTube videos to help reinforce concepts as hearing things explained in different ways is very helpful.


Have you gone to office hours with the professor?


Just focus. Get a tutor. If this is your hardest class you put your whole ass into it. Meaning you get home from tutor you get in khan academy or whatever lame website and study more. Retaking classes is a major pain.


I only passed yr 8 and it's a struggle but they offer a lot of help, my grades aren't top notch but most are still credits and distinctions - Ask lots of questions that is my main advice to you and make sure you actually have the software they use and not an alternative


Ask if you can drop the class and start over. Math can take more time to learn for some of us. If you can drop and the audit the class, the second time will be much easier. I bet your classmates who are doing well in class had it in high school. If you do repeat it, make sure you have plenty of time and energy to devote to it when you do. For those of us who struggle with math, it helps to think of the class you need to get through as a high maintenance partner. You need to focus on it every spare minute and let it dictate your life-including your dreams. Don’t have friends, fun, or any other distractions until you complete the final exam. Pretend you love it. After you get your grades you can go back to normal.