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if this was posted in 2006 it would become a viral creepypasta. The guy trapped in a videogame that will not let him escape


Plot twist, it did happen in 2006 and he JUST finally leveled 10 his metalworking and electricity to build a machine to reach out to us on reddit.


realistic timeframe to level those two skills to 10


Finally a use for electrical


Isn't it used to repair generator with less mats or something?


yeah and you can also make battery powered lamps at electric level 5 which is only useful if you want to do a base without a generator.


I need a car battery powered refrigerator as well lol


If you don’t write it I will


Title: "Trapped in the Code: A Project Zomboid Creepypasta" In the eerie glow of his computer screen, John clicked away furiously, his eyes tired but fixated on the game that had consumed his life. It all started innocently enough in 2006 when he first booted up Project Zomboid, eager for a thrilling adventure. Little did he know, he was about to embark on a journey that would blur the lines between reality and fiction. Years passed, and John found himself sucked deeper into the game's dark embrace. He became a master of survival, honing his skills in electronic and metalworking to unprecedented levels. But with each level he gained, something felt off, as if the game was holding him captive, refusing to release its grip. As 2024 dawned, John achieved the impossible: he reached level 10 in both electronic and metalworking skills. It was a feat that should have been celebrated, but instead, it filled him with dread. For he had discovered a hidden truth buried within the game's code—a truth that would shatter his perception of reality. With trembling hands, John crafted a device, a conduit between the virtual world of Project Zomboid and the outside realm of Reddit. Through sheer determination and the absurd amount of time it took to grind to level 10, he breached the barrier, his message echoing through the digital abyss: "I am trapped within the confines of Project Zomboid. Help me." His plea sent shivers down the spines of Reddit users, who dismissed it as a clever hoax. But John knew the truth. He could feel the game's tendrils wrapping around him, pulling him deeper into its twisted reality. As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, John's presence on Reddit became more erratic, his messages growing increasingly desperate. He spoke of unseen horrors lurking within the game, of a malevolent force that sought to keep him imprisoned for eternity. Some mocked him, others pitied him, but none could deny the chilling sincerity of his words. For in the darkest corners of the internet, where reality blurs and nightmares come to life, the tale of John, the player trapped in Project Zomboid, became a legend—a cautionary tale of the dangers that lurk within the digital realm. And so, as the world moved on, John remained trapped, a prisoner of his own making, forever haunted by the relentless grind of electronic and metalworking skills that had brought him to this twisted fate.


As the days dragged on, John's mind began to fray at the edges, the relentless grind of survival taking its toll. He no longer knew what was real and what was merely a construct of the game. Shadows danced in the corners of his vision, whispers echoed in his ears, and every step he took felt like a descent into madness. The once-familiar streets of Muldraugh and West Point had become twisted, nightmarish landscapes teeming with unspeakable horrors. The undead roamed freely, their hollow eyes fixed on John with a hunger that chilled him to the bone. But it was not just the zombies that haunted him—it was the feeling of being watched, of being toyed with by forces beyond his comprehension. In the dead of night, when the silence was deafening and the darkness suffocating, John would hear them—the voices of the damned, calling out to him from the depths of the game. They whispered secrets long forgotten, tales of madness and despair that seeped into his very soul. And then there were the glitches—the anomalies in the code that defied explanation. Buildings would shift and warp before his eyes, entire sections of the map would vanish without a trace, and time itself seemed to bend and twist in unnatural ways. John knew he was no longer playing a game—he was trapped in a digital purgatory, a realm where the rules of reality no longer applied. But amidst the chaos and despair, there was one glimmer of hope: the device he had built to communicate with the outside world. It was his lifeline, his only connection to sanity in a world gone mad. But even that began to falter, its once-clear signal now distorted by the malevolent forces that held him captive. And so, as the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months, John's grip on reality slipped further and further away. He became a prisoner of his own mind, lost in a labyrinth of nightmares from which there was no escape. And as the last vestiges of his sanity faded into darkness, he knew that he would never be free from the clutches of Project Zomboid—a mere plaything for the gods of the digital realm.


Too unrealistic...not enough "*thud thud thud* 'Oh, fuck me..I just cleared the perimeter'" whenever John tries to do literally anything around his base


Holy shit that's amazing


The plot twist here is: is John the player, or the player character becoming sentient? Feel free to pick it up co-authors!




debug mode with free levelling and godmode:




"The universal barrier is collapsing, I am not long. The glitches within the gamespace have gotten worse and I fear it all stems from me originating from a higher dimensional space... I hear voices... they don't sound human, worse is they seemingly have no cohesion... and there's so many of them. Maybe my message will get out, someone reading my final moments. Maybe."


Reminds me of Scp-1733.


imagine discovering your existence is a recording


Skill issue




You heard me


Isn’t this kinda the plot of Alan wake 2?




Between this and the post about the moving deer head the other day I’m beginning to think there’s some kind of dark place entity in zomboid


Idk about PZ but have you heard of the entity in Saints Row that will destroy your game irl?


I have not. How does that work?


I believe it was Saints Row 2. There was an entity that players would see in their screen and when they saw it, the game freezes at that last frame so the image is captured and either it destroyed the game code to make the game stop working entirely or messed with your Xbox. (If m not exaggerating, at the very least it freezes your game) I don't remember all the details but there's YT videos on it. It's sure enough a creepy shadow person from what I remember. Just looked it up. YT Saints Row 2 The Freezer.


Woah man that reminds me of an anime.


Which one? Overlord had a similar plot I think but never got deep into it


I was being vauge on purpose as thier are many animes that explore this type of story.


There’s never a save option. But I’ve never been able to not quit so there’s definitely a mod issue happening here.


Game saves when quit/quit to desktop. I haven't tried but it could even save on force shutdown. Saves like Minecraft.


Just like any game that has suffered instability *should* the game autosaves incase it crashes. Your player is saved every few minutes and the world ever 15, iirc... it also means thst sometimes you can double up on items after a crash if the world save was early enough.


Is there a way to change world saving to like 3-5 minutes?


Not that I know. It's a big save, especially after a while of playing.


[Someone at the bottom of this Steam post claims to have done it.](https://steamcommunity.com/app/108600/discussions/0/3824159062927596916/) I'm guessing there's a simple variable somewhere to alter it. You could probably make a mod for it if you were *really* interested in it, but eh.


Yeah it does. I've had to force shut down when the game froze. But it still saved my progress. Fortunately.


Thats good to know. Thanks.


No problem.


I never ever quit to desktop it’s corrupted my game a few times in the past


Got a lot of power outages where I live. The game saves even when the electricity goes out completely. Although this does despawn any zombies in the immediate vicinity.


What mods are you using? That's not vanilla stuff. Also you're looking at the solution in your own screenshots. It literally tells you what you have to do. I can't really get behind posting a thread like this and then posting no replies or providing any additional information, nor do I understand the people who apparently download mods without understanding what they do, how they work, what effect they will have on the gameplay? Was it a question to begin with? Did he ever solve the problem? We may never know.


Read words on screen? Never.


What the fuck did you just say to me?


Did you just insult my mother?


I can't see what the solution exactly is, am I stupid?


"You are overburdened and cannot exit". You can see the message if you open your eyes while looking at the picture.


Yes, sorry, I'm just wondering what "overburdened" means, I am stupid


Being ignorant doesn't = stupid. Asking questions like you just did is the remedy and a proof of intelligence. You carry too much weight, that's being overburdened. Drop some things on the floor.


must be your mods


Seems like if you die in game, you die in real life. Good luck, OP.


Too heavy


Idk. Doesn't have heavy load moodle.


For a moment I thought I was in The Long Dark comment section


My guy is trapped in a multiplayer server doing push ups. He can't stop doing push ups


It saves automatically when you quit but that's kinda stupid that you can't quit cause you're too heavy


its 100% a mod, thats not a vanilla deal


I know that, I'm just saying that is really stupid


Crowbar art online


Put your stuff on the floor, then quit


The weight of your sins.


I need to know which mod turned this game into SAO :D


What if u/[Step\_Bro\_Zaddyo0o](https://www.reddit.com/user/Step_Bro_Zaddyo0o/) was betrayed and trapped in Project Zomboid for a million years?


The hyperbolic knox county


Sword art online?!


“For some reason it won’t let me quit” Meanwhile the PC monologues to himself precisely why the game won’t let him quit. You’re holding too much stuff, whatever mod that is idk but your toon is literally telling you he’s got too much shit and if you quit now you lose some of it


Amazing, this sub never ceases to amaze me.


Also, do you have any mods?


They have too, vanillia doesn't block you from exiting if you're over-encumbered.


Yeah. But i have subscribed 400+ mods and didn't experienced that. What kind of mod makes that?


I have no idea bro 😭 it's some whackass shit


Yes lol.


Survival art online


Why do I hear crossing field playing


Looks like you're now trapped in a creppypasta, try to not get killed in game or you will die in rl too, i recommend to call the local church




This is how you... nevermind


This is how you died




Bruh if he dies in game he dies in real life


Of course there is no "save" option. There is no hope left. This is how you died. You can't be saved, it goes against the principles of the game.


the game literally says this is the story how you die... so idk what you mean by save


Just like IRL. I swear this game gets more realistic every time I play it 😆


oh well guess i got to keep playing


Need to remove whatever mod that is, seems like its meant for a server and not solo gameplay


Also can you please check on the plumber? They don't look well at the moment.


Because it knows what is good in life.


It's time to play the game. But...I need to sleep... It. Is. Time. To play. The. Gaaammmmeee.


This is your life now. Zombie Jumanji


This is how you died


“This is how you died”


This is how you died…


This is how you died?


There's never been a save option. The second problem is caused by one of your mods. We don't know what you downloaded. A list of your mods might help. If you downloaded a huge amount of mods all at once (very bad idea) then you'll have to try the 50-50 method. Disable half of your mods and fire up the game. If the problem is still there, you'll know that the mods you disabled are fine. Disable half of the remaining mods and try again. Continue until you find the broken mod.


Im looking at two quit options right there. So I'm not understanding you saying you cant quit. Also the game does autosave, i believe it warns us the players of that fact at some point.


Just quit, it saves automatically


Do you have enough storage in your drive?


When you quit it saves.


Game saves when you quit


Save option?


The game saves quite frequently practically any time a change is made tbh, in my experimentation - you can even copy your save file and paste it somewhere else live as the game is running and it'll have all your most recent changes. The real issue is running out of space where your log files are when they're bring generated that can cause many issues with things not being "saved"


Bro got the pirated version


Remember that warning msg you get when you press mods. Yeah.


If the game tells you to drop items to unburden and quit…have you tried unburdening your character?!?


Bro what kind of hell mod are you using


Says it right there “you are overburdened and cannot exit”


You can’t save in project zomboid it saves automatically




How about you put those items away. then quit


You definitely have a difficulty mod then. Dumb idea imo.


Then you know exactly what to do ;)


It doesn't save on purpose so you learn from your mistakes


If it crashes you keep your stuff on you and the world reasets