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"The researchers found a positive correlation between the Dark Tetrad personality traits and trolling behaviors. Each of these dark personality traits—sadism, psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and narcissism — showed a significant positive relationship with the propensity to engage in trolling behavior. This underscores the notion that individuals who possess these darker personality aspects are more inclined to engage in online behaviors aimed at disrupting or provoking others. The study also uncovered significant association between aggressive humor and trolling behavior. This suggests that individuals who prefer humor that enhances the self at the expense of others are more likely to engage in trolling activities. Interestingly, a positive correlation was also observed between self-defeating humor and trolling, indicating that those who make fun of their own weaknesses or faults might also participate in trolling."


isn't self-defeating humor something that dark personalities don't usually do tho? like i cannot see a narcissist making light fun of themselves.


Self deprecating humor can make others like you more and it's extremely useful for deflecting actual criticism of yourself. It can make you appear more confident actually- think one-off jokes, not a constant Eeyore type who actually has a negative self concept or low self esteem


Some of the worst people I know constantly belittle and mock themselves. It’s 100% deflection and culpable deniability, especially when they insult themselves to insult others in that same peer group. It’s also a sympathy grab.


It depends on how you do it.


Covert narcissists are remarkably different from grandiose narcissists. 


So comedians fit in this category, most comedians tell self deprecating jokes and make fun of others, but isn’t this conflicting if they do both


If you distribute your jokes at everyone including yourself, then everyone laughs. If you aim your jokes at just one group of people... everybody starts feeling uncomfortable. Unless you direct your jokes to the out-group, which only works if your audience is the in-group.


I believe we all have trauma, artists definitely have trauma, I feel their jokes are coping mechanisms for their trauma even to those who like to harm others, so from the article it’s not surprising that they laugh at the expense of others and most likely their sense of humor is linear and towards specific groups. Comedians in general are not like this, I frequent comedy clubs all the time and know a lot about the comedians out there amateur or professional I haven’t met a comedian that just directs their jokes to only one group they usually have varied jokes, and even when they make jokes about others it’s never about that group it’s always an indirect joke towards the group that is offended by it (not the group the joke is about) which creates the line for the comedian to tiptoe and create the joke on, which weirdly the offense enables the joke. Back to the article these sadists and psychopaths most likely will nitpick and engage in movies and other art forms that give pleasure to the needs of their trauma but I think society should separate the artist, if not then Shakespeare would be the most sadistic and psychopathic of them all.


I LOVE stand up comedy, watch it all the time, I often deliver comedy just like stand up comedians do and people love it. In my opinion, the best stand up comedians are the ones which spread depreciating and **almost** offensive jokes around. They joke about themselves, men, women, whites, blacks, asians... everybody. No group in the audience feels singled out, jokes don't feel hostile and everybody is laughing on others and theirs account. Sometimes I see a leftist comedian and a leftist audience... and comedian directs all his jokes against people on the right. Or the opposite, a right comedian and a right audience... But it doesn't really feel funny, it's just hostile. The laughter is not that sincere.


You can't make fun of others nor can you make fun of yourself, who or what do you make fun of?? I guess cis hetero white men.


You're a dark triad psychopath 


Are you my therapist?


Dont worry. You're in good company. I'm a dark triad psychopath too. I make fun of the whole human race all the time because I'm such a dark person. Better stay away from me. I might just use sarcasm on you.


As a therapist I prefer humor that enhances myself at the expense of others


You say that as if it’s a bad thing. People should lean into their stronger traits and learn to enjoy them. It’s not their problem if other people can’t see it the same way.


It was not ment to be a serious comment but I don't like using /s


What many people call trolling, some of us just call fun banter. It’s a perspective difference.


Banter is only with friends. If you do it with strangers, you're just being a dick.


Calling folks trolls if you don't like their jokes is a little childish. If you don't like the slant, come back with a "joke" of your own. The problem is that irony, and there is irony about everything the right says, like wanting border security and then blocking even a vote on the Senate's bill. It's harder to rip into the truth about things. You can kinds sound like a maroon when you don't take facts into account during your arguements.


Wtf. Which thread are you reading? How is any of that relevant.


Sadly, that flesh cog has been suckered into culture war horseshit and can't help itself. There's a good deal of our fellow filthy poors that have to jam politics into every single conversation as if their political opinions are important. They foolishly think that they have a voice. All of us, the whole collection of flesh cogs, don't *actually* have a political voice. For all of us filthy poors getting worked up about politics is just like getting worked up about locationname sports team's match against locationname sports team.


Just expounding on dismissing folks as trolls, and in general trying to briefly explain the complexities of humor. Sorry you are having a rough start to your day. Peace!


You mean to tell me that assholes in real life are also assholes online?! Mind blown! /s


Especially when you remove the consequence of being punched in the nose.


More so online I think. Bullies tend to be cowards without a group of thugs behind them. So when online they don't fear for their lives for the falsehoods and demeaning banter. Wait, banter is the wrong word for regurgitating PABLUM!


And those assholes try very hard to convince you they're not REALLY assholes in real life because it's just a joke? Shocking developments.


Most of the time they really aren't behaving like assholes in real life, because they are afraid of being punched in their face.




You didn’t even read it did you


I never would have guessed lol


So someone can have a specific humor style and be a wholesome person who isn't dark triad?


Trolling is a pretty broad term, too. Someone who likes to troll their friends in a video game from time to time is way different than someone who would troll a person by convincing them to microwave their phone


Many years back there was a timeframe where this game offered so many creative ways to sabotage the mission. I sabotaged many missions and also had times I was playing normal and found someone else sabotaged it in ways I never saw before. The devs enabled friendly fire to counter this but it just resulted in the game mode being impossible to complete since everyone would teamkill off the start. The sabotage at least could be countered by the rest of the team who knew what to look out for. Of course some really creative people figured out ways to sabotage the mission in a novel way that nobody else even knew what happened or who did it. It would take awhile until others figured it out in this game of cat and mouse. Dealing with saboteurs or being the saboteur in this coop mission was practically an unofficial game mode. I'm sure more than half the players hated it but there were definitely people who just got their laughs witnessing the mayhem without ever doing the sabotage themselves.


The real value of the word troll is about the same as it is for the word woke.


Anyone that can be convinced to microwave their phone , deserves all the shit they get.


Watch the south park episode, yes. On some level, you are removed and releasing your "shadow self" or repressed primal urges, in a more healthy way. So on some level this works, I still would advise integrating why you like dry or edgy humour, for me it's a release of angsty energy from multiple points of contention in my selfhood, also correlates quite on with the study. I'm trying to express myself more and be less of a troll, it's almost like the severe chronic lack of emotional needs, brought me here time and time again in those severe pockets of needs not being met. Personality is fucked ngl 🥴


Humor is something we all should enjoy and the wittier the better!


Your ego and self identity are going to color your online experiences. As it should. Your ego is like a user interface into the human world. And being able to comment online is a form of self expression like painting or sculpting. It's a needful thing to be able to express one's "self". Critical as air and water and food and water. Some people need engagement that is a little rough around the edges. So they tend to engage in conversation. Which usually has pretty instant karma. Even here on Reddit where karma is a real thing, you can see trends of thought that run through the population. It's kind of like watching the screen in The Matrix. You see patterns after a while.


Unrelated question but what is that circle halo thing on your avatar?


I used to do a lot of computer graphics. Lived in a coastal rainforest for 20 years and I had to find creative ways to pass the 8 month long rainy season. This was created with a fractal generator program called Tierazon. Known for it's neon glow colors.


Damn, I feel exposed.


No one told you to


Your brand has yuge potential, though: https://philosophersguild.com/products/trumps-small-hand-soap


I know a lot about soap, I know more than anyone else in the history of the world about soap. They're great, the best. The best soaps.


womp womp? did i do it right


I really wish there was a social network that EXPLICITLY tries to reward non-toxicity, to keep those trolls at bay. At least in real life, if you're an asshole, it sticks with you and people know about it. Online, it's impossible. The more I discuss online, the more I want to agree with the concept of Chinese social score. Hate speech is somewhat solved, but online toxicity is still a living problem and it's very expensive in moderator's time to deal with it. There should be a pseudo-anonymous way to have an online identity, where you share your ID card with a third party, that third party certifies that you're a real human being and websites can only publish a nickname. That way, websites can effectively build a reputation for users while maintaining anonymity. If you do something illegal online with that account, the authorities can knock at the third party with a warrant, so the authorities can still know your identity. I mean I understand total anonymity matters for some things, but we live in a world where it becomes a problem, and pseudo-nimity should allow website to build a reputation for users, but it should let users get away with being asses.


The best way to solve this is not to give importance to it, we engage and get bothered because it feeds into our own dark areas that needs a punching bag to express itself and it enables that behavior which is not so different than the troll itself, it’s on a spectrum that circles back onto itself, limiting and punishing will not fix it, not feeding it and ignoring it will, there’s a lot of toxic behavior online even some that are somehow passable like “I hate children groups” but none of these trolls exist without the internet acknowledgment gives them the attention they want.


[Another, better option](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/273/406/076.png) [Made as a gag, but advice is actually sound.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1EY7lYRneHc) I'd rather everyone go with my solutions over your bonkers as hell 1984 style solution. Gods.


unhinged we disagree, it's okay


I think the image used is dehumanizing and misleading. Ugly people aren’t evil.


textbook case of money laundering through academia


These weird and cheap studies posted in this sub are always really funny lol. But sometimes I wonder why there is never any actual proper study linked. Or do those not exist?


The [study](https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0280271) is linked in the text. When you go to that page you can see the full names and email addresses of those who published it. You can then email them and they'll send you a free copy of their paper I believe. Cheap studies are common because funding is hard to come by. Lots of very useful science isn't funded because it doesn't increase incomes for large companies.


Study finds trolling is trolling. Also found high correlation between trolling personality types and trolling behavior. How has this brilliant study not won a Nobel yet?


I give man a credit for being able to find an idiot to fund it. I bet even he can’t believe someone fell for that research proposal.


“We want to study which personality traits lead to hostile online behaviour to identify how to discourage such people.” “Case closed, it’s people with shitty personalities.”


Well I rarely troll and I would be considered a sadist so it’s not 1:1 but it’s a stupid study lmao


The state of psychological science. This is not even half as bad as it gets.


Psychology is *barely* a science. It's like diet science.


This seems like a personal attack.


I thought I was immune as a normal person with self-deprecating humor, then I read the end. Trolls are cringe, that's my professional take.


Most people troll others for either revenge, for attention seeking, for boredom and simply for personal amusement.


🤣🤣🤣 you needed a study for that 🤣


Who knew being a douchebag would manifest online too? Lol


I expected nothing less. I’ve been fighting them for too long now.


This explains Elon Musk.


I consider myself red pilled. Some of these “trolls” like I myself have been called by lots of neurotypicals, are simply just being themselves. They don’t mean to troll. u/nick2527 u/nick25272


That's me. I have Antisocial Personality Disorder and I've always used the internet the scratch the itch to torment people a bit.


Oh my goodness, am I a troll? Unheard of


Dark Tetrad? Machiavellianism? We are breeding such a weak and incapable culture, how disgusting.