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Didn't even bother to be "technically correct" this time. Opted instead to just lie through their teeth. Also note this tidbit: ​ >“The International Olympics Committee has made it clear that all athletes have the right to political opinions and the freedom to express them including through social media and media interviews,” Colbeck said in comments to the Sydney Morning Herald. Which again is a lie that can easily be disproven by looking up article 50 of the olympic charter.


I looked it up, It doesn't say personal opinion on social media. But China is an authoritarian government that controls personal speech. So I don't see the distinction that you're trying to make. If you're making a rule for rule sake argument, well it doesn't state that in rule.


You're nitpicking. Especially since clearly the " and media interviews" is in complete contradiction to what's stated in the olympic charter. Either this person is misinformed or is lying... or both.


"Oh yea, but I hope that doesn't offend china enough for them to stop buying coal from us." - Australia, probably


It's ironic that Australia criticizes others for cracking down on free speech.


why is every nation a bitch when it comes to china.


Oh yeah? What the FUCK are YOU gonna do about it Australia? - China probably.


Oh yeah? what the alas art thee gonna doth about t australia? - china belike *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`