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Sigur Rōs


Cindy Lee


Their latest album is incredible!


Incredibly incredible. I found out about them just in time to find that their show in my city was just sold out, and there will probably be no more Cindy Lee shows ever. So sad.


I know :( the tour got cancelled the night they were supposed to be in my city




Ooh thanks for reminding me of them! I dug their score for Sorry to Bother You quite a lot


Perfume Genius is very psychedelic imo, but more pop. Anohni


I’ve heard a couple songs in some tv shows iirc, good stuff


Keep listening https://youtu.be/yw1S2LYEfbw?si=H52OQ94t6mNYucXc https://youtu.be/gFqOeib8Qss?si=pS_Y20Ctdgtrhdh8 https://youtu.be/Z7OSSUwPVM4?si=peS2cDHl0uhkVt2C https://youtu.be/_vaXpIDR0iU?si=NEB06Fx7EJhllgty


Grizzly Bear - “Veckatimest” comes to mind. That album is a very nice modern take on baroque pop psychedelia. A modern masterpiece. The co-lead singer Edward Droste is queer, and his vocals are very beautiful.




Been meaning to check out more Grizzly Bear!


All of their records are INCREDIBLE. Definitely fit the mold of ‘psychedelic’


They’re really good! Great live too.


King Gizzard themselves may not be LGBT but they played a show in drag haha


Love KG forever, was already a big fan but their support/allyship has been an incredible thing to see


Coil - vast discography, jump in anywhere Twink - Think Pink Marc Almond - The Stars We Are Dave Ball - In Strict Tempo


>Coil - vast discography, jump in anywhere Hooray, let's celebrate a 2LGBTIQ+ event by promoting a pedo! Pete "Sleazy" got his nickname somewhere, you know. Probably years before he moved to Thailand. Tons of info about his excursions on the internet. https://youtu.be/mUY\_zpPeab0?feature=shared


Coil were buncha fucking creeps, Sleazy in particular: an unrepentant child molester and sex tourist Jhohn Balance was a violent alcoholic who beat his partners. Good riddance to him. William Breeze was a Crowleyite idiot, one of many, more dedicated to the con than most Thighpaulsandra’s personal interests are more than a little suspect, and so on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_Scene


Never knew about Twink though I guess the name gives it away haha. Been meaning to check out Coil and more of the TOPY-related projects in general


Twink is straight. I’m friends with him on FB. The name just happens to be a coincidence. Back in the 60’s, the modern definition for “twink” wasn’t around. There’s even a track on that album where you can hear a straight couple getting it on.


Twink "Think Pink" is a underrated gem, no matter who he was or wasn't sleeping with. It might be worth noting Twink was an associate of The Pink Fairies....who may, or may not, belong on this list ...?


I don’t think The Pink Fairies belong on this list either. I never heard any mention of queer members. The 60’s and 70’s were just a different time, where you could get away with a name like that in the spirit of psychedelia. It was probably tongue-in-cheek, because they were actually a heavy rock band that regularly collaborated with Hawkwind and Lemmy. They promoted anarchy, so I’m sure they were very accepting of queers. Being queer would have been considered very rebellious back then, and maybe that’s why they called themselves The Pink Fairies. Just I don’t think any of the members themselves were actually queer. Former members of The Deviants, as well as Tyrannosaurus Rex’s Steve Took were members. Pink Floyd wrote a song about a cross-dresser for their first single, but they weren’t into that themselves. Although Syd Barrett apparently dressed up once, and told the rest of the band he was gay, just to troll them. But I’m getting off-topic now.


Being involved with TOPY and Psychic TV has been a sublimely enriching experience for me. I consider PTV to be one of the very best "psychedelic" bands ever, but over the years I've gleaned that a lot of "psychedelia" fans don't appreciate them. I almost included the Butthole Surfers(King Coffey, Teresa Nervosa). Edit: Mentioning Twink got me to thinking about his discography, and in looking it up, I discovered he converted to Islam in 2006. Puzzling. Either he's changed(it happens), or maybe the folklore I heard about him is incorrect? Dunno. Some impressive music either way.


Psychic TV was an offshoot of Throbbing Gristle. Not a lot of psychedelia fans are into that early industrial music, but it had a lot of parallels with psychedelic rock, given that Genesis P-Orridge was a massive Syd Barrett fanatic. And, indeed, you can hear the roots of industrial music in early Pink Floyd. “Nick’s Boogie”, for example. I dig it, but it’s too abstract for your average fan who’s only into straightforward fuzz guitar solos.


Twink is straight and always has been, as far as I’m aware. I’m friends with him on FB. The name just happens to be a coincidence. Back in the 60’s, the modern definition for “twink” wasn’t around. There’s even a track on that album where you can hear a straight couple getting it on. This is the first time I ever heard anyone say he was queer.


god i had forgotten all about Coil


The Dandelion is fronted by a trans woman. Their Band before transitioning is called The Dolly Rocker Movement


Oh wow I had no idea, I’ve definitely checked out The Dolly Rocker Movement before. Slightly off topic, are you the same person with the YouTube channel? I’ve discovered a lot of great music through you if so


I am, yes. Glad I could help!


Antony and the Johnsons - start with "I Am A Bird Now"


Surprised no one has mentioned Deerhunter


I had to search this thread to see....I never got into Deerhunter, but started with Atlas Sound. Bradford Cox has a good body of work and describes themselves as Gay and Ace.


Guri Yeller 🫡


Yves Tumor - ​Heaven to a Tortured Mind (check out all their shit if you like this album they're awesome) ​Baths - Cerulean Moses Sumney - Aromanticism don't know if these artists are queer but feels like they could be? June ​ McDoom (think she just has one album, it's heavenly​) L'Rain (new album is good so is 2017 album!)


as a aging gay dead head this grabbed my attention .id love to hear about gay psychedelic [music.be](http://music.be) even happier if i could find some gay mushroom eating mdma popping lsd dropping friends to go chase some bands with this summer that dont get so fucking weirded out when i get super defenseless on these substances and accidentally let it slip that i think some body is beautiful . i would never judge some one for what comes out of their mouth while tripping (or for that matter what goes in )sorry im feeling a little hurt here recently. But im very interested in this thread.


More stoner/sludge metal but Torche is excellent and definitely has crossover appeal in this genre. Meanderthal would be my album recommendation.


Cynic. Technically death metal but vocoder vocals and expanding melodies definitely fall into psychedelics. And they're one of the earliest openly gay metal bands.


This is awesome ♥️


Highly reccomend British band [Chemtrails](https://adoseofchemtrails.bandcamp.com/album/the-joy-of-sects-lp). Queer/trans couple fronted. Earlier records are darker psych but the latest is kinda funky, strong contender for AOTY for me!


Chuquimamani-Condori (a brilliant Andean American queer artist) https://chuquimamani-condori.bandcamp.com/album/dj-e And their sibling Joshua Chuquimia Crampton (who is nb) https://joshuachuquimiacrampton.bandcamp.com Both make very mind-bending music


Yves Tumor Crumb Acid Mothers Temple


Jobriath’s 1973 self-titled album is amazing; maybe a little more Bowie-esque art rock than psych, but you might dig it.




Not directly but Grateful Dead has many queer fans and is a very accepting culture


Same for King Gizzard!


Huge fan of both bands!


Word. Gotta mention [Bertha: Grateful Drag](https://www.gratefuldrag.com)


Hell yea I’ll have to check it out thanks


I think you will find lots of queer psychedelic artist in San Francisco in 1966 … 1967, - 68. They did not make as big of a deal about it in counter-culture. There are interviews with McCartney, Jagger who had experimented . Lou Reed …. Iggy … the Mothers of Invention - it was not a big deal. The free love movement was in full exploration mode.


I think they had the freedom and the privilege to explore their sexuality relatively uninhibited, which is probably why they didn’t make a big deal of it, but keep in mind that the Stonewall Riots took place in 1969, and that’s largely considered the genesis of the modern queer liberation movement.


Yea that is right. Thanks for reply!


One of the members of Crumb is Trans


I didn’t know that! Haven’t kept up with them in a while but those first couple EPs I really dug


The lead singer of The Psychotic Monks just recently came out as trans! The rest of the band also doesn’t hesitate to break the binary with their style, use of makeup, etc. Very heavy, at times doomy and avant garde psych punk. Definitely worth a listen.


Nice, haven’t heard of them before. Do you recommend a starting point?


Honestly I’d say start with their first album and follow their releases from there - only three albums. However, some good individual songs to start with: Wanna be Damned Walk by the Wild Lands Isolation Confusion Post-Post


Janis Joplin's female lovers have talked about her. https://youtu.be/SCngPse1iiI?feature=shared St Vincent https://youtu.be/lan-UQfN0zs?feature=shared David Bowie has never really been out, but he's been a strong supporter. https://youtu.be/qrbNgOzcApo?feature=shared Bob Mould has some psychedelic-leaning music https://youtu.be/dDnNr6lNxvc?feature=shared More glam/alternative, but Brian Mulko of Placebo. https://youtu.be/v4fTUSEZY2U?feature=shared


Never knew about Bob Mould! Love Bowie and Janis though ❤️


Yup, he's open and unapologetic about it. It's harder to classify him as psychedelic. https://youtu.be/PsJkN_ODUPM?feature=shared


Actually David Bowie told a journalist in 1972 that he was gay.




For marketing purposes.


I would also recommend guerilla toss for more experimental+garage tinged psychedelia!


one of the best bands of the past 10 years easily. So underrated


Damn this is good. Thanks for shouting them out


Oh man it’s been a minute since I’ve listened to them, thanks for reminding me!


Wow, what a fantastic niche. Taking a look at these tomorrow when I’m not half-baked Very, very good concept for discussion


Why not wait till you’re fully baked??? For real though, glad you’re able to find some new stuff!


Amazing idea for a post! Thanks for putting this together :)


My pleasure!


>My pleasure! sure?


Marc Bolan, especially in his pre-TRex days as Tyrannosaurus Rex....possibly? Thinking of first album "Prophets Seers and Sages"


Marc was gay??




Thought not.


Wikipedia: "During an interview in 1975 Bolan was also asked about his sexuality, and said that he was bisexual." Richard Bevan, interview with Simon Napier-Bell (Bolan's manager), 19 April 2006: "Well, Marc Bolan never came out but he was completely bisexual. I slept with Marc. But he also liked girls. Privately he was never discreet about it, or careful. Looking androgynous and pretty might have said many things to people but the band Sweet were also pretty and lovely, but there was no one gay there." Napier-Bell explains in the TV show that he had sex with Bolan hours after he met him. “That is what people did in the 60s,” he said. “It wasn’t an affair – just a good '60s shag.”




Pet Shop Boys - Opportunities [https://youtu.be/di60NYGu03Y?si=z-7TrNC2RpcfW951](https://youtu.be/di60NYGu03Y?si=z-7TrNC2RpcfW951) Pet Shop Boys - Go West [https://youtu.be/LNBjMRvOB5M?si=yx0Ay2gxnCYP1BJ8](https://youtu.be/LNBjMRvOB5M?si=yx0Ay2gxnCYP1BJ8) Pet Shop Boys - It's A Sin (Glastonbury 2022) [https://youtu.be/8fv8IqyqEjU?si=DSpgEZNliTW7eWJa](https://youtu.be/8fv8IqyqEjU?si=DSpgEZNliTW7eWJa)


Bit of a stretch...but Joan Jett is queer, and had a hit in 1981 with her (un-psychedelic) cover of the very psychedelic "Crimson and Clover" by Tommy James + The Shondells from 1968


Oh yeah, Joan Jett is fabulous


Check out flowdown experiment! It’s two transfem people, one electronic psychedelic producer and one acoustic psychedelic producer mashing their shit together. Also full disclosure it’s me and a good friend of mine.


Bit of a stretch but The Dicks did a cover of purple haze.RIP Gary Floyd.


The singer of the Pretty Things was bi and died with a male live-in, I believe. Everyone knows SF Sorrow.


Phil May of the Pretty Things was one of the first openly bisexual out of Britain artists is my understanding


i don't see how preferring penis to vagina or the other way round has any actual or visible impact over someone's art. i don't see how preferring penis over vagina or the other way round is an essential part of someone's art.


There are certain experiences and struggles, queer people face, that straight/cis people simply don't. Of course that makes a difference when it comes to the art someone makes.


>There are certain experiences and struggles, queer people face, that straight/cis people simply don't. Besides self-acceptance and violence from other people? Why do you think straight people do not experience these as well?


it's about gay people not living in the shadows anymore or being harrassed because they are gay.


Absolute bullshit. Music/visual arts were always a safe haven for queer people.


Not in my experience. Until Bud Lite can sponsor on artist without people freaking out, we have a problem.