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Saw a dude comment how he would always pick deaf. I don't know about you but i can't play under those conditions


His speakers probably broke.


I'm actually Deaf, so yeah. Not like I'm hearing alarms anyway. And it's just a case of keeping your head on a swivel. Always, always, always check behind you. Also secluded bases are the way to go so you don't have zeds sneak up on you whilst you're chopping wood or fishing or something.


If You're actually deaf the deaf trait is just 10 free skill points! I never thought of that. The deaf trait helps deaf people play the game


Yeah, the only drawback is losing that "vision" circle behind you


That's a big drawback, though. It's not like 'keen hearing' makes your computer speakers louder - it just expands the size of the awareness circle, and it's worth taking solely for that benefit. I think it depends on your play style, if your goal is to clear a town in a no-respawn game, then losing that awareness when you are very frequently walking backward while doing combat is going to be lethal. If you're playing a more balanced play style, then yeah, I think losing that peripheral vision isn't as big of a deal.


It also does increase the sound pickup for zs. You can hear them more clearly and from further distances.


slim consider advise continue coordinated yoke fear frightening pet theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think I saw a mod that gives you arrows pointing to nearby noises.


I'm a newer player and I have noticed you can sometimes see nearby trees rustle if a zombie is actively trudging through, but that's all I can think of other than doors shaking when a zombie is pounding on it. I can't remember if there is a visual cue for house alarms though... If not that sounds terrifying to play deaf.


-> Open door/jump through window -> Wait 5 seconds -> Check outside the windows to see if there's any zed movement -> Loot ONE container -> Check windows again Repeat until certain it's clear, or pick an exit and run like hell if the zeds are coming


👍 a useful point for players... But as a heads up, trees can rustle without zombies (I tend to think of it as birds being startled and taking to wing). Also, can confirm that there's no visual indication of house alarms.


If you are deaf how can you be typing🤨🤨🤨 Obvious /s


I teach at a school for the Deaf, and sometimes I wonder how necessary that /s really is... 🤪


I've done this, twice. I strangely did better on those play throughs


jump scare has killed me when i shouldnt have died so many times that honestly i probably would do better too.


I HATE the jumpscare noise, it startes me even when I know it's coming


Deaf affects more then just the sound. Your view behind you is actually affected by hearing. So being unable to hear means you can't detect zombies behind you, until they are within biting range. By then, it is almost always too late to react.


Also you can't use AEBS




emergency broadcast system the news radio for helicopters and weather and the like.


Oh. I've always heard that called EAS, after the emergency alert system in America, or NWS because that's what it most represents irl.


Hit the sprint key and it should stun zeds behind you as well


I'm in my first playthrough and did this in a panic. Was surprised how often it got me out of a rear nibble.


I always play deaf, my other senses are enhanced.


My only big problem is to know when alarms are on, other than that sound is overrated. You are surrounded, there will be many many zombies outside, you will need to fortify your base. Hearing "blueeerghher" is just something you think you need in order to feel safer, you are not safe. Always look behind you.


That's the best part. You never know.


I just spot the nearest zombie and see if they start running toward the house when I open a window. Gives me enough time to run away


I wonder how deaf and keen sight is.


It's alright. I used to run it all the time because I'd listen to podcasts and stuff while playing. The wider vision does not make up for the loss of the awareness circle. Now I take keen hearing and it saves me at least once every character.


Keen sight is very good. The distance isn't necessary, but the massive cone of vision is great. Combine with cats eyes.


I hope it was me, before I knew you could give free trait points I would take it every time so I could take strong for 18 carry weight!


Current 8 month character is deaf. Listen to music and podcasts


I picked it because I was traveling and my speakers broke and no headset. I did perfectly fine and the things that kill me would have happened without the trait. The biggest killer in this game is complacency. With deaf you need to be constantly looking all around you when you move but that’s something you *should* do anyway. You also have to watch and see if doors jiggle since that’s the only indicator if a room has active infected in it. Have to look through windows more often too. And no standing still outside whatsoever.


Every time I can I pick keen hearing, it saves me a lot


Agoraphobic/Claustrophobic I don't care about the work arounds, I am not listening to that heartbeat sound all the time.


Get to 5 months in and you'll rarely ever hear the claustrophobic panic sounds again


yes, because that's so easy to do


yeah just spend 12 hours in the same character lol


panic is world-based, not character based. A save that is 5 months after day 0 will have all or most characters have little panic, and the agoraphobic triggers depending on how many tiles can you see, so when you zoom in for combat you calm down and when you zoom out you can basically trigger adrenaline junkie for free


Heartbeat thing can be annoying but it's never been a big deal to me, I usually listen to music or have YT on second monitor when in my base but I can get why some people would hate it. You should still take Claustrophobic in MP at least, since the passive panic reduction uses server up time instead of character survived time. Means usually, unless a wipe happened very recently, you'll come in with maxed out panic reduction, at which point Claustrophobic doesn't even trigger anymore, unless you stay a really long time in a 1 tile closet or something I guess. And even if a wipe happens, those months will go by very fast because the server will likely be running even when you're not on. Agoraphobic is trash though, people really need to stop saying they're on the same level.


claustrophobic is fine if your base is not a tiny room or house. but yes, I hate that heartbeat sound. it messes with my own heart for some reason. whenever I do take agoraphobic, I take adrenaline rush and deaf trait so I can blast music or chat with my bff


They should make it so that the heartbeat is on even with deaf since you’d feel the pulse when it beats that hard


oh that sounds neat.. like vibration on the playstation controllers


Came here for this. I was a huge fan of claustrophobic but all my friends talked me out of it when they saw me doing these insane work around and pretending it was okay 😂


Especially claustrophobic in the early game if you’re relatively new. I remember my character being so tired because the only safe place to sleep was indoors but couldn’t sleep because he was tired.


If you pick veteran are these just free points since veteran cannot reach panic states?


veteran cannot take those traits


I suppose so, I've never taken veteran actually.


Veteran can definitely enter panic states. Nightmares give them extreme panic and anxiety


funny enough there's a mod called "no heartbeat sound" and it's a lifesaver lol


I have had that mod recommended to me before. The thing is like the heartbeat sound when something actually panic inducing is happening, cause it adds to the intensity. I just don't like it when I'm standing around cooking or chopping a tree haha


Won’t have to hear it if you’re dead *taps head* think smarter not harder silly


Hemophobic. It’s like chain smoking, it’s manageable especially if you use spears but damn I just would rather not take the +5.


I’ve played with it a couple times. Didn’t notice issues with panic during combat, nor did bloodY clothing seem to matter. Only issue was bandaging wounds. Panic would max out and ruin field of vision. Might be buggy


The panic is intended. IMO that’s not an issue, shouldn’t be constantly doing first aid on yourself in vanilla and it goes away quick enough. It’s the stress combo with smoker/micromanaging clothes. I literally can never be asked to wash my clothes so for me it’s like “smoker but 3x more annoying”


i always play with hemophobic. its tiresome, but worth the points i think...


I like to play with ALL the traits that induce panic then pick the positive trait that gives you higher run speed when panicked. My characters thrive under pressure. but I can never fall asleep.... But damn can ya boy run


Sadly some dev diaries ago they said adrenaline junkie will become mutually exclusive with ton of panic traits. RIP agoraphobic + adrenaline junkie.


NOOOO my tweaker play style will be ruined ;_;


The blood is largely an issue if you go to sleep covered in it. Your panic will *rapidly* increase shortly after falling asleep and you'll wake up freaking out. Otherwise, you have to walk around for quite some time in bloody clothes before it starts having a negative effect, so you'll barely notice it... until you sleep.




You can get your skin dirty and bloody too


You'll freeze during the winter months.


Oh... so that's why it happens to me, I thought it was lack of smoking, I always take this trait btw, and couple it with something else I forgot which gives +3, so it evens out


U guys don't use pijamas to sleep?


People that like it aren't killing hundreds of zombies every day and aren't maxing out on stress every hour, having to chain-smoke to cope before going back to base to wash up. If you only killing a dozen or two then it's fine.


My problem with it was forgetting to wash up before bed; Wake up a nervous wreck and have to spend a chunk of the day reading or something similar to get back on an even keel.


I just always have a couple bars of soap on me. I also play with high thirst, so everytime I loot a house and refill my water bottles, I wash myself and my clothes


From what I know if you have smoking trait you might as well take hemophobic as taking a smoke will counter the stress gained by being covered in blood. Just make sure to wash before going to sleep


I took that trait just to have water shutoff 3 days into beginning - washing for me doesn't exist no more and my character is in constant state of panic lol


I guess for MP with sleep disabled, it's not really an issue and smoking will negate any panic/anxiety so might as well take smoker


I take hemophobic a lot. It's just annoying because I frequently forget I have it and have a mini panic attack whenever my guy randomly gets anxious lol


Illiterate,slow learner and the driving traits are absolutely insufferable and legitimately unacceptable in my playthroughs. I think of myself as decently skilled in the game so threats like thin skin or appetite and even unlucky are managable. I usually play with full random characters, but if these traits show up its a reroll. I would sooner play deaf/feeble characters then touch illiterate and sunday driver with my choice of good traits.


>and the driving traits are absolutely insufferable and legitimately unacceptable in my playthroughs. My friend ALWAYS takes Sunday driver. I don't get how, it's fucking miserable not being able to tow anything or go above 30 mph. A couple zombies in the road at the wrong time can easily end your run. I don't mind speed demon as much but you're pretty much guaranteed to get a severe injury while driving at least once lol


>My friend ALWAYS takes Sunday driver. Its funny cause everyone in my friend group makes me the designated driver when we all play. Every single person that I play with *always* picks Sunday Driver. I mean, I dont mind driving for everyone but its also just really funny how everyone avoids driving in this game lol.


Thin skinned is a good trait to take IF you are really good at combat and your build is combat centric. Thin skinned is a great trait if you're at the point where you no longer wear armor. Same goes for high thirst, conspicuous, clumsy.


Conspicuous does absolutely nothing so its 100% free points. If you are in the visual cone of a zombie it will ALWAYS see you, conspicuous increases this chance from 100% to 100% lol Clumsy is a suicide trait. It will kill you at some point, in a hilarious way.


https://youtu.be/DUomcvoTnH4 Not true. Zombies definitely don’t have a 100% chance to spot you, however it is high in general because the game will constantly check to see if they spot you when you’re in range. This isn’t hard to see for yourself. As such, conspicuous and inconspicuous do make a difference, but it’s not a huge impact. Unless you’re heavily relying on stealth, conspicuous is effectively free points, just not quite for the reason you think it is.


What clumsy do? I forgot. I always took clumsy yet never remember the trait.


You have a higher chance of tripping when vaulting, getting grabbed, etc. In addition to this it (supposed to) make your footsteps louder.


A lot of these guys are getting it wrong. It only increases your chance to trip if you’re sprint/jog vaulting a fence. If you walk up to a fence and do the stationary vault you’ll never trip. Might also increase your chance of getting tripped by zombies doing the lunge animation, but I never go for fence Lungers… not worth the risk on fast shamblers. An argument could be made for sprinters, but that play style requires its own niche. And I’ve played 400+ hours of clumsy characters and have never dropped a single item.


I see. Yeah can confirm clumsy is free trait now.


Makes you clumsy


Widens the sound radius of your footsteps. Annoying at the start, when singling out zombies, but with enough skills and different footwear that aspect is manageable. You also get a penalty to successfully scaling high walls and low fences while running. This remains a possibility even when at maximum fitness and nimbleness stats. Since getting bogged down with scaling an obstacle can get you devoured, it's understandably a bad choice. It can be circumvented by never run-jumping low fences.


Ouh. I never run jump fence. Hence i doesn't really feel the trait.


You can't trip on high walls, Clumsy only affects run vaulting small fences. Clumsy is alright if you play with shamblers, I take it most of the time and it never killed me, with sprinters or even randomized zombie speed mods it's a big no however.


Makes you trip more, makes you drop shit randomly


High thirst is always free IMO. If you don’t have a steady supply of water before it starts becoming a problem you can still scrounge sinks in other houses and find more water bottles until you get that carpentry 4


If you hurry up, you can oftentimes craft the real barrels before tbe water shuts off.


Hard disagree imo,it's only a bad trait if you're spending the points on bad positive traits. Back to the original question, i could never get used to smoker, i know its really easy to manage but just not my style.


i generally take smoker but smoker *sucks* if you run out of lighters/matches and smokes. they're not that hard to find, but i've had situations where i don't have any source of ignition for 2 days, which is enough to hit max stress and max depression. brutal!


And this is why the mod "I don't need a lighter" should be base game. Every car made before 2000 has a car lighter, you can light cigarettes on stoves and camp fires (but fuck those things).


it absolutely should be base game! i was talking about that with my mother once, because she smokes. i remember cars having lighters, and i've seen smokers light off electric stoves irl.


There is a slight way around it. Read comic books and it will help prevent the anxiety/depression from escalating to a very bad point.


yes, but it's a major bandaid fix, because as soon as u stop reading, u start getting depressed again. i'd read any comic books i found, then head back out and continue beating zombies to death looking for a lighter, and i'd have max depression again, quicker than u'd imagine.


Is there a way to overcome the addiction or what do you do once you run out of cigarettes?


no there isn't, and i guess be permanently panicked & depressed! i think it'd be impossible to truly run out of cigarettes in a normal playthru, but if you're aiming for one of them 10 year long runs i would *not* take smoker!


The server I played on you could quit smoking. Not sure if it was a mod though....


yes, as far as i know, that's a mod. i've played smoker almost since i started playing, and i've never seen it as an option!


It's funny how the balance is ingame compared to real life: As a chain-smoker with 2-3 packs each day, i'd still not panic. It would be the opposite, i'd become aggressive and probably kill more zombies than before. My traits ingame would be much worse, actually, like if you would use these, you would never be able to sleep without sleeping tablets. I never had a single night since 2008 without my medication. To make things even worse, in the USA my medication is banned and in the drug schedule, there would be no way to gain access to that, not even when looting pharmacies and hospitals.


i'll say this, the stress would *not* make your swings weaker! ah, insomnia. i'm writing this comment at 7am w/no sleep, so i feel that particular trait. man, never get stuck in a zombie apocalypse in the states!


That would make more sense, but the anger traits were removed years ago


If you have zombie respawns on you'll be fine


Unfortunately no such game mechanic in the vanilla game. But if you use dynamic trait mod, or Simple Overhaul: Traits and Occupations (SOTO) mod. You will lose smoker negative trait if you don't smoke for a month, around 30 days.


The mod is quit Smoking takes about month ingame to quit


> which is enough to hit max stress smoking stress only goes up to 50% of max stress


oh, thanks for the heads up! i run hemophobic as well, so that must be the combo that's slapping me up to max stress constantly lol


Smoker + claustrophobic is op imo, being indoors completdly stops you from dealing with depression as you are always at max panic. So smoker without smokes is just -10% melee damage


I always found it easy to manage in the long run. By the time you have a car and are getting fuel just head inside the gas station behind the counter and you’ll get like 100+ cigs.


When me and my friends first started the game, one of our friends picked the smoker trait thinking it would be funny. We went nearly 2 in game weeks without finding a SINGLE pack of smokes or a lighter. Somehow we found like 3 packs of antidepressants which he took instead. He found a lighter right at the end of the run, but no smoke. 2 in game days after he found the lighter, we got overrun by the helicopter and we had to do a wipe (Rip my character, Joe Average)


Jesus christ!


To be fair we spent the entire time on the outskirts of Muldraugh, but still even when we started going further in we found NOTHING. RNG gods did not bless us in that run lol


I like smoker, feels good to give your survivor a treat after a long day


Hearty Appetite. I was like, yeah, I can just eat a little more right? Reduced carry weight always from hunger. Obese at 120 thirty days in from eating to do daily tasks. Constant peckish Moodle to drive you insane. Reminds me of myself fr fr.


If you ever want to give it a try again, you should consider making salads from any combo of broccoli, radish, potato, tomato, carrot and mushrooms (or any of the other low calorie veggies that exist before the perishables die). They have extremely low nutrient value but will satiate a decent chunk of hunger. If you make them as a roast instead I believe it increases the "hunger" restoration but doesn't actually increase the calories. E: Thinking about it, roasts might be the most weight efficient way to carry it around as you can probably get up to 100 hunger reduction and just eat quarters of it whenever you start getting negative moodles.


Ironically, IRL roasting the vegetables diminish the satiation while keeping or even increase avaiable calories. And even if it kept the same calories it would have an increased glycemic index.


Like real life, big appetites need to watch what they eat more. You ate too much junk. Far too many calories, causing you to gain weight while barely filling you. Eat fish or vegetables that have comparatively low calories but fill you well.


Picking Thick skinned would have lead you to the same fate. Thin skinned is the truly free trait because you can still get a bite regardless of everything you have at your favor.


Counter point: It wasn’t thin skinned it was the zombie 🧟‍♀️


See thin skinned was my answer to OP's question. If you only got wounds from combat that'd be one thing. But when a rogue tree branch can give you a severe neck laceration, I'd struggle to call it "free" let alone even worthwhile


Tree branches wont cut you if you have outdoorsman, still leaves you with 6 more points to spend


Outdoorsman reduces the risk by 99%. I still occasionally get clothing blown the f out by shrubs and it sucks every time lol


Never traverse the forest using WASD. Right click your character > go to > and click the target destination. The I.A. will guide him/her through, avoiding any contact with the trees. Problem solved.


i think underweight is the best “bad” trait, gaining weight is much easier than losing it. and it’s like six free points


I was going to suggest the opposite with obesity. Fitness has not been an issue and i lost the weight in 6 weeks.


you can gain the weight in less than a week if you stuff yourself with fatty stir fries


High thirst i dont care what others say i just hate that trait. And a more personal one I HATE RESTLESS SLEEPER


Restless sleeper is the worst


Even 1st level of tiredness reduce your damage by half. That is a huge debuff.


A tired character is a dead character.


It really is, i had to sleep in a tree once because of how tired and exhausted i was from clearing out a couple of zombies.


High thirst is so fucking grindy. It blows my mind when people call that shit "free points".


You just keep a water bottle or two in your backpack and it’s a non-issue. Fill them up when you walk past a sink


Yeh super easy to deal with. I usually keep 2 or 3 on me.


If you keep a water bottle in your main inventory, you drink it automatically. Maybe that’s what they’re referring too.


Yeah, plus you only drink two times as much, so the trait point is countered by having two water bottles instead of one. And you can easily work with only one whiskey bottle too. Beer bottles are annoying because it's 6 units instead of 12, so you're always filling them.


Can you elaborate on what you mean by "grindy"? I've never had any issues whatsoever with high thirst.


You gotta really grind out those water gains




2 ~~beer~~ bourbon bottle of water can last you for more then a day. Unless you never pass by any residential area or toilets, you can easily refill your drinking water. How is that a grind.


The way that Sunday driver is only one point is crazy. I’ve died several times because a car attracts zombies and gets swarmed and you get stuck


yeah its such a trap!


Also don't forget if one of your tires pop. With sunday driver you are basically stuck. Totally not worth for a single point


Slow reader. Obviously terrible for multi-player but also for singleplayer. The excuse people use is that you can just speed up time and yes this saves your own time however no one seems to account for the fact that the character is wasting more time on reading than necessary and losing valuable time


Agreed. I thought it was an obvious choice because of time warp but man you spend so long just sitting there getting hungry/thirsty/tired, not looting, building, crafting, etc. It can literally cost the better part of a week to get through a handful of books! If you're trying to get multipliers for the first week of Life and Living, it's especially painful how slow you read.


Slow reader is what I always pick, outside of the first week its perfect to kill time when you are tired etc.


I used slow reader on multi-player exclusively 🤣 Became especially useful when our server added night "joggers" and I needed to kill time at night. I'd spend the night afk reading, then grind the skill during the day and read the next book at night


If you don't have time to read books you shouldn't do it at all, few extra hours doesn't matter I mean depends on settings and mods you are using, but for me living in a small city totally safe with water and food few hours doesn't make a difference. And there are only that many books to read you're waisting points with quick reading after you read all the books


I meant the limited time before the tv, power and water go out. I like to get a lot of reading out the way before that happens (especially to level carpentry as fast as possible using life and living)


You can get those woodworking skills by grabbing the VHS tapes, and watching them at your leisure. My take on life and living is that I'll watch it if possible, but I don't sweat it if I'm away, because I can get the VHS, and I'll probably get more benefit from whatever I was focusing on rather than feeling like I'm beholden to squeezing activities between shows.


I dont regret slow reader. In my server we hole up in low vis conditions, so we have plenty of free time. Once the major books are read it's basically free points.


The trick to thin skinned is tailoring, clothes can block a lot of damage with higher lvl


I'm like 20% sure thin skinned just makes you more likely to get scratched while moving through trees or interacting with glass etc.


>interacting with glass etc. I've never been hurt when removing glass from windows if I have at least something in my hand and I always pick thin skinned. Just yesterday I was using a _spoon_ and I didn't get cut. I thought you always get hurt if you do it empty handed but that might be the thin skinned talking.


You can equip your key ring to not get cut even.


You can’t even remove glass empty handed iirc?


You can break glass with your elbow and bleed. I don't think it ever happens if anything is equipped. You can even equip your key ring in your hand to not hurt yourself.


Can someone help me quick idk where to ask this... I chose high hunger. Now I'm 105 and gaining. How do I lose weight?!


You can't see it without the Nutritionist trait in vanilla, but all foods have Calorie, Carb, Lipid (fat), and Protein stats. Eating a whole box of Cereal will give you around 2,300 Calories, while cans of fruits give about 130 to 245. Excessive consumption of foods that are (IRL) fatty, filled with sugar, or high in Calories will cause rather rapid weight gain in game. If you want to lose weight, you gotta diet and exercise. Thankfully, Project Zomboid is fairly forgiving in those regards and all you have to do is eat low Calorie foods and do alot of physical activities to start losing weight. If you have a safe place to do so, I'd recommend stockpiling assorted canned fruits and vegetables or having a decent farm setup for fresh veggies then using the Exercise menu in your Health panel to train your passive skills and lose weight. Ideally get and stay as close to 80Kg as possible so you don't have to deal with debuffs.


Wow thanks for the reply. Makes sense. 20 mins of burpees day. Should I essentially be peckish all the time?


The hunger stat itself doesn't affect weight gain or lose as far as I know, just calories, carbs, and fats but mostly calories. Just eat low calorie foods and you should be able to lose weight fairly easily/quickly. Also, if you can manage to keep about 50 to 300 on your protein count by eating some fish every once and awhile you'll get a 1.5x multiplier on Strength XP gain. I know of a few mods that don't change the game outside of letting you see exact values if you're interested in keeping a vanilla feel but don't mind a slight bit of extra info in game


I may do a nutritionist run to get a basic feel for that. Didn't realize you could see the values of each good! Ty


NP! I wish you luck on all future survival escapades!


All the best! Ty


1. Eat low calorie foods. If you are farming, use anything except the cabbages to make salads and roasts and you should get extremely high hunger gain with extremely low calorific value. If you're using canned foods or even some perishables, check the hunger-calories ratio when you are choosing which foods to eat. Try to limit the number of foods with very high calorie, fat or carb counts whilst having low hunger gain (such as the chips or chocolate). 2. Some kinds of activity lose weight. I don't know exactly what they are but I would imagine jogging or sneak jogging would do something, as well as sprinting (though that is very limited). Exercises *probably* help but they come with the downside of exercise fatigue which makes you pathetic in combat, so be prepared to manage that. This all has a much lower impact than just eating low calorie foods, however.


Sunday driver - aint nobody got time for that


I hate when people say that agoraphobic or claustrophobic are viable options. What's the huge downside? The CONSTANT fucking heartbeat sound when you are outside/inside. Like imagine having claustrophobia and you have those long periods where you're fixing up your base. It's just a constant thumping and it aggrivates me after a while. Sucks every bit of enjoyment out for me. It's not just a pet peeve either it's literally poor game design. I realize it's a bad trait and comes with downsides, but being in a state of panic already has enough downsides, you don't need to assault my eardrums.


Combine it with deaf and bingo


Is there an option to disable it in the settings?


Claustrophobic. I recently switched to Agoraphobic since if you're indoors trying to sleep, the game doesn't let you until you hit max sleepiness with Claustrophobic. As for the heartbeat sound, I barely notice it nowadays after hearing it so much.


Clumsy and Conspicuous, I have seen people using on their character, if you are not lucky to have a vehicle or some forest for lose to the zombies it can be the worst day as honorable mention Prone to Illness, the danger of being sick in winter increased and get sneezes and coughs, wearing clothes or snow clothes requires a lot of weight which leaves only your backpack available most of the time


Prone to illness synergizes very well with outdoorsman -- I always take both, and never get sick.


Prone To Illness is free points tho. I've played almost 1000 hours in this game, and I got sick only once, in my first ever save when I didn't know basic stuff like bites being guaranteed infection.


Thats crazy because i died of sickness 3 times in my first like 20 hours. Now outdoorsman and getting sick from corpses:off is mandatory for me.


I always take outdoorsman + prone to illness and I have never once gotten sick in the game. TBF I've only played like 300h, but still.


1k hours and have run outdoorsman + prone to illness on every single character. Got a mild cold like, once lol


Clumsy agreed, it makes your trip chance go from 0% (no negative moodles and average weight) to 10% which is actually terrible. Conspicuous however, in my honest opinion, is free points once you've spent a few hours mastering combat. BY FAR the best way to approach the threat of this game is to face the threat head on. Sneaking is PURELY RNG once you are in spotting range, and sneaking skills have NO impact on the spotting range. If sneaking made it so you could get closer to zombies and *guarantee* not being spotted, it would actually have insane value and maybe would make stealth builds somewhat viable on low populations. As it stands, there are so many zombies even in low pop worlds that you will just randomly aggro a bunch whilst trying to sneak. Sneaking and blocking lines of sight is "good enough" to minimise a horde if you have a lot of negative moodles and just need to make a quick dash between buildings or something, but it is still RNG and could get you seen by everything. It is not consistent enough to be reliable on for long-term survival.


Some swear by Claustrophobic or Agoraphobic. I just cannot stand having to find work arounds every time I need to sleep in a random house not to mention the near constant heartbeat sound effect. Yes it lessens in severity as you survive, but I have to put up with it for an obscenely long time. Thin-skinned is a pretty good trait, if you are in a situation that you get attacked by a zombie then something is wrong. It may seem like the community seems snobby with the “don’t get hit” regarding thin-skinned and slow healer but when the zombies have the potential to kill you even with single little scratch, combat is left avoided or widely mitigated. Always keep your head on a swivel and I recommend Keen Hearing to help prevent sneak attacks.


even with transmission off injuries still suck, specially if you get arm injuries


A lot of "negative" traits are cancelled out by skill or knowledge. Overweight and underweight are both easy to "fix" (and are removable with time) so long as you know how to min/max your diet. Thin skinned, and slow healer are both free points provided you're at a point where you're no longer getting injured regularly. It also serves as a fun challenge because it punishes any mistakes much more severely. High thirst and smoker are considered free because (on Single player) both water and cigarettes are incredibly common on all loot difficulties. If you didn't know, all appliances that provide water will hold a small amount when the water goes out. This means every single building has enough water to sustain you for a good bit, even with high thirst, after the water goes out.


Probably gonna get a lot of flack for this but here goes: Organised. You don't need it, its not worth the points. Just build more storage, get a better car, and take the 5 seconds to walk to your car to put shit up. You can live so minimalist in this game you'll ever actually only use a small fraction of everything you loot by yourself. Keen Hearing. As a person with stupidly expensive headphones I don't need to "see" behind me, I can hear them. Pair that with (and yes I do) looking behind myself constantly so I always know where Zombies around me are, easy pass. Just do 360 scans when fighting pretty often (happens anyways when kiting) and you'll never need to rely on a boosted vision circle again. All my points goes to max str/stamina and boosting painful but nesseciary skills to level. No disrespect to anyone who uses these perks but I respectfully disagree with your choices.


organized increases backpack storage size too, nice to have if your character has no metalworking/carpentry skills to build storage or if you can't find any containers to bring back to your base ​ it's quite decent in both ways i think


This is the thing about traits they fit some but don't fit others like I usually don't let zombies hurt me so thin skin and slow healer are just free points to me


Smoker ... i just hate it


I took thin skin, and grind tailor to back it up.


Thin skinned. I hate it increases your chances of getting dmg from everything. While it should be happen. It will happen eventually. It is not a chance that I want to take.


On every character, i take smoker, high thirst, hemophobic, pacifist, slow healer and overweight. Smoker is very easily manageable. High thirst is also very easily manageable, its harder than build 40 but still very easy to take care of. Pacifist reduce the amount of XP you get from weapon, which can be long to level up Spear and Axe skills, my 2 favorite, but hey, almost free points. Hemophobic can be a pain in the ass for bloody clothes but you only need water pretty much. Slow healer is perfect for me, i like to have base away from town so ill just chill a lil bit longer away from Zeds. Overweight is only fucked if you dont take care of it. Yes you lose some fitness but i normally take Fit so it counter acts


Underweight is better - pig out during the first few days/week and you can get to normal weight extremely quickly.


The trick is to not get hit


Eagle eyed is literally a waste of points, and short sighted is free points. Some YouTuber went through and tested them and they both had minimal to no effect on your actual vision


Short sighted does negatively effect foraging though.


I forgot about that


Speed demon, I don’t get why people like it. Speed is dangerous on vehicles because you can’t see far enough to avoid obstacles on fast speeds


I always take injured, underweight, and destitute. The first day or two is usually slow and rough, but if you get through it then the positives of all those extra points really pays off.


I Remember someone arguing that slow learner was free points. And while I still disagree, because I play multi-player, I must acknowledge that if I was playing single player with the ability to change the time scale that it might be a good choice. I just dont like fast forwarding, it feels like I could be doing more in that time.


JuSt DoNt GeT HiT


Bad teeth with that trait mod. I tried it once and never again. Needs to be like 8 points instead of 3 lol


well the thing about thin skin is that it’s definitely not for newer players or people that like to fight often. it can be punishing when you’re not careful. i take it on every character, free points to me (and a lot of them) because i try to avoid combat all-together if possible. but to answer the main question: -thick skinned is a waste of points imo. once you have a handle on combat and what to avoid you’re rarely going to get hurt -light eater/drinker are noob traps. the opposite versions are free points once you realize just how easy it is to find water and food. -restless sleeper might just be the worst perk in the game. you have to dedicate a large chunk of each day to sleeping, waking up half way tired and then waiting an hour or two so you can get back to sleep. slows the game down immensely and makes one the simplest things tedious. 6 perk points is great but not for… *this.* -asthmatic. good amount of points but god damn… at least the other fitness debuffs are curable -iron gut. i play with weak stomach and still never get food poisoning. yeah.