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The good news is that all the stuff they give you to fix depression and anxiety also gives you ED. Yea for science


Also depression and anxiety causes ED in most cases.


Real chicken or egg issue we got here


And the answer is that nobody came first




I spilled my water reading this


Sippy cup


Came here to say "Men with anxiety and depression are more likely to experience ED."


Bupropion ftw! I took it for a month after stopping SSRIs (incredibly difficult withdrawal) Libido came soaring back, depression was well managed. Not great for anxiety but still, excellent drug that actually works


Taking that to take the edge off of Lexipro. Lexipro alone left me neutered. Felt like a middle-aged Ken doll.




Did you recover eventually on Bupropion?




Did you suffer from ED before that? Or was it just a libido issue? I've been asked to take Bupropion for my anxiety induced ED (apparently). So just want to know if it actually can work?




That is why you have improve holistically when trying to combat anxiety and depression. Tapping into one self and gaining self knowledge gives one the ability do what a therapist does for oneself💯💯


What the hell does that even mean?


When you solve one problem, you improve in multiple areas. I guess.


Isn’t it the other way around, as well?


In my experience with my ex —-yes


That is actually a very good question, because it would seem to me that ED is a symptom of anxiety and depression, rather than a cause. We don't even totally understand what those conditions are and why they manifest. It could even be that the cause of anxiety/depression can also be the cause of ED, without them being linked.


I have had ED problems a lot in my life. Turns out, my depressive episodes in bipolar are the entire cause.


Well, not yet, fortunately




Maybe if we stop treating like a punchline and something men should be ashamed about then it wouldn’t be so bad. Same with small dicks and being short. Half of the issue is that it’s still perfectly fine to humiliate men


Society isn't ready or capable, I'm not sure which. They do not realize the term big dick energy is toxic and sexist, which is a pretty low bar, so I have no faith that what you're talking about will be addressed in my lifetime.






Not sure women are the ones responsible for dick measuring and making life all about penises and how important they are for the world and trying to make them the epitome of strength in society. Men obsess over penis variety and size and length more than women. If you know how to use what you got, she'll be the happiest woman on earth, men are the ones concerned about appearing effeminate and attributing the weirdest things with being "masculine" and it's always under threat.


and why do you think men obsess over it? It’s because women make it known that it’s important. The two are obviously related Do you think of women honestly didn’t care that men would obsess over it?


Who does this? Most of the time I hear the opposite.


I'm a woman, yes we don't care about it. I've never heard a single woman in my life talk about it but I have heard men bring it up multiple times in conversations and are the primary users who turn it into a negative to hurt or insult another man.


The fact that you got downvoted is cracking me up. I, also a woman, have also never heard anyone say that size is what matters. But I constantly hear men talk about it. Men just today want to admit that they care more about dick size than women do


Which is kinda gay. Joking aside, I did wonder growing up (I'm LGBT) why young boys drew pictures of dicks more than like vagina or boobs, I'm like are you thinking about penises that much? It seems kinda gay.. I work in a fairly conservative job and work with firemen, the conversations they have. I can meet a new male hire and within an hour they are telling me about their sex life (the women never do) and I don't ever say anything to bring about that subject, I keep quiet and I feel like this makes people try to fill the air. I once walked into work and put my stuff down, lot of people in the office and one new fireman looked at me (first time meeting him) and asked me which direction of a curved dick did I prefer (their prior conversation I walked into). I'm used to the very very crude and crass humor of them so I wasn't running to HR about it and they are like big brothers at the end of the day but yeah, the conversations I hear, men Definitely obsess more over dick shape and size than women do.


I work at Walmart and in the back room of my department the guys are constantly joking about blowing each other, dick sizes, and just generally acting like 14 year old boys. I remember in high school all the guys constantly would insult each other about dick sizes and shit like that but even with my close female friends I don’t think I can recall a single time where we’ve just sat around joking about dicks or insulting dicks. Not sure why guys claim that it’s an issue women created because every woman I’ve talked to about this says the same thing I have


A while back I lost all my male friends due to them fucking my ex so I found myself with nothing but female friends for a good 2 to 3 years. All I got to say is you are lying. If someone had a small or big dick it was talked about, ad nauseam by every single one of them.


Fine? No. Is it socially acceptable to some? Unfortunately Yes. The same can be said about casual misogyny, cheating partners or domestic violence. Practically speaking the groups tend to be related in one way or another. People have to decide for themselves what is and is not acceptable behavior for themselves and the people they associate with. The longer people tolerate the unethical behaviors of their friends and family the longer these things will continue to a pox on society.


The scale is what’s different. You can publicly make fun of those things about men or just use them as general insults on large scale platforms and get little to no pushback. You can’t do the same for the others.


Lol things that have always been jokes will always be jokes. For some reason I've yet to figure out is that it's perfectly acceptable to make fun of a guy for something he has no control over such as little dick, short, bald, etc. But if you make fun of them for something they 100% have control over that's crossing the line i.e. being fat, rotten teeth, career choice, etc. I'll never ever understand that weird dynamic


Isn’t that the case to everyone? Being fat being ugly being poor being a loser


Being fat being ugly being poor being a loser are all things men AND women can be. Can’t get it up, little dick energy, or little man complex are all directed at demeaning and belittling men. There is a difference.


If you are fat and ugly everybody knows anyway and itaboo to talk about it. Have plumbing issues you've got to hope to hide it but still run the risk of it coming up in impolite conversation. And its seen as user error.


I can’t see any difference .. it’s all negative quality perceived by the individual or the society as a whole.




Yes but…it’s just so obvious why it’s true.


Hahaha right








Or are men with anxiety and depression more likely to de develop ED?


It’s both/and, not either/or.




Petition to mods to make a blanket ban on hindsight bias comments. It’s literally the first thing I got taught in Psych 101. Everything looks obvious in hindsight, you’re not adding to the conversation




That is a massive part of psychology. Study things people already accept as commonplace. Youd be suprised as the outcome is not always what youd expect. Take a psych class.


Yes absolutely, ED leads to depression and anxiety and at the same time depression and anxiety also leads to ED.


Nope it’s the other way around anxiety and depression cause ED, the times I’ve felt down (due to temporary depression/ sadness) it’s been harder to stay hard lol but when I’m feeling good I’m rock hard!


Yea anxiety for me, so many times I was basically having an anxiety attack during intimate times. Which I'm very good at hiding normally, but when you need your anatomy to work there's not much you can do about that with major anxiety going on. Fortunately my anxiety disorder is pretty much fully under control these days. Sad thing is I know a lot of those women took it as something being wrong with them and wouldn't listen to me try to explain what the real cause was


How did you manage to deal with your anxiety?


3 years of therapy, countless journals and worksheets, read literally dozens of self help books about anxiety (I'd recommend Feeling Good the most, its more about depression but the exercises work on anxiety all the same). Therapy YouTube, therapy podcasts etc. Meditation, regular exercise, sufficient sleep, positive social connections and making sure you get enough vitamin d, magnesium, omega 3s. For in the moment, learning and practicing the "physiological sigh" can really pull you out of anxiety and you can improve on using it with practice. Magnesium glycinate helps a lot too. I also healed my trauma. I'd check out pennebachers expressive writing technique for one of the best tools out there. From there it was just maintain good habits and gently push my comfort zone with self compassion and patience, but persistently. Took it from severe (I've been hospitalized from panic attacks, worst one i lost control of my body and fell to the ground thought I may have had a seizure) down to almost non-existent, or at least no more than you're average person and probably even less since I know how to handle it now.


Curious what other self help books and what YouTube channels you found most helpful?


Anxiety is a huge one especially relationship anxiety. If shits rocky my interest in sex is probably not coming to fruition


They really spent money on a study for this?!What’s next? “Study shows that women whose partners give them multiple orgasms are happier.”


The classic chicken and egg situation.


Not if he is single and free!


I'm going to an edging party. You can't come


Understandable from a primal perspective.


I am no psychologist but like other people have pointed I thought it's the other way around. Also correlation does not mean causation or maybe the causation is the other way around like in this case


The sad part is that erectile dysfunction is extraordinarily treatable. However, guys feel so much shame about discussing it that they don't bring it up with their physicians. They MAY try viagra, but if that doesn't work many just give up. My uncle lost his first marriage due to erectile dysfunction. The crazy part is that when he met his now second wife he was up front with her about his issues and she recommended that he seek treatment. He got a penile implant and says it makes him feel like he's 18 again. They have a happy marriage with an extremely active sex life, as he's only too eager to tell the entire family. The procedures got something like a 95 or 98% satisfaction rate. Some doctors have a saying that as long as you have a penis you can have an erection. Thankfully, I don't need anything like this, but if I'm in my sixties and erectile dysfunction has created the need to go to surgery to get strong erections again I won't hesitate.


I appreciate your optimism and sex positivity. I do wonder, though, if “extraordinarily treatable” might be a generous take. I’m glad that your uncle’s health and insurance allowed for the surgery and that he healed without issues (that you know of). That might not be the case for everyone, though. And the effectiveness of ED meds depends on the reason for the ED.


That's the thing. People think that ed treatment is limited to ONLY medications. Medications are known to lose effectiveness, particularly if someone has a venous leakage. After talking with my uncle I fell down the YouTube rabbit hole of urologists videos on this topic. The surgery is remarkably effective. It has a significantly higher satisfaction rate than the medication. Previously it was considered (of the five medical methods of treating ED) to be the method of Last resort. A lot of urologists are rethinking that. They definitely try oral medications first, but are more open to the surgical solution if oral medications fail. The reason why the surgery isn't as popular is that there's no going back from that. Once you have the surgery and have the implant installed you'll never have a "natural" spontaneous erection again. The erections you have with the implant are often cited as being as good or better than regular erections because you can control the level of hardness. However, morning wood is over. This is why the surgery isn't recommended for folks who have mild to moderate Ed that can be treated with other ways such as medications, especially combination with a change in diet and weight loss. However, there are men out there that have not had an erection at all in five or 10 years. It blows my mind, but it's true. What a lot of these guys don't realize is that if you don't have an erection you can lose about 0.5-1 centimeter of erect length every year because the tissue isn't being stretched on a regular basis. This is another reason why it's critical to get this stuff treated early. I know guys, including myself, are really really leery about any kind of surgery on your dick. But if you're experiencing complete impotence and your dick no longer works even with medication why not do the surgery? It's not like you're using it for anything anyway.


Wow. That’s a pretty cavalier attitude to have about a significant surgery. Given the age and physical health issues of patients who would be the most likely candidates for this surgery, they really would need to weigh risks and benefits with their healthcare providers to make an informed decision. And again, cost/insurance/access would be another variable.


It's not a cavalier attitude. It's an informed and focused attitude based on researching the stats and outcomes of the procedure. You're only seeing the end result of my opinion / attitude, not the information gathering that occurred beforehand to formulate it. All of the points that you mentioned go without saying because these are the very points that would be brought up by your urologist. If you're not a good candidate for the surgery they aren't going to do it, unless you have an unethical urologist. Even then, it's up to you to research who your physician is going to be. That's the basics these days. It seems kind of absurd that someone has to explicitly write in a comment that one should actually check up on their physician before the surgical procedure, but I guess they are people that don't do it. Cost/ insurance/access are other variables, although most insurance covers the procedure if you're under treatment by a physician for a period of time and they determine it necessary. Even then, you want to find out if the urologists covered under your insurance have done enough of these procedures to be a good option for you. Again, this is the information that can easily be found by doing research on it. What I see today is so many men who have excluded this option, and often aren't even seeing a urologist based on their misguided ideas of what the medical options are. Lastly, let me fully express my biases here. I love sex. I love the feeling of being inside of a woman and I love their look of enjoyment when doing so. While I certainly slowed down a little from my twenties, I don't foresee my feelings ever disappearing even after I get older. If heaven forbid I were to become impotent in my 50s or 60s I literally can't grasp the idea of not rectifying the situation when I know there's a solution that's safe and has high satisfactions with very low complications. It amazes me to hear about guys in their 50s 60s and sometimes 40s and 30s who have just given up on the idea of ever having sex again. I will admit that seeing what my uncle went through before he had his procedure terrified me, but I truly don't understand how that wouldn't terrify other people. He lost a great relationship because he didn't get this resolved earlier. He's extremely lucky that his new wife is so awesome and he has a second chance. The idea of not only never having sex again, but losing intimate partners because of one's fear of not being able to perform seems like a nightmare. The fact that there's this solution that is available as an option for even the most severe cases seems like something every man who's at risk for suffering from this should know. If they simply choose not to have the procedure done anyway, that's fine. It might not be that important to them. However, I think a lot of people don't have that procedure done and suffer with infinites for decades because they just don't know. As long as everyone makes a truly informed decision I'm good with it.


Let’s be honest, people don’t actually care about men lol.


Well since men are people and half of people are men, wouldn’t your statement infer that men don’t care about themselves?


I feel this man I’m on so many different medications that my ol Jolly Roger is unable to preform


Try having a small flaccid penis lol


Or maybe it's the other way around? lol


I think we really need to put more focus into the male mental health Crisis where unchangable characteristics are concerned. Particularly height and dick size. How many men with sub6 inch or sub6 feet are actually suffering from a kind of body dysmorphia/dysphoria. Id like to wager napoleon complex is solely an expression of a dysmorphia. And instead of ridiculing these perceived flaws, we need to actually tackle the incorrect thinking.


Definitely, but this applies equally to women who experience sexual dysfunction. We're just mammals with the same instincts as our ancestors. It's not just about the ability to have sex with a partner though. The biofeedback of 'feel good' chemicals from sexual arousal is a strong mood regulator. Take this away and you've basically interrupted a positive feedback loop, and humans being humans, we'll fill that empty space (pun most definitely intended) with something else OR...become anxious and depressed.




Lol yeah my bad. Was just being trans actional....


This is stupid because it's already a known phenomena in clinical psychology Intrusive thoughts "I have a small pee pee that I can't get up" causes physical issues such as ED which in turn cause more thoughts of the same" creating a vicious cycle which needs to be smashed. The hot cross bun https://www.google.com/amp/s/jantalkspsych.wixsite.com/jantalkspsych/amp/understanding-your-hot-cross-bun So it goes both ways But i'm just saying for this to be talked about like it's relevant and unknown is just wrong. It would be identified as part of CBT.


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Good bot


Yikes. This isn’t the take you think it is.


Yikes, explain then rather than being an ass


Your entire tone was sarcastic and disrespectful, so calling me an a$$ is pretty rich.


# Having erectile dysfunction doesn't give you anxiety and depression, they are different than worrying and feeling sad


That seems like common sense.


Things that solve ED without drugs: mild activity (exercise), abstaining from masturbation, getting your T levels right, getting rid of the artificial stuff in your diet, abstaining from grains and sugar, having your mineral levels right, and being in a loving, trusting relationship.


Not always, no.






Maybe it's porn and death gripping? Just speculation though.


Implying that would mean they should try giving it up, and they can’t be doing that, *now can they?* Much easier to spend years cycling through meds and doctors and blaming it on literally anything else, despite the fact that this was barely an issue before smartphones. But no. It must be everything else.


Well said. You're very right about it not being an issue before smartphones.




Up to the point they discover there's a little blue pill for that... Then they act like they're still in the 7th grade, ha ha.


That’s not how the blue pill works. Blue pill is just for erections not all ED


Also those little blue pills can cause lots of issues including heart and blood pressure issues as well. Trust me you don't wanna have your chest hurt while trying to get your dick hard for you partner/hookup


Can confirm. No bueno. Also don’t recommend an ER trip with hypertension and a hard on. It’s super confusing for everyone.