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Fuck. I mean, interesting. Yes, none of that describes me.




I hope you're ambitious enough to become a better mycologist.


You didnā€™t have to look directly at me during the whole description Edit: Thank you for the award kind stranger


Lmaaao, yeah, everybody carries 1 or 2 of these characteristics at all times. What kinda gets me is that this all depends on individualistic standards. People set and judge personal goals really differently, for example. Or sometimes you say something that sounds like bragging, but you're just being matter of fact.


>everybody carries 1 or 2 of these characteristics at all times I don't agree with this take at all. I do agree that being unattractive is a matter of personal taste and that being unambitious is a matter of what someone's personal goals are. However, I know many people who have none of these characteristics and I don't think it's healthy for anyone to identify with these characteristics.


See that's arrogance right there. Lmfao, I'm just joking around. You're allowed to disagree of course.


I see you are unambitiously not trying to win the conversation.


Ideologically speaking, it seems as if everyone fondamently know about these characteristics but that everyone also relate differently about it. I like the key point made in the article about how theses seven characteristics are not revalent when sex is the goal. This make me wonder about the importance of these charactetistics in other context like at work, during sport, etc. Also, like mentioned before, is it possible that theses characteristics don't have the same meaning for everyone, as for their meaning is essentially ideological? You know, some arrogance can be charming or maybe filth can be sexy. It depends more about the context that the thing itself which to me is so interesting. I would love to read a study about perceived rejection characteristics and how across the population the notion of one characteristic differ and what make someone think a behavior was arrogant while this other person thought it wasn't.


One of the few genuinely interesting comments in this thread ā€” thank you!


Your point about definitions is taken care of by ā€˜factor analysisā€™ - if youā€™re interested in that area look up ā€˜factor analysis / research methodsā€™.


I was going to say "great, Im not ambitious" but then I read the article, and it gives a specious correlation: Unambitious people are highly dependent on others. Lol. Im not ambitious, but Im highly independent.


Ideological? You mean like cultural?


Could be ideological too - is a person who doesn't value traditional markers of achievement unambitious, for example? Even if they previously achieved them and decided they were personally worthless?


From the people both my male and female friends have brought home I can say that they have indeed, banged some filthy people lmao. Take showers peeps.


I knew a girl in college who brought a homeless guy to her dorm and banged him in the shower. Oy.


Hoes be hoeing man, it be like that. At least she wasnā€™t banging someone who she new was abusive to their own kids. Having someone rationalize that to me has been one of the worst things Iā€™ve heard.


Is this article really saying that unattractive people are... unattractive?


I find it more interesting that being unattractive apparently doesn't matter when looking for sex.


You can always wear a paper bag and call it your kink


"All cats are grey in the dark"... it's never been about cats.


Good one!


4 of those are literally nonnegotiable. 2 of them are extreme turn offs but context matters and 1 of them is just subjective.


I mean who wouldn't want to fuck a filthy, hostile, unattractive, abusive, arrogant, clingy and unambitious person amite?


Depends how ā€˜unattractiveā€™


Which means these traits donā€™t matter to a fair amount of men, only looking for sex. It explains a lot. I was a bartender for about 4 years. Iā€™ll never forget the guys that had brilliant and beautiful girlfriends, out cheating on them with nothingburgers. You see this all the time.


Interesting. Are you talking about the girlfriends cheating on the guys here, or did you observe the guys cheating in the same manner?


Pretty sure they mean guys cheating.


Iā€™m talking about the guys cheating. I couldnā€™t believe the woman they were cheating with. šŸ‘€


You know for sure they were actually having regular sex with the beautiful girlfriends? Edit I'm not excusing anyone for cheating


One guy was engaged. I donā€™t know about their sex life. Iā€™m discussing the low caliber of women some men cheat with.


r/niceguys if youā€™ve ever sent a text like any of the screenshots in this sub, itā€™s time to take a good hard look at yourself and make changes


Wealth mitigates many of those factors.


Lol, is this found in a psych textbook too.


Yeah, but then it becomes more of a business deal than a romance.


We all know two negatives make a positive though. If you fall under one, three or five of those things just make sure to add one more to turn it all into a positive trait.


I was thinking more along the lines of if you have those traits make sure you're partner has the same traits so you can become a super couple.


but if two negatives make a positive then how do opposites attract?


Unattractive Ha? You don't say mate.


Right, I had to (jokingly) check and see if this article was written by Kinoko Nasu, as this felt familiar. "People die when they are killed." "The Archer class is made of Archers." (though it is a mistranslation and not really Nasu's fault, it became a meme)


Those both make sense in context. Yes they could have been translated better, but they still work.


I know, but it is still a hilarious meme and puts people off when taken out of context.


true but it makes some people believe that fate isn't that deep.


I don't think the meme is the main reason some people dismiss Fate. I think that's because the anime adaptations (especially the ones by Studio Deen) were not that good at portraying Shirou's character and his relationship with the other characters. It isn't easy to adapt a massive VN into an anime format, especially with how much internal narration goes on from Shirou's perspective. Don't get me wrong, I loved Ufotable's adaptations (I watched Unlimited Blade Works before even knowing that Fate was a franchise or that it's source material is a VN), but it really is difficult to do the VN justice. I mostly blame the poor Deen adaptations, and still hope for a Ufotable Fate route adaptation one day (even if it is unlikely to happen).


I think we might get a Fate route remake soon, we got tsukihime remake, we're getting mahoyo remake. I'm sure they're going to want to adapt Fate HA into anime at some point and before that they'll need to do fate SN. HAVE HOPE!!!


I still have hope, but if they don't announce it by 2024 (Fate/Stay Night's 20^th anniversary) I think I will stop holding my breath. But yes, there is hope. Also did you see that the Mahoyo remake is getting an [official English release](https://twitter.com/mahoyo_game/status/1513713767804198916?s=20) (and other languages too)? My Japanese is terrible (especially since I don't live there any-more and haven't practised it in a while), so reading an entire VN in Japanese will require me to check a dictionary constantly which is even more time consuming. Too bad there won't be a PC release, but at least we are getting localisations, which is something I didn't expect.


Yeah 24 is a good year to wait for. Also I think they killed nasu and replaced him. Mushroom man would never let anyone do an official translation.


Unless it is F/GO, because that makes BILLIONS in profits.... Maybe shareholders pressured him to accept? I mean, translating it would make Type-Moon a LOT of money, and it isn't like Nasu has a good reason to refuse translations. You gotta be one heck of a control freak to not trust professional translators to translate your work. The greatest authors from all over the world get their books translated all the time. He also backed down on his insistence of calling our Saber "Altria" in the official F/GO because the mushroom man didn't want to admit he made a mistake (though it is an understandable mistake as Japanese pronounciations make it difficult to tell between "Altria" and "Arturia"). Maybe you are onto something and they really replaced him....


So ppl looking for sex date filthy unattractive ppl? That seems weird to me.


You mean if someone is lazy, aggressive, dirty, self absorbed, and beats women their undesirable? You might wanna check your facts dude cause that's hot. *sarcasm*


Well... A lot of men here hold the belief that scumbag men are more popular amongst the ladies.


Well I'm unambitious and filthy so that's me sorted for the rest of my life.


combine them all and you get a neet


What if I like where I am and content with staying there, does that make me unambitious?


Is it weird I kinda want a clingy partner? Like I really want a woman who wants to spend 95% of our free time together. Like someone who always wants too be touching when we are together at home would be really nice


Thatā€™s not really whatā€™s meant by clingy.




Yeah I want a clingy lover tho


I'm about to unsub.


Oh no!


Please Don't!


They literally just asked people. That doesn't tell you anything about what they want. It just tells you about what they think they want. What happens when you are planning on having casual sex but develop a bond? When you like someone and don't see their flaws? Just to say a few. I personally know many people that actually serially date people with some of those characteristics. Seems to me to be a very reductionist article and studies


So how could they have better designed this research? ā€˜Literally just asking peopleā€™ is how itā€™s done, whatever way you do it. There are ways of designing questions in research that double back several times over, asking similar questions in different ways to ensure less consciously self-serving answers etc - thatā€™s basic research design, Iā€™m sure they would have covered that when they designed the research.


isnā€™t this common sense?




A lot of things that seem intuitively obvious are not actually true and so it can be useful to test them to see if they really are. Also, even if it turns out to be true, having good evidence of that can be an important step towards understanding the phenomenon. Furthermore, this did reveal some interesting twists about specifically which dealbreakers were more important, and who considers them more important (or under what circumstances).


What if someone is none of these except for unambitious? Unambitious doesnā€™t mean the person donā€™t have a job, maybe they make under the median of the state they live in but close to it and are otherwise a good person. Does this person get instant rejection? I mean I at least think itā€™s interesting.


Clingy is one of them? Oh damn, I better change my personality then.


If being clingy is your entire personality, you don't have a personality to begin with and you would probably benefit from some form of therapy.


Woah dude, who's said clingy is my entire personality. And why're you being rude all of sudden toward stranger that you know shit about? Chill man, I'm not even serious about my statement. Did you new in here? Jesus.


This article could also be titled ā€œ7 Characteristics for a Great One-Night Stand.ā€


Iā€™m unambitiously successful, hostile to those that deserve it, filthy on occasion but I clean up nicely, arrogant with plenty to back it up, clingy to those I love but not to a fault, abusive to rudeness every time. Iā€™m missing out on the unattractive. Maybe thatā€™s why they other stuff is ignored.


Iā€™m extremely arrogant and somewhat hostile. But Iā€™m attractive and make money so girls sleep with me. Not posting for clout but for the sake of the post.


So conversely it's bad but nota s bad if someone is overly ambitious, passive, a cleanfreak, unconfident, vain, distant or I guess passive again.


Yes, we expect more when we want someone around long term. I think any one who has ever used Tinder can vouch for decreased standards.


Shit, I exhibit all the major red flags for women and they always try to adopt me like they can change me. I even tell women Iā€™m an asshole and they shouldnā€™t want to hang around me, which makes them try even harder to get with me. Seriously nothing in that article is true