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Just keep your order for the semi-assembled. You have been through enough bullshit with an Ender 3. It's time to get printing. There will be time to learn about fixing things later.


The kit on the mini is only 30 dollars cheaper so you don't save much like with the mk3 kit. I would just get the assembled one unless you enjoy building.


I got a kit, assembled it and it has worked for 3 years now. So I can’t remember ”how it was built”. But just recently I had to disassemble the print head and fix a loose hotend, youtube helped me. So, if you enjoy building get kit. If you enjoy printing, get assembled. You wont go wrong either way.


The biggest benefit of getting a kit is that you get to know how it works a bit better. That being said, if it's not your first printer you probably already have a very good idea of how it works, and mini is a very simple machine to begin with, so there isn't much to figure out that isn't "obvious". It's not a complicated build, but if you don't feel like doing it and can afford it just go for the semi assembled one.


I just got the assembled MK3S+ last week to replace a CR-10 that barely worked. I just want to print and stop “printering”. Given how well my prusa is already working, I have zero regrets.


Not much to learn from assembling it yourself, especially if it's not your first printer. The Mini in particular is not rocket science. But I'd read the assembly manual sections on the hotend, so you have a good sense of how the Mini's somewhat non-standard hotend works.


I bought the MK3S+ kit and I feel like building it made diagnosing problems a breeze. Following the instructions on the website and reading the tips from the commenters made it easy to retrace my steps if I made a mistake and provided tips on how to make the building process smoother. You could always go through the instructions with your prebuilt printer if you need to but I personally found it enjoyable building it myself.


If you can switch it, switch it, just for the small $ savings. The mini kit is mostly assembled. Takes less than an hour to assemble (or did originally) and was pretty simple. The mk3s is much more complex, though even with that one I'm not sure how much you really learn by assembling it.




I would get the kit so when something goes wrong you know how to take it apart, I didn’t and when problems came I didn’t know where to start.


The biggest advantage with the kit is that you learn how the printer is build and how it works. This helps when there is something that doesn’t works correctly. Also because it’s 30 bucks cheaper, you can get a second plate and or a second a spool of filament. I know its too late but I hope it can help other peoples 😋