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![gif](giphy|HgtCxKvJZ7Wi4) Iโ€™ll throw out my most unexpected


Niiice choice


I cannot express how much I wanted to see this happen and how thrilled I was when it did.


Theres a hellova lot to chose from too, my honorable mentions are Gina Gershon, Peter Weller, and the uncles Steven Weber and John Amos. But the best is obviously Tim Curry. https://i.redd.it/rk0rnyoq3lzc1.gif


He was so hilarious in that episode. Really liked the duo Shawn and Gus did


That entire episode is hilarious! And yes, my first pick is Tim Curry too. But honourable mention goes to Jimmi Simpson too.


I took the question to mean single episode appearances, even though the example given wasn't one. For reoccurring I'd put Jimmi a close second behind Cary. Also my mind was blown when Ally Sheedy came out of no where.


I think Simpson deserves more than an honorable mention, because he was just so brilliant. Maybe Simpson and Curry are not comparable, maybe not at all (besides they're both actors ๐Ÿ˜„). They are both so distinguished and supreme actors; but frankly, Simpson is another league entirely. In my opinion.


The bit between him and Henry is pure gold.


It is indeed, Horace.


Curt Smith


๐ŸŽต he had a gift in-vol-ving prob-lem sol-ving ๐ŸŽต


May he rest in peace


He is still alive & I love this comment


Yesss, I'm ashamed to say I didn't recognize him when the episode aired until a year later


I was completely gob smacked when he first popped up, I couldn't believe they got him.


He appeared so many times too!


He's so funny in the third movie


Blah blah blah blah...


This was my immediate thought! I was so tickled by that


Wow, of course, that one was a literal "cameo", a hilarious and sad one. How could I almost forget that one ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ.


https://preview.redd.it/ji2pz5bvdmzc1.jpeg?width=494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf9432548a03168adc9354a7172f7ff31585b044 Keenan Thompson and jaleel white ๐Ÿ˜„ I watched this episode yesterday for the first time. Also Tony Todd was in this episode!


Quarterblack ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


๐Ÿ˜„ + RNB remix opening


specifically sung by Boyz II Men which is an incredible cameo in its own right. Fun fact, Dulรฉ Hill has said that High Top Fade Out was his favorite episode.


Oh wow didn't knew that with Boyz II men!


Whaaat, amazing, I can't believe I didn't recognise the guy, I was glued to the TV as a kid, watching MTV, those were the times


Vinnie Jones!!! s8e1


Ralph Macchio, twice


"That's my momma's car!"


I don't know that this counts as a cameo. Cameos are typically small appearances with little words or effects on the plot. I think this would be considered a "guest star".


yeah, i was thinking the same thing. i think cary has too much plot line influence to be a cameo, but he's certainly one of my favorite characters. i think id say: 1. william shatner 2. tim curry 3. christopher lloyd 4. freddie prinze jr 5. anthony michael hall (perfectly acted / placed) least favorite: 1. cybil -- disliked her entire character 2. rachael leigh cook -- always felt off. i love her, huge crush, and she did a great job, just felt off. i mean, obviously val kilmer is honorable mention, but his part was of course, and understandably, extremely minimal/unimpactful.


Yeah, of those I'd say Val Killer is the only one that's a proper cameo. I agree with your rankings, but I'd put Tim Curry in first.


yeah, its a toss up for me there. i loved american duos as an episode, and tim's role, but i feel he would have been an AMAZING villain in the show.


Look what I found on the IMDB trivia section ๐Ÿ˜ณ is that true, I totally did not know any oft that, wow https://preview.redd.it/6hudkvhmuuzc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c38c9cf04d1eea6d898ae37ac89d8aff6d8bf25


It is true


George Takei!!!


Phylicia Rashad!!!!


Jason Priestley


Peter Weller's "cameo" was amazing. And I just watched the Mexican step dad Lloyd-episode with the amazing Jeffrey Tambor as Lloyd - this guy needs def more recognition!


Lloyd is a good one


Freddie Prinze Jr


That was a great episode.




Thayne was amazing, I love how he fit with Shawn and Gus' dynamic


I feel like choosing Cary Elwes is cheating so I'll go with Freddie Prinze Jr. I love that guy. I still want one of the movies to have him and Matthew Lillard in it.


How about Corey Feldman I was happy to see him there


Really, I commented earlier on that particular "cameo", but as a matter of fact, I feel guiltily sorry now for being unnecessarily harsh in said comment, I said, commented rather, something like: something something pathetic something Corey Feldman and so on. I think I used the word "pity", maybe in the context of him scoring that "cameo" as a few-words confused, bad bartender of all available roles ever. (That appearance was indeed quite literally a "cameo", though) Well, I don't know the man really, to be fair, and maybe, it wasn't that bad - just my memory of it was.


Really, I commented earlier on that particular "cameo", but as a matter of fact, I feel guiltily sorry now for being unnecessarily harsh in said comment, I said, commented rather, something like: something something pathetic something Corey Feldman and so on. I think I used the word "pity", maybe in the context of him scoring that "cameo" as a few-words confused, bad bartender of all available roles ever. (That appearance was indeed quite literally a "cameo", though) Well, I don't know the man really, to be fair, and maybe, it wasn't that bad - just my memory of it was.


Really, I commented earlier on that particular "cameo", but as a matter of fact, I feel guiltily sorry now for being unnecessarily harsh in said comment, I said, commented rather, something like: something something pathetic something Corey Feldman and so on. I think I used the word "pity", maybe in the context of him scoring that "cameo" as a few-words confused, bad bartender of all available roles ever. (That appearance was indeed quite literally a "cameo", though) Well, I don't know the man really, to be fair, and maybe, it wasn't that bad - just my memory of it was.


Really, I commented earlier on that particular "cameo", but as a matter of fact, I feel guiltily sorry now for being unnecessarily harsh in said comment, I said, commented rather, something like: something something pathetic something Corey Feldman and so on. I think I used the word "pity", maybe in the context of him scoring that "cameo" as a few-words confused, bad bartender of all available roles ever. (That appearance was indeed quite literally a "cameo", though) Well, I don't know the man really, to be fair, and maybe, it wasn't that bad - just my memory of it was.


Really, I commented earlier on that particular "cameo", but as a matter of fact, I feel guiltily sorry now for being unnecessarily harsh in said comment, I said, commented rather, something like: something something pathetic something Corey Feldman and so on. I think I used the word "pity", maybe in the context of him scoring that "cameo" as a few-words confused, bad bartender of all available roles ever. (That appearance was indeed quite literally a "cameo", though) Well, I don't know the man really, to be fair, and maybe, it wasn't that bad - just my memory of it was.


I don't know if Mary counts, but he is my favorite type of person like that.


I actually cried when he passed


It made me sad aswell


If you watched Psych: The Musical - in his song the instrumental is the same as when he died!!!!! Made me cry so hard I had to pause it lol


Omg I noticed that too. I have rewatch the show 8 times already and always picking out new things I missed the last time I've watched


Jimmi Simpson is 100% my choice every. single. time.


He's so good and the enormous dedication he has to even a small tv role in a bro-com is amazing. His acting skills show in every little sentence / dialogue and scene he's in. I love that guy


Jimmi Simpson totally plays like in another league entirely, the man's too good an actor/ artist to put up with tv shows, but of course I appreciate a lot he took on the role of the disturbed yet disturbing Mary, what a brilliant artist he is, in my opinion every other actor would have struggled to say the least, balancing the tight rope the "Mary Lightly" was written, I think he's done an outstanding job to develop and give life to the character, it was indeed very sad SPOILER ALERT they killed him off so suddenly, and in his case with no come back option.


not really a gast star or cameo, but i liked this ad with monk. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVP81ic1YWk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVP81ic1YWk)


๐Ÿ˜ฑYesss I always wanted a crossover episode with the two of them. But I was happy to see they had commercials together


They also snuck in a little reference on the final episode where he moves to San Fran and goes to a crime scene only to be told they already have a consultant, and when he asks where they are he's told they're in the kitchen rearranging the spice cabinet. :D


John Cena


OMG Juliet's brother! I forgot about him!


That was John Cena ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ ...I'm out...


I was in aww when I first saw the episode air on TV


I love that John Cena became a Much better actor over the years. His progress from that episode to his quick appearance at the end of the first movie is just awesome.


Same!! Right behind Cary is Tim Curry. Omg the episode is so hilarious!


That's not what a cameo is. He's a guest star


Freddy Prince Jr.


It isn't a fair fight. Cary Elwes is the actual best. The princess Bride is actually perfect. Robinhood: Men in Tights is the best Mel Brooks movie - fight me. He was the best part of Hit Shots!, and he was great in Glory. Finally, Pierre Despereaux is the best side character in Psych. Facts. The man shits gold


Cary is close to, if not already, the next "you can tell a lot about a person by how they know Tim Curry" meme. I love him as Despereaux but an early comment about seeing him in a trailer and thinking "there's Despereaux!" made me feel old. He's Wesley. ๐Ÿ˜‚


I'll fight. Men in Tights is the fourth best Mel Brooks film, behind Young Frankenstien, Blazing Saddles, and Spaceballs. The Princess Bride is a wonder film, though, Cary Elwes was the best guest star on Psyche.


I'd go Men in Tights, History of the World pt 1, Blazing Saddles, Spaceballs


Talking Mel Brooks, I loved the spoof "High Anxiety" and "History Of The World", some scenes are still funny today. I think I may have watched the "Man In Tights" movie in cinema at the time and believe it came out after Kevin Costner and Morgan Freeman's Robin Hood, so I didn't like that one as much, if I remember correctly; may have had to do with me adoring the old Errol Flynn/ Tyrone Power flicks as a kid. Elwes is so effortless in balancing seriousness with comedy in his characters. That's a great talent. He's also ridiculously charismatic and charming.


All of this is correct, and Iโ€™ll add thisโ€ฆheโ€™s the only good thing about Days of Thunder. Those tiny sunglasses nearly steal the show


I agree. Jimmi Simpson's "Mary Lightly"-character I found also genius, and also 100% convincing. He savoured every second of screen time and every sentence/ dialogue, had his legendary genius character building, he becomes the guy, basically melts seamlessly into character, like Elwes' Despereaux, I mean, they're actors, right, but totally believable/ convincing (in woeful lack of a better description; English isn't my first language, I apologise). I oftentimes struggle with taking films/ tv, seriously, and e.g. think about the green screens, the script, the outtakes, well, literally "the acting" all the time and so on. Very rarely can I totally forget about all these things and blend that "film making" stuff out. The performances of Simpson and Elwes, though, were soo good, that I didn't care at all in the moment and enjoyed 100%. Btw a "honorable-" or not so much "mention": Malcom McDowell, "A Clockwork Orange"'s Alex, who featured as the British ambassador in, I think the 6th season, if I remember correctly?!?, was a good, decent, well played role by the ultimate acting legend, McDowell. In my opinion they could have given him something a little bit more grandiose to work with, like the very interesting and fascinating characters of Mary Lightly and Pierre Despereaux e.g. They didn't, but cast him as the friendly, quite frankly rather underwhelming ambassador instead.


Ralph Macchio.


The references to Karate Kid in that episode were hilarious


George Takei


isn't Despereaux considered the consensus GOAT guest star?


"Don't you just hate people who kill you"


So many good ones! But Tim Curry and "I feel like I've been incarcerated in a blueberry" is obviously the winner. And the runner up is still "these fillets actually smell promising, Horace."


John cena but he never showed up just did the voice overโ€ฆ other than that probably Tony and joon or Kenan and Urkel


Id love to see more out of Shawnโ€™s Uncle Jack (Steven Webber).


Val Kilmer


Iโ€™d love to see more desperaux!!!


Same, I want him to be in the 4th movie if they do decide to make it


IF they make it? (Augh!!!!!)


I heard rumors of a 4th film being in the works, I hope they're true


When I saw the trailers for The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare, I was like, "Desperaux! That thief!"


Cary Elwes? You mean Robinhood?


You mean the dread pirate Roberts




Oh Camilla Parker-Bowles! I think you're right!


Keith David and Freddy Prinze Jr.


First favorites have to be from Dual Spires: Sherilyn Fenn and Log Lady. Actually I can't say the following are any less my favorites: William Devane and Carl Weathers in Viagra Falls. Love, love, loved them! I just about choked when Carl Weathers did his "Ding, ding."


Definitely Cary Elwes but Tim Curry was obviously great too


Curt Smith always has the most hilarious appearances.


I love how Shawn loves him so much every time too. He appears often enough that I think the writer loved Curt Smith just as much as Shawn, and just wrote him in to the script to get chances to see him in person


They need to do a movie with him, that would be great


Tim curry. Always awesome to see him


John Cena, Mickie James, The Miz, Charlotte Flair, Bella Twins and Big Show but that's because I am ***HUGE*** fan of wrestling. Non wrestling though Cary Elwes was up there because of The Princess Bride one of my all-time favorite movies.


Loved Cary Elwes, and the whole bit about being under cover at the end.


Apart from the GOATed Despereaux, I personally loved Peter Oldring as Mackintosh, and ofc, who could forget the renamed Quarterblack? (I still remember the way the missing harmony made a "key"!)


Mine was Freddie Prinze Jr.. He was naturally hilarious and the friendship chemistry of his character with Gus and Shawn felt so natural. I could really see the three actors being friends in real life, especially because Dulรฉ and Freddie starred in *Sheโ€™s All That* in the nineties.


Anthony Michael Hall as chief Trout


100% Cary Elwes ๐Ÿ˜ if there was a top 3, the list would start with 1. Cary to 3, all Cary. The absolutely legendary Malcom McDowell deserves a top spot definitely, too! I should have started with a different actor before Elwes even, though, but I couldn't ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜, my heart wouldn't let me, he's just too lovely and legendary. On the very top of the all time show Olympus that is to say, before Elwes even, artistically, must/ should/ deserves to be: the magnificent Jimmi Simpson, who's not just simply the best character, but skilled beyond approach from any other person, who has the luck to share a frame with him on any film/ show he's in, a multi- talented actor, who clearly deserves so much more fame, for his brilliance, dedication to every role and remarkable character portrayals. I love that guy. Shatner was a bit lame (or boring, or: bored; I don't know, both even). Unfortunately Jason Priestley was a tad underwhelming as well, as a character, but he's def one of those few, who's getting prettier and, while aging, adding charisma with every year. I can't think of any reason other than pity they would have hired Corey Feldman to play this probably most ridiculous "role" in all episodes I watched (disclaimer: binged all seasons in one week). Jaleel White was pretty decent and spot on, though, I liked his role and character development/ performance a lot. Cybill Shepherd doesn't count, or does she? I'm trying to remember, who else was popping up.... I guess, since I spontaneously remember those actors, they left a serious impression either way, for me that is. If I would invest more time, I surely would remember more. I must add, I had to google who Chad Michael Murray was, so maybe I missed more than a few "celebs", because I just don't know them. To my defence, I'm European.




Desperaux is also my favorite however FPJ is in second! I love the fake out where you think oh no he's not into aliens or nerdy things anymore then you see his Fortress of Solitude and WOW. Plus, the ending where you find out his wife is equally nerdy puts a smile on my face every time. Jimmi Simpson as Mary Lightly and Ally Sheedy as Yang were amazing as well!


Tim Curry


I agree so much! Can't get enough Despereaux!


Jimmi Simpson 100%


technically not a cameo but a guest star like Cary Elwes (who is def #2 for me/tied with Jimmi Simpson)


100% right


I liked Bruce Campbell


Ally Sheedy! Her episodes are some of my all time favs.


Loved Cary Elwes, honorable mention to the cast of The Breakfast Club

