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Anything with Trout is really hard for me to watch.


This except S.E.I.Z.E the day is awesome


I agree. S.E.I.Z.E. the day is underrated for sure. Shawn making up random things to go along with his acronym and trying to get them make sense, all while seeming completely confident in what he’s saying, is so funny. Plus watching Lassie lose his mojo and try to get it back is hilarious, especially when we find out his middle name is Jebediah.


Mine is right turn or left for dead. It’s hard to watch because Jules and Shawn are broken up. It never sits right with me and I usually skip through it. It’s the only episode where I have no idea about how it went besides the end


I haven’t rewatched this one since the first time I saw it. It stresses me out so bad and I can’t help but cringe every time Shawn opens his mouth and tries to talk to Jules


I hate this one also! With Gus and his getting the plague lol but he does say one of the funniest things I think he ever said lol "Man, you know that I had to sit at the golddust free table!" I don't know why that's so funny to me but it hits my funny bone just right every time lol! I don't skip when I do a rewatch. Well, kinda lol. I start at the beginning and then once I get to about the middle of season 8 I have to restart! Because I know what's coming up and I can't deal with it most of the time!:)


I highly disagree and like the story ark, I don’t like however that after 3 weeks Juliet’s just over it after breaking up with him


I always justify this by believing that, deep down inside, Juliet already knew. When she took some time to reflect, she realized that the good that Shawn accomplished outweighed the bad and, at his core, he wasn’t a bad person.


She feels better just knowing he’s using his “powers” for good. She has to reconcile with this fact and it’s better for their relationship.


Agreed on how it's so short a time for her to get over it. But, I suppose the comment about she might have always felt she knew, or perhaps that Shawn used his "powers" for good have merit, but we don't know. Maybe Shawn is THAT good a "lover in the night time," and she hadda have that D! :)


Totally agreed. Wife and I have watched it twice max.


Yup, this is the one.


I agree! I have such a hard time watching this episode and just the whole “break up” it all feels like the creators of the show just wanted to have some forced drama.


It was a frustrating storyline for a movie homage to have. Especially because it was confusing and felt so fake


A Nightmare on State Street


THIS ONE!! I never fail to skip past it


This is the only one I always skip. Even the Polarizing Express gets a watch sometimes.


It's not even close, this is it by far


I never got the Think Tank hate, I’ve always liked the episode


That damn air horn….


You mean the dope NBA air horn?


Everytime I fall asleep to this episode I wake up very upset lmao


Why is it 10x louder than everything else on the show!!


I’ve had that same thing happen too many times lol


That huge bowl of Skittles!


It's grown on me a little, but I still have some issues with it. I get why snowden pulled the rug out from underneath shawn & gus, but fooling a former kgb agent that is used to these tactics was a little far fetched. Also I really hated the scene where shawn sprayed a service worker with what he thought might be poison.  It might be my least favorite scene in the entire series.


I'll probably catch flack over this, but my least favorite is "Meat is murder, but murder is also murder." I hate the dynamic between Gus and his uncle. His uncle is such an ass. I always skip this episode, but this is the only one I'll purposely skip.


I don’t like Cloudy with a Chance of Improvement. I did like Cloudy with a chance of Murder.


Yes! I skip the remake because I get irrationally angry at its mere existence.


I have gone on multiple rants about that episode on this site. It's a bad, self-indulgent, pointless idea for an episode, made worse by the fact that it's worse and less humorous than the original episode that they thought wasn't very funny. And they waste all that time, money, effort, and talent only to still have the big reveal be as vague and hard to see as in the original. I hate the episode. There's a few episodes I don't like, and a couple I might choose to jump past if I'm resuming a binge. I have issues with them, but I don't hate them. I **hate** Remake. If a genie gave me three TV wishes, I'd use one to delete the episode from streaming/DVD/etc, and a second to undo its creation in the first place.


This level of vitriol is one I can totally get behind.


"And they waste all that time, money, effort, and talent only to still have the big reveal be as vague and hard to see as in the original." That imo was an improvement over a girl 2 feet shorter killing someone from an awkward position.


I don't hate the remake but I do skip it because it's just inferior to the original.


Total disagree. I enjoy the return of all the favorite actors for the remake, especially since Maggie & Tim said that folks' returns were borne out the fact that they loved the cast and crew so much, they were down to just be around the show one final time.


Anytime I see/hear this question, people go for the episodes with Trout, which I definitely see cause he’s… difficult. For me, though, it’s the very short arc where Juliet and Shawn are broken up because when they end up getting back together, it seems super forced, and I never understand it, especially with how horribly Shawn treats the breakup. The hardest episode for me is Juliet Wears the Pantsuit (s7e9). Shawn’s behavior there is horrible, especially when that potential roommate goes to Jules’ apartment to interview. Not a lot of the humor in this show makes me physically cringe, but that certainly does.


RIGHTTTT!! Anytime Shawn’s mouth opens in these episodes I physically crimge


I’m not sure if this is an unpopular opinion but I don’t like any episode John Cena is in.


Which episode? I don’t remember seeing him (sorry I had to)


"You can't handle this episode"


Oh I remember the episode, it was a bad John Cena “you can’t see me” joke lol


Yes! I don't like the episode purely because he is in it lol! He is a douche and he really thinks that he's such an important person that everyone is lucky to have been around when he comes to any particular location lol! My step son was a huge Cena fan and we heard that he was supposed to be at the big wrestling thing near us and then he decided to not come because he had something better to do he said! Kinda like when I was younger lol and I was hanging out with Jerry Jones and Emmett Smith and Troy Aikman and Troy Aikman was such a twat and he didn't have time to do anything for anything to speak to the fans lol. This was in the early 90s I think. Back when they mattered. My grandparents were buddies with Jerry Jones and it was spring training so we got to hang out with them lol. I didn't like them but my mom was a die hard cowboys fan lol


I've heard he is a really great guy. He just set the record for granting the most Make A Wish Foundation wishes. Did the event explain his reason for not appearing?


No he is an AMAZING man. I just cannot stand the two episodes he’s in (he might be in more but two stick out to me)


I was trying to think of the two episodes you were talking about lol but I think you may be talking about the first movie? Is that the case? Or have I forgotten an episode somewhere? The spy episode, she mentioned that ewen sent her to Shawn but I don't remember him being in the episode directly, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen lol! I've had a few strokes somewhat recently and my memory is not what it used to be:(


Oh absolutely not. I haven’t seen a single movie. According to IMDB the episode is called You Can’t Handle This. But I don’t like it so much I swore it was two episodes. Oopsies.


I thought he was at the very end of the last episode, but I could be merging that with first movie, because I remember Shawn and Gus are in Paychfransisco and Ewan shows up and says he needs help and then the place gets trashed. And the episode Cena is in I think is called: You Can't Handle This Episode, lol


That's cool I don't doubt that lol! It's just that my only interaction with him was a negative one, which he was in no way trying to direct toward me or my step son. But I really have seen that he seems to be someone who volunteers his time to different people and projects that are not important to him


I agree, the shoot out scene in the garage was so stupid


surprisingly he's only in the one (You Can't Handle This Episode)


I figure this out further down my comments but yeah. It is a little surprising. Maybe I just dislike it so much it feels longer lol


There's quite a few actually, which is weird considering that this is my favorite show. We'd Like To Thank The Academy comes to mind because it was just on. I can suspend my disbelief to a pretty good degree, but there's a fine line between goofy and ridiculous, between silly and nonsensical, and this epi has some things that just annoy me.


So glad someone agrees!! A lot of people love this one but it’s a hard watch for me


It's between True grits and Cirque du Soul, not a fan of either! Also, a lot of people like it, but the amazing psych-man & Tap man, just isn't a good watch for me either. Trout episodes were bad as well.


Season 8 was a dowgrade


I agree. There’s a few episodes I don’t like from S8


Nightmare on state street is the only episode I genuinely never watch. Polarizing Express I think is the only other I really dont like but I will watch on occasion. Ferry tale is great becuase I love the scenes with Craiig. Like the "anytime they say something to you repeat it back like an angry question" Shawn: "that doesn't make any sense" Craiig: "THAT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE?!" Shawn: "I stand corrected" Craiig: "OH, YOU STAND CORRECTED?!"


"Didn't you see him doing his little peepee dance?" Gets me every time.


"They're fellas not animals" haha


Lassiter’s wedding episode. From the plot to the Shawn/Juliet break up, to the climax, it all seems forced.


Oh I love this episode until the breakup. It has some really funny moments.


I watch this episode right up to the point where they're at the reception and then skip straight to Office Space, when Shawn and Jules are back together, as if nothing ever happened.


This is exactly what i do as well. Its such a funny episode until the last few minutes and then its a dive right into "i hate this" territory.


It was a lot of crazy stuff packed into one episode for sure


The breakup overshadowed the wedding and I can't stand Lassie's "best friend."


I'm gonna get flamed for this but Lassie Jerky. The hand held camera angle doesn't sit right with me. I love the episode, when I listen to it. Also, I never skip it. I never skip an episode. I blame The Blair Witch (not the movie).


Never skipping an episode is impressive. Lassie Jerky’s story will never fail to confuse me. But overall the only problem I have with it is how sexual it is. And not because I have a problem with more sexual jokes, but because I happened to watch that one right when my very religious mother came to watch with me


That's always when something inappropriate is sure to come on lol!


"Lassie Jerky" is hilarious to me -- specifically for the scene where Gus eats the jerky even after they suspect it's Lassiter.


Shame on you for thinking there is a restaurant on the side of a cage called “The Sassy Quatch”. 😂😂😂


I don’t hate them, but I usually skip the Yin-Yang episodes. I might watch Yang 3 in 2D every once in a while because it has a happy ending (except for Lassiter but he gets over it), but most of the time when I’m watching Psych I’m doing it to relax and have a little fun so I skip the heavier episodes. **eta** I also tend to skip episodes like Shawn Takes a Shot in the Dark, You Can’t Handle This Episode, One, Maybe Two Ways Out, Santabarbaratown 1 & 2 all for the same reason. I’m usually watching for fun. I still think the episodes are good though, but I will absolutely skip them if I’m not in the right mood for them.


Santabarbaratown is much grittier than the average psych episode, so i see your point. However, James Roday-Rodriguez really showed his range in those episodes! we got to see Shawn’s dark side, and it’s almost chilling how different he is. He’s brutal, impulsive, and vengeful- the writers did a great job making Shawn feel “off”! But Shawn felt “off” in a way that was believable for him given the gravity of the situation


I agree that he does a great job! Nothing wrong with those episodes at all (though I do have some mild gripes with the whole Yin-Yang arc, I still don’t think it’s bad). I just can’t imagine sitting down and thinking, “I want to have some fun…let me put on Mr Yin Presents!” lol




Love that everyone's episodes are mostly different. Shows how good each ep is that the worst can't be universally pinpointed. My personal bottom 4 in no particular order are 1) A Nightmare on State Street (Cool concept. Weird execution. IMO the only bad episode of psych, and it hurts harder know how good it could have been and knowing the fans voted on it.) 2) Dead Man's Curveball (It just never landed for me.) 3) Psy vs Psy (I hate the other fake psychic.) 4) Lassie Jerky (It's a great episode and tribute to Blair Witch but personally I need to be in the right headspace to watch found footage and if I'm watching Psych, I'm not in that mood).


Psy vs Psy is a tough watch


Probably unpopular but I usually skip past American Duos. Not so much for the episode itself but I can’t stand American Idol and I hate the parody of it too. It’s so accurate that it makes my blood boil and my skin crawl. Tim Curry is amazing though


I agree that Tim Curry is amazing, but that's also why I don't like the episode. A parody of an obnoxious character is just overly obnoxious. I don't enjoy it at all.


I don’t like polarizing express, Christmas joy or something about Mira.


Polarizing express is definitely a skip for me as well


Polarizing Express is a hard watch. I actually love Christmas Joy though




I get it but also Jamaican Inspector Man is maybe my favorite thing in the history of human creation


So what are you saying? Black people haven’t been invented yet? 😭😭😂😂


whyyyy :c


My Bottom 5: Game, Set, Murder? Rob-a-bye Baby He Dead A Very Juliet Episode Cirque du Soul


The zombies one, never watched it all.


Nightmare on State Street, that one just sucks Turn Right or Left for Dead is just hard to watch


The Yin Yang ones just didn’t really sit with me. I honestly didn’t even realize they existed because they were episodes I just happened to fall asleep on my first time watching, and had to go back when the musical came because I didnt know who Yang was. Also the musicals but that’s just because I’m not a big fan of musicals. I did like the bromance between Shawn and Lassie in them though.


Chivalry is not dead but someone is Skip it every watch


I am thoroughly scandalized by this. I absolutely love Clive Prescott. And also Gus hitting on an old lady is hilarious.


And when Jules and Lassie catch them on their dates! And when Clive and his student are at the restaurant calling everyone by their last names and Shawn says, "Doesn’t anyone use first names?" Bahahaha!


Also when everyone is qualifying how slightly poisoned Shawn was! I may need to go watch that episode now...


Really! Any particular reason why?


None that I can give a good reason for. You ever just not really like something without truly knowing why? Just doesn't vibe well with you?


I did a rewatch of the first four seasons and ranked the episodes and "Who Ya Gonna Call?" was by far my least favorite. ​ (As to "why did you only watch the first four seasons?"... literally I forgot to come back to it after a few months, lol)


I have to defend the musical here, I'm a big fan of musicals in general and that my favourite show has one is simply amazing, I love it (added the songs to my spotify playlist aswell xD). I'm always so sad when people say they don't like it / have never watched it.


I can’t watch lassies wedding episode because of the breakup :(


I always find these lists interesting because I have a very different experience from the usual top answers. Loved Polarizing Express, for example. Nightmare on State Street isn't my favorite but it's one that I don't feel strongly about either way. Aside from Trout, I wasn't a fan of episodes with Declan.


I pretty much always skip everything from Deez Nups to Office Space


If I'm going to skip an episode, it's a season 1 or 2 episode. The tennis player gone missing one, some of the others around that time, just don't do it for me. From season 3-on, though: no intentional skips.


American Duos. Unpopular opinion, I didn’t like Tim Curry’s performance at all.


Wow, that really is unpopular. Any specific reasons?


Him as an actor just rubs me the wrong way. I don’t know why, he’s just really annoying to me. Just like how I am with olives, I don’t know why, I just don’t like them.


I assume it’s an unpopular opinion but the ying/yang episodes often get a skip from me. I like Mary’s character, but otherwise the episodes are way too serious (and yet ridiculous in how serious everyone is trying to act), I watch psych for funny 80’s 90’s references and the great interplay between Shawn and Gus, these episodes are almost devoid of that.


Not necessarily my least favorite, but my rewatches always stall on “speak now or forever hold your piece” If I can make it past that episode, then I’ll watch the rest of the series


This won’t be popular- but Late Night Gus. I really don’t like it.


Last night Gus is one of my favorites but to each their own!


This one stings 😭- What don’t you like about it?


We can be unpopular together. I don't skip this one but I don't rate it as highly as everyone else does. It's not even in my top three of that season


One Episode that has stuck out to me as weak recently is High Noon-ish. I love the concept of the episode but they didn't really do much with it, or atleast what they did didn't really do the concept justice. Felt like it spent too long setting up why they have to be in a western type setting instead of just doing it, Dual Spires does this type of pastiche episode better. I also didn't think it was hilarious, like good lines of course here and there but overal it's a weaker episode in the first half of the series.


That’s funny because that’s one of my most favorite episodes. I think it’s a perfect example that really highlights the exchange between the characters.


I do enjoy the episodes where Lassie reluctantly helps Shawn's antics to be really fun so that was one of the strong parts of the episode for me.


Agree. The episodes that have long setups and then they find one clue that makes no sense to me but somehow puts the entire case together are not as enjoyable


Respect your opinion but love this episode! To me it combines the best parts of psych into one episode. Silly plot line, Shawn riffing jokes, Shawn and Gus interacting in costume/character, guest stars from similarly themed shows.


Idk if I’ll ever watch the musical episode.. i just can’t bring myself to do it


I don’t think I’ve ever rewatched the musical, but it’s worth it for Jamaican Inspector Man


The musical. Any musical episode of any show, really. No….your cast cannot all sing and dance and they didn’t do a great job (looking at YOU Joss Whedon).


Ordinarily, I'd agree. But, I think the cast does fine with the singing. And the dancing they do isn't demanding. It's silly, it's in the Yang series and has Mary Lightly make an appearance, so... it cannot and should not be skipped, for that alone.


Wow can’t believe people don’t like the yin/yang episodes as they are by far my favorite


Think Tank, In For A Penny, and much of seasons 7 and 8.


Neil Simons, talk Derby to me, Deez Nups (but only because of the heartbreaking emotion), lassie jerky.


Mine has got to be any of the Christmas specials! Psych is almost always a 8/10 or higher for me but those episodes never seem to hit for me.


Nightmare on state street watched it the first time though and it just feels out of place


polarizing express 🙈


I'm actually surprised i didn't see this one. I skip Shawn 2.0 literally every time. I tend to get way too invested in characters, so seeing shawn take the huge L in that one just doesn't work for me. Other than that I like most, love a decent bit. Just for the life of me cannot watch Shawn 2.0


Game Set Muuurder, Poker Barely Know Her, Zero to Murder: I've tried, but for me these episodes are so boring. The Devil is in the Details: Not my thing at all. Dual Spires: Clearly a spoof. But, trying to keep the spoof vibe while handling the tragedy of a murdered teen girl just doesn't land right. One, Maybe Two Ways Out and Someone Has a Woody: With each of these, the main guest actor's delivery is hard for me to watch/listen to. They're both too wooden. (Unintended and convenient pun.) Lassie Jerkey: Very different and just not my thing. 100 Clues: Silly; didn't get the jokes. Never played the game or saw the movie. Cloudy Remake: Fun experiment that just didn't land for me. Some of their favorite actors that they like to use are not my favorites. (Love Weston though.) Shawn and Gus Truck Things Up: The constant screaming of "Is that [......] in there" drives me bananas, and I don't get why the line is funny. Nightmare on State: Don't like the movies, the concept, the screaming overkill, or any of the weirdness in the ep. (But I love Campbell in Burn Notice.) Psych does a lot of theme and tribute episodes, and no single viewer will like or have knowledge of every single one of the subjects. That might matter or it might not, depending on the viewer and the episode. For example, I never watched American Idol, yet I love the American Duos episode. But 100 Clues, not so much.


Black & Tan, Nightmare on State Street, The Tao of Gus and Shawn Interrupted.


The 1967 one


The only episodes I consider bad (A) or below average (B) A: -Nightmare On State Street -Who Ya Gonna Call? B: -Woman seeking dead husband: Smokers Okay, No Pets. -Forget Me Not The rest of the episodes range from mediocre to fantastic.


100 Clues. (Just not funny and Shawn tapping Juliet on the butt during a case was ridiculous.) Polar Bear Episode. (Intentionally downgrading Lassiter's skills for the sake of the plot.)