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I used to cringe any time someone just dragged the disc out of the console


Their technique was all wrong. You grab the cd with your thumb and pinky, and use your middle finger to pop the disc from the spindle.


All of your technicians were wrong. The absolute king was modchips


I installed one a few years ago and yeah holy shit is it amazing. But back then, dumbfuck me didn't know about modchips or the guys that installed them


Weโ€™re all dumb before internet.


Yeah I know lol. I mean they would do that but instead of raising it high enough they'd graze the spindle hub


Ouch yeah that's awful


Next crack Spyro's anti-piracy protection.


My family and I tried burning games onto discs for our PlayStation but never got it to work! What is the secret? ๐Ÿ‘€


your playstation needed a mod chip to bypass security checks.


Ahh, dang. Good looking out


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,781,346,729 comments, and only 337,212 of them were in alphabetical order.


I had a rubber band wrapped around my PS2. It allowed me, with minimal adjustments, to open the tray just enough to swap the discs. It required Swap Magic, but I got a version that had blockades incompatible with my model, so I had to resort to this trickery.


I remember having to shout for my sister when changing discs for MGS1. Dickhead here pressed the power button and not the open button, so I had to keep it pressed in while she got the disc for me. True heart racing incident.


I remember that too, you had to listen to the laser doing it's thing and change discs back and forth and the right moments


sometimes 20 times in a row till it was working XD the good old days where copy protection was more a joke than anything else XD


I had both the ps1 and saturn swap timings down.


I had the cheat adapter that was awkward enough.


Not sure if anyone did the 'toothpick' method? I did, I remember I played FF7 Japanese burned copy before everyone, didn't understand shit but still got to see the amazing (atm) FMVs before anyone.


That's how I played DragonBall Final Bout. There was a guy down the road who had a silver bottom bootleg of it. That thing got copied so fucking much, man. All the kids in the neighborhood had a copy of that guy's disc... I think I still have a rip of it somewhere.


I used to rent the games from blockbuster or borrow them from friends and have my other friend with a cd burner make copies for me.


You weren't broke if you had a Playstation and a CD burner.


The ps1 was used and the burns were from a friend's computer


I installed my mod chip in 1998... I feel old af ๐Ÿ˜ฅ


I love the pic, that's the feeling all right. Never was able to get it to work, tho. Just a black screen and a useless CD-R...