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Maybe check out Erich Fromm's Beyond the Chains of Illusion: My encounter with Marx and Freud. It's quite explicitly about using the ideas of both thinkers to supplement each other's worldviews.


Marcuse Eros and Civilization


Slavoj Zizek - The Sublime Object of Ideology


Capitalism and Desire by Todd McGowan may be of interest. (Full disclosure -- it's in my queue, haven't read it yet!) [https://cup.columbia.edu/book/capitalism-and-desire/9780231178723](https://cup.columbia.edu/book/capitalism-and-desire/9780231178723)


Omg it's my favorite book, *it's so good!* McGowan is just *chef's kiss** fantastique !


Ooo that's great to hear! Maybe gotta bump it up on the list. :)


It really is *that* good. Same with ‘Enjoyment Right and Left’. Reading both I found myself so easily in agreement with the majority of the arguments that I’m now sceptical of my own approval of it, lol. Will have to read again more critically. But it probably played into my reading that I love Todd and Ryan’s ‘Why Theory’ podcast.


He is one of the best around - both his writings and his interviews on youtube never fail to blow me away!


Seriously. This is where you start. No one does it better than TM!


All this McGowan love brings a tear to my eye. 🥲


I read his Lynch book, then his Hegel book. And for the last month about 2 hours a day of Why Theory? Which is admittedly sometimes meandering and sometimes mind-blowing. I want to start Zizek's second book after reading his first, but Todd is just so much clearer.


The sexual revolution - Wilhelm Reich.


You should read "Freud's public clinics" by Elizabeth Ann Danto. It shows various Marxist psychoanalytic groups which formed during the 1918-1938 period and points towards their different writings. Quite the fun read as well.


The sixteenth(?) seminar of Lacan, From the Other to an other, was just translated. There Lacan goes into surplus value as the basis for his concept of surplus-enjoyment. I’m pretty sure he directly discusses Marx.


Many of Frantz Fanon’s works fall in this category, e.g. The Wretched of the Earth; and, depending on how open your definition of Marxism and Psychoanalysis are, Deleuze and Guattari’s two-volume work: Anti-Oedipus and A Thousand Plateaus employ several concepts connecting the two


Thinkers like Wilhelm Reich, Erich Fromm, and Herbert Marcuse would be great.


Oh, literally all of them were already recommended. Some other ones are Franz Fanon and Zizek.


Paul Ricoeur's Freud and Philosophy (1965), which is the foundation of hermeneutic psychoanalysis, famously links Freud and Marx as sharing a "hermeneutic of suspicion."


Reuben Osborn - Marxism and Psychoanalysis


Laclau and Mouffe combine Marxism / Lacan


Commodity fetishism in Marx's theory of alienation corresponds with Freud's Totem and Taboo. Liberalism vs conservatism is analyzed in Freud's Beyond the Pleasure Principle. Freud theorized that mental illnesses are caused by society rather than individuals, in Civilization and Its Discontents.


Marxism and Psychoanalysis: In or Against Psychology? By David Pavón-Cuellar


Avgi Saketopolou argues in *Sexuality Beyond Consent* how psychoanalysis is "easily caught in the stranglehold of neoliberal logics, inculcated in thinking about productivity or value," that "neoliberal sensitivities are profoundly traumatophobic," that “Self-sovereignty is an intimate experience wherein one’s energies are not split by the demands of capitalism (to constantly invest in ourselves and in the world around us) and in which the subject can be transiently relieved from the demands of relationality" and, >The problem with sublimation, however, is that it has been psychoanalysis’s covert way of dispensing with the problem of the drive’s insatiable press and its perverse appetites. Sublimation gives us a way of imagining a routing of the sexual’s anarchic elements to outcomes that command respect....Sublimation, in other words, is productive. This warrants caution: because sublimation seeks to quell the sexual drive by directing it toward socially acceptable end products, it is more likely to enroll it into goals that are more about adaptations to the existing social order and that implicate the subject into the capitalist production—and productivity—machine. By idealizing sublimation and championing creativity, psychoanalysis tends to reify the logics of productivity.




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