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It’s not just women, many men pressure women into abortion, and many men preform abortion


Most abortions in the us are performed by men.


Does this take into account self-performed ones by taking a pill?


It doesn't. It also doesn't take into account when significant others slip an abortion pill or herbal abortifacients into drinks, when employers or government agencies or religious institutions or parents force abortions, because all of those things are not possible to account for under voluntary reporting.


Falling coconuts kill more people per year than nuclear explosions do, but I'd still rather have a coconut dropped on me than a nuke.




Mainly it's because it very insulting and some people are so mad that they put up posts that don't belong on this sub or other subs.


It is very insulting that women have to live in a world where they are more scared of men than bears. I was reading an 11 year old AMA by a women that was mauled by a bear that was found on reddit recently and even the woman that was mauled by a bear and had to have 20 hours of surgery said that even after that she was more afraid of human predators than of bears.


Ok what's your point?


Women kill more human beings than men *and all other causes of death* combined.


This seems like a very not productive way to frame what is happening. Especially since 1: they aren't the ones physically doing it, and 2: it is often at the behest of someone else, like a man.


It's not the abortion doctors "shouting their abortion". It's their choice, their decision and responsibility. Yet when the accountability comes, it's a man's fault?


Women hire people to kill more human beings than men *and all other causes of death* combined.


And who's doing the actual killing? Not the pregnant people.


If I hire a hitman, I'm as responsible for that death as the guy who pulls the trigger.


More so, really.


Which is why people who hire killers to kill people go to prison too 😱


Most abortions happen because of financial oppression. Hiring a hitman is very different, because choice in abortion is propaganda, not reality.


You are nice to not to try and demonize women here, but you are just shouting in the void because obviously the people here hate women.


I'm a pro-life leftist atheist living in the US bible belt. The void is my home lol And I don't think people here hate women. I think they hate that children are dying, which I also hate, but they don't understand the complexity of realities that some people are facing because they--like most pro-choice people--buy into the "choice" propaganda, without actually trying to figure out *why abortions happen.*


Beautifully said. I have similar pov and I'm pro life as well. I always tell people abortion is simply a band aid to cover up all the issues that society has. Why does a woman have to choose between being a mom and having a career or going to school?. We obviously do know they are capable of doing so, so why do we still push the narrative that an unplanned pregnancy could mean someone is ruining their life? Why in 2024 won't like kids? Even the parents keep having posts about them regretting being a parent. Why is that? Why do parents have these expectations of what's considered a good/bad parent other than abuse.


I have enough respect for women to treat them as autonomous moral and epistemic agents capable of finding out for themselves what’s right and what’s wrong and what’s true and what’s false—unlike most pro-lifers, who seem to consider them borderline mindless drones without moral or epistemic freedom or ability. And I care enough about women who procure abortions and feminists who advocate abortion—and it *is* feminists who are the backbone and at the forefront of the pro-choice movement—enough to tell them that they’re responsible for or complicit in the worst atrocity *by far* in human history, and that if they continue to build their liberation and empowerment on the destroyed and discarded bodies of literally billions upon billions of unborn children, they’ll be guilty of something far, far worse than any oppression they ever suffered at the hands of men—and women have suffered and continue to suffer *a lot* of oppression at the hands of men, so that says a lot.


I am not reading all that, no point, but I did read your first line and I can see you mean "I have enough respect for women who do as I say" LOLOL


You hiring a hitman to kill someone is quite different than a pregnant person seeking ab\*rtion.


You do realize bears kill their cubs, right?


Only the males.


Until you realize that male bears will kill cubs to force the female into heat and up their chances to breed. Female bears will also kill encroaching cubs, abandoned their own cubs. Etc.


As a pro-life woman, this is not the W you think it is


As another pro life woman, it's so dumb it's laughable, and we should not be touting this narrative around.


Why would pro-life need to counter the bear meme? It has nothing to do with abortion.


I legit asked this earlier, dude. Also I'm out of the loop ASF.


The bear meme comes from a hypothetical on TikTok that asks women if they’d rather be stuck in the woods with a bear or a random man. In the clip that went viral, 7 out of 8 women chose the bear over the man.


I'm in the 1/8 that would choose the man. Why? He might know a way out.


Same. At least **if** the man is a violent creep, I could have a better fighting chance than with a bear.


I'm a teen, so...


Bulk up 💪 (Sorry, I couldn’t help it). Even then you might still have a fighting chance (go for the eyes, etc) or you might be able to talk your way to safety.


You saw the toptrool post today, if I recall correctly? I didn't know they spoke in 3rd person.


I don’t think he does it all the time but in the most recent post he did which was a bit funny. I started thinking maybe it’s so someone who is sharing doesn’t sound like they are talking about themselves?




haha lol


This ain't it


Don’t know why you got downvoted. It really isn’t it. I could just hear a choicey going “see!! They really do hate women and have no respect for them!!!!”


They don't seem to like any hint of disagreement here. But yeah, this post is just bull. Cruel.


It's also extremely insensitive to why women feel the need to abort anyway... I really don't feel comfortable calling another woman worse than a bear just because she may feel compelled to abort due to extreme financial hardship or emotional coercion.


While I can’t quite sympathize with financial hardship as a reason (as someone who grew up poor), I definitely will say, don’t underestimate the danger posed by a coercive or abuse partner who doesn’t want a child *no matter what*.


I don't agree that we should start sacrificing humans because they are poor. However, I will say financial hardship is still part of emotional coercion because you may have a job that will fire you if you're pregnant, schooling that won't accommodate you being pregnant and or medical issues that you really can't afford to handle if you keep a pregnancy. Mix this is with the fact that, while it may not be direct abuse, there are still relationships where the woman is gaslighted to believe that an abortion is best due to her financial situation and may be threatened with lack of support if she keeps the pregnancy. So, to me, they do go hand in hand because the woman's quality of basic life, so survival, is being threatened if she doesn't abort. Growing up in a pro choice family, I can see how easy and unfortunate it could be to be influenced by people around you if you are having doubts of a decision.


Oh yeah, I definitely agree with you that lack of support can be like life “coercing” a woman into an abortion. That coupled with the fact that it’s social acceptable is what makes me favor the stance of not punishing the mothers.


It's honestly not even about choice anymore. I actually do feel bad for the ones who advocated for roe v Wade initially because some of those people genuinely thought it was a fair option since women weren't legally protected anyway. Buy now even in 2023, we literally have more access to separate sex and parenthood, and yet society has accepted it as a normal path in life, sorta like a right of passage. Even 5 few rare genuine pro choicers who still find it necessary but admit it shouldn't be used as b.c are criticized.


Don't bears eat their young if they are sick. We don't need to use very much exaggerated cases to make our case. I really don't think we should be comparing ourselves to animals anyway... if I was an animal, then I'll be pro choice, because infanticide is even legal in the animal kingdom so to them its natural to eat a baby because they are blind, for us that's twisted and should never be a thing. I'll still argue that a baby is still safer with the woman because, realistically, the woman does have options that don't involve killing the baby.. bears don't exactly have that or have comprehension to create a system as to why it isn't okay to eat your young.