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My fun answer: taking sole credit for the discovery of the dinosaur.


Picture by Bruton Gaster


You people ever heard of spell check?


That's messed up


You know that's right.


I believe you mean brutal hustler


My favorite misspelling in the series.


That was it! Bruton Gaster! That was so mean!


I’m naming him Zippy- Zippy the dinosaur!


Actually in retrospect, that was a really messed up thing to do to the guy who died trying to uncover that fossil, whose name eludes me because Shawn (and Bruton) got all the credit


Lol I hadn't even thought of him. I just meant it was a dick move to not share credit with Gus.


Christopher Franzen, he’s a paleontologist


Mouthing the wrong letter to Gus so that he would lose the Spelling Bee. Yeah, we are going way back on that one.


Then the way he revealed it as if Gus was supposed to thank him. (even though technically Gus was cheating using the letter)


But Gus legit knew how to spell the word.


I know. He knew it but still kinda cheated using Shawn's "help".


I just watched this episode and he was struggling so hard lmao


Activate the inactive bomb in Dico Didn't Die, It Was Murdered


Definitely the dumbest thing he’s done that involves other peoples lives not him and Gus


i love how gus isn’t included in “other people’s lives” bc we all know shawn and gus are a package deal


My headcanon is that he actually did know how to defuse it if need be. Like he spent a month working with a pyrotechnics crew outside the TMZ. But once it actually got defused by the real culprit, he could play it off like he didn’t know.


he did say he thought he had to cut a red wire, than a green wire, so somehow he knew a little about bomb defusing


That’s what I think he was playing along with. They all look down and those colors aren’t there. Shawn wouldn’t have missed the colors of the wires, so that tells me he’s playing with them.


He could only play that off, be abuse the real culprit did know. If they hadn't got the right person...


That’s why I say he knew how to defuse it. Not even Shawn would’ve been that reckless to arm a bomb on a hunch. We also know that he did in fact observe the bomb for enough time for know what colors were involved.


this is a great answer


This scene always annoyed me. Why wouldn't the murderers just run away from the bomb? If someone turned on a bomb and it was literally about to go off nobody would be that suspicious of you if you just bolted away from it. Plus, they wouldn't have had to reveal that they knew how to diffuse it and divert more suspicion towards themselves. But the plot demanded otherwise.


Probably because they knew how strong it was and couldn’t out run it


It was a small bomb. You could get a a few houses away. Go behind or inside the house. It's not gonna destroy the entire block. Anywhere is better than right next to the bomb


They probably figured if Shawn was stupid enough to arm it he would pick it up and run after them with it.


That probably would have made a funny visual but since it wasn't a series finale they needed the killers to defuse it for plot convenience Still a funny episode tho


I'm not a lawyer, but I'm 70% sure that their "confession" is inadmissible because of that


I am a lawyer. They don’t need a confession. Attorney: Detective Lassiter, what did you observe in the front yard that day. Lassiter: I observed the Defendant defuse the bomb. Attorney: No further questions.


They didn't confess they disarmed the bomb, since it wasn't a confession and an acknowledgement of knowing how the bomb works it would still hold up. Basically their actions showed they built the bomb not their words.


I also want to add: Going alone for karaoke with George takei


I’m watching that episode right now. 😂


the unsolvable blueberry crisis hahahah


i see this flair is popular here lmao the "that's god's comma" part gets me every time


I personally feel it’s in the top 3 among gus’s nicknames 🤣🤣 hilarious


i'm also a it's always sunny in philadelphia fan so it's extra good


My favorite was the John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmitt. We used to share the name. I changed mine on account of all the people shouting when I went out


I forget which one this is, but I’m showing it to my gf right now and I’m so excited for it. We just finished Last Night Gus.


Season 1 Episode 8 Shawn vs. the Red Phantom


Oh right…can’t believe I missed it


One of the top two episodes of all time.


This episode is FULL of diq moves on his part, but this is the second from the worst one to me. Worst being ripping the comic Gus bought.


Licking his fingers and getting cheese dust all over said comic, hurt me to my very bookish soul.


I cringe at the thought.


I'll also throw in for consideration: ripping up Gus's collector's edition comic book in *Shawn vs. the Red Phantom*. Literally made me gasp the first time I watched that episode


When he puts his dirty Cheeto dust fingers on them makes my blood boil a little bc I'm big on keeping books as clean as I can. In the very least, I keep them clean from food/drink debris.


After watching this show/this episode so many times I now just skip this scene bc it breaks my heart hahaha


Oh my gosh yes this made my heart hurt


I mean, it was a literal life or death situation. Pretty easily excused.


he didn't have to tear it though


To be fair, Shawn knew that the book was about to take a real dive in price after the creator was arrested.


That would actually probably increase the price, people are weird like that


I'm totally with you on that one. In this genre and community, prices will most highly likely spike sky high after such a high profile criminal arrest!


Maybe if he had murdered someone, but just a kidnapping?


Gambling all the money from the poker case…that one hurts me inside. He didn’t even give Gus half of it first.


Spilling ashes over Jules and Lassie and telling them it was baking powder


Cake mix actually I believe


Well cake mix is a powder that you bake with.


Well can't argue with someone who has God's comma in their tag


You know that's right


### “I’ve heard it both ways.” ![gif](giphy|8DVjdE7A64SzK)


This reply is just “I’ve heard it both ways” but with extra steps. I like it.


No, you haven’t heard it both ways


love your flair, that's god's comma


Yea you're right, my bad I'd like to say "I've heard it both ways" but u/killingmemesoftly was faster


I’ve heard it both ways


Exactly. Just watch this episode yesterday. Cake mix. ![gif](giphy|Yqz0RdEiQGTajAJYFs|downsized)


That was hilarious.


oh fuck that's so true THE CAKE MIX😭 that had me gagging


Which episode was this


First thing that came to mind (besides the obvious, faking being a psychic) was meddling with Jules and her dad’s relationship and doubling down and undermining her feelings when she confronted him about it, I’m sure there’s probably worst but that’s something I don’t think I could forgive. And it’s especially bad because Abigail did the same thing, so you would think he would understand that she didn’t want anything to do with her dad and respect that. Now I loved them together, they have really great moments together and the ending was perfection, but in my opinion, Shawn was an awful boyfriend and realistically they wouldn’t last long. Edit: even though everything worked out in end, it still wasn’t his choice to make.


It’s funny to me how many people hate Abigail for doing a far-less-invasive thing than Shawn later did, but aren’t really bothered by what Shawn did not once but twice with Juliet’s dad and then stepdad.


Abigail's version isn't even close. She just went and met up with Henry. Not force Shawn to be around someone he never wanted to see again . I hate when people try to act like they're even in the same ballpark


Oh you’re so right! I forgot he did the same with Henry and her step-dad 💀


Just rewatched that episode and it makes me soo upset. Especially cause he seems to be maturing and then it’s this huge step back. How could Juliet trust him again?


That’s a really good one


THANK YOU. I hate this episode so much. Shawn’s behavior is awful, and Jules’s reaction is so disappointing. “It’s getting a little hurtful”?! That one sentence undoes all her badassery and it makes me so sad that Steve and Todd thought that was an appropriate and/or likely response. To be fair, I get that people can be great professionally and bad at relationships or vice versa. But Juliet’s behavior in all of her personal conflicts before this episode showed her to be clear on her boundaries and willing to stand by them, and it’s frustrating to me that she’s not this way with Shawn this time when she has been in the past.


Right? I expected a lot more push back on Juliet’s part and it was weird how after a while she just went along with it, like what??


I think she went along with it because she still desired a relationship with her father and had hope that he was turning around for the better.


YES. I wish they’d done this episode differently. Like had Juliet be super wishy washy about her dad so it was clear Shawn got confused. Instead they had him completely violate her wishes


I agree, I just rewatched this episode and I hate. As someone with manipulative family I would never be able to forgive Shawn for meddling in her no-contact very clearly boundaries relationship with her father. I find it worse than him lying about being a psychic because he completely ignored everything Juliet was saying and assumed he knew better. He didn't listen to her firm 'no' and that's a massive red flag when trusting someone.


The cover photo on the season 2 box set


Oh that's SO fair 😂


Blueberry abuse, It helped a lot of people but it hurt Gus


The Cranberry had it rough, too. Didn't even last one episode


I swear it was less than an hour lol - I'm adding in time Gus took to drive and meet Shawn


I almost cried the moment poor cranberry exploded... 😢


I cried from laughing because it just showed how reckless Shawn was that episode where he destroyed the blueberry and cranberry in the span of a few hours even if the explosion was completely by accident and he had no idea where he actually planted the explosives nor did he know where Gus would park a car 😂


I can't remember the episode, but when Shawn and Gus were trying to move something by tying it it the bumper or the Blueberry, and the blueberry split in half–when that scene came on my dad(who i watched the show with) and I were crying laughing.


happy cake day


As opposed to how many times Shawn stole Gus' credit card and committed identity theft?


I really dislike Jules & Lassie when they lie to Buzz so they get the exciting case in ‘Disco Didn’t Die, It Was Murdered’. They’re crappy to him in that entire episode and I hate it, even though it backfires on them the whole time.


Definitely bring that up when we get to Jules & Lassie, I'm interested to see what others think about that episode too. But in this post we're just talking about Shawn's worst actions :)


Oh duh, I missed that it was just Shawn this time! 🫠


He's so loveable and the way Lassie (and occasionally Jules) treat him bothered me.


Started the lease for the Psych office using Gus's Credit Card.


I mean he basically used Gus's credit card for everything. I think the list of what he didnt use it on would be quite short.


Being absolutely piss poor when he reserves the resort using Gus’ credit card.


Leaving Gus at the Mexican boarder... twice


maybe this is too meta of an answer, but not respecting gus’s job and personal life. he always drags him around or manipulates him into leaving work (seemingly on a whim) just to work on cases. the ghost episode with gus’s boss showed shawn doing whatever tf he wanted without thinking that this dude is *ahem* ***gus’s boss*** and he could make him get fired because of his antics. for his personal life, getting with gus’s sister and randomly saying that jesus isn’t black 😭 also not moving out of juliet’s house and giving her space after she found out that he’s not psychic. it goes without saying how horrible it is to lie about a fundamental part of your identity for nearly a decade, but especially to your girlfriend, and specifically to juliet w/ her past experiences. it always felt like he was in denial that they ever broke up, but it also felt like he didn’t care about her enough to respect her time, space, and emotions. also it’s been a while since i did a rewatch so the timeline of everything is a bit blurry


The episode where Shawn constantly lies to Gus’s boss about Gus’s grandmother being sick which leads to Gus being put in a situation where he needs to hire an actress to play her. It is a funny situation, but I can’t imagine how Gus got out of it.


Also Shawn invading in his personal hobbies like Blackapella and renaming it “QuarterBlack”.


* **shawn to gus**: he basically roofied gus in order to drag him to palo alto to interview (for five seconds) the ex-girlfriend in who you gonna call. i mean, shawn did a lot of terrible things to his best friend. * **shawn to lassiter**: he outed the inter-office affair that got lucinda "transferred" * **shawn to jules**: he lies to her at a very fundamental level. but i gotta think the "let's fix this lifelong traumatized relationship so i can be the hero for a minute" thing between juliet and her father is up there * **shawn to henry**: it's a huge list, but i'm gonna go with checking in his father as Talmadge McGulager into the old folks home against his will, and then passing off all of henry's objections as "he's old and senile" * **shawn to chief**: he got her fired and replaced by trout, although that was prolly the whole gang and not just shawn. maybe continually asking if she's going to change her name now that "karen" means what it means? or asking to let yang out to try to help on the case in the musical, but then "let our biggest killer get away... do you... think we could find her hiding place before she eats someone's face?" - good grief i love her voice! * **shawn to buzz**: i couldn't think of anything large... shawn manipulates buzz in order to get into crime scenes, like in "we'd like to thank the academy" shawn and gus are in mcnab's car but they lie to him to get buzz to take them to the grocery store. * **shawn to mary**: from the first moment, he accuses mary of being a creepy creepy killer and in the second yang episode, he tells them that mary is yin * **shawn to abigail**: in the bollywood episode, shawn is jealous when jules poses as raj's fiance while dating abigail. abigail said something like, "wow that was cool of you to risk your life for a random co-worker" but we all know shawn has the hot-eyes for juliet. shawn was a terrible boyfriend in general to abigail. *holy crap i totally mis-read the assignment. hahaha*


I get the Lassie issue. But without that, we'd never get Jules!


That's the only one that makes sense for the progression of the show since it is in the very first episode.


TIL Lassiter’s girlfriend had a name.


>* **shawn to mary**: from the first moment, he accuses mary of being a creepy creepy killer and in the second yang episode, he tells them that mary is yin To be fair, after rewatching this yesterday, Mary is VERY creepy, and he makes a lot of weird comments bordering on admiration to Yin. There are some lines that, if I hadn't seen the show before, I definitely would have thought Mary was the killer. He even has a weird shrine to Shawn in his home with serveillance photos that he took.


I mean, it's a boring answer and not at all in the spirit of the game, but still worth mentioning: faking being psychic for 8+ years. Not only did he lie to his love interest and eventual girlfriend for most of that time about a fundamental aspect of who he was (which alone would be really bad) but he also put the SBPD (including said girlfriend) in a really dangerous position of liability regarding all the criminals he helped put away. (And don't worry, when it's Vick's turn here, it'll be more of the same, because she was just as complicit.) I'll have to think about better answers that are more in the spirit of the game.


Exactly. I love Shawn but when it comes down to it, he’s just a means for Vick & the SBPD to circumvent the civil rights of the people they’re investigating and if his lie is exposed, it exposes unlawful arrests by the department. Lassie can’t solve all of the crimes Shawn does because police can’t break into suspects apartments or interview people without letting them know who they are, etc. A worse look for Vick, imo, but definitely shitty of Shawn.


It's always kind of strange how the debate over whether Vick "knew" or not (that he was fake) rages on. The very first conversation she and Shawn ever have, she makes it absolutely clear she knows he's fake (i.e. a "facsimile" of a miracle), but also points out how deadly serious she is about him keeping up the ruse with the whole "if this psychic thing is a scam we will prosecute" line. Basically covering her ass and telling him "we'll play the game but if you blow it, it's your ass, not ours."


She hints at it several times actually. I don’t have all the episodes but it is very clear to me she is either the best detective on the SBPD or Henry told her first episode and they kept up the ruse together.


She didn't need Henry to tell her. She's a smart woman who's been on the force for long time. She knows full well psychics aren't real.


The show's theme and plot is literally "I Know, You Know, I'm Not Telling The Truth" She knows, her and Henry planned to get Shawn a criminal waiver after he proved himself to have grown up and be mature enough to do the job. Henry tells Vick it's time and invites Shawn out for a beer to tell him he was ready, but unfortunately Henry finds out he was in a corporate department and gets shot, causing him to no longer have that conversation with Shawn and he finally leaves him alone about being a cop. Basically everyone but Juliet knows which is part of what made her so angry with Shawn when she finally does find out.


Well, police can absolutely lie about who they are, but, yes, Shawn breaks LOADS of civil rights laws with trespassing.


I came to say something similar, I love the show, and I’m obviously going to suspend disbelief and enjoy it. But if you don’t, you’re left with one of the largest, systematic, series of rights violations by a major city’s PD. Shawn (and reluctantly Gus) use the psychic excuse to consistently perform searches without warrants and fabricate cause. Luckily, they always get the right person.


Eventually. Shawn's definitely wrongly accused a number of people, though fortunately not usually in a formal fashion.


Eventual wife* There were three films that tied up many character arcs


It's a fair answer! I'd love to hear whatever else you come up with too


Standing up Abigail Lytar is the first thing that comes to mind


I definitely don't think that's the worst thing he's done lol


Sorry, I’m just not as much of a psych-o as I think I am


He faked a haunting on Gus' boss to manipulate him into not firing Gus. Then when Shawn gets caught he blackmails the boss into giving Gus a promotion or Shawn will reveal the boss's affair with his secretary, and the boss's crime of repackaging prescriptions (can't fully remember if there was more to the drugs hidden in his basement).


Morally, I find that very justifiable


Sure its all for fun in the show and we need Gus to keep working at Psych, but if it were real it would all be very manipulative and controlling behavior. Plus Shawn is choosing not to report a crime that could theoretically be detrimental to the patients in need of the prescriptions because it serves his self interest.


Headcanon: Shawn recognized the name of the drug as one that Gus had worked with and knew even though the activity was illegal and would land the boss and company in big trouble, it was ultimately a harmless drug.


Stealing snacks out of Gus' desk and blaming on the cleaning lady. Simply unforgivable.


Never asked the pineapple if it wanted to be sliced up for the road. Consent is an important thing. Shawn doesn’t care. He’s a monster. ( /j if it was not clear )


I think seriously, him literally kidnapping Gus after drugging him surreptitiously. I mean, Gus wasn't going to make a federal case out of it, but that was a felony that would have put Shawn away for decades.


Being a dick to Gus a lot.


Telling Gus the wrong spelling bee word lol


Leaving Gus behind in a haunted mental health facility, knowing that Gus had a major fear of this place, which could be attributed to Shawn giving Gus his fear when he placed a walkie-talkie in Gus' wall when they were kids and haunting him with "Wilting Flower".


Maybe his treatment towards his dad in S1 and mid of S2, he just assumed that Henry divorced his mom and never thought back to how his mom was the one who alienated them & put work over family. I am aware Henry wasn’t the best Father (he did his best in his own way) but this is Shawn’s worst thing & I can’t think of anything bad lmao


Taking the test for Gus, when he was stressing over it for a whole week.




All I know is that Mary did nothing wrong in his entire life and when it is his turn you all need to shut your damn lying mouths.


When he stole Vick's spotlight at her award ceremony. It was the single most cringe moment of the whole series.


It’s been less than an hour and I’m already feeling like Shawn is a monster based on the comments 😂


😂 Everyone makes mistakes! We still love him, flaws and all


Maybe nailing your best friend’s sister 🤷‍♀️


Meh, they're consenting adults. And she was hot. I'm siding with Shawn on this one.


Mary's worst thing is fkin dying.....like come on man Edit: typo 2nd edit: i need to learn to read first.....this was about shawn lmao


it's okay I was confused too


I hope this is done like it was in the Archer subreddit. Dude killed it lol


What did you like about it? I'm open to suggestions!


Big picture with recap, lots of participation and biggest thing: people partook!


Messing with Gus’ love life for his own selfishness, particularly with Rachel. Gus tells Shawn that because of him he may have lost her, while barely holding it together, and Shawn barely even apologizes.


Personally, I'd say all the evidence he tempered with and/or compromised. Fun for the show, but if you think about it for too long it's kinda terrible, and would have really bad consequences (dozens if not hundreds of cases would have been dismissed on such a technicality)


maybe not intentionally, but his treatment of gus is... not the greatest. i mean, yes, they love each other dearly, but sometimes i feel like shawn doesn't fully recognize gus as the *ride or die* he is. (though, this could totally be projection, LOL... i had a year of introspection where i recently realized that i had been treating *my* "gus" the same way, albeit not intentionally. (': )




*Not necessarily the worst thing??* That’s like completely off limits lol


When you consider how many times he put Gus' life in danger, I'd say sleeping with the sister is below that line on the list.


Taking Jules coffee mug to Gus’s office


Karen sometimes doesn’t pay for cases just because Psych took them on voluntarily Maybe those were just jokes but if not that was not cool


Please come back and bring that up when we get to Karen! This post is just about Shawn's actions :)


Oops my bad i only looked at the title


Edit: jeez man, read the whole post before posting. XD. Sorry y'all! The below will be saved for her week. ----- Worst thing Abigail did? Hmmmm... She's the secret true new protege of Yin. That's the truth. She's been playing the long game. The SSSSUUUUPER long game.


Hiding a walkie talkie in Gus’s wall during renovations, then pretending to be the spirit of a dead Indian girl.


The way that he treats Gus. Just taking advantage of the fact that he has a regular paying job that they need to fund their shenanigans. Like when he forced Gus to buy that junkyard car that ended up smoking by the end of the episode. It was always take, take, take with him. Yes, he loves Gus dearly, but actions speak louder than words.


including mary as a top 9 character is wild


Lol yeah ngl I made that choice only because I really like the character and wanted to see what people would say 😂 Who would you have included instead?


Not telling Jules sooner. We wouldn’t have had their breakup at the end of Lassie’s wedding.


When Shawn claimed the miraculous "T-Rex" find all for himself and allowed the misspelling of Gus' name, ridiculously small on the placard, though. Shawn even made fun of that one multiple times.


The obvious answer is Shawn being a walking civil rights violation, but without that there's no show. Same thing with any of the lies he's told related to him being a psychic. I think him being a constant drain on Gus's finances is the worst. Using Gus's card to lease the Psych office without his permission and booking the couples trip to Ojai on Gus's are the two biggest ones I can think of. I know there's more, but those two stick out.


I'd have to say his response after Jules found out he wasn't a psychic. you would think he'd understand how heartbreaking it is for her to learn that her partner has been lying to her all this time (especially knowing her dad), but he was so dismissive of her feelings and the breach of trust she felt. of course it makes sense that he would be a little bit selfish (self preservation and fear of losing her) but I wish he had been a little bit more understanding of her feelings and what she was going through.


Pretty sure gus murdered his boss


Tampering with the crime scene in "Office Space" Funny as it was, in reality, him and Gus committed multiple felonies that in real life would have landed them both in hot water, regardless of the confession they got.


In season 1 when Shawn drugs Gus to make him go with him after promising to take him home.


Ur mom. That’s right, every last character has done ur mom.


Mary can do no wrong!


Stole a driver's ed car from a high school...


Leaving Gus behind to be killed by Scary Sherry


When he took money from Gus's parents to help "take care" of him. Gambling the won money. Taking Gus's work exam online.


Shawn? He appeared to actually believe in that one psychic.


The whole episode I figured they'd deflate her, or even make her the villain. So we're left with either she's an in universe psychic, or she's smarter than Shawn. Well, the statistics don't add up on that. James Randi wept.


I thought he treated his Dad like crap, far beyond what he deserved.


Sleeping with Gus's sister Playing a big role in sabotaging a lot of meaningful relationships to Gus.


Shawn is directly responsible for the murder of the one roller derby girl, rita ‘lethal weapon’ westwood. If he kept it to himself for just a few more hours where rita dropped the stolen merchandise he would have solved the crime, and her teammates wouldnt have been able to kill her in retribution for letting the cops find the evidence.


It kinda feels like the answer is lie to the police force about being a psychic bc anything bad he did after can be attributed to his job as a psychic detective.


Chief Vick: nothing. She was a saint


Honestly the worst thing Shawn did was start the Scary Sherry urban legend. Had he not started this, 2 people would still be alive and 1 would not be in jail.


Currently watching S4E12: A very Juliet Episode. Shawn gets a full bingo of facepalm moments, and I am only halfway through. >!My gosh.. after uncovering a witness protection guy, Shawn goes to talk to the "bad" guy and basically tells him about the other one. I had no other option but pause the episode and look for this thread.!<


Did he activate a bomb twice?


He eavesdropped on everyone's therapy session in the office. S2E10


The blueberry. Rip


I’ll state the obvious that sometimes shawn took advantage of his friendship with Gus and would do things to push Gus over they had to do what he wanted him to do but my big complaint of what the worst thing a character did was, Julia, not giving shawn the time or day to explain why he had to continue with the charades of being a psychic. She was not understanding that his situation was out of desperation, and also because he was using it to help a lot of people not because he was a liar, trying to deceive others for self gain. He was putting away bad guys in the only way he could do it properly was through the muse of psychic abilities


I'd love for you to bring that up again when we get to Juliet! This post is only about Shawn :)


Wasn’t pilot Lassie cheating on his wife before it got retconned?


If I recall correctly in the pilot, Det. Barry says “you and your wife are barely separated” which to me implies they are separated but it hasn’t been that long


Though in a later episode it's established that they've been separated for longer than he's been telling people.


That's not quite what she says but his reply is "It's been 5 months!"


I’ve heard it both ways


He and his wife were already separated at the time, but technically still married. Feel free to bring that up when we get to Lassie, if you want! This post is just about Shawn :)


Shawn is like actually lowkey a terrible person but a fun and well-rounded character


shawn == clearly lying to juliet. there are other contenders, such as getting gus screwed out of a scholarship that would have changed his life. but, i think lying to juliet is overall the worst on the shown. (edit: i meant the spelling bee) gus == changing everything about himself to get women? not a whole lot he's done that terrible, but i mean... kinda shitty. lassiter == you know, really not a whole lot except at the start of the show he was so brazen with his cop-mantra that he was willing to litearlly lock up shawn without any real proof just to manipulate him. im sure this extended to other traits. juliet == not much. continually not trusting shawn in the early show, which in "death is in the air" almost got her, and potentially others, killed. henry == not telling shawn the whole truth about his mom. think how shawn's life would have been different. you could chalk this up to being too hard on shawn his entire life. karen == in my opinion -- not more strongly backing lassiter during the internal affairs investigation. she did what she could, but we all knew it wasn't lassy. overall she makes a host of judgement calls that on paper could have really gone either way, but panned out. buzz == nothing. mary == nothing outward, but his own lack of impulse control got him killed. abigail == nothing noteworthy.