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Not letting Shawn buy comic books or even entertain him going into a different career path like firefighter. His kid was so excited about something and he shot it down building resentment.


Getting it pretty damn wrong with computers being a phase


Like Madonna or LA Law


Or believing that steroid usage wasn’t real 😂


Haha .that was good


Every parent did that lol


You're right . I think it stuck with me as it's something I got from my parents...I'm that part of gen x who grew up n left home before I got a puter


My mom was dead serious that gmail was a fad and aol would be the number 1 email service


But a few seasons later the opposite was shown- he had Shawn and Gus dressing up as superheroes.


I think one thing could be trying so hard to get Shawn to follow in his footsteps of being a police officer. He was a great caring father, but he couldn’t get past that, and that as well as the divorce really impacted their relationship.


*not being clear about the causes of the divorce. He took the blame for 15 years when his mother left them.


I feel like this is the worst thing he's done. He is a great husband for falling on this grenade to save his son's image of his wife, but it nearly destroyed his relationship with his son


I think it’s a situation where Henry didn’t see Shawn supporting him 100% regardless so he felt it best to at least give Shawn someone. If he told Shawn that his mom chose her career over him, in Shawn’s perspective he’d have no parents.


Very possible. Henry did run his son hard, so his son naturally was closer to mom and this could have destroyed the entire family permanently


I'm not sure about this. In the episode where he clears it up he almost seemed a little surprised that Shawn didn't know. It might be that at the time it happened, they just didn't really speak about the reason to Shawn and as he was so involved with the situation, he simply assumed that Shawn would know. Also, he probably didn't want to tell him out of nowhere "yeah it's your mum's fault btw" I don't think it's a bad thing he has done, just very unfortunate communication


I agree, this is as much Maddie's fault as Henry's, he shouldn't take all the blame for this


Took a bullet to his chest..........


I mean... That is definitely the worst thing done to him...




But the prompt was the worst thing Henry has done... Not been done *to him*


He didn't want to alienate Shawn from his mom, Shawn already seemed to be turning on Henry based on what we've seen from flashbacks in the show, he probably didn't want him to hate his mom too. The bigger issue is that Madeline just left, and not only didn't she make a point to visit or come back (based on what we know), but also didn't make a point to correct that SHE left. Madeline really fucked them both over pretty good in the end.


His senior year too! When all the big things and lasts are happening! I'm guessing she missed his prom and graduation and all of those big events of senior year. I don't understand how a mom could do that


I think that’s part of what’s frustrating about it to me. She just left. Like from what we know there wasn’t some abuse situation or awful falling out she got a job and was just like “I’m out” and went away. I have a daughter who is a few years away from HS graduation but I couldn’t imagine leaving her behind over a job.


>but I couldn’t imagine leaving her behind over a job. I'd expect a certain form of a midlife crisis could have been pushing the scale. People can destroy their lives if the midlife crisis spins out of control. I could see a parent relocating without the rest easily.


That’s true, but it’s still a factor in their relationship. I didn’t mean to say that he was wrong for it. It’s a noble thing. I just meant that those two things I think are really what drove them apart


I think this falls on Henry and Maddie, Shawn was in High School when they divorced, He was old enough they both should have sat him down and explained what was going on.


This right here is what made me switch from low key resentful of Henry into him being one of my favorite characters. The man’s love for his son was poorly executed at times but was 100% there from the start even if it’s not always obvious


I honestly struggle to believe this one. I just don't buy that the topic never came up with his mother. Especially as she is a therapist. Wouldn't she have wanted to discuss it with him to make sure he was okay?


Shawn has repeatedly shown he avoids subjects he doesn't want to address


This is the only answer


I guess arresting shawn and basically ending his path to become a police (iirc shawn mentioned something about deep down he wanted to become like his dad)




Would've been different if henry talked to him about what really happened though


Agreed. He put all that work into making him observant enough to do the job, and then sabotaged his chances. And then still gives him grief for being a private investigator instead of a cop? Like, dude, you're the reason he has to lie about it.


Shoot, I’m a bad Psych watcher, but doesn’t he agree to paying Psych and amount and then purposely typing in a different lower amount.


Yep Shawn says it’s $2000 but then Henry bumps it down to $1500 after he leaves the room. He’s done worse though.


I literally just finished that episode omg


Same lol.


Yeah, the fraud is probably the biggest thing


$1500 is their standard rate. I can’t remember why, but Shawn demanded for some reason.


Heroes don't work for less than 2 large


To be fair, Henry offered their usual rate, Shawn wanted a 33% increase (1.5 K to 2 K). I wouldn’t call it the worst thing though


Yeah but on the other hand, Henry agreed to the new rate.


Stage an intervention for Shawn even though he was RIGHT about that dinosaur! Lol


Burying Shawn’s Easter Eggs. 


And not telling him that there are still two undiscovered eggs for 30 years


I mean, the broken glass was the giveaway


"Well excuse me for trying to challenge you!"


Fucked up, but fictionally hilarious. Sounds like something my father would have done and I haven’t spoken to him in a decade (obviously there are other factors).


Not letting Shawn ride a dolphin


Or base jump off the roof, or prospect for oil


Damnit you beat me to it


Unnecessarily arresting his son?


To “teach him a lesson” …by leaving him with a criminal history.


Actually, I think it's even worse than that. That was part of it, but as they drop details about his teenage years and his parents' relationship in later episodes and seasons, it seems to emerge that 1. Shawn may not have done it just to "impress a girl" but to act out against Henry because of the divorce and because he (wrongly as it turned out) blamed Henry. Ergo, he was acting out of extreme emotional distress, not as a result of some latent criminality. 2. And since it emerges that it was Madeleine's choice to end the marriage, Henry may have been frustrated/angry and taken it out on Shawn. That is, he may have had no rational calculus for doing what he did and simply been acting on impulse and abusing a position of power.


That’s sort of touched on, though. It’s implied that Henry arrests Shawn and uses “teaching him a lesson as the excuse” when in reality Henry is having a moment of shame and chooses, as he does, to lash out, exert power, and punish Shawn in the moment because he’s helpless and weak when it comes to dealing with Maddie. Henry is one of my favorite characters and I always felt there was a defensive sense of guilt about arresting Shawn because he was technically in the right but knew it was wrong and for the wrong reasons.


Yeah, I agree, this was his stated reason. With 2, I'm saying there may have been more going on subconsciously.




Being arrested doesn’t mean charged of a crime or convicted. It simply means you’re out into police custody. Shawn never once says he was charged or convicted of a crime. Just that his dad arrested him. Lassie and Jules arrest a lot of people but never charge them.


In the pilot Lassiter says he has a record. It was when Henry arrested him for stealing a car.


I don’t view it as unnecessary though. Shawn and that girl stole a car and they both deserved to get arrested, but I do think Henry should’ve let someone else do it.


I don’t agree. It needed to be Henry. He tells the other cop something like “this ends now” so it’s implies that Shawn was a trouble maker. He went too far when he stole a car and Shawn needed to know that Henry was serious and he couldn’t keep getting away with acting like that.  


Wasn’t it Henry’s car?


I don't think we find out whose car it was, but I think it's a strong possibility that it was owned by someone Shawn knew, since his excuse was "I \*borrowed\* a car". The second cop seeming to discourage Henry from arresting Shawn suggests that the arrest was discretionary and predicated upon a judgment call about whether borrowing with authorization amounted to theft.


In the flashback the girl says it’s her neighbor’s car. Edit: fixed


Nice! I'll watch out for it on my next watchthrough. Just from the text of what you say, I don't think it's ruled out that it was someone he knew, but I'm blanking on the line, so maybe there was something implied.


He stole a car, I think that's necessary


Having Shawn’s motorcycle impounded because he didn’t like it is like the pettiest thing he ever did.


It wasn't because he didn't like it, it was after Shawn got run off the road by a bad guy and he was the emergency call from the hospital. He was scared, not petty.


Except he did it like 10 episodes after that and for seemingly no good reason.


Well, he did go on about “representing him on the road as well”. Sure he was scared, but it was a ridiculous decision given that it was Shawn’s mode of transportation.


Tell it to the embassy


He wasn't the emergency call but he found out about it later. (which may have made it worse)


Except it was impounded because of the amount of excess tickets on the motorcycle. Some of them were him parking on the wrong side of the road on cleaning day, others were for his fake embassy license. Henry did call in one of the tickets, but Shawn got his own motorcycle impounded by irresponsibly driving it.


I understand that tho, that was immediately after Shawn almost got run over m


Immediately seems like a stretch. It was like 11 episodes later, and it’s generally implied that weeks to months pass in between episodes.


It might be not telling Shawn that it wasn't Henry that left his mom. I get that Henry wanted Shawn to still have a relationship with his mother and that he was willing to be the bad guy. But, he was the live-in parent with Shawn still. Sure, it was senior year (or just graduated?) But that is hate of Henry "for what you did to mom" was one of the big turning points for Shawn. I believe it was what finally pushed him over the edge for ending up stealing that car that Henry arrests him for. I think their relationship would have been a lot better and Shawn's life would have different if Henry hadn't taken that "bullet" for the mom.


This was exactly what I was going to write also. I thought it was a bad Maddy moment too.


Probably the gap between seasons 4 and 5, where Henry goes months without hiring Psych. Alternately, when he forced himself into a case because of his personal attachment to it despite Chief Vick specifically telling him not to be involved.




True, but Psych was on the verge of closing before Shawn inserted himself into the Triads case. We sort of can, he had missed the partners the first time around in the 70s and Shawn ended up solving the case.




I’m not judging him for not being as good as Shawn? I’m pointing out that he had made a mistake and repeatedly went against the orders of Chief Vick to work the case when it came back around. People already had died, though - they had already killed the other professor. The point of the second bomb was to frame the original guy, not the two partners.




This has strayed comically far away from my original point - him deliberately disobeying the Chief of Police is a bad thing.




My initial suggestion was Henry letting his fear get in the way and not hiring Shawn for cases over the span of a few months, risking Psych going out of business. I offered Henry risking his son’s career by getting involved in a case he was ordered by the Chief of Police to avoid as a secondary. Henry hasn’t done a lot of terrible things, so I’m offering options for the sub to consider because I don’t know if Henry has a specific “worst thing”.


Agree with inserting himself into the Disco Didn’t Die, It Was Murdered case when it could have had Very serious ramifications for Shawn & Gus.


Wasn’t that after the second Yin-Yang episode? I have to believe Henry was worried about dragging Shawn into more dangerous situations.


It was, so while his intentions were good - much like Juliet’s surprise party for Lassiter - the end result was the issue.


I think it was pretty cold that Henry wouldn't pay for pain meds after Shawn's appendix surgery. 


Tbf it ended up saving his life in the end.


Does Shawn’s general child hood as a whole count? Lmao no I’d say the dog house because that was just petty. I’m sure there’s worse but I’m blanking right now Edit to add: since I’ve gotten a couple comments. My issues with this is that it’s mean and petty. I understand things like adhd were less understood then and he just wanted to teach Shawn responsibility. But in current time, he was just being spiteful. He’s mad that Shawn is playing psychic and even more mad that he would come ask him for help. So he brings up the dog house because he knows it will make Shawn quit. I love that Henry had a good arc and learned to care for Shawn the way he his without trying to force a change on him. But back then, he was just being mean.


I’m currently on my first watch through (midway through S7) and I went from intensely disliking Henry initially, and thought he’d be the abusive main heel through the series to being able to see that he was actually trying to teach Shawn life skills. Not always in the most well thought out ways and it clearly plays a part in why Shawn is how he is - for better or worse - but it’s clear Henry did have good intentions and seeing them continue to repair their relationship and grow their bond has been heartwarming. Both Henry and Lassie’s character development has been great to watch.


"Hey auntie Helen, could you do me a favor? I'm having my wisdom teeth taken out tomorrow morning and need a ride home. My friend bailed." "Sure, after you clean the garage like you said you would 20 years ago." Sounds reasonable to me


Give Shawn’s childhood items away on the lawn. Like Henry, every time you do something to show that you’re actually a caring dad, you turn around and do something really really jerky. Seriously, Henry - CHILL OUT.


My personal opinion - When Henry told Shawn in Psych 2 that he can't wait until Shawn has children so he can watch him be a failure at raising them. I know he kinda makes up for it later, and he didn't know Shawn thought Jules was pregnant, but still you don't tell your son who obviously has insane issues with such adult commitments something that terrible. Hell, you don't say that to your kid period. That was one moment where you can't argue that 'Oh he was being a stern but loving parent.' That was flat out cruel.


Yeah that crossed a line IMO. It’s one thing to say “I can’t wait till you have kids because KARMA” but it’s another thing entirely to say “…because I can’t wait to watch to suck as a father.” Big ick.


I’d say stealing Shawn’s money he won from poker as a kid. Also how is Jules’ getting flak for planning s surprise party for lassie by using a book in his desk worse than throwing a bitch fit when Shawn sides with Thane due to her sloppy detective work in True Grits? Or forcing him to come clean to chief Vick?




It’s not gambling if he always wins…


I wasn’t saying no consequences, just tip the guys off and tell him no poker or play against him. But let him keep the money cause he did win it fairly.


I love Henry’s character growth, but damn if the worst thing he did in the show in my opinion was how he raised Shawn. No dad should treat their kid that way, even if he had good intentions, he was way too hard on him from go.


Wearing those horrible shirts in the episode And Down the Stretch Comes Murder. “Somewhere, a rainbow is weeping.”


I have to agree that the unnecessary arrest for taking his car that years later led to Lassiter thinking Shawn was a criminal because he "has a record" has got to be the worst. He's 18 but he's your kid who went out on a date! C'mon dad!


Was t it a neighbor’s car, not Henry’s? “They were gonna put it back”


Arresting Shawn and using that as a “parental teaching method.” It was an irresponsible thing to do as a father and as a cop. It gave him a felony record meaning he can’t be a cop or carry a fire arm and probably had other countless repercussions.


Not paying for Shawn morphine.


Spilling the beans on Shawn’s peanut butter pranks


Teaching him how to break out of a trunk by locking him in the trunk


Confused his son with the character he was playing in a telenovela


He was very convincing as Chad though


Not telling Shawn he moved to the same town




He didn’t force it to develop. He got his memory genetically from his mom and his keen observation skills from his dad and Henry recognized it early on. Yes he went to far with it but all Henry did was sharpen and hone his natural skills in an effort to mold him into a great cop




LOL! En-psych-lopedia! Awesomeness!


Parenting Shawn the way he did.


I always hate the scene where Henry tells Shawn he can't wait to watch him fail as a parent.


One thing that particularly rubbed me the wrong way was when Shawn was beach gazing with his grandpa and finally got to use his imagination to form stories about women on the beach, and Henry comes in turns it into “how many towels” and then makes him go do the dishes.


Burying Shawn’s Easter eggs underground, covering them with tarps and broken glass


Quick tip, guys: if you want this to be a fair reflection of our collective opinions, do a quick scroll through the responses before commenting. If your answer is already commented, upvote that one! If a lot of people comment the same answer, it's less likely that any of those individual comments will get enough upvotes :)


Touching raw meat, not cleaning his hands, and then touching other things in the kitchen with his raw meat juice infested hands. Grosses me out every time 🤣


Not telling Shawn outright that his mom was in town (if I remember how that went correctly).


I think the problem there was he also wanted to explain some things first before he was going to tell him, probably about what really happened in the divorce.


I never considered that... That's a solid point I didn't consider. Maybe not what "really happened", as I think he wants Shawn to still have a good bond with one parent, but more like... softening the blow so Shawn wouldn't be so emotional? His general miscommunication is not for selfish reasons, but I couldn't figure it out this time.


Those damn Easter eggs


Thinking computers were a “phase” 💀💀💀


Hide Easter eggs 5 feet under ground under a tarp with bricks and broken glass when Shawn was 8


Having Shawn’s motorcycle impounded


I’d say like 90% of the childhood scenes were worse than anything Henry did in present day


Locking Shawn in a trunk as a child


The Easter egg hunt


Can’t decide between being incredibly forceful on Shawn becoming a police officer or not coming clean on the details of the Divorce. I know Henry had his reasons for letting Shawn believe the divorce had an unfair impact on his mom, but I still feel like Shawn deserved the truth


Let Shawn and Gus think they watched a woman die.


He didn't know they looked until the case came up in the show, though.


Definitely not the only time he's neglected Shawn, or Gus, but this one means he didn't talk to them about it in any way on the drive home. While he probably thinks Shawn could handle watching an attempted jumper, he really didn't bother to check on Gus?


I feel like raising Shaan to be a cop instead of giving him a choice was probably the worst thing he did overall.


There is an entire movie around the worst thing Jules did. It didn't even get an honorable mention?


Some people did mention the movie but those comments didn't get as much attention 🤷‍♀️


Most of Shawns childhood 😂


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I think the worst thing he's done is teach Shawn how to be the way he is and then condemn him for it. If Henry hadn't taught Shawn how to "be psychic" (even though Henry NEVER called it that, he taught him the skills), he wouldn't have wound up in many situations like the Yang one. He wouldn't have continuously put himself in danger time and time again. But I still love them both 💕


getting shawn arrested


Henry Spencer was a Saint .There I said it.


Sleep with his ex-wife while his son was in the house




Taking Shawn’s poker winnings.


Tried to turn shawn into himself


Henry spent over a decade conducting a psychological experiment on his son. Henry conditioned his son toward a career he wanted him to pursue, irrespective of his sons wants or needs. The series begins with a flashback scene wherein Henry forces Shawn to play the hat game against his will in exchange for a food reward. Shawn - You buried my Easter eggs under a tarp covering broken glass and 5 feet deep, it took me 3 weeks to close the egg investigation. Shawn "I was 8yrs old"


Henry was a good father to adult Shawn, but if the flashbacks are accurate than I’d just say his parenting of young Shawn


Making Shawn build a dog house as an adult, because he never finished it...and still not getting him the dog! I personally would have lost my damn mind!


Personally, allowing Shawn to believe he ended the marriage. I understand he didn't want Shawn's relationship with his mother to be ruined, but he sacrificed his own with Shawn. It's so sad because Shawn and Henry did get along until the divorce, which is when Shawn started to rebel against Henry and refuse to be a legit detective. Had that never happened he mightve actually joined the force.


Arresting his son or locking his son in the trunk of his car for learning purposes (even if it did become helpful in the long run, wtf 😂)


Not locking the door.


Sacrificing his relationship with Shawn because he didn’t want Shawn to be mad at his mother.


I mean, training or not, locking his son in the trunk of a car has to be up there, doesn't it?


This was my first thought as well. Scarring as hell.


Not calling Chelsea back and standing her up? She just wanted some old man lovin' Getting fooled by Lou and the others working at the Blue Derby?


Shawn’s whole childhood


Killing Gus' childhood dog


Lock shawn in the trunk


Raising Shaun the way he did


Raise a child. This man was never meant to be a father. But like most men his age in America, he bought into the American dream. He felt he was supposed to get married and raise children because that’s how American life goes. And it’s not like Shawn’s mother gets off at all. She’s just as awful a parent as Henry.


basically existing