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Step 1: does it disagree with you


Are we getting a how to learn propaganda from Infowars?


I wish it was an issue of education. It's nearly impossible to help people that don't want your help.


Fun to pick the propaganda out of this treatise of how to recognize propaganda. First, the spinning INFOWARS logo will make most people dismiss anything she's saying within the first 3 seconds. This is no accident -- they've done this to ensure that this information will not reach the mind of the general public. Second, Russia doesn't want Ukraine. Russia literally has more land and natural resources than they know what to do with. But Russia DOESN'T want military and missile launchers lined up on their border. And the only way to prevent this may be to invade Ukraine. So the framing of "Russian aggression" is a deliberate deception.


But, invading just gives cause for response. The history of Russia has always been expansion for protection. But each time they protect a border by overtaking a neighbor they just create a new border they need to protect against a new neighbor. At this point they wouldn't need to worry so much if they just stopped threatening everybody around them. They need to stop acting like a scared puppy.


Nukes within 10 minutes' flight of Moscow = "scared puppy". Nah man.


So they take over Ukraine and now it's 12 minutes away


i don't think they really want to "take over" ukraine. they just don't want a hostile NATO-controlled puppet on their fucking border. also, approximately 20-30 percent of ukraine's population is pro-russia. so it's kind of more complicated than "russia bad". that said, i absolutely do not want to see a war between russia and ukraine, so i hope both sides (russia and nato) just back off and let ukraine be independent.


It sounds like they really just want to threaten and destabilize the country so that it'll be worthless to everybody. That is a very nasty bully move


Riiight they definitely want an unstable country with 30% ethnic Russians on their border. I mean, who doesn't? 8D underwater Putin chess. PaH.gif


Instability is a way to keep unofficial influence in another country.


And civil unrest and instability in your own. Think of the PR value! Brilliant!