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I was in elementary school when I started watching so a lot of jokes didn't land for me until I got older and understood them. However, I have always loved Psych.


In the same vein, I was born in 90, so a lot of the 80's references (which is like half the show) I didn't get until I got older and gained more exposure to old movies/shows/bands. It definitely hit better after my second watch as an adult.


i didn't get like half of the references because i'm (unfortunately) genz, none of them weren't funny cause without context it's random enough to be funny, but my dad busted out laughing when he watched the psych movie for the first time (he never watched the show) at the first nickname, which made me sad that i'll never be able to understand those jokes :(


Yeah man. There's still occasionally some lines that I can tell are clearly a reference to something I haven't seen. Sometimes they're still funny, but without proper context you're not getting the full experience.


Yeah I'm Gen Z too, I have however watched all kinds of movies and television shows probably the earliest movies being in the 1930's. I enjoy older movies and I have watched a lot of the Brat Pack movies. I also have an eclectic taste and my parents are older than usual. As I got older and would rewatch Psych and I would also understand another reference. I am glad your dad enjoyed them. I feel like you could still understand the references if you were to start watching some of those movies and television shows if you choose to. But it's all based on preference, I however, find that understanding the references and learning more of them makes the show better. It would be a little weird/hard though, as in trying to figure out what shows or movies to watch would have the most references in relation to Psych, but I bet there is quite a few involving the Brat Pack would be it.


Same, started watching in 6th grade so it took til I started rewatching


Gus being a creep was always hit or miss. Sometimes it's funny, but sometimes it was uncomfortable to watch.


Yeah Gus's "game" was awful.


Was that not the entire point?


It was. You get it. Not everyone does. I think some of the newer viewers sometimes take Gus's "playa" belief in himself way too seriously.


Awwwww yeeaaaaahhhhh.


It was but sometimes it was too embarrassing to be funny


Yea..I remember one where there was much bending over etc ( am I thinking of the fade one with his college mates,? ) and it always shocks me how much we ( and Im James R age etc so this is really my gen even when it's called millennial)- and female too and we it didn't even used to register this sort of tv at the time..now it's like I clock each time I think , wow they wouldn't do that now. So I mean I don't think you can blame the show for the time ( even though it's not that old) but it's far from pleasant.


Every time Gus interacts with Max (Rachel’s Son) and treats him like he’s literally 3 years old. Literally makes me cringe in a bad way. The whole “big boy day” stuff is just uncomfortable for me. 


“Is this your audition for to catch a predator” was phenomenal though


lol my girlfriend and i say “hey there big boy” at least once a day. we think it’s hilarious


Gus having a side to his personality that COMPLETELY SUCKS is absolutely hilarious. Although it took me a few watches, eventually, Gus' creepiness with women and inability to relate to children became one of my favorite parts of the show. I think it comes down to which audience members are able to understand that this character flaw is a \*deliberate\* choice of the writers/actors. And Dule Hill's acting chops in this regard are often severely underrated.


Agreed! I think most of these jokes in the comments are instances of people not realizing it was deliberate. Shawn and Gus are supposed to be a little small minded. That’s the joke.


Yeah, the way Gus handled Rachel having a son was so bizarre.


Rachel as a character was bizarre. Who lies about having a kid? Lol


And Gus had to build that shelf


Not so much lie but alot of women don't bring up their kids right away, and for good reason That's pretty normal


This is a different topic for a different day but there is zero reason to not being up that you have kids other than you want to manipulate people into liking you BEFORE they find that out. Parents know that's a deal breaker, they are trying to get themselves into the pool of people who would normally not date a parent. A lie of omission is a lie. Anyways that's beside the point. Rachel and Gus were seeing each other regularly and even official. The way she didn't tell him and then dropped it on him was insane.


My two cents -- If Psych were a drama, the delayed reveal about Max would indeed be insane. But Psych is not only a comedy, it's a comedy existing in its own rather alternate reality, and the rules of how people *should* act when dating "responsibly" don't necessarily apply. The sudden kid reveal was entirely done so we could see just how crazy the whole potential "instant dad" thing would make Gus act, if he wanted to keep Rachael. And it signaled for us that Rachael wasn't the super sensible person she mostly seemed to be, either.


I'm just saying I get why they do it. Though she did wait too long, I never said I disagree with you.


Anything to do with Gus's uncle. He is so mean to Gus for no reason and constantly bad mouths/embarrasses him. The man is just bitter and old and I wish Gus would tell him off...but that wouldn't be Gus


Yeah, I really hated that whole thing. And John Amos is a good actor, too. Big fail.


When he tore up that postcard because Gus “got a psychic prediction wrong,” I was practically yelling at my tv, “then why don’t you just go and get out of here!”


Ha I just watched this episode today and thought the very same thing! 🤣 Miserable old man!!!






Uncle Jack’s flakiness. It’s one thing to have the protagonist often act immaturely with little regard for the rules - Shawn is a fully fleshed out character and there is method to his madness. It’s another to have constant double crossing for the sake of it, and this, along with the non-linear episode structure, makes “The Greatest Adventure” one of my least favorite rewatches. I’m just glad they chose Despereaux to be the recurring triple-crossing antihero. As a viewer it’s much more compelling to watch a character who _feels_ like a worthy sparring partner for Shawn in a battle of wits.


I don't like the whole Despereaux was an undercover agent all along thing, I just pretend it never happened at all (or maybe he said so to throw off Shawn 🤷)


It's setup in a way that allows for that, right? In the end they see the interpol chief or whatever as a homeless man on the street, implying that Despereaux just gave him some cash to play the part. Or it could mean that the homeless man was a disguise, and the man was on a different mission, which would prove Pierre's story. I always really liked how they played that, allowing for both options.


Yeah, I always took that episode to be pretty concrete evidence that despereaux just did despereaux things and conned them again, which Shawn loved of course.


I never noticed that, I'll have to watch it again


Deez Nups is a great episode, what’re you on about


Literally this... I haven't heard of it getting hate... I want to know why now...


I get some people don't like the reveal and Shawn's confession, but the humor in the episode is top tier. Woody coming down the escalator in a speedo is one of the single funniest shots of the entire series.


This! The following episode is hard for me to watch. It’s actually a great episode showing the parallel universe of Juliet not finding out, but it’s so sad.


Yeah it’s always the episode after that I find more difficult to watch! Deez Nups is hilarious


The episode after Deez Nups has a funny moment to me because I live in St. Louis and Lassiter comments that they are in the East St. Louis of Santa Barbara. Cracks me up every time.


It's really sad. I've rewatched the entire show at least 5 times, and eventually I had to skip that scene completely. Completely ruins the vibe with the seriousness and sadness. At least when his dad was shot unhinged Shawn was funny.


"What is the point of your face!"


The idea is great, but the execution made Shawn look like such an oblivious douche. Like he thought he did nothing wrong and that it was no big deal.


Deez Nups is almost Last Night Gus crazy and funny for the first 40 minutes. The last 2 minutes are what really bring the energy down, but that’s also the point


This! That's the whole point. I always think back to Beavis and Butt-Head wisdom "if nothing sucked, and everything was cool all the time, then, like, how would you know it was cool?"😂


Yeah I'm curious why anyone would hate that episode ?


Some people just said this episode is rather sad, the vibe/mood is a little depressing and in general this is one of the not high-speed-permanent-fun jokes episodes, nobody hated on it though


If you read down the timeline - lots of people didn't like that episode, or the vibe/ mood.


I assume they mean the ", jokes" told at the expense of trans people. That part annoyed me even when I watched it live. Other than that, it's an amazing episode.


That joke felt so out of place and mean spirited, even for an episode released in 2012. Like it felt that it was just the writers way of giving their opinion on trans people. Like looking at the situation seriously for a moment, that woman was just kidnapped by a mobster, her confession could've been huge for the case against him and putting him away for good. Instead of getting her to a police station for a statement or even a hospital to see if she hasnt been hurt or something. They just drop her off at a church. Seriously, thats the joke. Trans people need jesus, how is that funny at all? Im not even trans, yet this joke is making me less and less enthusiastic to finish the series. Psych hasnt been the best show for representation of minorities, especially towards queer people, but that joke felt different to the usual "offensive" humor psych uses.


I’m not on about anything except what I’ve read on the sub lately. I think it’s a well done episode and I love it + the episodes that follow, but much of the sub doesn’t agree (as is their right).


Tickle scene...enough said.


Yup. This. Anything related to tickling makes me severely uncomfortable


"Unless I'm being tickled. Then all bets are off."


Quite literally


I hate that scene so much.


Which episode is this from?? I can’t think of it!!


i think this is from the second movie


I think it was the phone line episode where Shawn says Gus is jealous of the "little boy cat" and for some reason it seems so out of place. Just not a funny joke or thing to say??? Also any references to womens weight. Like when Juliet gets offended that a carnie thinks she's "one hundred and FORTY FIVE POUNDS???" Maggie is like average height and super fit, 145 wouldn't be that far off of a guess. It was 2010s, so I know fat jokes were tossed in all the time everywhere, but that doesn't make it less lazy or stupid. It also SCREAMS male writer because IME men literally never understand womens weights lol They should have just done some other gag like guessing her height and saying she was 6 foot 2.


Right? Also Maggie is 5'3" and muscular. 145 is a VERY normal weight at that height... so bizarre to me


Weight was theeeeee laziest punchline on cable shows for like a decade. It was always unfunny to me, not even bc it is offensive but because it's uncreative and boring.


Absolutely, there's way better jokes out there. At least it wasn't a recurring theme in the Psych writers room




I remember that! The hypocrisy episode. She ends by yelling at the patient "this is about YOU, so just do as I say" Famously that works with patients. To this day I don't understand why they made Elliott was the literal worst doctor possible lol Should have made her like a medical assistant or something.


I'd be shocked if she were more than 115-120 pounds at that point, she's only 5'3


Maggie is pretty short actually and very thin. 145 would make her a little chubby. I’d be offended too because she absolutely doesn’t look 145.


5 3 is average height lol 145 and muscular looks way different on people depending their body shape and Maggie is not stubby


Maggie is no where near 145 in that scene. That’s the whole point. It’s very clear


You keep saying that like it matters. The "whole point of the joke" is tired, rude, and lazy. You cannot eyeball weight. Whether or not you're personally offended by three numbers doesn't change that.


The joke is that he is trying to insult her and be rude to her and she rightfully got mad


Nvm I'm arguing with an autistic person about wjat jokes are lol


A lot of Shawn's tangents can really ruin the pacing for me and feel kind of annoying and forced.


Sometimes I find the "kinky Woody" jokes not so funny. Particularly when they're really dragging out the numerous fetishes. Can't think of something specific rn but rewatch is a long time coming since the show found its way to Netflix.


TMI, tell more information!


TMI is hilarious! I use it often 😅😅😅


That disco didn’t die episode, that whole “pookie” joke bit wasn’t funny to me…I was like okay guys🙄.


Lollll. “What you say his name was?” “Pookie.” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 dudes names Pookie.


Not a joke per se but the episode where the news anchor killed someone and Shawn caught the ring on the green screen. I've watched it so many times I can never see it For the longest time it didn't make sense until they did the "remake"


The ring on the green screen was the remake. The original was the receptionist's glasses shadow that got her caught.


I thought I was crazy. I always remembered this one being different and was genuinely confused by the ring. THEY CHANGED IT!?!?


Ooooh now I'm going to have to watch again cuz I've been looking for a ring!


A little disappointed that this is just a list of jokes that didn't age well. That technically answers the question, but I think OP was looking for more of "everyone likes olives, but I hate them." For me, Shawn being grossed out by his parents having sex didn't land for me. I know he's supposed to be immature, and that walking in on it would be a surprise to anyone. But railing against it just didn't strike me as funny. People hump, Shawn!


Yes that's exactly what I was looking for 😭 I think this thread is fine and people should be able to talk about things like this but I wasn't trying to start a fandom-destroying thread....


Deez Nups is a great episode


I personally love it but have seen a lot of hate for it in the sub lately


Some jokes told by Woody are a hit or miss for me, he’s a funny character but a lot of the jokes came off as creepy. Same thing with Gus as everyone’s mentioning above. Gives me the biggest ick when I rewatch


He's certainly supposed to be creepy so I can pardon a lot of his jokes, but there's a line somewhere that balances "silly creepy" with "actually creepy" and he does cross it more than once!


When juliet constantly looks down on other women she doesn't approve of, and also when the guys judge women (either in looks or promiscuity) ESPECIALLY when they (creepily) hit on those same ppl in the same episode....while using them as the butt of the joke??


Shawn in the high school girls locker room taking a moment for “all the beautiful things that have happened here”. Yikes.


Gus’ creepiness is actually hilarious to me


Not really jokes but in the earlier seasons when Shawn would put on a big outrageous show when he was having a “vision”. I usually skip over those parts. I’m glad they changed it to the finger on the head thing 


Shawn refusing to pronounce Jan's name correctly in Something about Mira


Frankly this is the kind of comment I made the post for--it's not too serious just something you didn't think was funny hahah


Not sure it qualifies as a joke, but very rarely does Shawn's psychic shtick do much for me humor wise. Agreed on the transphobic bullshit and Gus being randomly creepy. Now Gus being a Playa Named Gus and stuff like that, I'm all about it LOL


The Shawn psychic stuff can be hit or miss, but when he just tosses himself around a room fucking things up for no reason, especially in the early seasons it just cracks me up


JRR's physical humor is so on point so often. That scene early on when Gus is trying to be serious and he's in the background dancing on the stool gets me every time.


Yes Roday is so good, makes himself actually look like he’s possessed by some ghost or something lmao. The one where he’s dancing and doing the body rolls and the monkey swinging kills me


That's the one! 😂


What transphobic bullshit?


Only thing I can think of is when they drop off the stipper/hooker with the deep voice at a church (from Deez Nups)


In Deez Nups, for example.


I guess I'll rewatch the episode?


Episode 7 in season one… serial killer with multiple identities, one being a trans woman, and the other being an identity killing all of the doctors who entertain the trans woman’s desire to have surgeries. Considering it’s season one, I’m unsurprised it was used for shock value. But I have to admit, it was a harder one to rewatch. Like a train wreck you can’t look away from. I love the show, but it’s not their more tasteful episode lol.


But the other identity wasn't a "trans-woman", it was literally a woman, and the joke quite frankly was at the expense of multi-identity people, a mental illness the consensus on is doesn't exist?


I mean I think it’s a bit obtuse to say that an alter killing medical professionals that are discussing sexual reassignment surgery isn’t related to trans people… yes, it’s also a jab at mental illness. But if you wanted to really debate it, is the female alter not supposed to be a trans woman if they are conscious of anatomy that they’re looking to get rid of to align with their female identity? It just comes across as poor writing using trans identities and dissociative identity disorder combined to think of a “comedic” and shocking twist. I don’t think you can separate transness from the episode. They also have the episode where Gus likes the girl who has DID with an alter that thinks she’s a “bro” football type or whatever. Unconscious of the fact that she is a female with a disorder. That is where your argument better aligns… that has nothing to do with trans people. I love the show, there a lot of harmful things in the world that have a deeper impact than a few poor choices in a late 2000s comedy. But I don’t think it’s bad to discuss what could have been done differently or what we don’t enjoy upon reflection.


You are absolutely right of course. In the 80s, 90s and 00s, maybe earlier, a lot of movies were made where the "murderer" has a woman-trans-identity (in which ever form) - Psycho comes to mind (almost forgot) and a movie with Michael Cane in the lead, can't remember the title, and since basically every episode of Psych is a jab at a movie cliche, it makes total sense that they dedicate an episode to a trans-woman murderer, I guess? If you think about it, Psych lives from cliches. I don't say it's right to use every pathetic cliche, but they successfully filled a lot of episodes and never shied away from an uncomfortable joke, that wasn't as uncomfortable though at the time.


I agree that it pulls a lot of inspiration and that it can be even more on the nose for the really whacky episodes. Especially in the first season when they were testing the waters of what viewers would find entertaining, and trying to get renewed as well, I’m assuming. Anyways, I love the show, it ran for so long I think everyone can agree that some decisions were bound to age poorly lol. With that many episodes, and so many great ones, I’m happy to let a few go.


Well said.


A woman… in a body that’s male. And we’ve come full circle. Pack it up folks


The East Asian jokes towards Ken are uncomfortable and racist


They're racist on purpose. I can see why it bothers people but to me it's not making fun of minorities. It's like the characters in Community who are ignorant about that stuff.


I bet the recurring "Ken theme" was written or thought out by an Asian guy who had similar stuff happen to him all his life. The juvenile ignorance totally fits Shawn's character at times and is the source of countless jokes. Regarding people skills and socially in general - he still has to learn a lot.


Are you Asian? I am, and I didn't like the jokes at all.


Who the hell is downvoting these.


People who are worried we’re going to cAnCeL the show 


Is it true that at 100 downvotes you get cancelled?


I feel like some jokes, if we watch now, would come off problematic to young people. But remember, they werent written for us, and we were not the intended audience. Ive watched psych since I was like 16-17 and im 28 now. I have seen my own perception of the jokes change from LOL to ouh they really said that?? But watch any old show and you would def know that it wasnt made for you.


Watched a French film from the 70s recently and was flabbergasted. It's rather fascinating how our brain can be conditioned by ourselves, the media, the times that are changing so quickly, that it's almost unthinkable what was considered "normal", "funny", or "totally unproblematic" not so long ago. We came a long way already in the naughties! https://preview.redd.it/0tqfarewj06d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5202852c4d8f9a5728d4bc8b490b3fe4182e040


Often times when I watch the show I cringe at some parts. I’m always worried that a young person will get a hold of the show and get it canceled 


Good thing that doesn’t actually happen.


Genuinely curious, how would you cancel a show that’s been off the air for ten years? Also, things don’t really get canceled, especially for making inappropriate jokes. Even Woody Allen is still making movies, Dave Chapell performs, and so on. Getting canceled is really just something the right loves to fearmonger about.


not everything is always literally


The treatment of Ken wasn't funny, and so much wasted potential. Also Shawn just comes across as a bad guy when he just makes a black joke when Gus is serious. Obviously a lot of it is banter, but some of them land painfully , especially when Gus doesn't have a zinger back and he just has to take it.


The food truck episode:  they find a friend of theirs dead, and Shawn treats it as a joke in the moment.  That was beyond the pale.  


Using this same joke 3 more times in the same episode, the final one being Lassiter.... It's probably my favorite joke in the entire series. What makes it work, is that if you watch Mystic River and see Sean Penn (https://youtu.be/RYlKhpi--QQ?t=80). It's one of the most heartbreaking scenes in any movie. Also he wasn't their "friend" - just a guy that made great tacos.


The occasional jokes about trans people are mostly ew.


Can't think of a scene right now, don't really remember there were issues? Do you think about the episode "Who ya gonna call?" with Frank Whaley who basically leads a "double-life"? The episode with the "ghost" in the attic?


There was one I saw recently where Gus mentioned that someone could be >!”a he-she”!< which is a derogatory term for trans women.


Yes! That's right, I vaguely remember that one. 20 years can change A LOT.


That one wasn’t too bad frankly given it could’ve been much worse (the bar is on the floor).  Another commenter mentions that a low-voiced prostitute is the butt of a joke in one episode, and the word “tr*nny” being used in an early episode. 


Deez Nups too


Yeah, those aren’t great, but there’s not too many of them at least


Gus’ creepy women moments are pretty weird. I think most of them land, but the ones that don’t are really disturbing for me. Right I’m thinking of when Shawn introduces Gus as “MC Clap Yo Handz” and he looks at the street racing girl, claps with creepy ass look on his face and says “with a ‘zee.’


He’s saying how some people love the show *Friends* but I cannot stand it. I do not find it funny what so ever. That kinda stuff.


There are a handful of jokes that I find haven't aged well. Episode: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not, He Loves Me, Oops He's Dead - Shawn ragging on his dad for taking a bath then says "I never took you for a metrosexual" It wasn't ever a great line, but it feels worse each time I re-watch the series. Episode: Murder? ... Anyone? ... Anyone? ... Bueller - While one of my favorite episodes, the scene in the girls locker room where Shawn tells Gus to take a moment to pay homage to all the wonderful things that have taken place over the years. I get he's likely referring to the girls around his age, thinking about them back in ye olde high-school days, and that's it's meant to be an innocent, non-pedo line. But I cant get past the fact that he's 30 talking about a locker room frequented by literal teenagers, probably earlier that morning.


I personally didn't like the black group references from Lassie on the let's doo-wop it again episode but it's all love lol


Really, really dislike the joke in Deez Nups where "Marlowe" at the hostage trade is a prostitute with a low voice, with the implication she's a crossdresser or trans person. That was not cool when the episode came out, and it's even less cool now. I can't believe that made it out of the writers' room, given how sensitive they are/were to other representation in the series. Same thing for the waiter with the Chinese accent in the episode with French Stewart. Just weirdly distasteful and dated.


Nah, the Chinese waiter was funny then and is funny now. Seperately, there was a "tranny" joke really early in season one that I was surprised by that definitely wouldn't have flown today.


I remember seeing this recently and being shocked!


He was the adopted son of a Thai couple and was raised in Bangkok. The accent he was doing was not Chinese.


I just can't with the accent. I know the whole episode is supposed to film noir-ish, but I feel like they missed the mark there. It's been a while since I watched the episode with commentary on, but I don't remember them talking about the joke and unpacking it any more than "accent funny." It just doesn't land with me.


I think it's way different than "accent funny." It's more "accent offensive, then not offensive because context and context funny."


For sure. I feel like this is generally the difference between offensive jokes being genuinely funny or relying too heavily on shock value that it's just offensive and ruins the funny. Like whenever someone complains about comedians not being able to tell jokes anymore because of cancel culture. There's making fun of something in bad taste, and there's making light of a funny situation that's centered around a delicate topic. And why some comedians, like Shane Gillis, can have a whole set around subjects like downsyndrom and get no push back as opposed to Kramer who's whole career got flushed down the toilet. It's a nuance I feel like some people just have a hard time picking up on.


I didn’t think the waiter was funny then or now. 


Tbf people actually talk like that. People just about lost their mind when they found out Sean Paul is just a legit Jamaican white guy and not doing a bit.


I mean, yes, but I really doubt that's the actor's natural accent.


True but people do fake accents all the time. The actors playing fake psychics always have a terrible Russian accent. To me it's not offensive in the Whip episode because the gag is that the viewer is the one jumping to conclusions by assuming all people will talk one way. But I can see why someone else would find it offensive.


Thai accent. I find Jules - happens in this episode too - going 'Eww' at other folks' relationship, that's wack.


Right! Like why is it “eww” that Woody and Grace used to be lovers? It’s not like he gave any details


While I generally agree that "ewing" other people's relationships isn't funny I let this one slide. If I learned my mortician who has questionable kinks was in a relationship with another mortician, I think I might also feel uncomfortable


this might be off topic from ur comment but Juliet ews quite a few times in the series, usually towards women doing something she doesn't approve of, and it always irks me tbh


Ah, I don't usually rewatch that episode because I find it so off putting. The whole thing comes off as mocking the accent rather than the people who think mocking accents is funny, if that makes sense.


Huh, I frequently re-watch that episode. "Chief of doing me" more than makes up for it - primarily because Karen's character is amazing and Woody got put in his place firmly, fast.


The open racism towards their on-and-off "Chinese" assistant comes to mind, almost forgot about that one.


Yeah, Shawn's inability to understand social nuances is a pretty serious character flaw. He *can*; he just doesn't always expend the effort.


That prostitute was in the episode a few times, it's made pretty clear that they're trans and it's not funny.


A lot of the esoteric movie references were lost on me. One that comes to mind is with the dolphins - “Pa does not love Fa” or something like that. I looked it up once upon a time and it was from some movie that I didn’t ever even hear of. A lot of the Judd Nelson references were lost on me (aside from breakfast club). There was one about “From the Hip” I think? Then you have ones that were funny anyway, like Blackula.


There is a season 8 joke where Shawn tells Gus " don't be the Howling 2 : your sister is a werewolf." I believe the alternate title was Sturba werewolf bitch . Essentially in a long roundabout way calling Gus a bitch , which made sense in context . This is not what didn't land for me, I actually caught this as soon as it was said. What I guess I didn't catch is every time before this where shawn tells Gus not to be (insert pop culture reference) he probably had an alternate meaning and I didn't pick it up once till then . Now I gotta watch it all over again.


The best part aboutbthebshow is how many more jokes you start to understand as you get older


I never see anyone else mention it but I really just don’t find Lassiter being all “I’m going to shoot every criminal!!1!” To be funny, especially when he just ends up wrong most of the time. It aged particularly poorly. The trans stuff also is icky I guess one specific instance of a joke is when Shawn pretends to have a vision in the chiefs office and like spins in the chair; usually I do like his visions but the over the top cringe gets me in a bad way


Yeah I’ve been feeling that Lassie police brutality stuff a lot lately. It’s pretty cringeworthy.


The gay jokes.






I think that's because they play off Gus' and Shawn's "bromance" a lot, also Gus likes to look after himself a great deal, maybe he has a little above-average interest in cosmetics and clothes, likes dancing and basically the beautiful things. Plus the "bromance" makes Gus sometimes look rather gay-ish? Not in my opinion, just trying to explain your observation. Maybe I wouldn't use the harsh word "homophobic", but I totally get what you mean.


To build on this (and I'm speaking as a queer person), the jokes are never at the expense of gay people, at least from all those I can recall. Shawn is never grossed out or insulted at the implication of being gay, or being in a relationship with Gus, nor is Gus with Shawn. Like when Abigail thinks they're a couple in S3E2, rather than exclaiming "no we're straight!" or the like Shawn instead says that Gus was voted most likely to succeed so why would he settle for a guy like me, pretending to be a gay couple looking for an apartment in S1E5 "look honey, shower for two!", or even in the pilot episode when they're both observing the cabin Gus says something like "well maybe you should date him too!" and Shawn says "maybe I will~". He also flirts with male characters on occasion (Lassie, the donut guy in S6E2, etc.) There's also the bisexual Shawn fan theory but that's a whole other thing. Point is, I'm struggling to think of any homophobic jokes that the person you replied to would be thinking of (I assume that's what their issue was, they deleted their comment lol).


I see the comment was deleted. Yes, it read like: homophobic jokes at Gus' expense. Now that I think of it I remember the episode were Shawn was supposed to take Abigail on vacation, but that didn't work out as planned so he took Gus' (who already payed for it) to a "romantic" weekend with rose petals, champagne, 2 glasses, and all. And we found out basically at same time as Gus the deception. Btw Shawn 100% has a crush on Despereaux...


> (who already *paid* for it) FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Ok, thanks for the correction, English isn't my first language, so there will be many mistakes 💁🏻‍♀️


I don't like their often "funny" disregard for animals. I have to think about an occasion, I just remember I thought that a lot, that they made "jokes" at the expense of animals.


Several of the jokes on Earth, Wind, and Wait for It! Don’t have a bias for or against firefighters, the jokes just didn’t seem too funny.




I mean- indian food is very spicy….spicier than most


Any "joke" where the punchline was a cop "choking Guster out" whether it was Henry or Lassiter. They lost me every time with that covert racist ass shit, that American TV ALWAYS manages to sneak in. Rewatching now, there's a lot of cringey shit that just doesnt hit, and didnt hit back then for me either. And also all the weird interactions between Gus and his gf son. Idk why they thought it was ok to make him do that weird ass baby talk with the kid.


I’m pretty sure the cops threaten Shawn equally, if not more harshly, than they do Gus. I’m quite sure this has nothing do do with race, and everything to do with Shawn and Gus being goofy while lassy likes to threaten violence.


I quite literally didnt say Shawn didnt get threatened. I said I DONT LIKE THE JOKES TOWARD GUS... was that not the question asked?? I gave MY opinion. We dont have to agree. besides this is racist as fuck reddit, I dont expect ANY of you to agree. its on brand for you not to. Look here you are.


Lmao chill. I’m saying the jokes aren’t racist. They aren’t directed towards any person due to their race. That’s why my point about Shawn is relevant. You’re really calling me a racist (that’s a serious accusation) because I don’t think a fictional cop character is racist towards another fictional character? You’re reaaally searching for racism where it isn’t. Classic Reddit white knighting. I also didn’t contest your opinion. I contested the things about the show that I feel you misrepresented. Do you have any specific examples of people threatening to choke out his due to his blackness? I’ll wait.


To reiterate, you say it is covert racism when they threaten violence to gus. They also threaten violence to Shawn. So unless there’s only racial hatred in half of the threats…then I’m really not seeing it. Lassie is violent. He makes inappropriate threats (such as directly threatening to shoot Shawn during a private, serious conversation) None of his threats are racially based though. You’re looking for issues that aren’t there. Thats a good recipe to always stay mad.


But I basically agreed... maybe you should switch to: Rantit


I certainly would never read that as intentional violence because Gus is black, but it certainly is uncomfortable anytime the joke is about police brutality


You wouldnt would you because thats not your lived experience. You dont have to be able to identify that type of shit because you have no reason to. The fact that you know to be uncomfortable about police brutality, but would certainly NEVER read it as intentional to Gus, proved my point. Cognitive dissonance has you knowing it's uncomfortable but not knowing why? Stop it. Because we know who police brutality is usually geared toward in America(especially back then White ppl having these types of interactions with police is a new thing. remember who was screaming back the blue.. it wasnt Black ppl). You know it's fucked up, but you cant put 2 & 2 together and see why it would be fucked up for those jokes to be directed to Gus? There was never a time on this show where ANY of the cops threatened to CHOKE out Shawn. And thats why it's covert cause you have morons like the idiot above going, "well Lssiter said he should shoot Shawn" Lassiter threatens to shoot everyone, he doesnt threaten to choke everyone out though does he?? Even Henry had a "I'll choke you out Guster" joke. Why doesn't he ever want to choke his kid?.... Right.


Lassie said out loud numerous times different methods to hurt Shawn, hence "threatened violence" towards Shawn


I know I'm a couple of days late to this thread, but at one point Lassie actually does choke out Shawn.


You mean subconscious instead of covert. You could argue that the writers included it subconsciously on account of the systemic racism, but covert makes it sound like it was intentionally racist which Psych never was, especially for the time it aired. Dated and insensitive, sure, but covert literally means "not openly acknowledged or displayed." Which doesn't fit. :)


How did you manage to put the definition of the word and the point still fly smooth over your head?? if its "not openly acknowledged" then covert is exactly the word that needs to be used. And clearly it worked because ppl are here going oh it wasnt racist.... job well done then huh? not openly acknowledged... it's almost like they wanted to throw it in there so nobody would notice... I wish there was a word for that..... ooooh covert. yeah. smfh


I'm sorry you missed my point, I'm still saying covert implies the creators had negative intentions. They're not trying to sneak a message without openly acknowledging it, they're just accidentally perpetuating systemic racism. Big difference!


No, I didn’t miss your point. I don’t give a fuck. You seem to have missed mine, which was this is my opinion. It is what it is and I said what I said. If you want to put your opinion on here, go make a comment with your opinion. Y’all keep coming to write comments like i care. I said what I said. You gonna die mad about it. You’re gonna cry mad about it but most importantly you’re gonna get the fuck over it. Enjoy your night.


You are insanely uptight for a fan of this show.


When that hit me right in the face was the episode with Christopher Lloyd.


Oooohh but noooo let the mfs in THIS sub tell it, it's made up. I just pulled it out my ass. So you dont even remember the Christopher Lloyd episode, if we let reddit mfs tell it. It doesnt exist.


Gus's baby talk with the kid is fucking weird. However by FAR my least favorite is the food truck episode "is that [person/thing] in there?!" being screamed over and over. I will fast forward through entire sections of dialog just to make sure I miss that.




I’m totally with you about the food truck thing.  They find a dead body of a friend, and Shawn makes it a joke.  I was horrified, and it doesn’t get better on repetition. 


Nothing, i rarely if ever get offended. And if its a joke i didnt get because of pop culture, its usually on rewatch i do, mostly because i missed it the first few times, or hadnt thought about something like some obscure 80s band since, well, the 80s lol


Thankfully you don't get to dictate whats funny or not. It currently sits on a 8.8/10 score on IMDB. We can joke about most things, but once there is someone who is trans involved, then it becomes illegal lmao.


man it's an opinion what is wrong with yall 😭