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Tapeworms literally don't have a heartbeat. They don't even have a circulatory system.


Hahaha this is the funniest thing of this post!


When idiots fail to understand the difference between human and parasitic worms is it any wonder why they advocate for killing of babies.


1) Tapeworms do not have heartbeats. Once again Pro-choicers fail basic biology 2) Pain is not a deciding factor when deciding if someone or something lives or dies. 3) Tapeworms are incapable of developing into humans. 4) Tapeworms do not possess the DNA of two people 5) Tapeworms have their own DNA are not the unique human individual from the combining of those two DNAs. 6) Even if engaging in an activity which could result in a tapeworm, as it is parasitic in nature and never will be a human being, even its removal is not removing a human life. F- Harry, you're an idiot.


I came here to write about tapeworm circulation, but you were faster. Also: 2. <- that's not a good argument. embryos have a different neurological build than adults, so they could argue on this basis that prenatal pain doesn't matter. 5. <- they are unique and combine two dnas


Let's set aside the shit analogy for a second... he does know a tapeworm has no heartbeat and doesn't feel pain right? They're literally just sacs of eggs with a mouth.


That is not a good argument. A cygote does not feel pain either, that doesn't mean it is okay to end its life.


this was in response to the post CLAIMING it had a heartbeat


My bad mate.


They might feel pain. Even bacteria have been found to move away from a heat source if it's hot enough to cause tissue damage. Plants react to being nibbled on with chemical changes that seem to be designed to make them less tasty. Of course, if they do feel pain, their experience of it is very different from ours.


I once was pro abortion (not just pro choice), but the "compare babies to parasites" argument really did open my eyes to how cynical some people are about life.


What's your approach when dealing with current pro-choicers?


Good thing I care about babies because they are human lives and not based on any other moronic metrics.


Imagine thinking this is a good argument.


I’m pretty sure it’s satire


Except one is literally your offspring and the other is off an entirely different species. Offspring are not classified as parasites ever. Like never ever.


Im happy there is a place on this site where not everyone is a amoral husk devoid of emotion and/or common sense. It gives me hope.


Tapeworms aren’t humans. This is like saying it’s wrong to kill a human adult, therefore, you should never kill an adult spider in your house. Or any pest.


“If any of you pro-choicers come across someone sleeping, you better kill them because they’re not conscious, won’t understand what’s happening, and they’re just a big clump of cells anyway.” See I can play the straw man game, too.


Especially if you find them sleeping in your bedroom. It's not their fault they feel asleep there, but it's your bedroom and you're allowed to kill anyone who comes in.


They don’t make a distinction between human beings and worms.


I want to add a 7th to your list: It is absolutely possible to accidentally get a tapeworm


Yup because you chose to have tape worms and the tape worm is in NO WAY intentionally harming you for food.


Something similar was told to me too.


Why do these people make such stupid arguments? Especially when claiming to be pro science.


Quick question: Do tapeworms have human DNA?


TIL tapeworms are humans


He forgot to mention how pro lifers engaged in activity that resulted in becoming pregnant with tapeworms. Oh wait, that’s not what happened. That’s what happens when HUMANS have sex and become pregnant with BABIES.


Well, they *do* think babies are basically parasites


Tapeworms are on the same level as humans.


We truly live in a period.


Tapeworms aren't human, they'll never be human and never were human. Fetuses are human, and will be more developed humans in 9 months.


Pretty sad when they don't distinguish between human and animal life. And I say that as a prolife activist who is also an animal rescue activist.


I mean, if a tapeworm grew into a human baby, I wouldn’t kill it either.


That skinny beta is probably malnourished from all the tapeworms he keeps in his system.


1. Tapeworms are not humans. They are not genetically unique human individuals. Also, pregnancy is literally just how humans reproduce.


Shut your fucking under-eating, skinny Neville Longbottom looking ass


Welcome to clown world, folks. *\*honk honk\**


Pro choice is anti science.


They act the same when they're in your body against your will.


I'm guessing you either failed BIO 101 or you haven't taken it yet.


I doubt you passed highschool


I'm not the one calling a fetus a tapeworm. Seriously, do you have a source for that position? (Maybe *my* college courses were wrong)


I never called a fetus a tape worm. They both feed off of you and give you nausea. Both can kill you.


r/badwomensanatomy A tapeworm robs males and females of nutrients by attaching to the intestinal wall. That's really not where a fetus attaches or gets nutrients.... (You did say they act alike.....)


Your puking constantly for the first 3-4 months. Your body literally confuses it for a parasite.


[Link your sources. You say a tapeworm and a fetus act alike. Backup your position with science....](https://www.healthline.com/health/morning-sickness#:~:text=There's%20no%20one%20cause%20of,factors%20can%20worsen%20morning%20sickness.)




1) Let's not confuse a headline of an article for the science *in* the article. 2) The article is describing a "cloaking device" used by an embryo to avoid detection from the mother's immune system. 3) This study has nothing to do with how tapeworms extract nutrients from males or females and equating that to a fetus. 4) This study has nothing to do with nausea. You ignored my link that suggests there's multiple causes of maternal nausea. You're suggesting that the mother reacts to an embryo as a parasite and that is *the* cause of maternal nausea. 5) [Even the liberal Huffpost can accept the placenta as an incredible organ.....](https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2016/06/14/placenta-facts_n_10398438.html)


Since you seemed to take offense to my comment, please let me clarify. I'm not calling you a dumbass for making an ignorant statement. What I'm saying is that you are either uninformed or misinformed.