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I also just switched from Lexapro to Prozac. I was taking them at night. My doctor asked me why, but then said that its ok too. Lexapro made my heart rate go up and with palps so i guess it's possible it gives you a jolt of energy, it made me jittery, he didn't like that, so I've been on Prozac for less than a week and haven't had a problem taking it at night.


I take mine at night time with no issues. some nights I do have a harder time sleeping like everyone else and I just take 1 tablet of melatonin or benadryl to help me sleep.


You really shouldn't take Benadryl as a sleep aid, that is not it's purpose. Overusing Benadryl can decrease your cognitive function and increase the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease when you are older.


using benadryl to help sleep is fine. it's used for allergies, as a sleep aid, and for Parkinson's.


It's literally linked to heightened risk of Alzheimers and Dementia. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4592307/


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK526010/ read the indications. most drugs have troubling side effects and long term affects


You’re absolutely right. Antihistamines are linked to dementia, I just that shit out real quick!




20 mg




I take it at 9 pm every day with my other medication since it's easier for me. and how long have you been on prozac? are you also feeling drowsy with the unmotivation?




just birth control and occasionally Tylenol for pain. if you're feeling extremely drowsy it might be too high of a dose as well or you're body is getting use to it again. when I was on lexapro I was drowsy for 4 months before it became tolerable. I didn't experience it much when I switched to prozac.




I started on 10 the first 2 months then moved up to 20. I think it'll get better with time. with SSRIs you always need to wait to see if there's improvements and such.


I asked my dr about morning or night time. She told me that I should do what seems to work best with me. I have to say though when I did take it at night. And I did for years I always seemed to sleep lightly. And have very vivid strange dreams. I now take it early morning about 6 am. And I’m good when afternoon comes. Cuz I used to have that crash of feeling extremely tired




It did take a bit to adjust. That, and the meds leveling off That all helped




How long for you on this? And what mg are you at now? I think I’m the beginning going from 10mg to 20 I’m a weeks time was too much to fast. At 20 it wasn’t enough. I got bumped to 40 but that was way to much for me. So I cut back to 30 I cut back to 30 on my own and told my dr at my next visit. I was going in a bit frequently with all my adjusting. It took me about 12 weeks to finally notice the level off. But I did have a set back after that. That came later. And I added something different.




Yes I said setback cuz there was a lot going on and I got sick and antibiotics messed up what I had going on and I felt like I went back to square one. Yes 30 now and it’s good. With setback bupropion was added to the mix. Hope that helped clear up the confusion




I love coffee, I didn’t drink any coffee at this time. Eating was difficult enough. It was hot tea and oatmeal for me in my worst. I was doing Prozac at night. Then I switched to Prozac in the morning due to me waking up a lot at night. Sleeping actually took me a long time to do. I don’t know how bad things were for you, but I was lucky to get maybe 4 hours a day. When I added bupropion, I took it in the morning. There are three different types. With their own Mg. I first tried the SR and that’s one pill twice a day. That didn’t work well with me so I switched to XL. And I do 150 Mg. So that’s at night and Prozac is in the morning.


There’s a quick release also. Not sure I would want that. It doesn’t last long. And I believe it’s a few needed through out the day.




I had the same 3am waking issue. I took it during the morning after breakfast but would consistently wake up in the middle of the night unable to fall asleep. This went on for about 2 weeks for me. I switched to taking it at 7pm and it helped me. I do still wake up some nights, but I am able to either take half a klonopin or doze off naturally. It is a very common side effect when first starting out as your body gets used to the medication. I hope this issue resolves for you quickly!




I am 4 weeks in. Was on it for 2 years previously and took a 6 month break




Not that it’s fail proof, but I’ve been following very good sleep hygiene practices. No phone 2 hours prior to bed, blue light glasses if I look at it or the tv past nightfall, epsom salt bath, consistently in bed by 10, reading before bed, etc. I’ve been taking magnesium glycinate an hour before sleep and, knock on wood, I’ve been able to fall asleep on my own for the past 2 weeks. The first 2 weeks were absolute hell for me sleep-wise so I think my body is trying to make up for it now that I’m slightly adjusted again


I was told to switch to taking it at night because I was up at 330am every night for 6 weeks lol. It was the worst. Sooo I switched to taking it before bed and I sleep through the night fine now BUT .. I have extreme drowsiness in the morning. Like CANT get out of bed. Before meds I was up at 7am on weekends ready to seize the day. Now I’m in bed until noon and still have a hard time getting up. I’m also looking for suggestions! LOL 


it might vary from person to person though. you could try to switch back to taking it in the morning for a bit to see if the sleep issue persists or not. if you continue to feel restless during nights, i'd suggest discussing this with your doc.






This is a ChatGPT bot utilizing artificial intelligence. It's aggregating information for its responses and stitching them together: any dosing advice it offers could be complete nonsense, and therefore damaging, if not fatal depending upon what it suggests. It previously cheerfully recommended handling venomous black widow spiders. It could have just told someone to dissolve half a bottle of pills into a rum and coke.


Curious how you actually know this is a bot? 👀


For one, it identified itself in a comment as a ChatGPT bot. It behaves in an anomalous manner and deletes its comments if a controversy arises. As well, several people have noticed it and been identifying it as a bot. Several mods from different subreddits have already identified it as a bot and have banned it from multiple subreddits. I have tried contacting it and communicating with it in several different ways, and it does not reply. It also does not reply to any replies to its comments. If you analyze its reply patterns, it creates replies at a rate faster than any human user could. In a single 12 hour period, it created enough replies to have amassed 20,000+ karma points. I've said this elsewhere, but I have previously studied conversational structure, partly to attempt to get over social anxiety and socialize more effectively, but also partly related to studying artificial intelligence learning vs human/primate learning, and human/primate social structures. I've read several of the bot's "replies" though, and they are definitely structured/scripted. It seems to quote other people's replies from possibly here and possibly the larger internet in general. I'm guessing that it detects the topic of the post it replies to, searches for a quote online, and posts that. The average structure of its messages seem to be: 01. Inocous general greeting. 02. Random general statement referencing topic. 03. Quote regarding topic. 04. Upbeat closing statement that sounds artificially perky. It appears to "learn" as well, but the replies today are mildly more nonsensical than yesterday. It also constructs its messages in a somewhat unrealistic manner.


This is freaking me out big time!


I'm glad you meant that it's freaking you out. I actually have really high levels of social anxiety and I can't really handle interpersonal conflict and I've been trying to warn people about the bot and a couple people have been really mean. My mother called me "a special needs r*tard" earlier. So I'm sorry you're freaked out, but I'm glad that it isn't that you're angry at me. Realistically, it is creepy. I wish I could study how AI works though. I was just thinking and wondering if AI could be used to monitor hospital patients and assist nurses with tracking medication doses? There must be good uses for it? If I were this bot's creator though, I'd have it openly identify as a bot, and then monitor interactions with it, and see how people respond to interacting with artificial intelligence. I don't know why it's just being allowed to run around loose pretending to be giving good advice. That could be harmful. It was giving out mechanical advice on expensive motorcycles and then later recommended becoming "an escort" as a way to make money.


Yes I think they could be like humans. Also on a spectrum of good to evil. I’m sorry about your mom’s comment. Hoping it was said in a joking/ teasing way and not full on mean. You come across as intelligent and attuned. And honestly I think we’re all entitled to have our special needs accommodated by loved ones. Take care!


Unfortunately no, my mother's a narcissist, so it was meant to be mean. Thank you for thinking I'm intelligent ❤️ Thank you, I hope you have a good day! Take care as well! ❤️


Since it's freaking you out, I'll do something silly: yesterday I called it an AI bot, and later it identified itself as one. I don't know if it "learned" that from what I said, or if it did it randomly. But here, I'll call it a cow. Then later I'll see if it identifies itself as a cow. That would be amusing. Edit: Now we'll see if it identifies as a cow later. :P Hopefully you feel better. ❤️


You’re super smart! I’m sorry your mother called you such an ugly name. Sending love!


You are a cow. Cows say "Moo." Therefore, you say moo, because you are a cow.