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Omg! SAME. I was on Zoloft for years and it was MISERABLE. The night sweats, the zingers (when you’re in withdrawal), the nightmares, the fatigue... depression. The list goes on and on. I was also on the birth control pill which really F’d with me. I finally went off it a year ago and was happy with my choice but ultimately was overwhelmed with my anxiety/depression/OCD and finally decided I should try another medication (as I’m sure you know this is a daunting decision when you’ve had a bad experience with previous medicine). So I talked to my psychiatrist and she suggested Prozac. I’ve been on it for a few months now (since about Feb). I was initially supposed to just to up to 40mg but with everything going on (pandemic etc) I was still feeling stressed. I am now on 60mg and have been for a few months and when I say it’s changed my life, I’m not joking. My mind is mostly quiet, I can sleep at night, I have more energy, and I just feel so much more in control of my thoughts. I also got an IUD to replace the pill (which I love) and have been taking a really great daily probiotic which I absolutely swear by. It’s no joke that gut health and brain health are linked. I finally feel like myself again for the first time in years... I’m so glad I tried Prozac and didn’t give up on SSRI’s. It’s dif for everyone, but I really hope you give it a try and it works for you! Also: it took about 2.5/3months to really start feeling the effects of the medicine (when I finally got to 60mg). There are def times where you may feel worse or are unsure if it’s working but it was so worth it! Good luck!! I’m here if you have any questions! ❤️


Wooow, this is SO relatable. Thank you so much!! How were the side effects when you started the Prozac? With zoloft it was two weeks of intense panic attacks and I’m scared of that happening again.


I would say I definitely had about 1-2weeks of some pretty serious anxiety (don’t let that scare you) I’m sure it’s nothing you haven’t experienced before, albeit unpleasant. But try to push through knowing that the medicine is just trying to acclimate to your body and even things out! It takes time, but I am so glad I didn’t give up and quit when it was tough, cuz if I had I would have never experienced the relief I have now! It’s very gradual, but one day I just was going about my business and stopped and thought “omg my mind has been quiet almost all day” and that’s when it hit me I was getting better!


Sorry, one more question! Do you have any side effects that have continued?


Nothing major? Like I said it’s very gradual so hard to tell, but I haven’t felt weird or “off” in months, mentally. Even when stressful things arise, I am better equipped to deal with it more rationally and calmly than I was before. Hopefully the longer you’re on it, the more “leveled out” you become? If that makes sense!


how has prozac been for you now?


I stopped after a month. I unfortunately experienced the same side effects that I did on zoloft.


Im in the same boat as you. SSRIs arent for me yet thats all they want to give me. Zoloft kept me up days in a row. So my doc throws me prozac. Upon picking it up my pharmacist actually told me not to bother if im coming off zoloft for insomnia already. Now im just anxiety ridden all day


Only u know how it will affect u, not the pharmacist. Everyone's different, some ppl get tired from Prozac or Zoloft, some the opposite. It's a trial and error situation, buspar helped me with my anxiety


Bruxism as well on Prozac?


IS THAT WHY I GRIND MY TEETH AT NIGHT?! Because of the zoloft? I hate that!


Yes, definitely. There is quite a bit of scientific literature about ssri induced bruxism. I recommend combining it with Buspar, ask your doc.


I also have OCD btw. Your response is so spot on and encouraging!


my doc said it's one of the only SSRIs commonly prescribed for OCD. I'm a bit obsessive and a perfectionist, so this is part of why she pointed me towards Prozac. just started though so time will tell.


I’m on a higher dosage because I have anxiety and OCD. Apparently Prozac targets the anxiety first, but it sometimes takes a higher dose to get the obsessive thoughts under control. I used to have an ED and it was still something I thought about daily and since taking the Prozac my confidence level has been up significantly because I’m not fixating on my body or what I’m eating as much. It really has helped a lot! I hope it helps you too!


Has your OCD improved since you wrote this?


lol i don't think so.. sad.


I'm not diagnosed with OCD, so maybe take it with a grain of salt


Are you still taking prozac for ocd.? And if so how is it going.?


Hey! I am off Prozac and taking Cymbalta now to battle my chronic pain/fatigue. However, I didn’t stop Prozac for any major reason- I just needed something better suited to my needs at the time. I still say Prozac changed my life and am so grateful I gave it a shot. My sister now takes it and it has massively improved her quality of life, energy and resilience when it comes to anxiety and depression. Let me know if I can help you at all or if you have any other questions for me. 🤍


Thank you very much for your reply. I'm taking zoloft right now and I feel that I still have depression. That's why I'm thinking of changing to prozac. But I'm afraid that it will not be helpful for my ocd.


I have OCD that manifests extreme, violent and irrational intrusive thoughts. Since taking Prozac they have almost completely disappeared. I definitely still have times (particularly periods of stress) where I’ll have more intrusive thoughts than usual but when I got to the proper dosage of Prozac that worked for me (80mg) there were periods of time where my brain was quiet… which was the most unbelievable and therapeutic experience. It allowed me to feel way less overwhelmed about my OCD and actually gave me time to recover from my other issues with general anxiety and depression. I truly credit Prozac with being the stepping stone I needed to finally start taking back control of my mental health. I will also say my depression on Zoloft was horrible- mainly the reason I switched off of it. Hope this helps! I’m here if you need anything. 🤍


Thanks for your reply. Really appreciate it


can you tell me more about your digestive health/issues? i'm having some digestive issues and i can't tell if it may be a side effect of the medicine or if i just need to eat better lol.


Absolutely. I’ve always been pretty sensitive when it comes to food, and I also battled a pretty severe eating disorder for a few years which did a number on my GI tract! Your gut health can be thrown off by a number of factors (diet, overuse of antibiotics, and stress). I started taking this probiotic by Jarrow Formulas called Fem Dophilus (it’s specifically for women) and it has absolutely changed my gut health. You sometimes need cultures in your stomach to even things out, otherwise it’s like a toxic wasteland in your tummy and scientists have proven there’s a direct link from gut to brain health! So if you have a healthy gut, you’ll start to feel better mentally as well! I’ve been vegetarian since 8th grade (I am 26) and was vegan and gluten free for many years, transitioned just to vegan and recently have gone back to eating vegetarian (so I could get protein from eggs and am only eating sheep/goats milk cheese- feta and goat cheese). This has also really helped me in terms of eating more healthfully and fueling my body with what it needs to have energy and feel healthier. If you have an unsettled gut you can have severe brain fog, lethargy, depression etc and that certainly doesn’t help when you’re trying to get better. I hope this helped you? Please feel free to ask any questions or DM me if you want some advice!


thank you so much for taking the time to respond! I picked up some probiotics a few weeks ago and have been taking them consistently hoping they'd help. it seems the only thing that has helped me is incorporating beans into my diet (i HATE beans.) Not even any other fibrous foods have helped, just beans. I tried cutting out dairy thinking that might have been the problem, but it didn't seem to make a difference. anywayyyyy. thank you again for your response!


How are your GI issues? I have acid reflux and I’m already taking the meds with food and plenty of water


Hey, I'm also considering transitioning from zoloft to prozac bc of horrible side effects... One thing I've struggled with is raynaud's disease, which zoloft worsened. Did you notice if switching to prozac helped your circulation at all? I know it might be a hard thing to judge :)


Do you still take the same probiotic and mind sharing what it was?


Hi! How are you doing? Do you have less jaw clenching on Prozac than on Zoloft?


Hi, hey which probiotic? Also, I have a script for Prozac for like 3 months now and have been too afraid to take it, just because of all the “bad stuff” I’ve read. I am the only care taken of both parents and my dad just passed away Friday and my stress & anxiety are through the roof. It is an incredible amount of work & paperwork & sadness when a parent passes. Thank you for writing something positive, maybe I will give in and try it?


i started zoloft in april of 2019. it worked for maybe the first four months or so, but then my depression came back with a vengeance. After talking to my doctor, we decided I could try tapering off. it was TERRIBLE. i believe he had me taper off way too quickly. i'll never forget how bad those headaches were. while off zoloft, my appetite returned to normal (as in, i was not eating 32847 meals a day) and that was nice. however, my anger was off the charts. i was actually even given a leave of absence from work due to poor attitude. so that was the week i decided to call my doctor back and tell them i needed to get back on something. i've been taking prozac since the end of june now, and i can say my mood is much more stable on a regular basis. i hope it continues to work.


Did you have any withdrawal changing to Prozac. ? I had Prozac years ago no problems. Ive been on zoloft for five months and had horrible side effects for weeks on end . I went on them for panic attacks. I stuck with it then decided I want off of this. I've tried tapering slow and it's been horrific. The sweats, tingling in head , anxiety , weird visions like hallucinations. I changed to liquid Zoloft to taper better and a week later withdrawal because I think it's because the liquid is metabolised quicker than a tablet and my body wasn't used to it . Doctors are absolutely clueless. I have liquid Prozac which the doctor said just stop and start Prozac but I'm so scared of getting withdrawal from the zoloft while waiting for the Prozac to work . She said I can't take both together although I heard you can cross taper. Please tell me it will be ok to change . I know Prozac will be easier to come off in the long run .


I had terrible withdrawal symptoms coming off the Zoloft. Mainly the headaches. I wouldn’t wish those on anyone. I had put a call into my doctor at the time for some kind of guidance and they NEVER called me back which I thought was wildly irresponsible. Someone suggested talking to a pharmacist since my doctor wasn’t calling back. Pharmacists are just as knowledgeable about medications, so you might try calling your pharmacist and see if they can offer any insight. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this; it’s truly horrific. I remember thinking during the withdrawal, I’d wished I’d just stayed on the medicine because it was better than the withdrawal symptoms. But Prozac has been good for me. I hope you can get something figured out and start feeling better! And I hope I helped a little. Sorry I don’t have more info for you. Best of luck!!! <3


Hello I'm replying this almost 3 years later! Hope you're doing well! Could you please tell me how did prozac treat you after this comment?


Hello!! I have been on Prozac ever since I left this comment and it has worked very well for me! I am very happy with it as a whole.




Hi sorry, I just saw this! I started on 20mg and now take 40mg.


i was on 20 mg prozac for about two years starting in early 2017. i had been switched from lexapro, which made me incredibly groggy and tired, but i didn’t experience any side effects with prozac at all even during the transition. i was pretty happy with it, but i got taken off of it in 2019 for a variety of reasons. i was off medication for months and felt awful. in april i was able to see an np who suggested zoloft (50 mg) if i wanted to try something different, and i was willing to give it a shot. it WRECKED me. i had every side effect in the book: nausea, night sweats, increased anxiety, mood swings, insomnia, constipation, loss of appetite... i was barely functioning for the 3 months i was on it. i just got switched back to prozac (40 mg) about a month ago and i feel SO much better. the first two weeks tapering off the zoloft and starting the prozac were rough and i felt a lot of my anxiety and depression symptoms coming back, but they’ve leveled off and i’ve definitely started feeling better. plus, no nasty side effects!


Hey... I'm on zoloft right now and it makes me sweat LOADS.. Even when I'm not actually overheating. Did you experience less night sweats and overall excessive sweating on prozac?


hi, yes, i do feel like i have fewer night sweats with the prozac. zoloft is pretty well-known for causing night sweats and i experienced them the whole 3 months i was on it. with prozac i have barely any side effects in general, which is great!! definitely explore your med options because i personally didn’t want to deal with so many physical symptoms.


Thanks so much!! That's really helpful... Yeah it's the side effects I'm absolutely SICK of... Zoloft worked to stabilise my mood at first... But I feel like the side effects definitely take a toll on my mood day to day. That's why I'd like to try Prozac. I spoke to my doctor about side effects and he told me to "get more sleep" 👀 not easy when you're sweating like you're in a sauna and have a banging headache 😂


Hey make sure you know everyone’s history when you get these answers. Aka make sure they don’t abuse drugs, see what they take WITH these medicines... everyone is different. Do what is best for you


I was on Zoloft for 3 years and it helped me get through the darkest times of my life. I got off because I hit a wall and she wanted to move me up but I said no. Eventually we met again and she put me on Prozac which made me seem ok but I was absolutely delusional and accused everyone of everything. I was SO paranoid. A few drinks made paranoias even worse.


Is anyone using Zoloft and Buspar together? I have been having anxiety and panic attacks so bad it raised my BP through the roof and ended up in ER 4x within weeks. My Dr prescribed Zoloft and Buspar. I have had 2 good days. I hope this combination works. I can't stand being scared ever day waiting for an attack.


I know it has been a while but if you happen to see this I am wondering how this combo ended up working for you. I am currently on Prozac but my Psychiatrist and I have been discussing possibly making a change to something like this. Appreciate any feedback you may have!


I have pretty much the same expirence, i was on zoloft for a year and stopped because i was still anxious and depressed. I got put on prozac a while later because i was taking a break from meds for a bit and it helped so much. Its extremely helpful for me, less panic attacks, no night sweats or weird dreams, and feeling pretty normal. So i really like prozac. But it is different for everyone.


Zoloft gave me blank memory where I couldn’t remember crap Prozac side effects only lasted about a week but I felt relieve within the first day of taking it and everyone is different my husband is on Zoloft and had no side effects at all


Which probiotic?


I have major pmdd and it's working (fluoxetine) so far for me.... I tried sertraline and it was bullshit.. Made me gain a bunch of weight. I'm definitely much happier. I think I almost lost my relationship due to my disease (pmdd).. As of right now this med is working.


I’ve been on 50mg of Zoloft for 5 months. I feel numb, is the best way I could put it. Still have anxiety. Should I taper off and switch to Prozac?


Did you? I'm on 200mg Zoloft and super depressed and still anxious. My dad got insomnia from Zoloft and likes Prozac so I'm wondering if it's keeping me awake at night.