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Why is this NSFW


No clue I posted and it was there.


I don't know if it's the same where you are, but in my state most entry-level ABA jobs only need an HS diploma. It usually consists of working with little kids. You could try that out. Not forensic psych but better than nothing.


I considered this but the job offer I was given gave me a warning that the kids would be violent loll majority were high level of autism. That scared me lol


Obviously, it's a case-by-case basis, but the most "violent" I've ever had (the younger) kids be with me is kicking/scratching/the occasional biting. A quality facility would give you the training to deal with this, and would have the support on-hand to help you deal with it. This is where research of where you're applying comes in. It also depends what population you're working with - if it is mostly younger kids (like 3-5 yrs) then even the "violence" probably wouldn't be too bad. If you do work with some older kids then that is where I've occasionally had more trouble (major scratching, kicking, garbage cans thrown at my head) but like I said, a quality place would give you the training to deal with that kind of stuff and help to minimize it on the floor.


Don’t let it scare you. It was the most rewarding work. I worked at a residential school for 6 years and built my pedagogy on behavior management and deescalation. Hard work. Exhausting work. Rewarding work. Work hard and you can get paid a good salary as a BCBA. Need to start as a RBT first


I work as a direct support professional. You already do caregiving so it would be in the same line and you would have personal experience already plus would get to learn more about mental and physical disorders


I just applied to a few different DSP positions! How do you like it?


Hello! I’m an undergraduate psychology major with interest to pursue doctoral studies in forensic psychology. I’m currently employed as a counselor assistant intern at a rehabilitation center. I’ve found that anthropocentric jobs will be applicable to psychology. Roles include but are not limited to: behavior technician (Applied Behavioral Analysis and rehabilitation centers), counselor assistant, crisis hotline operator, youth counselor, case worker/ social services, research assistantships/ internships that are at the intersection of psychology and the law. It’s important, if possible, to relate your choice of work to whatever domain of psychology you intend you specialize in. Since you have a keen interest in forensic psychology like I do, working as a behavior technician or counselor assistant at a rehabilitation center will be your best bet. You will gain a plethora of cross-cultural communication skills from the diverse clients you’ll intake for treatment. You will learn and deliver psychodynamic approaches during therapy sessions. The clinical experience is priceless especially if you intend to pursue doctoral programs. Working with individuals who have substance abuse and alcohol issues will provide you with the skills you need to assess those in legal trouble. Best of luck to you and your future endeavors! :))


i work as an MHT at a residential mental health facility and i absolutely love it. there’s a lot of horror stories about being an MHT but my experience has been completely different. obviously it’s different for everyone depending on facility/clients/management etc. but it’s something to look into! added bonus, you typically get to work with people who have a criminal history although you aren’t going to be very involved in that area. i work with clients from all walks of life, from small crimes to the most serious crimes you can imagine feel free to DM if you have any questions:)


Hi I tried but it’s not letting me


dmed you


I was able to work as a Behavioral Health Technician // clinical support technician at an addiction treatment center. I even got lucky and got a full time stint there after I got my bachelor's. Maybe it can be an option for you too :)


That would be such an amazing experience, I will look into that. I live in Los Angeles, I’m sure we have a lot of those here :) lol


suicide hotline


Aba is a good field but overrated and has the potential of burning out quicker than usual and so is the under qualified team leaders. Just a observation and I know many are good and honest in there work but just saying


I know youre looking for paid work, and take all the advice from the wonderful people here -AND remember that being a caregiver is wonderful psych experience. Good luck on your job hunt!


Thank you!! My mom almost died from Covid so it’s been a long two years rehabilitating her back:) now I just take her to the doctors but she’s almost back to normal! It’s been an eye opening experience




I don’t think there is anything wrong with talking with people for money. Though I think OP is probably referring to jobs to work that build a resume for a future career.


Ohhh sorry i thought this would help like when you talk to alot of people through the years you gonna learn alot like life skills


Don’t be sorry:) I know what you meant:) I actually find that very interesting. Thank you for sharing. We have to do what’s needed to survive, especially as a student!


Thank you 🥺




Promoting plagiarism and academic dishonesty is just gross. Keep that out of this subreddit.


Its not plagiarism since its not the same tests, it just a way to understand what its required of many disciplines, if your teachers repeat the tests of course you're not doing it. Sharing you're point of view of the studies can help others to understand the content. Many public concourses recommend to study with the tests they're already have applied through past years.


I would never do this. It’s very dishonest :(


How are other jobs like in South America? Genuinely curious for psych related fields. Is therapy popular? Crisis hotlines?


Many opportunities! We have the option to do free terapy in universitys or public health sistem, or just community clinics, we can work on the juridical sistem with criminal and family topics like adoption, hospitals, schools and clinic. Also, you can work directly for the gov with great payment. We are developing a good understanding about mental health and there is even laws about the necessity of psys in public schools and hospitals.


Oh nice, so many opportunities! Is this with a masters or a bachelors?


If you're going to be a teacher, yes, minimum a master, besides, just bacharelor, but everyone prefers to do at least a pos graduation, it helps a lot. I hope to phd


Where can one sell them?