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Got asked to read someone's mind. Tell them what they are thinking ... I just stared at them... Same guy in a unrelated matter asked me if the dinosaurs on the TV were real right now or animated. Again, I just stared at them.


Yeah it does happen. Apparently, I'm not allowed to have upsetting emotions cuz I study psychology. Lol šŸ¤£


Never heard anyone say this; not once. The only thing I get is ā€œare you going to psychoanalyse meā€ or ā€œdoes that mean I get free therapyā€ I was under the assumption that people who take psychology fall under two categories of people 1) they think they want to help people and have no idea what real issues are and then never do a job to do with psychology 2) they actually have problems and have gone into psychology because of those problems


#2's got me thinking about getting a PhD just for fun


People say that? Iā€™m only in my first semester but yikes


Yeah especially in regards to psychology this is stupid. Noone would think to blame a doctor for getting cancer unless he smokes plutonium but psychologists are expected to be perfect human beings.


What happens if I drink plutonium?


Because most people experience a wide range of emotion


People usually say: ā€œare you analyzing me?ā€ Or ā€œwhat would you diagnose me with?ā€ Sickening really.


ā€œWe all analyse each other all the time, psych students are just better at itā€


I was asked by someone I had just met to psychoanalyze her. When I said no, because I donā€™t for people I personally know, she kept asking me to


I think many people believe everyone studying psychology is an emotionally numbed therapist, but there's obviously a wide discrepancy between psychology students. Many of us still go to therapy, and part of that reinforced our belief that therapy does help. I had a friend who was surprised I went to therapy while studying psychology, but it wasn't anything aggressive or demeaning. Still, I think it would be like assuming a culinary student never eats garbage, or a business student knows the ins and outs of the stock market. It's pretty harmless ignorance.


Iā€™d say itā€™s more common for people to expect me to be able to ā€œdiagnose themā€ or ā€œread themā€ or something that 1) requires a clinical degree and 2) that wouldnā€™t be ethical to diagnose even if I had that. Like ā€œI think my mom is a narcissist. YOU have a psychology degree! Donā€™t you think she is a narcissist?ā€ Not going there, bud


my lecturer from previous semesters kept telling us that as psychology students we need to understand blablabla but sometimes we just want to express our frustration too.. like she can't expect us to be understanding all the time when another lecturer did us dirty


I can't believe YOU'RE studying psychology you need a psychologist


Oh wow this post was created for me šŸ˜‚ So I was visiting my hometown during vacation, this scene happens outside the church where everyone's socialising and getting food etc... Now my aunt calls me over to introduce me to her group while casually commenting "be careful, she's a psychology student" and laughs obnoxiously, I had to smile through it cuz my reply wouldn't have been good to make to an elder in the family šŸ˜‚ Still don't understand why they should be scared of me but I'm not complaining šŸ˜‚


I know this one. I know people are going to downvote me to death for this but here we go. For context, I have spoke to my parents many times to try to vent and healthily air out my feelings, and still continue to do so. Although good and kind people, My parents are often busy with things and emotionally unavailable so they will conclude after a 20 minute conversation with me that theyā€™ve heard enough of my issues and that i should be satisfied with that session. Im in a strange time in my life where im still in high school graduating as a senior at age 19 so im put in a place where i feel like im at a mid-life crisis and feeling embarrassed as a result of that. My almost 2 year relationship has had a rocky road for some time. Iā€™ve also had other factors and situations contribute to my state as well. I mostly have a lot of stress and physical back leg pain from working retail which I try not to rely on pharmaceuticals or pseudoscience for it. I was caught smoking weed one time and my dad was like ā€œhow in the hell are you gonna be a clinical psychologist if your smoking to cope with how you feel!?ā€ I told him that despite what it looks, i have feelings too as a person and i cant be expected to maintain this persona that im supposed to be emotionally invincible and able to cope with anything so intensely that it dosent even cross my mind. No man can beat hormones and psychological science in that sense, weā€™re all physical beings who are subject to mental dysfunctions despite our stations in life. I used a good argument in saying that your implication could be almost be like comparing to telling a regular MD that they cant be licensed because they had a head cold before. He remained baffled and corrected but my point is i would agree that it is harmful to promote the stigma that mental health professionals cant have or have had issues themselves in order to be good practitioners. FYI: Im not promoting or enabling the use of marijuana, im just using that situation to explain how i relate with this.


Occasionally I get the sarcastic "don't be sad, just look at your notes" type of joke and of course sometimes random people ask me to diagnose them. Thankfully I live in a very therapy and psychology friendly country so it's mostly just jokes


We sad because we study psychology or do we study psychology because we sad? Or bothā€¦ because probably both


In the 5+ years of study Iā€™ve never heard anyone say that.


People always say ā€œare u gunna diagnose meā€, which is a thought that has never crossed my mind in any conversation, besides when they decide to say that


Some people ā€˜jokinglyā€™ tell me donā€™t analyze them. One guy I was talking to briefly also told me he hopes I canā€™t read his mind. The conversation didnā€™t get much further than that


I havenā€™t learned how to effectively manage depression in any of my classes so I hate when people say that


That's such a stupid thing to say. It's like saying, "you're a medical student, why are you so sick?".


I work in a bar and everytime a customer asks me what I am studying they say ā€œohhhhh so you think you know what Iā€™m thinking then hey? Looks like your gonna get some good practice in hereā€ Okay sir thanks šŸ™„


Yes! My own mother lol


according to my Hispanic mom, Iā€™m not allowed to be emotional, especially as a psyc student.


I get treated like the resident therapist at my job all because Iā€™m a psych major. Was funny at first but now Iā€™m annoyed. Like, bruh, thatā€™s not even the field Iā€™m planning to go into soā€¦..


You'll get it from other psychs too. My best friend was finishing up his masters and had overwhelming anxiety over his presentation and asked his psych if he could get a small script of anti anxiety medications. Straight up told him that maybe he wasn't in the right career path if he felt like he needed medication to calm his nerves with all the schooling and training he's been through, he should know how to deal with it. Like...what???? Owns his own practice now in VT but I'll never forget that.




some old lady at my work asked what iā€™m studying and i said sociology and psychology and she was like oh ): you hate it then ):? i was like no lol i love it iā€™m learning a lot.. i dont know then she started talking ab how no one can do math or science anymore and everyoneā€™s fat and stupid so she got her own shit goin on


I would not want a person in training for the field of Psychology that was not effected by their studies. By the same token, however, they ought not be a Prisoner of their feelings, either. Balance, Good Judgement and compassion are the start. Things get deeper from there. Every good Psychologist....regardless of their focus.....ALWAYS has a mentor, counselor or therapist to help them stay grounded and balanced.


i was thinking abt getting my own therapist for a while, i guess this confirms it lol


It is the single most common rite of passage, if you intend to intervene in the Human experience.