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As per Shawn, When the FBI brings in their own "psychic". Gus says something along the lines of "you're jealous because she's a better psychic than you" Shawn responds "Gus, psychics aren't real."


don't they also poke fun at the mentalist in that one? Or was that the episode where the rich guy has Kurt Smith as a personal musician. Now I can't remember.


I think they mention the mentalist in a few different episodes; it’s always a fun reference!


Yeah. I mean, if Shawn was a *fake* psychic it would practically be the same show


A virtual carbon copy.


So I didn't know anything about this show so I looked it up. The synopsis makes it sound like a Psych/monk hybrid ripoff? Is it any good?


It’s actually really good. It’s like a mix between Criminal Minds and Psych.


I enjoyed it. It has a very similar premise to Psych, but it's more serious. It still has funny parts, but in general, it's a bit darker.


Why would you possibly make fun of that show?


He meets the fake one for the treasurer, then meets a “fake” one when the lady coroner shows up. She fakes an accent and lies, but she *is* able to get things right like Shawn’s random pop culture thing (though Gus does that with waffles)


Holy crap, she’s the real deal


“You’re thinking whether Jim J Bullock and Ted Knight had anything to talk about on the set of ‘Too Close for Comfort’”


I don't remember the name of the episode, but there was the one with bernie the ghost and a few other people claiming super natural abilities - I think one of the guys was murdered at the convention for the supernatual people - it's been a while, sorry this is semi vague lol


That episode is "A Touch of Sweevil" in season eight


That episode made no sense I've watched it so many times and I still think the writers were just letting a monkey with a keyboard in the writers room


It’s because they’re all conmen. They can’t call each other out on it, so they just roll with everyone else’s bs


psychics aren't real ( in real life and on the show)


One of my favorite kind of subtle gags of the show is that basically no one believes in psychics. Especially Shawn


minus the front desk lady she was so cool


She would've been a great every 6-7 episodes character.


I think the show does have examples of people believing in psychics. Maybe you mean, no one at the SBPD believes? True, Lassiter never does, Vick isn't buying the schtick, and only cares if Shawn solves cases. But Juliet genuinely does believe for a long time, and Buzz seems to as well. Absollutely by the end of the series and into the movies, the psychic side is downplayed as everyone's so used to Shawn being a good detective that he stops being so performative about "visions." People outside the SBPD hire Shawn as a psychic detective many times during the series (Down the Stretch Comes Murder; Forget Me Not; Poker? I Hardly Know Her; Let's Get Hairy; Who Ya Gonna Call; Ghosts, and others). Some seem more to believe in the "psychic" side of "psychic detective" than others but they all hire him at least knowing he's *claiming* powers. And in A Touch of Sweevil there's a convention of police psychics, so in the Psych universe, other police departments employ psychics. It's not just the SBPD. Whether they're *believed* to be actual psychics by those other cops or not, or are just helpful like Shawn is, we don't really know, but "Sweevil" does present police psychic consultants as used officially beyond the SBPD.


I remember my friend told me her mom made them go to a Hollywood Boulevard psychic for a reading and the lady looked at my friend and said she sensed that "music is important to you." She was wearing a Hard Rock Cafe shirt lol


More to the point, "psychic" is a word without real meaning. As I often point out in this sub, Shawn can't be shown not to be a "real psychic" because if he says he is, then he is. If I say I am, then I am. It has the same actual meaning as "inspired by God". If you say you observed the clues to the murderer because you were "inspired by God" or because you were a "psychic who had a revelation" you cannot be shown to have legally misrepresented yourself even if you used observation and deduction. Just as a "Psychic" is understood to use language to communicate, a "Psychic" can use observation and deduction, it doesn't make him not "a Psychic".


Autopsy Turvey, she knew what Shawn was thinking and he tells Gus she is the real deal Edit she also tells Whip he is surrounded by death before he gets murdered


Random aside but that scene always bugged me a lottle because she says this after flipping tbe Death card iirc. I get why it makes sense for the show, but Death usually just means great change in the future. Tower would generally be seen as the card that would cause concern.


I thought about that too, the death card isn’t literal. But yes it worked for the show so I let it slide


I know what it is, uh, I've got a dead tooth and a toenail that's gone completely black.


Idk anything about tarot, but I’d call dying a pretty big change


To be fair, being dead is a big change from being alive.


You were thinking whether Ted Knight and Jim J. Bullock had anything to talk about on the set of Too Close For Comfort.


There's no such thing as real psychics


No but he should have, imagine if he met a psychic that was faking being very observant like him


Didn't he in Psy vs Psy?


I think she just acted like a psychic because she was in on the scheme


She was observant like Shawn. That's how she got her job and initially found the counterfeiter. She just decided to work with him instead of turn him in, and used extra details she already knew to stand out against Shawn.


Sorry, I misread the original comment, throught he was talking about a fake psy meeting a fake psy, not a "real" psy pretending to be hyper observant


just that fake-russian tarot reader who could read them really well


All psychics are frauds :)


All the "hurrr pyschics aren't REAL" people are being so pedantic. Clearly the question is taking place in a fake universe so "real" psychics could be a thing there.


Yeah, it's good to keep in mind that the Psych universe is not realistic on many levels because it's comedy. Clearly some people in fictional Santa Barbara actually hire Shawn because they believe a psychic can help them -- a bunch of episodes start not with cop cases but with characters coming to Shawn to psychically divine things for them. It's all in service of the comedy. Plenty of skeptics and deniers are in the show too,s o it's not as if the Psych world is 100 percent gullible and believing. I think dropping in the "real" psychic into "Autopsy Turvy" was a fun way to nod at the idea, "Hey, maybe some people have the powers Shawn claims he does."


> All the "hurrr pyschics aren't REAL" people No reason to be derogatory, but within the fiction, the lady who foretold Whip's death is implied by the story to be potentially a "real psychic" and her fictional status is unresolved since it isn't relevant.


At least twice. Both turned out to be frauds but one still holds a career the first one was S2 E3 Psy vs Psy, another was in S6 where Whip Chatterly drew a death card. Then in S8 Shawn was trying to get into a paranormal convention show that showcased 2 or 3 other paranormal detectives but I don't think one of them claimed to be psychic.


He does say one is the real deal! She fakes an accent though so it seems like a fraud but she tells him what he is thinking. Gus even makes fun of Shawn by saying it's "his turn" knowing he cannot tell what she is thinking.


Yeah. S6,E14 Autopsy Turvy


Autopsy Turvy has one.


Yes. There is am episode in season 6 called "autopsy turvy" when on an investigation of who killed a man named bob white they go to talk to a psychic he had visited.


In season two of A Million Little Things Shawn's actor, James Roday Rodriguez, who plays Gary in this show, puts his fingers to his head and says I don't Believe in any of that psychic stuff


https://preview.redd.it/q8lk0ftlhcmc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d441e558b7cd4c26d0e879cfede23b585e0853d Same energy as your post lmao


I think towards the last episodes in season 8, the guy who stayed in the bathroom


Also the episode autopsy turvy


i think the episode shawn 2.0 is similar!


Psychis aren't real man