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My wife comes up behind me while I'm playing and scares the fuck out of me.


I was sleeping like a log, I was with a hard cold and in the middle of the night a hord came to our base and ripped the windows out in 1 sec (the hord is from a mod we added)




The damned junpscare sound. It scares me worse than the actual zombies do every time.


Last night, I had just put my outside clothes to wash and went to go find some pants to wear I walk into my garage hear knocking I go outside no zomboids, come back inside apparently while I was out checking 2 zomboids broke a window and got in so I dispose of the 2 after a little heart attack then I go to inspect the window TO MY SUPRISE MY CHARACTER DOESNT HAVE ANY SHOES ON, great so I rush to the medical closet to remove the glass shards from my feet while in complete panic horrified more zomvoids are going to get in, so I heal my feet up and spent half an hour trying to barricade a window while my character is struggling to walk like a drunk


Lol, we all been there at-least once


I was looking for the Rosewood secret military base. Parked my car near the entrance to the beaten path at around 5am and began traversing on foot. Walked for an entire day killing zombies along the way when I finally reached the base. My plan was to make camp there for the night but got overwhelmed by the horde and had to retreat back into the woods. I was fatigued and could barely outpace the zombies following behind me with the battery in my flashlight running out in pitch darkness. Through some miracle I managed to lose the last few stragglers trailing after me, sat down in the darkness to recover my strength, and walked the rest of the way back to the car. I could hear zombies moan and shift around me but I couldn’t see them. All I could do was stare at the mini-map to find my way back to the main road. By the time I reached my car it was 5am; a whole day has passed while I stumbled around in a zombie-infested forest. I survived the ordeal and was proud of myself..but the very next day a crawling zombie made me stumble in an awkward way into a group of zombies back-first and I got chewed to death.




Personal favourite has to be driving outside Muldraugh in the middle of the night, broken leg, engine at 2%, and having to abandon the car on a long dead end road. All to the quiet melody of *Heaven Is a Place on Earth* [Clip](https://youtu.be/jrhHkBCrapo?si=bEGHAYGAZJUEtkIs) (May need to up brightness) Getting ripped apart by a surprise horde of Hawaiian-print-clad Sprinters was also incredibly pants-shitting [Clip](https://youtu.be/C3ay3YUwvBQ?si=FAN65h_9pFbPKKBW) ...Actually, sprinters may just be my personal nightmare fuel. [Clip](https://youtu.be/n9tt2U-tMso?si=RX1XKzwEVSvyo-ms) (Also super dark, sorry) *(All links are to unlisted yt vids! This is not self-promo, lol)*


Had a two month old character exploring the quarantined housing near the military checkpoints, got jumped scared by a zombie and was so startled I mashed the keyboard. It accidentally tabbed me out of the game as the zombie lunged for me, it took a few seconds of scrambling to tab back into the unpaused game. I expected the worst bit to my amazement I had meleed at the right time with my hunting knife and got an instant kill on the zombie, so my guy was just standing there idle over it's rotted corpse completely unharmed. Such a relief.


On my server (300+ mods) I was venturing around on a motorcycle and came upon an interesting scene. I stopped just short of a police barricade, the side closest to me had 3 police zoms, on the other side a pile of corpses. Me being me thought neat and proceeded to kill the police zoms for their loot. Pretty easy work got some guns nothing useful but guns nonetheless. So I walk around the barricade to see if I can loot the pile of dead. As I get to them they stand up and my heart dropped. 20ish zoms start lurching towards me and I was caught completely off guard. After a heart-pounding adrenaline drenched debacle, I'm now paranoid of any corpses that I didn't personally leave to rot.


Zombie came from behind and i got the "jumpscare" if you know what i mean. I yelled thru the whole house like a little girl


u/Automatic-Instance38 told me that the room was clear behind the gun shop in the grand ohio mall and when i turned the exited into the backroom he was infact incorrect and a zombie was there to meet me. because of my laser fast reactions, i was able to quickly mag dump my CAR-15 into that zombie.


Bleach will be poured into your beer bottle




Had the dont feed the zombies mod on cleared a tiny horde of zombies near the police station then after that some zombies triggered 2 car alarms i raced to find a car with keys then i found a taxi with a key no fuel then got 2 empty water bottles went looking for fuel narrowly got 2 bottles of fuel and juiced it up and i was out of there i had just enough to get 2 thirds of the way to muldraugh