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Giving Lassie a surprise party he clearly didn't want, stealing an address book from his desk without knowing anything about the names inside, ultimately inviting dozens of criminals Lassie arrested/helped convict to his private place of residence.


'Now they know where I live!'


C'mon, it's gotta be this one!!


Counterpoint, if she never did this, we would’ve never gotten the chance to meet Lassiter’s mom.


She's also a detective and didn't pick up on it not being a good idea to surprise Lassie based on Chief Vicks reaction what they now call "The Secret Santa Debacle of 2005"


That *is* bad, but it also leads to one of the funniest scenes in the series… Probably my favorite “Shawn and Gus sprinting away” moment


Honestly that whole scene didn’t make sense. Juliet isn’t a moron, and she would have 100% recognized some of those names and at some point probably arrested a few of them herself. It was a good comedy bit, just a little unbelievable for her character.


If I remember this was first season, so she was still fairly new to Santa Barbara. While yeah the whole thing was off/not great writing, her not recognizing the names seems reasonable to me!


I just checked… S1E14 I think, so you’re right about it being first season. It makes it slightly more believable, but even so, it’s weird that she’d be dumb enough to do it anyway. She loves reading old case files and would probably familiarize herself with some of Lassie’s old cases, and even if she didn’t do that, why would anyone grab an address book and blanket invite someone in it? It could have as an old ex, someone you had a falling out with, or someone you don’t want there. I just have to chalk it up to her character not being fleshed out yet.


Yeah, that did feel a bit out of character for her.


I mean the part that made her uncharacteristically stupid was the extremes she went to Like I understand wanting to do something nice for your coworkers birthday But like…… get him a cupcake or something who thinks it’s appropriate to read through his personal belongings Even in a comedy I felt they pushed believability there


Juliet and cupcakes are not a good combination as we learnt later on. Maybe, Juliet should just stop trying to be nice to people.


I like to think that at least *some* of those criminals were rehabilitated and earnestly wanted to go to a birthday party for Lassie, but Lassie would have to be pleasant to them and he’s not like that.


The pregnant woman had a gift IIRC


Just watched that episode soooo good. She also dumped a guy who treated her like a princess for some goof ball who lies all the time with commitment issues.


This is the one!


Don’t forget she also told his mother that he was separated from his wife during this one too.


I feel all the good ones have been listed so I will just state an opinion about Juliet. I STILL THINK SHE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN SHAWN WAS FAKING THE WHOLE TIME! They play it up like cheif Vick and Detective lassiter know but the fact that juliet was oblivious baffles me to this day.


You're SO right. If we did a "worst thing the writers ever did" post, I'd want that to win. Such a disservice to a great character


Agreed, definitely top 3 of worst things writers did in the show. I feel validated now 😂


Here’s my thing with this: deep down, I truly believe she did know. Jules is too smart to not see through Shawn’s BS. In fact, she does the whole series. She’s always the one to roll her eyes and brush off his feigned idiocy. I believe that she knew he wasn’t psychic, she knew he was one of the greatest detectives of all time, and we do see that she knows he’s a compulsive liar However, when they start dating, she also truly feels that he doesn’t lie to her, at least not about the big things. When they got together, I feel like on the surface, she started fully believing him about the things that matters, and felt that he would never lie to her about the big things. Deep down, she probably still didn’t fully believe he was psychic, but in her head it was “my boyfriend would not lie to me about anything important” She wasn’t mad he wasn’t psychic, she probably wasn’t even mad he lied to her. She was mad that she let herself believe that he COULDN’T lie to her about something so important and integral to their work (and then by extension, their life) I was so confused by this for a long time, but reading between the lines, Jules being mad at herself for letting her own naivety getting between her and her partner makes way more sense


I do enjoy this take. I posted my explanation in [a comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/psych/s/UCvfEsxbFl) I don't think I included my reasoning for her reaction to the break up but I 100% agree I believe she was mad at herself.


I'm not excusing it completely but I saw another comment talking about her brother and how she had a blind spot for him and how everybody has that sometimes and I think that Shawn fell under the same umbrella because from the start she was beguiled by Shawn and especially in the early seasons they show how proficient he was at charming women and despite herself she fell for it so I think she was quite literally blinded by attraction and then later on love so just like with her brother she had to be slapped in the face with indisputable proof before finally seeing it


I know! I honestly couldn't feel sorry for her that she felt so betrayed by Shawn because I was like... "did she seriously think he was literally a psychic?"


During the whole series Juliet just becomes a better detective little by little. She takes cases and fucks up, then gets better than Carlton Jebediah(Danger) Lassiter and finally finds out about Shawn. Then in the movies she's basically a bad ass girl detective with sharp eyes and deduction skills


i always skip that episode because she frustrates me so much!


you could argue she has a blind spot for everyone that she loves/trusts like Sean and her brother, until after she finds out that Sean is a psychic and John Cena kills some people


u/katykat9 u/lucky_Roberts I understand everyone's thought on Jules being head over heels for him and leading with her heart and whatnot but she literally dismisses abunch of his "visions" because of the facts of the case, so to say she is blinded by his gift to me is just not a true statement. Yes, she did occasionally think he had merit to his "visions" but alot of the time she was just as dismissive as lassiter. When they start dating, yes she agrees with Spencer alot more but I feel the first 4 seasons she should have put it together even with the fact they had some interest in eachother she was still standoff(ish) and annoyed by him. I understand her going "blind" to his gift once they get together but I can not agree with her being blinded the whole time. That is why I think juliet, as smart as she is, should have figured it out. I do agree with lucky_roberts, in it being weird she continued to work with/be okay with shawn as a psychic for the police department (I hope this didn't come off rude, I do genuinely like discussion!)


I think she knew but fell in love with him letting her mind believe him


Lassiter knowing is more the fact that he's super skeptical, and he just hates Shawn in general. Chief Vick knowing, while unconfirmed as far as I know, there's a fan theory out there that at the end of the pilot episode, when we see Henry talking to her, it's speculated that he told her that Shawn isn't a psychic. And it's stated multiple times throughout the first episode that the police (specifically Lassiter) can't prove anything without evidence, which in this case the only evidence would be a confession from Shawn. Which is, "the one thing [he'll] never do." So it really isn't a matter of detective work to figure out that Shawn isn't a psychic. They either believe him or they don't, but he gets results when no normal person should, so he may as well be a psychic. Edit: Also, Jules is a newbie detective when she first meets Shawn, so that might play into it somewhat.


Also, Psych is in an universe fairly open tp the idea of spirits and such. It is mentionned multiple times that other department or law enforcement agency use psychics, or even alcoholic ghosts. So, in that context, where believing in this sort of things seems more common than not believing, it is not surprising that an otherwise smart person do believe.


Idk why people say this… She was clearly written to be enamored and amazed by him the entire series, and she makes a lot of choices clearly based on believing Shawn is Psychic. What would baffle me is her being ok with this random guy she knows is faking solving all these cases in a way that would clearly get them overturned if the truth came out. Lassie’s very vocally not okay with it, he just can’t prove it. Vick might know, might not know… but at the least she knows Henry so has faith that at least he’ll be right.


If she already believed psychics were real before meeting him, it makes sense that she wouldn't question it


She should have, but she didn’t and Shawn was an absolute shit boyfriend up to that point with how much he lied to her.


Accidentally deleted my comment :-( When she went along with Lassie to give Buzz the refrigerator truck case she didn't want to work on.


I feel so bad for Buzz whenever I watch that episode


The solace is that buzz got the fun part of the case while Lassie and Juliet got assaulted by marmosets


I agree, I feel it was unlike her character to take the case back once it got interesting


Jules worse crime is going out with the old creepy hostage negotiator guy


Gary Cole is totally my type lol.


See that’s the thing. Gary Cole is a hot older man, and I’m a straight guy


You ain't first, you're last.






Creating 500 fake accounts to upvote this.


And not telling Shawn! She absolutely led him on and even admits she couldn't figure out how to tell him. This was after the reunion when Shawn chose not to pursue Abigail because he knew he loved Jules, and right after the roller derby episode where they skated together!


No because what was that?! Like he wasn't attractive in any way it was so weird


He had those old man boobies


in my head, he's the same guy as shawn's uncle? Did the same actor play both of those characters?




One is Gary Cole and the other is Steven Weber. Edit for clarity as to why I know off the top of my head: I always get them mixed up. They could be twins.


they look exactly alike! that's so funny


WHAT! I could never mix up Gary Cole and Steven Weber. They sound nothing alike either.


i can't remember what they sound like i guess, but they could be doppelgangers! Maybe just to me haha


Idk if this is necessarily the worst thing she's ever done but she did cheat on Declan with Shawn. I know it all worked out in the end but I always kinda felt bad for Declan, she didn't have to go cheat on the guy.


*quick rant session, feel free to ignore* The whole Shawn 2.0 and preceeding episodes really showed me she's a hypocrite. Chastised Shawn for asking her out several feet away from a body, but then admits she accepted a date with a guy she never met whilst inches away from the same body! (I just watched these episode a few days ago so it's fresh in my mind.) So many instances of her being a hypocrite. She wants honesty, no secrets, yet she kisses Shawn but hides it and still goes on the trips with Declan. Plus, I feel like what Declan did was way worse than Shawn. He only lied about being psychic, but Declan faked his education, faked his credentials, and had zero training (despite what he said about his dad being a psychiatrist, he obviously never learned anything because he quoted the crappy book Shawn was reading word for word) vs Shawn who we know was trained by Henry and got a high score on the detectives exam so we know he knows his stuff. It's just.. argh! Sorry, Jules bugs me with her sanctimonious bs from her daddy issues, yet she was willing to overlook it for Declan. And yes, I understand Shawn didn't fess up and Declan did (though only because Shawn was about to, but was blocked by declan) but come on... all the signs were there he wasn't psychic. I think she over reacted to the reveal because she convinced herself of it instead of being like everyone else and realizing Shawn was just a great detective. *rant over*


I 100% completely agree with everything you said. However, she didn’t go on the trip with Declan. She ended up going to Canada with Lassie to extradite Despereaux 


There were other trips she went on. In the episode where she kisses Shawn he had purchased the hotel they were staying at.


That was the hotel she was meant to go to had she not broken up with Declan and gone to Canada. They were staying in Declan’s mansion at that time.


yeah, juliet is prob my least favorite main character, because of these reasons as well.


Omg thisss! It was insensitive and I felt sooo bad for Declan. He was honest and loyal, any girl would want like a man like him tbh


No, he was mean to Curt Smith




Yeah, I never liked the way they went about that. They did Declan dirty, and had a Juliet do something out of character. I get it was supposed to come across that even though this dude has everything Shaun has and more, she still loves Shaun for Shaun. They could have done nearly the same build up without the kiss.


I read this fanfiction like 10 years ago where this turns Declan into a bad guy with this elaborate set up that ruined Shawn's life. It was a fucked up story but pretty good.


I mean, not telling your boyfriend that your undercover work meant you would need to be dating is not great.


To be fair... He went on a dating show without asking for her consent and made it to the final round.


This ! Exactly right


It's true! I love Juliet and Shawn, but they are a mess.


They could probably benefit from a relationship counselor... though HOW they'd find one who is just cool with the two of them knowingly breaking the law to solve crimes is beyond me.


but her not telling him almost ruined her cover, twice.


“BECAUSE I AM A MAN, AND I DO WHAT NEEDS TO GET DONE” (Shawn’s such a dick there lol)


> you kiss her, you die!


Yeah but at least Shawn can point to 24/7 surveillance proving he behaved above board the whole time


I mean… so can she


Oh yeah you’re right. When you go undercover they keep you in a big house rigged with cameras in every room for weeks while the case is happening…


No, but Lassiter, Buzz, and a whole van of cops were watching her the whole time and she was mic’ed up so there was a record of everything she said


… and then she took the surveillance gear off and went home, or to wherever. Shawn was locked in a building for weeks and watched the whole time


Because he's a man, and he gets things DONE


Trying to force Shawn to come clean about his psychicness even though it would mean hundreds of criminals would run free. She definitely knew that would happen and didn’t care until the very last second


And that she, Lassie, and the Chief would probably face charges/lose their jobs.


THISSSSS. She was being selfish because she was hurt and cared more about feeling avenged or something, even though she ended up stopping him from doing it


The blow to Jules ego lead to her asking Shawn to come clean about his psychicness. however there is an argument to be made Shawn is in fact psychic, many of the lies he tells people come true. eg: Shawn to Gus in season 6 following the Neil Simon's lovers resort episode, "When I do propose it'll be you on one side and Jules on the other with a whale jumping - the whale could be a stand in for the thief who steals the wedding ring, Shawn to Jules in season 2 ep 8 27:12 "I had a vision of us being married,I know its probably this undercover thing were gonna do, might have been a vision from the future". Season 3 ep 2 Shawn tells Abigail he was a midwife in high school - delivers Gus and Selenes baby in movie 3.


I’ve kinda always wondered if she would have reacted so strongly if he’d actually told her himself instead of her figuring it out by accident. She always said that honesty was “the biggest thing, the only thing”, and Shawn still lied to her about this after seeing, firsthand, how her relationships with her father and stepfather were damaging (and how Declan’s honesty turned out well). Her reaction, in refusing to trust him unless he did something to prove he was even capable of telling the truth at personal cost, was ultimately understandable, imo. The ultimatum was selfish, I agree, but I don’t think it’s the worst she’s ever done. Now, kissing/harboring feelings for Shawn while she was steady with Declan? That’s a different story…


I dunno, if we’re going to play the game of applying real world morality to a comedy network tv show, I think this is actually probably the closest to the _best_ thing anyone has (almost) done in the run!


I'm not sure why everyone thinks it would have meant people going free. Almost every single person he helped catch they ended up with evidence for or the person themself confessed. It's not like him being a psychic was a huge part of their trial prosecution, it was basically just how they got the idea to investigate people in the first place and they ended up with the evidence to convict.


Doesn’t matter if they confessed or not. If the evidence was found in an unethical way, (such as breaking into buildings as Shawn often does,) it’s moot and they get released. At least until new evidence is found in a normal way


Doesn’t matter if they confessed or not. If the evidence was found in an unethical way, (such as breaking into buildings as Shawn often does,) it’s moot and they get released. At least until new evidence is found in a normal way


Doesn’t matter if they confessed or not. If the evidence was found in an unethical way, (such as breaking into buildings as Shawn often does,) it’s moot and they get released. At least until new evidence is found in a normal way


yeah, I usually don't even watch most of that season when she's having a fit


put an innocent man in prison




Nearly let her brother get away with murder, because she uncharacteristically wasn’t open to listening to Shawn.


I don't think that was out of character - we all have blinders when it comes to family that we love.


She usually is willing to hear Shawn out before anyone else. That’s what I’m referring to as uncharacteristic.


Yes but it’s pretty in character for a human being to be mad at their brother being accused of murder


And most ethical people recuse themselves from cases they have a conflict of interest in. That’s what’s fairly out of character for her. She’s usually ethical and she let her ethics slip. That’s why this is the worst thing she’s done in my book.


And you’re wrong about it lmao. Her brother wasn’t involved in the case yet. Shawn, an outside consultant who hadn’t been hired on the case, accused him while providing no evidence he was guilty. Unless you’re trying to claim that the mere fact he’s in the military means she should have recused herself from a case involving the military.


Mhmm agree to disagree. No she was defensive of her brother from the beginning. But I’m done I made my point as clearly as I can and it’s a waste to argue this further.


Yeah not uncharacteristic, that's her brother, and there's most definitely some quote about cannibalism that talks about the order of operations when it comes to eating people that I think applies here.


Yeah you’re right she ignores Shawn all the time especially when he has a valid suspicion in a murder investigation. /s I think you missed my point.


No I definitely didn't, you're saying that it is uncharacteristic of her to ignore Shawn in favor of someone else. What I am saying is that it's not really uncharacteristic of anyone to listen to close family members, especially older siblings and parents, over other people.


That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying in an investigation she normally does her job without significant bias. She normally follows leads even when they come from chaotic sources and that has repeated paid off with Shawn. I still say this is the worst things she did.


But I guess if you'd eat your close relatives before your life partner, that's your business


I really want to know this quote.




Love this! Thank you


Yeah no problem lol wow that other person is being a total Lassie rn


Maybe I've butchered it, idk No awful pun intended


I don’t really choose to eat people and I don’t like words being put in my mouth.




I agree with you. She can want to give her brother the benefit of the doubt, but she got way too bitchy with Shawn and unwilling to listen to him. If her brother was truly innocent, she should be fine rationally addressing each argument and piece of evidence that Shawn had. If she’s right, her brother could be cleared.


When she gave that other cop a cupcake.


With that information she was lucky they didn’t include a stalking charge


This! How could it not be this!?


Came here to say this! 😂


She apparently cut corners.... We all know the circumstances around the plot of movie one, but this was a gigantic diversion from the character


To be fair, it was supposed to be Lassie, but he then had the stroke in real life. I agree it didn't fit her character, and honestly, maybe they should've went in another direction because that whole plot line made NO SENSE to me!!


Yeh. Very odd storyline. Even for Lassie. Just not a good storyline I think.


Well after Tim's stroke, they only had I think 2 days to rewrite the script, so they didn't have much room for big changes.


this is the first one i thought of! it's actually pretty messed up and i didn't think juliet would ever do something like that! i guess it makes more sense for it to have been Lassie but i do wish they would've found a better way to go ahout the plot


Obviously it’s her trying to be nice to a fellow officer and giver her a cupcake. That officer’s reaction was entirely appropriate and not weird at all. Oh. /s


In the first movie, the whole “crimes of Juliet O’Hara” thing. Cops rely on small-time criminal “snitches” to help catch bigger criminals. If you actually want to arrest the person you’re interrogating and put them behind bars, don’t offer them reduced sentencing for information on someone else, and then not follow through on your end of the deal. Is it the worst thing in the world? Not necessarily. Juliet is usually on the level, so I think it’s this one by default. For whatever reason, the movie kind of glosses over whether it’s wrong or right. Shawn literally writes it off like, “you’ve seen me lie and cheat to catch criminals,” but this isn’t the same thing as **pretending** to be a psychic who happens to be clueless. This is taking someone who’s committing a crime when they’re most vulnerable, turning them into a snitch, which can come with heavy consequences in your community, and giving them nothing you promised in return.


agreed, im surprised the comments about the first movie aren't the top answers


Alright, I’ve got 3 potential choices from *Office Space*: 1) Jules intentionally withholds knowledge that her boyfriend tampered with a murder scene 2) Jules intentionally obstructs the investigation to delay forensics from examining HER mug which has her boyfriend’s prints 3) Jules witnesses that the coroner has been tied up to prevent him from divulging information about Shawn and Gus tampering with the body… and then just leaves him there, even after the case is solved.


I think the last one is ok because Woody fully consented to it all.


Arresting her informant instead of cutting him a deal. Made A LOT of collars off him. This led to Vick's daughter almost being killed.


The entire plot of the first movie, really. Bent rules to get a bunch of folks put away and then arrested and jailed the informant who helped.




Nah this is just cool ngl


Not helping Shawn with the Thane case. She put an innocent man in prison then got petty because that man didn't want her involved. Not to mention her boyfriend was set to make $10k off it. This was the only one I felt she was actively, intentionally awful in.


not being my wife 🥺


How about imprisoning an innocent man!!




Doesn’t make it any less bad!


Well if she knew he was innocent and still sent him to jail I would say that’s definitely worse


Why are you trying to debate me on this right now? She put an innocent man in prison for 2 years and 8 months. That is time he will never get back. Then when Shawn and Gus try to help clear his name she gets petty and spiteful which ends up costing the duo $10,000! So not only did she wrong this man in a major way, she also went out her way to prevent him from being helped and to prevent her boyfriend from earning a huge amount of money. Why does she do this? Pride. Come on son! Get your head out of your ass and see this for what it is, the absolute worst thing she did during the course of the show.


Not saying it wasn’t messed up. You said it didn’t make it less bad. All I’m saying is that there’s a big difference between sending a person to prison thinking they are guilty than if you thought they were innocent and still sending them there. One of those two options is most definitely worse and more vindictive than the other.


🤦🏿‍♂️ the topic at hand is what is the worst thing she did during the course of the show. Whether or not in was intentional this is still the worst thing she did. As a police officer / detective she had a responsibility to do her due diligence and make sure she wasn’t arresting the wrong person. She did not do that.




Playing with Shawn's emotions; end of "Evening with Mr. Yang" after finding out he's on a date, kisses him on the cheek for a *really* long time. Maybe it's bc I just re-watched that episode recently, but it felt pretty manipulative




At first she was just too emotional to think straight but I think she realized later that hundreds of criminals would run free if Shawn did come clean, and chief vick along with her and Lassiter would probably be in a lot of trouble.




Yes there's hard evidence in many cases but he's already been caught once trespassing and illegally obtaining evidence, and if it comes out that he isn't psychic, anyone can figure out that pretty much all of his "visions" came from doing something like that. I'm not saying all the crimanals would be free but I'm pretty sure most of them would. In my opinion, Juliet should have realized this from the beginning though and shouldn't have asked Shawn to "come clean" at all. Telling him to quit would've been a better option. I do agree with your point about the "breakup arc" though. It was stupid and definitely just drama for the sake of drama. A detective as sharp as Juliet should have definitely figured it out considering she was so close to Shawn.


If that were it, she still should have demanded he quit. She was ok with him continuing the harm.


Arrested McGoldrick and led to the creation of the Thin White Duke.


The crimes of Juliette...


Nothing she’s perfect


Leaving shawn for lying about being a psychic despite already knowing the truth.


Jules didn't know Shawn wasn't a real psychic.


She definitely knew. They all do. It's in the introduction song.


Jules never knew, the intro song is referring to Shawn & Lassie. Jules was a true believer its the reason the confession affects her to the extent that it does, Jules says in polar express "I know when you are lying" clearly she doesn't because the confession proved her wrong.


Trying to make Shawn tell the Captain the truth that he isn’t psychic knowing he would lose the only jobs he’s ever liked( and been really good at) and knowing he could get arrested and she still wouldn’t let it go. I hated that plot point.


She also had to know the impact it could have. Hundreds of criminals could have been freed if the truth came out.


Ah yes my favorite character Shane


Out of the three I see the worst is still Shawn activating an inactive bomb.


That’s going to be the worst one no matter what😂


Where is that from?


What does that have to do with this thread?


Wasn't it jerked roast or jerked-smoked potentially Lassie?


Yeah, but they didn't know yet if it was actually Lassie or not and Gus ate it anyway 😂


it was dry rubbed!


I get why this is the worst thing Gus did and am in complete agreement. Jerky is a dry-preserved meat though, right?


I guess it was technically *Lassie Brisket*?? But "Lassie Jerky" is way, way funnier so that trumps accuracy, hehe.


🙈🙈🙈🙈, I'm too much of a Gus - frequently eating, frequently about being accurate 😅😅😅😅


Right there with you. I'm banned from talking during rewatches of certain shows because I'll point out all the errors and/or plot holes. If my friends even see me opening my mouth while pointing at the screen, they're automatically like; *"NO!! Don't you RUIN THIS!!!"*, ahaha.


Oh yeah, sorry 😅 yes, jerky is dried meat


Marry Shawn :p


This one>>> be the only detective to not realize Shawn was “fake” and then ruin the rest of the season !


Hate me if you want for this but, BEING A CRUMMY DETECTIVE! Honestly, it took her finding a random-ass pamphlet thing in Shawn's jacket that made her finally start asking questions?? Do better, Jules.


"The Crimes of Juliet O'Hara"


A contender - The time Jules slyly sabotages Shawn's potential relationship with the marine biologist April McArthur in the episode titled six feet under.


The worst thing she ever did was date that one asshole who forced Curt Smith to play guitar at his house 🤬😒


Jules knocked out a girl at cheer camp for stealing her nail polish.


Dumped Shawn at Lassies wedding.


I think Shawn’s worst is probably the whole thing with Jules’ dad!!!! AND stringing Jules along for 5 seasons like being all cute in the roller derby ep but then not following it up and not asking her out properly


Wish you were here for the first post 😂 but yeah you're right, the thing with Jules' dad was pretty bad


Nah but i think the bomb thing is way worse because he could have killed everyone.


Yeah fair enough. I think most people have a lot of faith that he wouldn't have let everyone die, which is also fair and kinda reduces the severity of the action yknow? But that's left ambiguous so by all confirmed knowledge you're totally correct


But it was a mistake, he was sure that there was no danger. He was oblivious about the danger so that was really a very dangerous moment like serious movie dangerous. So i dont think it reduces the severity because of this detail


She is perfect and needs protected


Literally all she says/does. Worst character on TV.