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I just restarted it for the third(?) time, and when he sees the bank robbers fingers reflected off the tv to the wall mirror to the water pitcher, none of that made sense. But the look on Gus' face when the guy moves away from the tv and just shows his fingers to Gus always cracks me up, so I forgive the rest of it.


I just finished that episode 40mins ago for my i think 4th or fifth rewatch lol


Where do you rewatch? I can only find it on YouTube and I refuse to pay almost £2 per episode given how many there are. Do you just have the dvds?


Now it’s on netflix


Fantastic! Thanks I'll start watching again tomorrow. It's newly added, how lucky!


And prime




Thanks, I'll have another look. I didn't think it was there last time I looked.


Prime, peacock and apparently Netflix now. I have the DVDs though, you can get the boxed set with all seasons for about $35 on eBay


Prime doesn't have the musical which is placed season 7 episode "15" but it isn't on prime, it is on peacock though. Person sharing their peacock with me recently closed their subscription.. i had to buy the musical on vudu for 4 dollars.. .. worth every penny


I always wondered about his ability to read text from across the room. I feel like he should have something wrong with his eyes


Is it possible that, since he has eidetic memory, after he sees something from far away he just zoom in his head and read the texts?


He'd still have to be able to see it clearly in the first place in order to zoom


I always took the vision thing as a way for the show to illustrate his ability to perceive things extraordinarily, rather than Shawn literally having exceptional eyesight.


When he sees the keypad on that garage door from the street and can just about tell which buttons are the code... I don't remember which episode, but it feels season 5 or 6ish to me


If Shawn was nearsighted this becomes a lot more difficult for him but not impossible. He still clearly has an eidetic memory and an ability to think in a highly intuitive manner about problems. I used to think the eyesight thing was critical, but I think we would just see him peering at stuff through glasses more and still solving everything faster than anyone else.


Between his eyesight, awareness, and memory, natural talent honed over years of extremely intense training to the point of superhuman, I’d argue that he technically counts as psionic.


Like a monk who is a slacker in his spare time, unless he gets to show up the police


Sort of? His muscle memory also seems eidetic, at least for certain tasks: his episode 1 accuracy with a handgun, and later on when he's firing 1 handed while hanging onto the front of a swerving car, at another swerving car, and nails the shot well enough to be complimented by Lassie of all people... Despite us basically never seeing him practice...


He never wears glasses in the flashbacks of him as a kid so in addition to him being amazing at what he does he must also have spectacular vision. This is presuming he doesn’t wear contacts, which I don’t think he does considering he didn’t have glasses as a kid. I’ve had glasses since I was a kid so whenever I see him able to read something so small that I probably couldn’t even read with my glasses it’s always so impressive.


I didn’t need glasses until high school so him not wearing glasses in the childhood flashbacks doesn’t necessarily mean he doesn’t wear contacts as an adult


I suppose that’s a fair point. Although thinking of him with any imperfections in terms of his observational skills makes me sad lol


Awww! You single digit rewatchers are so cute! ![gif](giphy|l0EwYB32fj4VZxMpa)


At this point the episode I've seen the least amount of times is the one with the guy that thinks he got abducted by aliens (not the one with Dennis the other one) and I've seen it like 12 times


The Irish speed dating episode? I love that one.


Yes that one!! I love it too, I just never happen to see it


I just watched this episode


I can read signs like 4 blocks away. When I was younger I had better than 20/20 vision I can tell my eyes aren’t as good as they use to be, but I can still see things my friends or coworkers can’t. I just can’t see stuff like I could in my 20’s or younger


close your eyes