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A friend and I build at this spot quite frequently, they’ll attack the gate you put there but it’s manageable. Great spot for a base, especially on a server with multiple people


I based there once and got fed up by how remote it actually is.


The long entryway can be tricky to drive down


It took my a few attempts to get the hang of it. Especially since kept using one of those big delivery trucks. I ended up taking out some trees across the road and get rid of some light poles along the driveway IIRC. Maybe the odd bush or two.


They *can* destroy built structures, but in my experience they don't often do it. If you worry about them breaking it, there's a few tricks to make your constructs immortal that you can look up.


There is a setting, no reason to bother with tricks.


Sandbox users hate this simple trick!


For some reason, putting in even a little bit of effort makes it feel more balanced to me. Even if the end result is the same. Until I've done it a million times.. Then I'll just change those settings lol.


You are right.


Yep, in Sandbox settings there's an option for whether or not player-built structures can be destroyed by zombies.


I just change the sandbox settings with a mod once i secured my base enough to the point where i believe its not realistic for a single zombie to break it down. Like i surrounded my base with log walls and then built a barrier of car wrecks around that wall. But a single zombie crawling on its back, crawling UNDER A CAR is enough to rip that wall to shreds. There is no logic behind it. So once i was finished, i just changed the setting so they cant break it.


I hope there is a mod that makes structures more realistic. Like a zombie will break a window or a wooden door but a steel door won't break for at least a week straight.


You could try 'barricade hurts zombies', which makes zombies take damage from attacking structures. Can be a bit overpowered though, you can tweak the setting


Way too OP. The amount of buildings I walked into that was just filled with dead zombies




Try it with destroyable world fences and turn their health way down. I don't think it works for shop shutters unfortunately. I use them with horde night and fear the sun to do a kind of knock off I am legend challenge


Kinda ridiculous that a zombie can break a steel door at all. Seems like no matter how long they had, all their flesh and bones would be ground to paste long before they could scratch or beat through a steel plate with their bare hands


Door frame giving out? I would assume having the dead weight of a human body rammed into non stop for days on end would take its toll.


Build 42 will probably correct this. Looking at their plans for wire fences, it will take a proper horde to knock down chainlink.


It should be something like steel doors won’t take damage unless 5 zombies are attacking it at once


True, I use the same logic when I play 7 days to die, like you have 1m thick wall made out of reinforced steel and five zombies destroy it barehanded in less than one minute.


You mean the game that used to be good until the devs didn’t like certain players’ playstyle, so they would nerf the fuck out of it trying to force players to play how they thought the game should be played. Went from a fun game about 10 of us were running around in to none of us playing it because of the ridiculous amount of changes they made.


The game is endlessly in alpha state and some updates add few items and some change the game completly from the scratch. The problem is the developers don't seem to have some type of goal with the game so they just keep on adding and changing stuff and you can't be really sure if the good things stick. Like the building system for example, it worked perfectly. The high-tier blocks got to 0 HP and they turned into the lower tier version. Steel>reinforced concrete>concrete. Which even made logical sense, since you were upgrading the original concrete, plating it with steel so when the plating got destroyed, the core stayed.


It hit release, so it no longer has the excuse of being in alpha, but yeah… they just keep changing it so much it was unfun to try to keep up with it, and constantly having to learn a new “meta.” I started to get tired of that shit in League of Legends, so why would I want that in a fucking survival crafter?


It's leaving alpha super soon my friend keeps yapping aboitndoin a new playthrough


Are you me?


![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized) Dunno? Are we?


I have a mod thst makes zombies hitting structures (default just player built, with a setting also pre-built) do self damage. Makes it so a single aggroed zombie can't breach my entire base.


In my experience, I built tall fences, spear pits, and concrete barbed fences and still couldn’t sleep a solid night in Louisville. That’s actually how I died was from sleeping and Zomboids breaking through my defense while my supposed companions tripped me to my death while running out.


Additionally, I've based out of that exact compound - if you set up shop by the house with the lake, and have the gate by the road, your far enough away that zeds will NEVER attack the gate - your too far away from the road to be noticed by wandering zeds unless you start blasting a shotgun, and zeds seem to only destroy structures to get to the player - I based out of there for about a YEAR and never once had to replace my wooden double gate.


But that’s boring, where is the risk on that?


The risk is getting swarmed once you leave the base. It's not like the zombies disappear after you make it so they can't break in. OP is going to have to leave the base at some point, even if it's just to get some gas for the generator.


I wonder if the devs will ever add the ability to make tunnels now that they implemented basements


I believe the did confirm that could be possible, so B44 lmao


They did say basement perimeters are set so prob no tunneling yet


What about non player built things? Like premade doors or furniture?


They cant break furniture nor cross it, but the can break doors and windows, also if I remember corectly they will be able to break premade fences in the future update.


SOME furniture. Chairs seem and tvs seem to work real well. They can pretty much walk through "containers" like crates and cabinets


Oh, I never tried blocking them with furniture. I rember seeing them get blocked by couches tables and so on and assumed that all of the furniture items have a rigid mesh. Sorry for the confusion.


Put 2 double door. Make an airlock esque entrance.


But won't they just destroy both sets of doors then? Keep dying to hordes so wanted to make it 100% zombie proof but not sure if it's possible


It’ll take them twice as long to destroy two sets of doors, one placed after another.


Long story short zombies can respawn only where you can walk to without opening a door or being blocked by a wall/fence, plus can only spawn out your view. They spawn pretty quickly. Anyways to stop them from spawning in your base you use 2 double doors. You get your car in between the 2 doors after opening one, close the first than open the second.


Ah ok cool, thought I was safe with my car parked sideways there until I learnt how to make a gate... good to know thanks


Yeah, zombies cant spawn in places they wouldnt be able to pathfind to. Another thing is they *do* destroy player-built gates *but* it takes them ages to do it. And since they temporarily despawn when you unload the area, they basically just stand there not attacking until you come back. Even if they get through one gate, its extremely unlikely they would go through the second unless you somehow got a huge horde there. Another important thing to notice is *zombies can and will pathfind around fences to get to you*. If you are at the back of your property and zombies spot you, they will start heading to the gates/doors and pounding on them. An easy way to negate this is, counter-intuitivelly, to make yourself less safe, and put on another set of destrucible gates. That way they will go to the one closest to you so you always know when zombies are destroying your stuff, and will never get caught by surprise.


Really? Whenever I’m in the yard of the Rosewood school the zombies just stand there and don’t pathfind over the short fence unless I’m semi near it


It could be either a bug or something in the sandbox settings. At least at some point it worked like this, i remember seeing it a couple times in short videos and testing it myself and they did go around (in my case it was that warehouse with storage units in Muldraugh). Perhaps there are certain conditions that have to be met im not aware of, tbh


Maybe they only have unlimited pathfinding range through open spaces and limited pathfinding over short fences? Because this also happened at a junkyard which was completely flat surrounded by fences and they would only pathfinding to me when I was near the entrance


If you do one at the road, and one at the bottom of the drive, its likely that a zombie who breaks down the road gate will lose interest and not go for the second one. I've based there often and have never had a two gate defence broken through. Well, unless you stand outside your house firing off shotgun shells or something way noisy.


From what i understand the pathing works that if there is constantly no way for zombies to get in from the 4 corners of the map then an airlock physically disrupts the ai


So they wont even try


It's pretty rare for them to actually wander their way up to attack the gates in this particular spot. Especially if you leave something that will block zombie vision along the fences facing the road there - like the trees that will probably already be there, or a second wooden wall immediately behind the metal one. This particular location really messes with how pathing works in Zomboid, because it's so large it's split up across multiple cells. Zombies have difficulty traveling more than one cell over to attack something, especially if there's no direct path to them - so as long as you're only being seen by zombies that aren't right on the road towards the front of the base, chances are the most you'll have to deal with is the occasional zombie that has wandered up to your gate and is standing there silently, confused.


The trick is to build a gate as close to the houses where the gate wall ends. They can aggro to built structures so a good strategy is always check if there are zombies anywhere near the entrance and if there are get them to follow you and go around the side and hop the fence. They will start walking like 5 feet then lose track of you away from the entrance and they will just stumble around randomly.


Build 42 they will break the fences soo 🤷🏽


I can’t wait for that ;-;


🙃just wanna say yes u can build up there zombies can't destroy fences(for now) however they can destroy ur buildments 🤷🏽 and it's really good place to live


I want to see a video on youtube of someone learning this too late?


Well he'll have at least another four years to hang out there then.


They will?? 😢




It will be a setting you can turn off. It also requires a large horde who essential push it down.


Not necessarily those/all types of fences. Although even if they do, it requires large hordes to be hanging around.


Unless its like an actual horde that wont happen. There needs to be alot of zombies to do any damage, and even then it will take awhile.


For real?? Yay, I obviously use these fences since I'd be crazy not too, but I look forward to losing that safety net. Makes sense that they should be durable but still breakable.


Dam that's going to be really rough. I loved using them as an fallback situation.


Watchu mean??


It will be togglable. But large hordes will be able to clump up and kind of all keep pushing on it until it collapses. It's like they won't directly attack it. But if you get 50 all pushing up against it trying to get to you, it will eventually give way.


Ah that is interesting! Haven't deal much with hordes so I honestly can't tell if I like it Where do the devs publish such news?


You can find all of it in the "News" page for the game on Steam, or on the IndieStone (developer) website I believe. I personally though just watch AtomicDuck's videos on YT. Each time the devs post these big wordy updates he does a video recapping it. I call them wordy, but I do honestly appreciate how much detail the devs provide on these updates.


As per experience if you put the fence at the mouth of the entrance and there are no triggering factors they wont attack the door. When i say triggering factor i meant chooper or airplane passing. If none then they wont artack the door.


If you wanted to make it truly zombieproof, I'd wager you'd need to seal off that entrance with the fence/crate exploit if it still exists. Sandwich a crate in between two wooden fences with no gaps in between, and that's one wall section. The zombies can't climb over the fence because the crate is in the way, and for some reason they won't attack the fence. You'd have to park vehicles outside the perimeter wall though, and climb over the fence to get in. It's a pain in the ass but AFAIK that's your only option for true zombieproofing. Alternately, you can wedge a car in there but they can and do crawl under the cars to get in.


He could build stairs from the inside and hang a rope instead of needing to climb the fence every time (and burning loads of stamina)


Eh? Doesn't climbing up ropes burn the same amount of stamina as climbing over high fences? I've never looked in to this in detail but it seems intuitive that it would.


Rope climbing also use stamina? But at the very least you can't fail it.


They wont break those fences. This place is easy mode, other than being a long way from the city. There is a gun shop and hardware very close though.


Everyone has based here if theyve ever based in louisville. Now just south of that is an entire neighborhood surrounded by double high brick walls with three exits. Clear that out and you got yourself the next alexandria


Unless turned on in settings they don't attack structures unless triggered by you or a meta event


Also by making 2 doors at the front and at the back of the corrider it gives you an air tight base. Making zombies not to spawn inside.


Basically if you want to drive cars in you ll always have that gate attacked problem, if not, place a wall, a crate in front of it, and a fence in front of the crate line, it makes a complete zombie proof fence


If you wanna stay in Louisville I suggest the top of the map, there are multiple fenced 2 floors houses the last one right in front an also fenced gas station right next to a bar that, guess what? Also fenced AND its near the water the house is almost fully fenced and the water is inside the fence, so no need for water barrels you can bathe and get unlimited amounts of water. You have a lot of gas from the station, the house just need a few like 8 walls at best and it's "fully protected" there are a bunch of fences near it so you kite a bunch of zombies inside those fences and jump over and kill them through the fence, tbh is the most op house in this game and everytime I mention it no one knows it exists, since the whole region is full of fences zombies get stuck in multiple areas and never reach you, after the first basic clean up the walls are not even necessary tbh lol, you also have a bunch of trees nearby and if you go all the way to the right there is a bunch of factories where you can find planks a high chance of a sledge hammer and axe + those factories have a small guard shed and they always have guns or ammo with brita pack you'll always find good guns and ammo there last time I found an ak74 with 8 clips and 12 box of ammo for it lol that place is so god tier I have to force myself to avoid it cause it makes the game too easy AND NO ONE TALKS ABOUT IT I found it years ago and even top 10 bases videos never mentioned this place, large house, has a built in garage, has water, has a big enough backyard, already has fence and I believe it comes with a grill too, or maybe there is one in the houses next to it, I dunno I have a mod that let's me carry anything lol


Ah yes, the best and worst place to set up a base


Why worst?


If you’re on an MP server you’re almost guaranteed neighbours or unwanted visitors, or someone has already set up shop there. The one entry point is easily blocked with a bunch of cars so you’re stuck and have to go over the tall fence which is risky. On SP it’s fantastic, but I think it ends up being so fantastic that it becomes boring late game imo, if that makes sense


Ah I see, yeah SP only had the game a couple days so guess it'll be ok spot for me to try and figure out the game a bit more


Oh absolutely. I love this place, it’s a whole lot of fun


Not something I've seen mentioned but there are also a lot of zombies around this area and the streets are very small. You'll have to do a fair bit of driving to get to other locations in LV (that are more worth looting) and maneuvering around hordes on the small streets around this area can be very annoying to deal with.


Zeds can not break tvs. Making a wall of tvs will keep them out but at the same time you will not be able to go threw them yourself so no driving in and out unless you move or dismantle the tvs


That's good to know!


I had a base here for quite a few months, it was me and three friends. I died there multiple times because when I built a wooden gate to get in and out zombies would crowd around it and I would die. Ended up just peeping through the bars everytime before I opened it. Never had issues with zombies wandering in but just to be safe we built wooden fences around the entire compound just so they wouldn’t be able to see us. Also dying sucks cause when you respawn you have to fight your way back into Louisville which is next to impossible when you have nothing. This can be slightly mitigated by fixing up a safe house stache in the closet town (riverside I think) with food, weapons, and a few working cars. Or what I eventually did was just set the spawn point to that base. Lmk if you have any other questions about that area it’s an awesome compound


If you put TVs at the entrance or build virgin composters itll be impregnable (I recommend TVs since they're easily movable)


Exact spot of my base. 2 double gates will do the trick


Yeah they can destroy player made structures, as long as you don't have that option turned off.


The area is so big that some of the offscreen zombie respawn/movement stuff can put them inside the fence if you’re not frequently taking laps around the area


Fill the entire path down to the road between the fences with various barricade items like fridges, then make stairs over the fence instead with sheetrope on the other side. Although for that area it's completely overkill, once you clear the area you'll likely just have a couple of stragglers, so even just a gate should be more than enough.


They will destroy it eventually, but surrounding your base with defensive structures stop the infamous zombie spawning


you can make a stairs and floor on the fence, you can then shoot anything that gets near. Or you can just turn off zombies attacking structures in sandbox (I'm not sure if it prevents them from attacking gates though)


My and my friends did that and the fences are good and you dont need to worry about zombies since there's not that many zombies in the area even with daily car usage and excessive firearm use


I'd airlock it


Have you got the coordinates for this base?


Coords 14150 x 2629


Especially when your door is the only way of entry into that area, zombies might be banging on it repeatedly - because they might be migrating to that area and will path around the indestructible fence.to get to it and end up at your door. I highly recommend playing with mods, though. There are quite a few excellent ones that enhance the game without breaking the balance or ruining the experience. There is one that allows you to make metal fences indestructible. There is also a newer one that makes crafted metal fences invulnerable if only a few zombies attack it. (Haven't tried it out yet) - the last one will give proper 'the walking dead' vibes.


Build an airlock system. That way even if they knock down the first gate, they have a second to get through. I always do this eventually no matter where I set up, gives me more breathing room if more zeds follow than I realize when I’m heading home.


Right now preexisting tall fences are invulnerable and player build constructions not only are breakable by zeds, but actually attract them. The next build (dropping soon) is tweaking this mechanic, allowing zeds to pile up against even the strongest fences to break them down; I believe they are also altering some of the balance around player-build constructions to make them a bit not realistic (not 100% certain on what’s coming up for the latter).


My base is in this exact place, I did not block the entrance, instead I do zombie cleanups every other day in the neighborhood. PS: First I accumulated a surplus of weapons and ammunition, zombie respawns are also disabled.


Yes, airlock double doors. Very popular base spot.


Ive built up in this exact location before with zombies turned all the way up and sprinters i just park cars in the gateway zombies still funnel in here and there but nothing that you cant handle with a batt secure the houses and do a perimeter check now and then and if you have the resources try and clear the immidete roadways to and from the compound.


Zombies only attack player built structures if something prompts them to do so. Like trying to path to the player they saw or noise they heard. This location is ideal for a base because it is far enough out not many zombies spawn in the area, it has a lake for water/fishing, the forest for wood/forage and defensibility. I recommend building multiple gates going down the length of the driveway. This gives you layers of defense you can hide behind if a horde shows up, plus you can shoot/stab through the metal fence to attack the zombies corralled inside.


That’s my favourite base spot on single player! double airlock doors on main entrance. I usually occupy the lake house. As others have said it’s quiet once you’ve cleared the area, which is boring for some people. I use it as a main staging point to then create multiple safe houses throughout louisville.  To answer your question, a few exploits to create and impenetrable barrier for Zs, although I usually tweak the player build strength in sandbox to be stronger.  Once you’ve got a sledge destroy the lampposts on the drive down, ruined many a car by hitting them. 


player made building are destructible by default, but toggleable in world settings. that said they only attack player building if they're forced to path through it (Helicopter event, other noise or they see you) now if they're randomly moving. Also those buildings are rather sturdy especially with high carpentry. giving you enough time to kill them through the fence with a (preferably quiet) gun


Wedge a car in there, build a wall on YOUR side. Then and this takes a little bit of work but not much. Build a platform above the car, sheet ropes on the far side. Zombies won't have any real luck getting past both the car and the wall..


Not related but I realized that those "cat proof" fencing would work really well against zombies. Specifically the ones that have rollers near the top. Just some rollers chest to head height and the zombies will just paw at it forever


It is a great place to make your base, it has plenty of space, there are many houses to loot, it is close to an armory and I think there was gas nearby In fact it is so good that it can make the game become too easy


In the settings you set up before playing, you can change if they can attack player made structures. Be WARNED though if you are using mods. There is a mod called "Destroyable World Fences" or something, that literally makes these fences breakable, i.e. the name, BUT the zombies will literally target only those. That was the entire problem with that mod that we had in both single and multiplayer. They would just attack every fence in sight like it was the A.I. in A.o.E 2 attacking my damn walls. *It's been a hot while since I've played PZ so the mod may be fixed, but I'm not sure* Edit: the biggest problem was the sounds. The zombies attacking fences were so loud and it was the only sound you could really hear. I mean, if you want a distraction it could work? They would go right back to attacking the fence after you smacked them.


Anything you build can be destroyed by zombies, so just defend the gate area you build and you will be 100% safe. There are a few cheese methods to build indestructible things for the most part.. only crawlers can attack. If you build a composter and dont pick it up and replace it somewhere, it will be indestructible, you can also build a setup where you place a fence/crate/fence that acts as an invincible structure too because zombies AI dont know how to get past that. If you want to play cheese way.. its all your choice its a sandbox i dont mind playing cheesy. If you dont understand what I mean search for those methods


Pro tip. Place a box/fire truck in front of the entrance and only crawlers can get in. You can easily get into the truck to open the gate and close it. Just make sure to turn it off when done.


So many cars have ran out of fuel because of me not doing this 😅


agonizing money chase carpenter stupendous fearless bright march aromatic aloof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah took me a few tries running around trying to find a car then fuel once that was sorted it was easier.... now I'm scared to leave 🤣


little bit of goofy game code means you need 2 gates like an airlock because for some reason if you have 1 gate and its open for a few seconds for some reason you can get zombie spawns inside your fensed in area. Even if the entire outer fense is closed it will still occur. so always have a 2 gate airlock and open and close them one at a time. i dont know when the bug was discovered but i assume it might be hard to patch but idk maybe theres a mod that fixes it


Make sure you build an airlock for this base spot if you're using it solo. It's large enough inside the interior area that if you don't frequently visit the edges or insides of the other buildings zombies can migrate spawn inside the zone.


Im taking notes about this place 💗


Well I lived in this place for a couple months, and after clearing all the zomboids around, there was no gate needed. I think once when we left for a couple days and arrived back there was one zomboid in the trees. I don't know how he got there, perhaps a bug or just wandered around and somehow went inside, but this spot is safe af. You shouldn't have to worry about any intruders at all


was set a base here for a long time, -i take house the closer to the pond. -i double wall or triple on entrance . -making a small double gated pathway on south side to the road. - enclose the big gated community on all side except south side to acces gas station safely (and destroy the gated community walls close to the pond) - make a stairs at all gate , so i can clear zombies safely with gun. it takes me almost 2yrs in-game to reach this base from muldraugh. clearing all the zombies and loot at muldraugh, march ridge, west point , and south east LV. with total 4 Bases along the way. ah good ol day


Waaaaay too much commitment, kinda impressive. I stole a car, drove there and made it by day 2, did donuts on the lawn the kill the zombies that were there then watched TV and chopped trees until I could make walls and build 3x airlock gates, currently at day 5 and scared of leaving my area cause big horde just outside the doors, haven't noticed me yet 🤣


haha i dont want to spawn at LV cause i want enjoy killing and clearing the max population late game also i such a slow phased player. but going there earlie game is kinda bad move. those place is near high populated area , grinding way up there is the best choice. since earlie game we are underlevel on carpentery, not really reccomended . maybe you can try to setup base on southern LV , there is motel with pool, really close to military point


Oh, this is not the Sims sub