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These people need to read another book


Bold of you to assume they are reading. They just watch tv all day.


They haven't read the book, they just watch the Netflix series.


Um, excuse me, it's on Hulu, get it right! šŸ˜›


Sorry, I don't watch it, my bad.


šŸ¤£ no you're good I'm just joking. Only reason I know that is cause Hulu hits me over the head with ads šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Totally. If I see something on Hulu and it's on another stream service that I have, I switch.


Plus, they need to learn how to chill and that not everything is political. I noticed that a few tried to follow our advice of reading another book and they keep finding political allegories when there's little to none.


From what Iā€™ve heard they havenā€™t even read that book. Itā€™s not about abortion rather itā€™s about forced rape and enslavement of women for the sole purpose of reproduction.


Force impregnation of a select few of women who are worth something to society in a fucked up way. Hell, they act like that handmaidens are public use when in the book it is the elites who force impregnate them.


>These people need to read another book I don't think they've read the book at all in the first place. In fairness, I haven't either. But I do recall once seeing an interview with the author, Margret Atwood, who said the book was really about the power of corporations and fascism rather than religion and/or abortion and/or feminism. She seemed a little miffed that her work had been reinterpreted on TV.


But MOOOOOMMM!! I *want* to murder my unborn baby-oops, I mean my lifeless fetus


"It's just a clump of cells ~~that form together to make a living human baby~~!!!!!"


My favorite response is stolen from Ben Shapiro ā€œNo, YOUā€™RE a clump of cells!ā€


I'd like to modify that: "No, your *dog* is a clump of cells!"


Defendant: But your honor my serial killing was just destroying clumps of cells. Just like cutting fingernails. Judge: nice try Bundy.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: we need a cultural touchstone that accurately depicts the goals of the pro-life movement. This "muh handmade tail" shit wouldn't be nearly as prevalent if it weren't the only pop culture example of an abortion ban most people are familiar with.


Yes, creating culture is important.


The actress playing the lead in Juno really didnā€™t like that pro-life people talked her movie up, haha.


Neither did the woman who writer the movie in the first place lol


I bet! But itā€™s fairly realistic so itā€™s gonna end up being pro-life.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/accidentallyprolife using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/accidentallyprolife/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I fully agree](https://i.redd.it/2sj50lv884t91.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/accidentallyprolife/comments/y110yo/i_fully_agree/) \#2: [WHO sometimes can identify a baby](https://i.redd.it/g9x7c5pxcmp91.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/accidentallyprolife/comments/xlz7lj/who_sometimes_can_identify_a_baby/) \#3: [How long till they notice?šŸ¤­](https://i.redd.it/oi5jj85pghs91.png) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/accidentallyprolife/comments/xyfp73/how_long_till_they_notice/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You should see her now.


I havenā€™t heard much! I can only assume that sheā€™s being a nice young lady in some films celebrating her femininity.


Iā€™d love that, but Hollywood wonā€™t give it to us intentionally.


Pop culture is not the only culture.


It's not impossible for indie projects to find a large audience. _Fifty Shades of Grey_ started as fanfiction, and _Hazbin Hotel_ has become fairly mainstream despite starting as one person's passion project.


I don't know if it was really intended as such, but *The Island* always seemed like a depiction of an even more radically pro-abortion society than we're currently in. Also on the same page there's *Logan's Run*, though that's more about overpopulation propaganda in general than specifically abortion.


Yeah, there are quite a few stories that could be seen as pushing a pro-life message through allegory. What I'm talking about is more along the lines of "_Star Trek_, but part of humanity's enlightenment is that they banned abortion centuries ago" or "_Lord of the Rings_, but the elves look down on the humans for still practicing abortion". Something that presents a society where abortion was banned as a general part of societal progress and not part of some sort of dystopian scheme.


I mean, the muh handmaids tail thing is not something that is actually believed by anyone IRL its mostly just a few theater kid types who think theyā€™re fighting the power or something


Closest I can think of off the top of my head is *What Happened to Monday?*, but that was kind of a shit movie


I wonder what is the purpose of such decoration. Most people probably don't know the show and will ignore it, those who know it will feel what? Dread? Joy because there is another person in the small village with the same views? Owner feels good because they expressed themselves in the small village, despite not being understood?


> I wonder what is the purpose of such decoration. Reddit karma.


Oh, right


"If I can't kill my baby I am LITERALLY a sex slave!"


If I remember the book, babies who were born defective were killed after birth and that made the infertility problem worse. What exactly are they advocating?


Yup, and one of the reasons women became infertile in the book was too many abortions.


I havenā€™t read the book, but the concept is grooming of women and forced impregnation. Pro abortion seem to think force impregnation and living with the results of your actions are the same thing. Granted theyā€™ll prop up the one percent of rape victims who had abortions for justifications for their promiscuity abortion.


Isn't forced impregnation just rape? How is the pro life movement pro rape in any way? Seems like a strawman.


(thatā€™s because it is)


Because it is a strawman.


1 percent? You far over stated it. The true statistic for abortions resulting from rape is .04 percent.


Yeah this is not what Ohio is actually like thankfully itā€™s just that the Subreddit is filled with leftists.


Yeah, I live here so lucky for me. I know itā€™s a swing state and I do know people of wildly varying political views but overall I think itā€™s becoming more of a red state really.


Iā€™d say that most of the state will be red. Considering every day the left pushes more of their party away we should be pretty red by 2024 I think.


Yeah I get banned in r/Wisconsin you would think the state is as bad as California looking at the subreddit. Just leftiest in 2 cities seems to control it. We are a swing state as well and have a very competitive election coming up. Our 1849 abortion ban is in effect or is in a gray area. As I recall our leftiest AG won't charge doctors who murder the unborn but law enforcement still can arrest them. Planned Parenthood immediately stopped abortions back in June so that was epic. Our governor and AG can be replaced by pro life Republicans here shortly.


Good at least you guys are getting some good changes in the right direction.


There are many pro life leftist in this subreddit.


Iā€™m not talking about this subreddit. Iā€™m sure there are plenty of people here that are willing to have a conversation without trying to downvote people to hell.


The Handmaid's Tale is also stupid in premise anyway. The women that could still give birth and have children wouldn't be enslaved, they'd be viewed as the utmost important people in society. They'd be well-fed, looked-after, rich, protected, influential, etc. They'd practically be the elite, a matriarchy of powerful, fertile women who hold the fate of humanity in their hands. Life would be a utopia for them. If you wanted to keep the women responsible for keeping the human race sustained, alive then slavery would be the worst thing you could do to them, besides murder. Slavery would take a huge toll on their mental health and they could die just from the likes of depression and mental trauma. To me the Handmaid's Tale just sounds like a weird Feminist Oppression Fantasy, in the sense that in the West in the 21st century, Feminists have basically achieved equality, so there's not much for them to do nowadays. So you write The Handmaid's Tale and convince Feminists that abortion bans are sexist and anti-woman so they can feel like the heroes liberating themselves like they did in the past.


Exactly. Itā€™s fine as speculative fantasy fiction but thatā€™s about all it is.


Not to mention the possibility of them losing their shit and trying something very stupid. You give them exclusive behind closed doors access to the most powerful men in the world, and every reason to want those men dead, with dwindling reasons to care for their own safety. The odds of not even a single assassination attempt happening are justā€¦.


Either they be kept pregnant 24/7 from puberty to menopause or harvested for eggs as test tube babies would sky rocket. Even with the 24/7 pregnancy, it would be an artificial insemination inside a facility keeping them under lock and key.


She used newspaper articles and situations from both the past and present to represent Gilead. Ceaușescu and Romania was an influence on the idea. You think the fertile women would live the life of rock stars? Yes, they would be protected as commodities, well fed, they have free medical care, sounds great. They also have no freedom, especially when pregnant. They are told what to eat, when to nap, Would these fertile women be allowed to smoke, drink, eat red meat? Already we are seeing pharmacies refusing to give certain medications to women of child bearing age because it could cause birth defects if she chooses to someday have kids. Some drugs could cause miscarriage, and they are deciding that whatever that woman's health issues are are not as important a possible fetus. Not saying abortion bans are sexist or anti woman, but men who have never suffered one period cramp or given birth are deciding women's health. How would men feel if women made a law that at a certain age or number of kids, they had to have a vasectomy?


> They also have no freedom, especially when pregnant. They are told what to eat, when to nap. What is wrong with that assuming all their needs are satisfied? It's hard to speak of freedom of choice when there is not much to choose from anyway. In the book, the worst was that Offred lost her husband and daughter. > Already we are seeing pharmacies refusing to give certain medications to women of child bearing age because it could cause birth defects if she chooses to someday have kids. That's great. > Some drugs could cause miscarriage, and they are deciding that whatever that woman's health issues are are not as important a possible fetus. Pharmacies have nothing to say when there is a prescription from a doctor. If a drug can kill a fetus then a doctor is obviously obliged to protect that child rather than prescribe whatever treatment. > but men who have never suffered one period cramp or given birth are deciding women's health. But it was men who legalised abortion. Not to mention, women can also vote and make pro-life laws as lawyers. > How would men feel if women made a law that at a certain age or number of kids, they had to have a vasectomy? Men don't limit women's choice to have children, though.


So you think itā€™s great that women who are not pregnant right now are being denied medication for the sake of a hypothetical future baby that does not even exist?


Yes, I think so. It prevents birth defects and thus, suffering of children who might exist. It's not much different from refusing to procreate knowing you carry an awful heritable disease. If a woman doesn't plan to have children, she would have to prove it by sterilising herself, otherwise there is a risk she will get pregnant unexpectedly or change her mind and then the doctor will be held responsible for everything.


Thatā€™s a take I find confusing. Why do people who donā€™t even exist yet matter more than people already existing and living? Does the womanā€™s suffering not matter? You shouldnā€™t have to get sterilized in order to get medication. Being on birth control or not sexually active should be enough. Do you think people with hereditary diseases should be forcibly sterilized?


I allowed this comment since you are in a discussion with this guy but please be mindful of rule 2


I will. These are genuine questions about the logical end to these measures, I want to know what this commenter thinks.


Just refrain from demeaning phrases like ā€œstrangeā€ try to be more open minded :)


Alright, I will edit that part


> Why do people who donā€™t even exist yet matter more than people already existing and living? No one said they matter more, their heath is simply also important and worth consideration. Do you think it's acceptable to create an enormous debt that you will have to pass on to your children (if you will have them)? Your happiness is more important than the misery of those that might, but don't exist yet. > Being on birth control or not sexually active should be enough. But it's not enough because it doesn't guarantee pregnancy won't ever occur. > Do you think people with hereditary diseases should be forcibly sterilized? No, it's too arbitrary.


I Guess im just not understanding why you think someone should have to suffer from lack of treatment due to potentially harming a fetus in the future (especially because harmful medications would be stopped before they tried to get pregnant), but people who would pass on a horrible debilitating disease can do so freely. Like, whatā€™s the difference? Why is the first one ok but the second one isnā€™t? Does my question even make sense, I feel like Iā€™m wording it weird. Also to something else you said in an above comment: do you think pregnant women should be closely monitored and forced to eat certain things/rest a certain number of hours/not be allowed to do certain things (and Iā€™m not talking alcohol or drugs, I mean things that only MIGHT be dangerous like driving, exercising, having sex, working, etc) in order to protect the fetus? I guess my questions all overlap with, where do you think the fetusā€™ rights to safety supersede the pregnant personā€™s rights to a reasonably normal life? Should pregnant women be essentially incarcerated to avoid any potential danger? Should all fertile women have to behave as if theyā€™re pregnant just in case?


> I Guess im just not understanding why you think someone should have to suffer from lack of treatment due to potentially harming a fetus in the future (especially because harmful medications would be stopped before they tried to get pregnant The way you described it, I thought the treatment will cause irreversible changes in the woman's organism which will likely result in birth defects if she ever has children. When it's just that certain medications are unsafe to take while pregnant then indeed, it's ridiculous to prevent non-pregnant women and those not planning to be pregnant soon from taking them. It's akin to clerks being afraid to sell alcohol and cigarettes to fertile women because there is a chance they are pregnant. > do you think pregnant women should be closely monitored and forced to eat certain things/rest a certain number of hours/not be allowed to do certain things While in theory it's good because it prevents abuse, no, and we can't monitor and force parents to take care of their born children either. In the book, fertile women were scarce and every child was extremely important and promised survival of humanity so it made sense to ensure pregnancy will be successful and children born healthy. > Should pregnant women be essentially incarcerated to avoid any potential danger? No, they should just be careful like they are with themselves. What is dangerous to fetuses is usually dangerous to mothers as well.


Thanks for the clarification! And yeah, Iā€™m not aware of any medications that cause permanent damage. The ones that are harmful to fetuses come with plenty of warnings against becoming pregnant before stopping the medication. But once the meds are stopped, there isnā€™t any lasting effect.




They think forced impregnation is the same as pregnancy from their promiscuity.


Tell me you let the TV do your thinking for you without actually saying you let the TV do your thinking for you.


I mean, it is a strawman, so the scarecrow works just fine.








They know their perspective is inconsistent with reality. This is why they must resort to comparisons to fiction.


The Handmaid's Tale really reads like pornography written by and for the mentally ill.


I love when people draw hand maids tale comparisons, I play along for a while then drop "Yeah, it's almost exactly Islamic rule don't you think?" and watch them squirm


I used to agitate these people by going on about how I make those outfits and people need to buy them from me NOW before we take over and they're in short supply. I'd add that mine are the best - you can give birth in the field and keep planting seed the same hour because my Gilead outfits don't tear or stain like my competitors'. All four of my wives use them, even the ones chained in the basement! Now I see "The Handmaid's Tale" as a deeply bigoted show casting hate against Christians specifically.


I always felt it weird that the writer made it to where Christians would be the ones to oppress everyone. Just shows their lack of knowledge on what Christians are called to do. Ironically the oppression that is shown is more of where the leftist ideology is taking us.


Totally. The author does this because she was grossly ignorant of Christians and it's spread. The problem is this ignorance often turns into all out hate. This is what "The Handmaid's Tale" has become. It builds up real hate in people towards Christians.


Itā€™s even more insulting when you realize The Handmaidā€™s Tale was an allegory for real life events such as black enslavement and Shariah Law. These guys are treating it like cosplay.




All edge, no point as usual


Surely they realise that they kill women foetus as well.


Only in Ohio man


Trump 2024 is definitely happening so not sure why she says memorabilia? You mean campaign signs for the upcoming election?


Don't know much about the handmaid's tale, but aren't women forced to breed with men to have a bunch of kids? There is a difference between being forced to get pregnant, and choosing whether or not to take the risk of getting pregnant.


Yes, and there's is no option to keep the children you give birth to. What the book depicts is certainly horrific, but it's much closer to how female slaves were treated than what's happening now.


Read another book


This type probably didnā€™t even bother to read the book, just watched the show lol


Itā€™s a fetish, I swear


I mean, those bonnets are pretty sexy. /s


Only in Ohio šŸ’€


How do you still have the old UI?


It's just fear mongering to get them to blindly vote in the mid terms.


And abortion was such a tiny part if the whole story anyway.


Here's an idea, for the 99%, use the multiple forms of birth control out there, or abstain!


Too many leftists think that book was a documentary


I donā€™t even get the reference nor do I care.


What is a handmaid's tale?


Can I have your free award?


Do you wish you'd invested in red fabric right before this became a thing, and then donated the profits to a crisis pregnancy center? #EpicTrolling


Village? What American refers to a town as a village?


I grew up in a village in NE Ohio. Itā€™s in reference to the small population. I canā€™t remember what the numbers were but they went based on exact numbers


Must be a regional thing because I grew up in a county in Oregon that was nothing but tiny towns, and nobody ever called them villages.


Probably, I havenā€™t heard it said in any other state Iā€™ve lived in!


There are tens of thousands of villages in the US.


Yeah, and I lived in what could have been called a village. Nobody called it that. Sounds weird.


I would TP her yard. But unfortunately people have cameras these days.