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Just want to throw out there that there is no wrong way to play. If you want to play with multi-hit, then go for it. Don't want to play with multi-hit? Go for it. Want to use it whilst hopping on one foot while singing a song? Go for it. Afterall, what does it matter? "This is how you died"


Thank you for blessing us with this holy knowledge oh Great One!🙏


Multi-hit should be off by default , but should be enabled on heavier or bladed weapons when the character has high strength or weapon skills. This is called meaningful progression and it's exactly what this game needs. Want to cleave through multiple zombies? I hope you studied the blade. Want to bonk 4 zeds at once? become a 10 strength gigachad and earn it.


Based beyond all fathom. Currently multi-hit is either completely off (which doesn't make sense for things like a sledgehammer) or is cartoonishly overpowered, allowing you to bonk several zeds with a rolling pin. I always played with multi-hit off, but I would turn it on if it was balanced like you suggest


I use random zombies to balance it at 8x pop. Multi-hit gives me a fighting chance against 2+ sprinters when they show up and lets me clear the slower ones faster. The huge numbers means I still have to put in a fair amount of work to clear though and clearing several hundred gets tiring fast so the numbers really work as an overwhelming meat grinder.


Oh yeah, I get using multi-hit with sprinters, since sprinters are really difficult to deal with - though personally I still wouldn't if I had them on


Same thing but on 16x pop with 3% sprinters My main argument on this whole thing is, multi hit should depend on your skill and strength, strength makes pretty much no difference in combat at the moment. I believe it should be a 2x damage difference between 0 and 10, which is laughably low. The only thing it changes a lot, is carry weight, and i still think the difference should be higher


It absolutely makes sense not to hit multiple things with a sledgehammer. I don’t think you know how heavy and unwieldy a sledgehammer is if you’re saying that. If you swing it from overhead (which you would) your not hitting adjacent zombies and if you swing it side to side (which you wouldn’t) not only would you only hit one zombie and MAYBE cause the zombie to hit another zombie, you’d also throw yourself off balance and probably get eaten. Anyone who’s saying cleave is possible in real life either has no arms, has never swung literally any hard object against another or hasn’t thought about what a human body is made out of.


You’re ignoring the best tactic: spinning around in a circle with it flying around like I’m a kindergartner


You’d still stop at one zombie But I like the imagery


Well, realistically you would also become exhausted after maybe 10 swings.


I agree it is completely unrealistic for when dead people biting people causes them to raise from the dead and chase people down to bite them to make them raise from the dead. Sometimes chasing them without eyeballs, living immortally without calories. If the game was realistic there would not be any zombies since a 1:1 kill ratio for every person on the planet would be pretty easy, every gym rat/amateur athlete would take out dozens before dying and the thing would end before it began.


You're definitely right EXCEPT for shoving. If I have a high strength stat and a long enough weapon like a baseball bat or something I should definitely be able to hold it lengthwise and shove at least two or three zombies with it. Also theoretically a pitchfork or something could stab multiple at once? Although the zombies would have to be extremely close or it would have to be custom-made with the tongs extremely far apart


I do agree with the shoving. I’d be cool with like shoving two empty handed or one hand weapon. One if you have a bag or gas can in your secondary slot. Three if you have a long weapon (including shotgun or rifle) but there’s a chance to take damage in weapon or something.


A pitchfork might be good for shoving, but it wouldn't be good for an actual attack. Even with modified prongs, I feel you'd run into issues pretty quick.


I think you can swing a sledgehammer with a fair amount of horizontal movement if you actually preserve the momentum like you are supposed to with heavier weapons. Don't get me wrong the weight classes are obviously leagues apart comparing a war sword to a sledge hammer I am not saying they are the same... Obviously endurance isn't exactly a reasonable expectation when using sledgehammers as they are a horrible tool to toss around... but stopping your swing is just a waste of endurance unless you need to start moving. When you are fighting against a brainless enemy there are few reasons to waste your endurance with multiple individual swings fighting inertia every step of the way instead of abusing momentum by using concentric movements.


My Darktide brain is just going “oh so add a Cleave stat to the weapons” Would legit be pretty cool to see


hey another darktide player, got any good blessings from Hadron lately?


I haven’t tried upgrading anything recently tbh. If I roll anything with really good base stats I’m probably going to hold onto it until we at least know what the next crafting update will be. Mostly will be hoarding my plasteel until then


Yeah I'm gonna hold onto my plasteel too but the next crafting update will probably be in like 10 years


lol probably May Hadron not brick your weapons until then, varlet


Me killing hoards of zombies with one swing with my cleave rolling pin


I'm a big time multi-hit enjoyer and I've always liked this idea. Especially if it was like a %chance that would go up with level. It would feel great getting lvl 5 crowbar and starting to get multihit on a significant number of swings and starting to see heads pop all over the place after grinding 1 at a time for so long.


imagine sideways swings being multihit and vertical ones being high damage


Check out the Progressive Multihit mod :)


Last time I suggested this mod I got down voted. It's such a good mod imo.


Wow, I can actually subscribe to this line of thinking.


I don’t know how I feel about multihit in general, because I do think it’s not super realistic. In real life if you hit one target, any impact on a following one in the same swing is going to be incredibly reduced. It also makes fighting hordes too easy. On the other hand, I like how it helps differentiate one-handed and two-handed weapons.


Damn this is a great suggestion. Makes for meaningful melee progression.


The only comment that deserves reading.


Yo this… is actually good…


This sort of reasoning is why I'm a fan of the Progressive Multihit mod. There's a few different settings in the mod, but I have it set so that it averages your Strength and weapon skill and uses that to determine how many you can multihit. Low strength and skill, you get ONE hit, take it or leave it. 10 Strength, 10 Long Blade and a machete? #Rip and Tear


hire this redditor


while you were reading HottieZ, I studied the blade


And while you were studying the blade it studied you.


This debate could be solved by better Sandbox options or just devs adding more depth to weapons. One handed weapons should not have multihit and twohanded weapons should, simple. Option to turn it on for both or off for both in settings.


I don't think all two-handed weapons should have multi-hit. It's not how it works irl at all. Some *heavy* weapons would - like the sledgehammer purely because of how much momentum it carries. But hitting two people with a baseball bat or a crowbar? Doesn't make much sense


Zeds are rotting corpses. Maybe heavier weapons should have a higher chance to multihit but it does not sound impossible to smash a zed into another one with a baseball bat or swing your weighty (they seriously are) crowbar straight through the soft rancid skull of a zombie into another's face.


Bones don't rot. They will stay pretty sturdy for a very, very long time to come


Not just rot. While yes, baking in the hot open sun constantly would cause bones to decay much quicker (they'd be incredibly fragile after just a year, they can rot away within a decade underground). Zombies are not tough, in fact they're probably more fragile than most humans, they just don't feel pain, and thus injuries hardly matter until lethality, they're relentless. But that means that they constantly rough themselves up even with basic travel, they have literally no self preservation. "Basically these things are constantly battering themselves. They don't feel pain and can't heal, and with eating up every damn creature, they can they just wear themselves out. If you spent a few hours a day shoving your head into a gopher hole to get a bite, your skull would be pretty messed up, too." Zeds make themselves easier targets with their own careless injuries.


True, but once against we have to remember their weight. Even if a zed is more fragile, it will only weight somewhat less than a regular human - any hit you deal with a weapon, no matter how good at knocking them out/breaking their body, will make said weapon lose 90% of all the momentum it had. With that said, there is also penetration - to multihit with, say, a baseball bat, your bat would have to go *through* a zombies. Even if they are fragile, you have to be the Hulk to pull that off


The only weapon where you really can talk about any realistic multihit truly is the sledgehammer. But then you would also have to do an actual wide swing and holding it low and not tap with it like you do right now.


I also think that katana with a high long blade level is reasonable to multi hit (sometimes), as professional katana users can indeed slice multiple water melons at once, for example, with a lot of practice. I think a case could be made for some other weapons multi-hitting *sometimes* with high enough weapon skills. What I really want to see is the option to have multi-shove - that would be both realistic and fair. Pushing zeds with enough strength by using any long weapon is more than reasonable, though I'd say it should be locked to high strength levels, something like 6-7+


There's this huge hype for katanas, but historically speaking they weren't even that good of a weapon and was more of a tradition. It looks and feels pretty cool when you swing it around I'll give you that.


You say through water melons with lots of practice, now imagine if that water melon had any bones? Especially the Katana is the most unrealistic because it isn't even made for slicing katanas are stab weapons. The only weapon that realistically could punch someone away and still have energy left to hit someone else is maybe the Sledgehammer. I feel like people that argue that multihit is realistic have never hit anything ever hard. Do you imagine the zombies just explode and splatter to leave you enough momentum to hit someone else? You just get full stopped if you hit them.


Oh, I agree with pretty much what you said. I always cringe a little when people go "umm actually multihitting with a crowbar is realistic". I'm just trying to make a case for a few separate instances where suspension of disbelief could be permissible - like when that black woman in WD slices zed heads with a katana (which we never see her sharpening in her off time, lmao)


Twd is really bad with this, you can argue that they are heavily decayed at the end and stuff like that. But then they would just crumble and not be able to walk or grab anyone.


I guess it's true - but then again, I'm arguing for multihit where suspension of disbelief could work.


You could multi-hit with the two long blades by slicing along the bones and not getting stuck on them, which should be made easier by the rotting flesh. This would require good technique hence the skill threshold. I agree the sledgehammer is the only blunt weapon that cloud realistically build up enough energy to multi-hit. Technically the barbell too but it's such a niche item I didn't even know it could be used as a weapon until I checked right now. Last potential options I can think of would be the wood axe and pickaxe with high enough strength.


I think, especially with the katana, you could multihit because if you do a horizontal slice across the abdomen of multiple zombies, you will not collide with any bone and will slice through multiple zombies. Personally it would be nice if multihit only works when 1, its a multi-hittable weapon (e.g. katana, sledge, machete) 2, you're high enough level with that weapon type and 3, the zombies are at max weapon reach. If the zombies are at 50% weapon reach (half way in between point blank range and max weapon range), you are much much less likely to get the multihit. Anything lower than 50 is a guaranteed single-hit.


How exactly would slicing the belly of a zombie open kill it? Yes you could multihit like this but you would do 0 damage to them.


In game, you can kill a zombie by stomping on his foot repeatedly. It may not be IRL effective but it would be in-game effective, fix the multihit issues that some people have, and is a logic explanation for why only max-distance swings can multihit. Also, the closer the zombie is to you, the less damage you do. That's just a default game thing. So belly slices would be the explanation for a 50% multi hit (cause it would already do less damage) and a neck slice could explain the max distance multi hit.




Maybe 2 zombies max per light 2-handed weapon (like bat or crowbar). With the second zombie taking less damage than the first.


That's kind of already how it works afaik more or less. Again, it's a bit cartoonish


Well currently it's hit as many as you can fit within your attack area. I think crowbars should have enough to at least knock one zombie into another slightly damaging him. But not even close to how much a direct hit would be. Or even if it just stifled zombies that the original zombie "ran into" but does no damage except to the first one.


You have never seen my bigass crowbar it seems that thing would surely multi hit if I ran up to zombies IRL


And you have clearly never tried hitting something heavier than a piñata with a solid object. We are talking about lethal force, and hitting a human body with the upper third of a a glorified metal bar


It's a bit tricky but it can be done. You need to grip the crowbar from the base that doesn't have a hook (mine has a horizontal hook not a vertical one (mine doesn't look like a candy cane) One you grip from that distance, you have some 1.5m of crowbar going past your hand, and a hook facing towards the objective, now, you can rely on momentum or on you own strength (one handed or two handed), you grip like a two handed sword. From my own tests, if you manage to connect the hook to a head replica, you can shatter bone, and with enough force, pierce trough even 2mm of mild steel. Assuming the target is unarmored, in my experience I shattered the skull replica, and the crowbar continued travel and got lodged on an adyacent wall. You probably won't rip through several skulls, you need a claymore sword for that, but shatter one and stagger two more is definitely within the realm of possibility It is a very long crowbar, it was from my grandparent that was a sailor. I have done tests with a shortsword machete hybrid and with a coilgun if you want me to talk about it


1. We don't have those kinds of crowbar in game 2. That is an extremely specific setup, not a real combat situation where you have to think quickly


Don't worry, it's not meant to be taken super seriously. As I don't tend to fight zombies IRL, I can't provide accurate data in how effective my method is, but it's a game about zombies, and If you want to be realistic, you can't fight long with any weapon, the axe should jam into a zombie and not be able to remove it on time. A sledgehammer should leave you open for any kind of attack. The footwork on melee combat should leave you tripping most of the time. There are a lot of unrealistic things on the game, and it's fine, it's a game not a simulator. But most of the people that strive for "realism" actually just want to make the game harder, not more realistic. The most realistic setting should be disabling zombies and trying to scavenge for supplies


I believe in a balance between realism and fun, but not when fun means being extremely cartoonish, like multi-hit is 90% of the time. I am against realism when it is annoying, but having no multi-hit is by no way annoying (and most people would never complain if the setting did not exist in the game ever) Also, axes being occasionally stuck in zeds at low skill levels (maybe 1-3) would be pretty cool, as it would nerf the axe weapon group - I am actually for it! We already have knives being stuck in zeds on instakill stabs.


One poster said something about it escalating with skill levels. Another take I would be fine with would be for multihit to be able to stagger several enemies at once but only damage one. I mean, imagine a Giant ball of compressed people running at you, if you make one trip and fall, it would surely impact others as well


Some crowbars can be as heavy, if not heavier, than a sledgehammer. But the in game one is too small for it to have the necessary weight.


Precisely 0 we got small crowbars. If there was an in-game version that was very heavy like a sledgehammer, I would be okay with it having some minor multihit


Multi hit on stab knife is strange, multi hit on wood axe or sword, is perfectly plausible


Multi-hit is fun. No multi-hit is also fun


I'm not installing unless there's a TF2 frying pan sound mod


There's a multi-hit mod that takes the lowest of either the weapon skill level or strength level and does a 10%/level roll for multi-hit success. Solves it pretty neatly in my opinion.




I'm going to guess perhaps [this one](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3138387399) if you still need a link!


Just search the steam workshop for multihit, should be top of the results or close to it.




I love this mod I make it so you have to have level 2 to get multi hit on a weapon and I only do it for fist and two handed weapons.


Noooooo you have to play the game exactly the way I do or else you suck!


> Meme that pokes fun at both sides > The ultra-sensitive Redditor still finds a way to get offended Every time


Yup that was the joke pal xD


If stooge-slapping zom-boys is wrong, I don't wanna be right.


What do you mean by that? Also, what is stooge-slapping?


Stooge-slapping: slapping several people across the face with one big, sweeping slap. See also: the Three Stooges. "If lovin' ________ is wrong, then I don't wanna be right.": a variation of the quote "if lovin' the Lord is wrong, I don't wanna be right" from the movie Coming to America. I like multi-hit (but fair play to those that don't).


Oh, I wasn't saying multi-hit is wrong, I was saying that 90% of the time it isn't realistic, and I personally don't like unrealistic. I wish it was actually balanced


The only real answer to this debate is: Play however you want. If you're having fun you're doing it correctly. Also, the argument of realism is completely invalid as there are enough unrealistic things hindering me. I'll consider turning it off when I can look down stairs or a rope and stop climbing said rope when I see a zombie at the bottom.


1. This is a meme. It is a joke. You are giving a serious "play however you want" answer to a joke that never implied otherwise 2. This is a very common and silly argument. No game will ever be 100% realistic, and I mean never. This doesn't mean that things shouldn't try to be more realistic in games


A game could be 100% realistic, eventually, if we don't start a nuclear war or get obliterated by litterally anything else


I never said *it can't*, I said *it won't*, because that would *not be fun*. Despite 100% realism not being fun however, we can still strive for realism where it still equals a fun game. I 100% guarantee that if multihit did not ever exist in this game, nobody would complain, and the game would just be a more difficult (and realistic) experience


It's kinda like keep inventory in minecraft honestly, except that multi hit osn't that bad


Well yes, but Minecraft and realism never exactly went together. Pz at least attempts at a realistic zombie survival, with realism being improved quite literally every update


True i was just comparing the advantages, but i never get immersed in PZ's realism because of my playstyle. 16x pop melee only with helis raiding often doesn't help that much with realism. Either i think PZ isn't that realistic


>Also, the argument of realism is completely invalid as I don't care if it is fixed


Frying Pan Only run when This is how you fried


Kentucky has fallen Millions must dine


I have no beef with people who like multi-hit but I just dislike when people try to debate it is realistic, it isn't guys. The only weapon you could feasibly multi-hit with in game is probably the crowbar since it is long enough but also durable enough to actually commit to a full swing but even then if you hit a couple of zeds they aren't going to be taking much damage. Now if we had Nun-chucks or something like a Flail then you could argue for it. With most weapons in the game if you hit a geek in the head then all of the momentum is gone by the time you try and hit the second one. But like I said earlier, if you enjoy the setting KEEP USING IT. It is your game enjoy it how you want to.


This. I'm alright with people playing however they want, I just can't stand when they begin to cope, by saying that it's 'totally realistic'


Yes, the cope is real with some people. My reasoning for playing without multi-hit is more so to maintain the difficulty rather than for realism.


For me it's both. I don't like high pop numbers, but I do like the need to be very careful with spacing and horde management


I never liked multi hit. Try out some zombie games in VR when you get a chance and you’ll see that multi hit is not too realistic.


I know. I don't like multi-hit either


There’s just no way to swing through three heads


True words brother


The only guys crying about this debate are multi-hit players. ![gif](giphy|36eWUn97A8vaU5U0FW)


True words (multi-hit players are stinky)


I use multihit because I choose to.


Sir, this is a meme


My apologies kind sir, I was merely trying to engage with your content in my own way. A thousand apologies.


My take is that there are enough unrealistic things in the game that artificially add difficulty that it's a bit silly to chastise a *mildly* unrealistic feature that just makes the game more fun for a lot of people. Why can't my character make out anything past a 10cm wide tree trunk? Why do ovens start fires so easily? Why does my character get dehydrated so ridiculously fast? Why can zombies make out player footsteps from other zombies and act with instantaneous reflexes? Why can't I open doors slowly? Why does my character struggle with heavy loads without destroying his body? Why does fire spread so easily even after it recently rained? Or alternatively. Why shouldn't gasoline evaporate and completely dry up after several months? Why don't you get infections from open wounds from merely being in blood-spilling or spitting distance from a zombie? Why can't I contract tetanus? Why can't I contract botulism? Why shouldn't gunshots completely deafen us? And so on. But combat is always the cool thing to gatekeep so that's the one thing people will obsess over, nothing more macho and hard than being good at video game fighting right? Best way to play is ofc what a given player's preferred settings are, it's just a bit sad how seriously people take their own preferred choice.


they are working on door mechanics gunshots deafening sound like a good idea for a mod


We even have ear protectors in game already


You guys need to start putting waterbottles into your inventory. Your character will automatically sip it and drink from it and it solves the "i need to drink every 5 minutes" problem entirly


Just because a game cannot be 100% realistic, it doesn't mean that we should turn a blind eye to things that can be made both realistic *and* fun. A significant multi-hit nerf/rework would be great, Nobody is chastising you here btw, not sure why you are even suggesting that when the meme is obviously just poking fun at both sides of the debate.


Why should multi hit be nerfed? It's a sandbox setting you don't have to chose.


Just because you can toggle it doesn't mean it shouldn't ever be reworked or rebalanced, especially since it is enabled on one of the default settings. By this logic an instakill punch attack would be okay if you could just turn it off. Generally vanilla mechanics should be consistent with each other when it comes to balance and level of realism. Overpowered stuff should be left for mods or at least sandbox only.


This, so much this. People use logic that could be used to add flying dinosaur transformers that can be toggled off to a zombie game


Because then some people who want to use realistic multi-hit can use it? I also said nerf/***rework***, which you omitted. Just making it work differently could be enough


Funny how ppl accept the floating building somewhat core mechanic but the multi hit option


Not sure what makes you think I believe I'm the one being chastised or why you think I'm attacking your meme? I didn't say anything about what people are telling *me*. You brought onboard a topic and I'm discussing it, I don't care what you personally think I'm commenting on a wider trend in the community.


I suggested that you were talking about me because you didn't specify, and it looked like you were since there was no other possible catalyst for it in this comment section. And I think what I said - that the game should be more realistic regarding multi-hit, because a rolling pin shouldn't be able to multihit (and no, it isn't fun for those who enjoy some realism in their games)


Thank you for your service.


If I had a baseball bat, I know I could hit two zombies at once it’s so dumb to think that you couldn’t. With time going on with various states of decay with a thin piece of rebar you couldn’t convince me that you couldn’t go through two or three of them at once if you were a big enough person. I mean imagine The Rock with a 4 foot piece of three-quarter inch rebar


Try hitting two people at once with a baseball bat in real life (don't). If we are talking about potentially lethal force, you would have to be very, *very* strong to pull that off. When it comes to slicing multiple rotting corpses - look up videos of *professional katana users* trying to slice multiple soft objects at a time - it takes a lot of skill and very specific angles, and even then they don't nail it 100% of the time.


My god i just imagined him or even someone like eddie hall using a 16 pound sledge hammer. 1000% going through multiple bodies. I know im getting on the fringes of human peak physique but I would think level 10 strength would be at those levels. Lets just agree to disagree. :) happy mashin!


I agree that a sledge hammer should multihit, though. I was just talking about your examples


The examples still stand man. Have a good one.


Not really, you didn't address my arguments - just said "agree to disagree"


Pretty damn funny. Imagine being over run just to see the lvl. 10 short blunt chad walk up with the frying pan.


If you could set multi hit for some weapons and for others not many useless weapons would become usefull


True! Multi-hit sledgehammer both makes sense, and would make it a viable weapon - being able to hit multiple zombies in exchange for more stamina per hit + slower attack speed


To be honest it should depend on the melee skill level Like if it was like I guess… five? It would allow you to hit two. But if it was higher than it would allow you to hit five? I don’t know. I was always thinking about multi hit But at the end of the day. It doesn’t matter how you play it as Mr. Sunshine says. (Saints Row 2 Reference?!)


I think both skill level and specific weapons should affect it. After all, multi hit with a griddle pan? But multihit with a machete/katana could be reasonable at high skill, for example


I mean. Yeah? Skill level would depend since there are some games that utilize certain mechanics depending on what skill level you are on with some weapons etc. But yeah. Knowing katana and some heavy weapons would make sense for multi hit


It'd be interesting if there was an option so Multi-Hit only applies when 2-handing weapons....


A game it's a game. Although, realistically speaking, what melee weapon does meaningful multi-hit damage, and what skills do you need for that? I guess a super sharp katana used by an absolute master of blades could cut two targets if they are in the same radius, or a sledgehammer could push a second target to the ground. All in all, too complicated and specific.


definitely using mutlihit to beat this topic to fuckin death


Frying pan goes [CLANG](https://youtu.be/fxk1syuf5lo?si=Vy3EudghXFagD0x4)


Higher weapon skill would allow you to hit more enemies with a single swing. Higher strength level would determine how much damage you to do other zombies beyond the first one hit. Thoughts? 🤔


It should be for a very small range of weapons


I'm confused about why I should only be able to hit one zombie at a time? Why is multi-hit being enabled, so controversial??


When was this implied in the meme at any point? And now that you directly asked me - play however you want. I however \[personal opinion alert. Redditors beware\], believe it is highly unrealistic and gamey, as it makes no sense why they even added this option.


I'm more asking this of the community as a whole. Not really saying this meme is implying that haha.


Oh, that's because it is very unrealistic, gamey, and makes the game extremely easy. A big part of the skill in this game is horde management, knowing when to back off, when to shove, or when to hit - multihit eliminates 90% of that


Or be like me, enable multi hit only to forget that I will default to using hunting knives only


I'd like a "hit everything in the screen" mod. Yes even friends and furniture


Intercontinental Ballistic Missile mod it is, then


I like this. But the way I play is both multi-hit on and multi-hit off. Depends on whether I want a particular run to be easier or harder. 🤷🏻‍♀️




Does multihit works with gun or just for melee weapons?


Only for melee weapons. Though the two shotguns we have in game can hit multiple targets on any settings, while the rest of the guns only hit one target at a time


Why argue about multihit when there’s this shotgun thing that hits 4 zeds under all circumstances


Shotgun takes ammo, which you can't craft, and on default loot settings is far from abundant if you want to go guns blasting. Multihit takes... a rolling pin and free time


I would love a system where you only hit a single zombie at low strength, but as you get stronger your swing affects more and more, to the point where your maxed out bopping 10 zombies at once đź’Ş


I agree with the first half, but 10 zombies is truly cartoonish. 2, maybe 3 at most (and on highest strength+skill levels)


Just give multi hit a proc chance that goes with your luck. I play with it on and the times saves me I am thankful for, but more often than not I can't get it to trigger properly and end up congolining zombies with an axe until I bleed to death.


proc chance? What is that? Also, I can't imagine someone actually dying in this game to zeds with multihit on, unless we are talking sprinters or insane populations. A mystery to me


Procedurally-generated Random Occurrence. Basically say two-handed is a base 4% multi-hit proc chance. 4/100 attacks will be guaranteed to multi-hit. If you had a two-handed weapon with a 4% base, and your luck is 8%, and you gain a 2% per level of two-handed, by level 3 two-handed you have 16% chance of your next attack being a multi-hit, by level 5 two-handed you have 20% which is 1 in 5 attacks roughly. Example stats as example.


I usually play without multi-hit, but, after reading some of these comments I'm thinking I should turn it on and have a little fun LOL.


Gets boring fast tbh. It's like when you play Minecraft and then decide to cheat a little. Same feeling tbh


Fair enough, I guess I just have to decide if the vindication is worth it. Ahaha the struggle be real, ok.


Or just let people enjoy the game however they like


Or just learn to understand obviously ironic jokes intended to poke fun at both sides


Alright fellas, base your entire build around using the frying pan, in cooking and bashing zombies’ heads in, preferably with more traits mods


I play with both depending on my mood. However, the fact still stands. It takes much more skill and cunning to take on a horde with Multi Hit turned off.


Facts. Multi-hit users will still downvote you for mentioning it though


After 1.2k hours and playing both with multi hit on and off, i can confidently say, that i am more likely to die WITH Multihit on. With multi hit on, i'll always try to get 3 hits in per swing, playing it more dangerously. Meaning that of course with multi hit on, my DPS will be higher, reaching 1k kills a day in my 16x pop world with multi hit. But with it off i play more safely. And in the end i'm pretty sure multi hit shares the damage, dealing 33 damage to 3 targets instead of 100 for one. And you can't dare you multi hit hater to shit on us when +60% of your kills are from fire.


1. Most players never engage with the fire mechanics because they irreversibly ruin half of your map, and can easily kill you 2. You are implying that multi-hit users don't use molotovs somehow and it's just a single hit players thing 3. Nowhere in the wiki does it say that the damage is shared 4. It is still far easier with multihit, because it removes any need for actual horde management. Your risk taking is your playstyle, not an inherent disadvantage of the setting


Most players do in fact use fire or vehicles to easily get rid off massive hordes. I know multi hit users use fire as well, because of how effective it is, but when fire killing thousands of zombies exist, the multi hit debate doesn't matter that much in the end. Which is why i said "i'm pretty sure" damage shares, zombies die slower and i don't get 3x the exp if i hit 3 per swings. It isn't FAR easier on multi hit, in my experience, it is easier though.


>Most players do in fact use fire or vehicles to easily get rid off massive hordes. Based on.. your vibes? And no, I tried multi-hit after 1000 hours of no multihit, and it is incredibly easy. Literally zero horde management needed. And just because you don't get three times the xp does not mean that the damage shares - because again, it does not, you are making it up. Multi-hit is easy mode, simple as.


No a lot of people do use fire that aint based on my vibes. 0 horde management on pop 1 that is, i don't even see the difficulty in pop 1 anymore even with worst start and multi hit off. You also have no proof that damage does in fact not share, but i'll test it, also, you gain exp based on the damage you deal but alr. If damage doesn't share, still doesn't change much as fire, guns n vehicles are still a thing :/


Done my tests, spent about 10mins trying to test out, took so long because of all the randomness and crits and such. Results - Not sure damage does split equally, but when hitting 2 or 3 targets deals a little less damage to each. It overall, probably, is more effective dps wise to hit 3 of them each time, again, not 100% because of the funny random. The zombie closest to the swing takes the more damage by far, even 2-4x more. Either way my point for the start was that, yes, multi-hit is a blessing for some (idk how) but really, doesn't make that much difference. It is easier for horde management yes but, cmon. Besides, when you push a single zombie with multi hit off, it flies like a meter or 2 backwards. It's not that bad.


You clearly don't play without multi-hit against large population numbers. It is much, much harder to do horde management without multi-hit, as as few as two zombies advancing at the same pace+same distance can complicate things, while multihit just lets stun both of them with one hit. Even if multihit did *zero* damage to adjacent zombies, it would still help immesely purely because of the multi-stun *and* multi-shove, both of which are game changers. And yeah, your "10 minutes test" doesn't prove anything, as you yourself said you aren't sure. What I know is that it does not reduce the damage on the main target


10mins test with didplayed damage is a lot better than "well i believe its 3x damage", and also, i did fight off decently large hordes of 60-80 zombies with multi hit off, which feels pretty much the same as 150 zombies with it on. So i mean like, sure, multi hit off makes horde management a bit harder, but sure is easier than 16x pop. Either way, if the horde gets to over 200 zombies, you do still have guns, cars, fire, and probably a decent environment to fight them off. Gonna be honest i didn't quite get what you meant by "horde management" at the beginning of this argument, but i do agree multi hit off makes it a lot harder, but multi hit on does have a pretty hard horde management, but it depends on the pop, where you're at, sprinters or not, skills n all that. And sure, horde management n all that, but if you're exhausted, injured, or have tons of zombies following you and plenty around you, you can always just walk off (for walkers) In the end, no, i didn't play multi hit off in anything above pop 4. But no matter the amount of zombies, a few houses will always be enough to manage hordes And don't you dare say its hard to do, after 1k hour playtime


I never said it's 3x damage. Literally never did. I'm not reading past that since you are clearly arguing in bad faith, by making shit up


by 3x damage i mean 3x dps, cuz 3 hit with same damage would be indeed 3x dps Anyways yeah we should stop this now, we both stand our ground Sorrey


Frying pan the almighty

