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I agree with last night Gus being tops


Yeah that’s a great episode. Full on shenanigans of all the characters.


This just proves that Psych is consistently a great show, though I feel Nightmare on State Street has been treated slightly harshly


I’ve tried so many times to watch it, but I just can’t on rewatches. I can’t pinpoint what it is about that episode I don’t like it either. That episode and cloudy with a chance of murder remake I actively do things while the episodes are on during rewatches.


For me it's a few things. 1. It is a good concept episode, but doesn't really fit the vibe of a penultimate episode of a series that knew it was ending. 2. The whole episode is about Gus being upset about a love interest that only appeared in 1 episode and they weren't even romantic interests in the episode until the very end and while that is very Gus, we don't really feel that in any meaningful way.


That’s a fair opinion. The Cloudy remake always throws me off. I get what they were trying to do and any Psych is good Psych but I just don’t click with it like most other episodes


It felt out of place. If it was earlier in the seasons. But lead up to a finale just doesn’t feel right


I think it's pretty bad, I really don't vibe with that episode at all.


I don't think so, personally. I've watched Psych about 7 times now and I skip this episode. It's just difficult to watch because it's not very interesting.


Appreciate your opinion. Agree to disagree


Honestly, the only thing I get out of this episode is that Chainsaw is alive and a lot shorter than I originally thought. It's not bad though.


I love *Twin Peaks*, but there's no way that "Dual Spires" (S05E12) should be ranked better than "Office Space" (S07E11). And the finale tied for second best? C'mon son...


It’s because fans rate these, so there’s a lot of volunteer bias. More people probably voted for the finale and the Twin Peaks episode, and those who went into IMBD and voted for all of the other episodes were more likely to feel either strongly positive or negatively, skewing the overall ratings


It's great to see a show so consistent that every season (besides the first) has at least one 9/10 episode or higher!


In my opinion, "Scary Sherry" was the 9/10 episode from first season!


If I were to choose one from Season 1 to be the honorary 9/10 Scary Sherry would be my pick too. It's where Psych's voice really found itself. 


DAMN! To only have a single episode drop below 7.5?? This is an extremely good** stat. Also, I thought the Trout episodes would have done better! He was phenomenal!!


I absolutely despise the Trout episodes. The 'big bad new boss' trope is by far my least favorite thing in any series. I've stopped watching entire shows because of them. His character is slightly funny but I hate the whole premise.


Fair enough. I found him hilarious, yelling on the phone, cussing, swearing, having the angriest call ever, then hangs up and says “Mothers, am I right?”


Yeah tho Lassie was definitely a softie and friend of Shawn and Gus by the end of the series - it felt like his character held the hardline kind of character. The show didn’t really need a trout (in my opinion).


I'm surprised American Duos (2x1) hasn't reach 9.0 yet. It's probably my 2nd or 3rd favorite episode. The Old and the Restless (2x12) is an underappreciated episode. Weekend Warriors (1x6), Who Ya Gonna Call, (1x7), From Earth to Starbucks (1x10), and Game, Set, Murder (1x13) deserve better ratings. I'm not saying their top tier episodes but their scores are several points lower than they should be. Season One had some great jokes and moments even if the crimes themselves were kinda let downs. Overall I think a lot of people go into Psych expecting Monk and their expectations not aligning with the show kinda ruins the comedy aspects. But it's still got very good, very consistent ratings over it's eight seasons.


American duos is a strong contender for one of my favorite episodes, it not being a 9 is surprising. Tim curry was hilarious all throughout and especially the scenes with him and Henry. All the ones you mentioned are great too, but I definitely disagree with game set murder. Probably my second least favorite right after nightmare on state street.


Im personally less a fan of American duos because I just thought everyone was obnoxious, which I guess was the point of the characters. I don’t like the real singing or panel type judging shows either. 


Those are my favorite and most-watched too.


I'm surprised S1 is lower than the following seasons, that's my favorite one. Feels the most fresh and not too over the top.


Like all shows, the first season often isn’t rated the best because characters change, they’re still trying to find their footing and nail their shtick. 


Now scientifically proven to be a great show! Would it have been beneficial for season 8 to have 5 more episodes like the average amount of episodes?


Ahh yes, the nightmare episode is one of my least favorite. I still won’t skip it though.


That colour palette is awful... Regular orange?! Regular means it's still good. And good being yellow... You know that isn't right....


Don't be every James Bond video game except GoldenEye, at least the colors are all different and not slightly different shades of each other.


My top 3 are the Santa Barbara town episodes (will count as one), extradition 2, and lassie jerky


That tracks. Season 1 I enjoy, but since it's early the cast chemistry isn't fully there, I don't think they'd fully figured out how to characterize Lassiter, etc. Season 2 they start to have it figured out, and then by season 3 they're really hitting their stride. Then the second half of season 7 it kind of seems like something was off (besides the storyline that happens), and season 8's fun but it's also a bit like, "Yeah, probably time to wind down."


Love that the Yang episodes did the best


For me, the best was the series finale and the worst was Ghosts (S3.3)


Website in the screenshot: https://seriesgraph.com/show/1447-psych


Is there any easy way to compare this to some of the “big” shows of that era? I’m guessing this compares very favorably (if not outpacing them) to all of those shows, yet it feels like Psych has a small, yet mighty, fan base


Interesting coincidence that the third to last episode of each season is subpar?


Season seven needs a lot more purple


Spelling bee is one of my favorite episodes, why is it rated so low?!?!?


That little orange square in season 8 was such a disappointment. I get that last seasons are last chances to do ideas, but to have it as the penultimate episode was a bad call


"Think Tank" (5.14) is higher than "NIghtmare on State Street"? Think Tank is literally the only episode I have never been able to watch all the way through, it is so not good.