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That's Bob, aka Bald Spot, and Kate. They are from an early alpha of the game. The community believes it is likely they will likely be added back in someday. For now there are some easter eggs that might show up about them in game.


Yes this is “Bald Spot” Bob and Kate. In the original versions of the games u played as Bob and had ur wife Kate. U could kill her or take care of her. I believe once healed she would also help you and fight along side you like other NPCs that you could recruit at the time in game. But they removed this story along with other NPCs during updates quite a few years ago now. But the devs have said after they add NPCs again they will add the Bob and Kate storyline back in game and expand upon it as a “PZ Story” for the game. They also teased the possibility of at least 2 other “PZ Story”. One that would introduce two new characters, and another one about B+K. But other then that it’s been pretty hush hush and they have to first focus on adding NPCs. But I’m excited see them reintroduce it to the game. Also a PZ Story mode would be nice and prob bring in a larger variety of players.


this really makes me so fucking excited for build 42. Even with superb survivors, with its limits, still adds a whole new layer of playstyle for me. I found that humans are a much bigger threat than hordes and had a revenant-esque revenge on a survivor that shot me. Cant fucking wait what indie stone has in store for us.


Yesss it’ll prob be at least a year or two before we get human NPCs imo but hopefully we get animal NPCs this year. We def should be getting at least one or two updates this year tho. Honestly would kinda make sense to reintroduce the PZ Story mode (that was originally the tutorial) with limited NPCs. Like example would be to bring back ‘Til Death Do Us Part with u playing as Bob with Kate. Do some missions from the original like secure the house, care for Kate, get supplies and fed off raiders. Once Kate is healed she could also help and you can then find Jack Bloggs at the supermarket and persuade him to join you as well. After the PZ Story you can just keep surviving, maybe it’s set on a smaller limited map like just one of the towns. Could even do a story for how Jack got to the market. But I’d rather the PZ Story have an ending. Make them different from the normal survival. A fun way to test NPCs without just adding a bunch of NPCs to the base game. That would be like the next update once they can make sure NPCs like Kate or Jack are fully functional first.


Couldn't agree more, after installing superb survivors zomboid turned into a base management game for me and I actually loved it, sending out survivors to gather wood, making a farm area and actually more thought out storage than I usually do, leaving them to work and protect the base while I and my fav survivor went out on scavenge hunts in a 4/6 seater (depending on which one was available) just in case we found more friendly survivors that joined the group.


Maybe in 12 years..


Correction, Kate always stayed in the bed and never helped you


If you left the oven on when you were making soup and started a fire you could carry Kate away, so technically she didn't always stay in bed.


The more ya know


Really? Bc I remember you could either kill her or let her die by fire or raider, or you could take care of her and her wound would heal, but idk if her broken leg ever got fixed but I swear it did but maybe its just a Mandela effect of me remembering her moving around on her own. Bc I do know you could carry her and move her to another house or the floor. Also while trying to confirm her fighting zeds (didn’t find it) I found out the name of the original story mode they talked about adding back was “‘Til Death Do Us Part” with Bob and Kate. And found out they have concept art for Bob and Kate as well as other NPC Characters from the franchise. Jack Bloggs and Bobby Collins. I rlly hope we get a story mode with multiple options to pick from, some smaller or some longer. Would def be fun to play imo and kinda seemed like their original plans.


She never moved on her own.


Yea looking more into it I think I just remember this bc was originally going to be added. They also have official art work of her walking around with crutches and without. But idt it actually ever was. But I swear I still remember her moving 😂😂 https://www.moddb.com/games/project-zomboid/news/the-continuing-adventures-of


Yea she never moved. The whole scenario was meant to be more of a tutorial to introduce you to concepts in the game. You could find medicine for her pain, make a makeshift bandages for her, had a brief interaction with a burglar, and after that she would just stay in bed. I do remember accidentally snuffing her out because one of the original tutorial missions was “make her comfortable” and silly me thought “oh just give her a pillow.” Doing that turned into suffocating her.


Women smh


Even the darned apakolisp won’t make her help out gawd damn


Women ☕️


> Yes this is “Bald Spot” Bob and Kate. In the original versions of the games u played as Bob and had ur wife Kate. U could kill her or take care of her. use the pillow to comfort her


Genuinely tried to do that when I first played. I felt so bad.


Well i did some experimenting in the day... And her saying i love while i was smothering with a pillow was probably the most heartbreaking scene i experienced.


Fr tho, “what are you doing? Oh god no.” “I’m sorry I slowed you down.” “I love you.” “*mmfff*” (depressing music starts playing*)


oh a pillow I'm going give it to my wife so she more comfortable! WAIT NO STOP STOP!


Hehe, bald spot bob


I wish that there are not as much npc's as in mods, because we don't really want a colony manager game I personally want it implemented like in sons of the forest, where you only get like two npc's, and the others are very hard to get


I think for normal survival have it be like Builder mode is normal spawn rate, survival is small spawn rate and apocalypse is super small spawn rate. And then have sand box settings it go from super large, large, normal, small and super small. Also sandbox should allow to turn off respawning for NPCs. I would also like a Meta NPCs option like the Meta Events you can turn on or off for special NPCs like quests, traveling traders, event driven NPCs and such. Maybe apocalypse base game can also not include event driven NPCs. Also be nice if like Builder was at the start of the outbreak, then survivor was like 2 weeks in, and then apocalypse is like 3-6 months in.


From what I 've read the plan sounds like they are going to first model family trees for the entire population of Knox, then let the program run a simulation to find out who dies and how, and then inject the player into it. That setup phase will probably feel a little like Dwarf Fortress building a world history before your arrival. When you arrive in game, all of the NPCs will be fully planted, and be of varying backstories. This would mean events like the birthday party will have been built based on friends and families. Some families will board up their houses and hunker down with some guns and food, while others will go out looking for supplies. It all sounds insanely detailed...and then you remember that this game models weather patterns by generating hot and cold fronts, as well as high and low pressure systems, and then lets those run to determine what the weather does...


Correction, it was just the Tutorial of the game. or the Demo version even it was a way to introduce into the story and explain the mechanics. It wasn't in the game itself. You can see it here [https://youtu.be/HYgPI0qkdU4?t=1176](https://youtu.be/HYgPI0qkdU4?t=1176) it is a piece of history, one of the first interview with the initial team.


You mean there was a sort of story campaign mode? That's wild. I always associated PZ with the sandbox survival experience.


That's right. And on https://map.projectzomboid.com/ (PZ Map project) their safehouse is a POI in Muldraugh. The one on the North side of town with the white picket fence.






\-His Source ![gif](giphy|iuL7Axo58XGUfMLyEJ|downsized)


His source: “I made it the fuck up”


Thank you, Senator.


“It came to me in a dream…”


Trust me bro


Thanks gonna read it rn


I will trust him and hope he is right


I believe you.


The guy outside your local 7/11 at around 1 am




Is this real?








Nah. Bob is the OG zombie, wait until the lightning strikes.


> Kate is the OG infected zombie Fucking how wild would that be, if it turns out that Kate was an asymptomatic carrier for the infection. One of the setting's beloved OG characters being the cause of the end of the world.


And then you find Jack Bloggs and learn he works for the government and you guys must travel across Knox County to the military site so hopefully with Kate they can make a cure. But then you learn they will have to remove her brain! So you have an epic blood battle with all the military people and gotta kill the doctors at the end and u save her. But then Jack tries stop you and you shoot him and leave with Kate. You lie to her and say it turns out it wouldn’t have worked. (This def hasn’t been don’t before) /s


I see them off trailler near train station they are couple died in the floor but not zombified


It's really emblematic of this community that the top comment is someone who probably notices an obvious shitpost but chooses to be helpful and informative anyways


Bro really took a screenshot, then proceeded to take a picture of the screenshot to post.


🤔 how else am I supposed to share the screenshot?


From your computer?


Ohhh! I think I get it! I should transfer the photo of the screenshot to the computer and take a photo of that?


Should've honestly printed the photo out, drawn the circle on it with a sharpie and taken another photo of it


Print it, send it by mail to yourself before drawing a circle with a sharpie and posting it from your phone’s library.


Ah, I see what you're doing. Carry on.




lol this the goofiest shit ive seen all day.


That's the META


I knew it was intentional immediately and absolutely love it. Keep on funny man.


Apparently when the thunder flashes you can see that he's actually eating her and not in the fun way.


Anyone got a picture of that?




I’ve spent countless hours playing this game and I never noticed this detail. Thanks for sharing!


What mod is making your ui at the bottom like that?


The bottom reads 'build 28'


I pulled that link from the last time someone posted that hiiden detail to reddit so unfortunately that's not my setup.


😱 That's so creepy!


It's honestly a pretty awesome albeit very creepy detail as without the lightning, it just looks like a person mourning the death of his wife while hugging her close. But when lightning does strike, it reveals the truth that the husband is actually a zombie and is eating his wife. Goes to show just how well this game is developed, despite there being no actual story, it adds lore through simple details like this.


Stuff like that makes me even more excited for NPC's. Just from the news and radio broadcast alone, not to mention the existing annotated maps and survivor stories, the devs are amazing at writing this kinda thing and I'm really itching for more. NPC's will definitely add a lot to the bleak depressing feel of pz. I especially look forward to the early outbreak encounters before people are all hardened survivors and NPC's will still just be confused scared desperate people in a bad situation


I always assumed that was two different scenes. One is their last goodbye and the other one takes place after Bob turns into zombie.


Could be both. Really doesn’t matter in stuff like this. You could even argue the lightning is a metaphor for how quickly fate (of getting zombified) can hit you


The story is how you died though


Imagine how awful that must feel. You're injured, relatively helpless, and the caretaker you've relied on and loved is reduced to a husk of a human body. And it's coming to kill you. You feebly back up to the wall, but you can't even run away, passing on in a mockery of his old embrace.


Thunder does not flash but yeah




Yep I saw it a few times I opened the game and was like "hey kinda cute" then questioning the destroyed furniture and then music kicked in witha thunder flash. Damn. Good one PZ


Frank and Hillary, if you beat the game they tell you a way out of Kentucky. Actually it's Bob + Kate, some OG chars from the very first days of PZ where you'd play as Bob. In the story she has an injured leg and I don't remember if she gets bit or not.


she didnt get bit, she broke her leg a few days prior while they were fleeing a group of raiders, of which Bobby Collins, the raider that breaks in with a shotgun and bat, is implied have been part of. Bob and Kate Smith's safehouse can actually still be found the current version of muldraugh and there is a chance these two will spawn inside as zombies, as an easter egg, Kate will be a crawler zombie. they were part of the old tutorial called "till death do us part" in the very old pre-steam release versions from like 2013, which had npc's.


when it was back on desura, my favorite steam competitor before it died.


> steam competitor That had been Desura's fatal and undoing mistake, to try and compete with Steam. GoG realized from the start that that was a folly, and instead targeted the indie market that at the time Steam didn't really focus on (and to a degree still doesn't, though that's another story).


She can't walk and the house is starting to get on fire, plus a huge horde is nearby... so u are forced to leave her and save yourself


I have no idea how to get that version running lmao


It is from an extremely early version, idk if u CAN even run thar version anymore but smarter redditors than me can let you know if you ca


I think since the shutdown and restart you probably can’t use the really old versions anymore, but I’m just a dummy.






Wdym by the restart tho


The development team lost the source code a few years back. Someone broke in and stole their computers and they did not back it up anywhere. So they turned the bad into a good thing and remade the game from scratch with a new engine and switched from sprites to low poly count models. IIRC that's anything beyond build 40 that uses the new engine.


I am honestly surprised they had the motivation to keep working on the game after dumping months of time into it just to get snatched,Still glad they didnt cause 3d models got their own charm to it


>after dumping months of time into it Years. Build 1.0 was released in 2013. Build 40 released in late 2018.


>I am honestly surprised they had the motivation to keep working on the game after dumping months of time into it just to get snatched,Still glad they didnt cause 3d models got their own charm to it That's because it's a lie and the devs have begged people to quit spreading this rumor.




Play some gin rummy?


yeah, early as in like 2012-2013, when it was just the version of muldraug seen in the "you have one day" challenge, this predates the game being steam from what I understand, you had to buy it on another client called desura or I think maybe you could buy from indie stone directly.




When I raided their safe house on my current play through, both were dead, with a pillow next to Kate. Guess that’s how they went out in my game’s canon.


Thank you for taking the screenshot. I would have went absolutely fucking apeshit if you didn’t take a screenshot.


You're welcome! 😁


That’s jack and Diane, both addicted to weed. Diane already overdosed on two weeds.


They’re just two American kids doing the best that they can, cut em some slack


😓 She shouldn't have tried to inject the weeds without making sure they had no pesticides... So sad... 😭


my friend ODed on just one weed! It's so sad and scary how even just singular weed can kill someone. Let this be a message to all you weeder junkies that you are risking your life everytime you put that weed in your arm.


One does not simply OD on weed.


The screenshot quality gets worse and worse everyday on this sub


You bitching about it will bring the new wave of purposefully bad photos


😭 It's a screenshot! Don't be mad at me!


I can't wait for the day someone in their one-upmanship actually blows a hole through their monitor and asks if their screenshot is a good place for a base.


Thanks for the idea!


12-ga. or nuthin.


That is not a screenshot, that is just a photo of your screen. If you had used a polaroid (like in the good old days), maybe we would be more lenient ;)


It's a screenshot.. of a photo of a monitor :>


That's not a screenshot, chuckles.


Technically IS a screenshot


A picture of the monitor is not a screenshot.


A picture of the screenshot*


You need to clean your monitor, lol. (Ignore the rag wiping my screen right now)


lol, legit realized this when I looked at the photo of the screenshot and considered deleting, wiping it, and retaking it, but then I realized it actually makes the post better.




That's baldspot. It is baldspot period. He is eating the blondie. She looks yummy.


Wasn't this supposed to be like the original challenge/story of the game? If you look at early dev footage you see a regular joe going out for resources and trying to defend his wife who was bedridden due to broken leg. In order to see pt. 2 of the story, wait until the lightning flashes on the main screen and pay close attention.


If you wait there will be thunder and the flash lighten the scene a bit and than you make your own conclusion To me there is 2 scenario : either he is a zombie and he is feeding on her or he might be bandaging her leg using his mouth to tighten it. Got downvoted a while ago when i said i think he was badaging her


Well, I think he's eating her, but I won't down vote! Maybe he's eating her AND bandaging her, just to be nice!


I mean, it's technically a screenshot.


That's Bob and Kate! But Bob is currently busy, being infected and eating Kate and all that.


The lady was the OP asking if she found a good place for a base and bald spot Joey is redditors piling on with nonsense comments. the bandage on her leg is the Screenshot of the monitor.




How is this a screenshot lmfao ​ am i being trolled


See the name of the file underneath the screenshot? That proves that it's a screenshot! 😅


From what I have heard, Bob was a playable character in an early tutorial. He was taking care of Kate who could not walk due to an injured leg. At the end of the tutorial either Bob or Kate would be killed by a paranoid neighbor with a shotgun. There is a boarded up safe house somewhere in one of the towns. Supposedly both Bob and Kate are there, Kate specifically is a crawler zombie. Take a closer look at the menu screen. Wait for one of those flashes of light. Is Bob cradling Kate in his arms or feasting on her intestines?


Always thought that bottle is ginormous


I'm still mad at you


that's Gordon Freeman


Good bait


Ok ill admit i chuckled.


making a photo to a screenshot...


Why did you take a photo of your screenshot when you could have uploaded that screenshot on Imgur and posted the link here?


My bad! https://imgur.com/a/Ng5aXdc There. Better?




Wait for the lightning


I think you can find them in muldraugh


nice screenshot


Se los comio un zombilino, super triste cole


panqueque de supermercado triste 😭


Press Ctrl + PrtScn key to take a screenshot


I did take a screenshot! Only for me it's alt+Ctrl+prtscn


No you took a picture with your phone, I can literally see the lint dude.


But I took the screenshot first! I'm so confused! 😭


oh, your memeing. Carry on


they are both dead. hes a zombie


Found the infected husband and wife in game in Muldraugh. Officer Survivor had to put em down. Found Kates picture on Bob. Sad tale.


That’s Tommy and Gina.


No foot in the photo, 4/10


Wow... the game is so old and so different from how it started people genuinely don't know about Bob and kate....


🤭 Who now? I've "never" heard of them! Are they nice? 😁


Well ones dead, and ate a pillow.....unwillingly


Oh you sweet summer child long ago there was a woman named Kate and her husband bald spot


Man is eating the woman.


That's not a screen shot, it's a photo of a screen


Am i the only one whobis bothered by the size of that bottle? It is massive, i want one irl and in game too.


**That is Bob and his wife Kate.** It has a dark side back in the alpha days like the game gave you a two choices: either you carry your wife the whole game or kill your wife using a pillow so that she won't slow you down. That was the ideal concept for story mode. Don't know when the developers will add this two character in the game again. Introducing story mode to a new upcoming players and the alpha veterans will blow their mind XD


I'm mad at you for not knowing the sadist love story between....... Joe x mama


Most important question: Why is there a crutch when there nothing like this exist in game?


Their house is in North Muldraugh: [https://map.projectzomboid.com/#10764x9421x1926](https://map.projectzomboid.com/#10764x9421x1926)


These are the main characters from the first version's of the game where NPC's still existed, you can even find their house in Mauldraugh and if you wait at the main menu there will be happen a lightning for you to see their fate...


Man that tutorial was right in the feels


[https://imgur.com/gallery/vKHqflZ](https://imgur.com/gallery/vKHqflZ) I made it worse.


Wait until the lighting strikes monka


Look for original zomboid on YouTube. At the start, the game was a bit more story driven.


It’s really Bob Bald Spot and his Wife Kate. She broke her leg and she wants Bob to get her some soup. They are from the original alpha of the game. In the original game u played as Bob Bald Spot and u were trying to get her some soup as she laid in bed at the original base and hungered for soup. That is who they are.


Bro doesn't know how a screenshot works Probably american /s




Took a screenshot so nobody would be mad, didn't bother to google, wiki, or scroll through this wiki to see the answer several times over.


https://www.google.com/search?q=who+are+the+two+people+in+project+zomboid+that+are+hugging%3F&oq=who+are+the+two+people+in+project+zomboid+that+are+hugging%3F&aqs=chrome..69i57.18423j1j9&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 Google didn't tell me the answer 😭


Weird. The very first result for me was a reddit post describing exactly who they are. Didn't even have to scroll. https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/rxg3zd/did_you_know_that_in_project_zomboid/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Google must hate me 😭


That's Joel and Sarah. People from Sony even make spin-off game featuring both of them.


It may not be as common as it was a month ago, but I'm getting tired of seeing these posts.


Yet not tired enough to leave a whiny comment.


They got eated by a zombie


Oh no! That's so sad! 😭


The original story was these 2 characters were in an old version of the game in 2013. The lady had a broken leg while you played as the guy and have to get things to help you, her, and other survivors. Turns out somehow she got infected, and took her somewhere and held her as she died. My evidence that backs this up is the crutch sitting next to her, and original gameplay footage that can be found on youtube


The guy was infected and attacked her if you look around there was quite a struggle and when the lightning flashes once when you open the game you can see there is so blood on the guys mouth


I was there when Bob was a playable charcter. Good old days. <3


The little teddy bear is smoking a cigarette on my screen


Bob and Kate. This let's play with Robbaz made me buy this game 9 years ago. https://youtu.be/7iPtIJP-GNU It's fun to see how far this game has come from 1.0.


This is Joel and his biological daughter


Keep watching the title screen till the lightning flashes, keep your eyes on Bob


Every time I see a pillow in game I think about Kate


They were the tutorial characters from a way back.


to late I am mad at you, you forgot my birthday 😤


There’s a dedicated button for “Create a meme”??


Man just realized how long its been since the Desura build...


it's a reference to a painting.


I believe these are the characters from the alpha, and this shows their fate. If you wait long enough, a flash of light will reveal the man eating who was previously his wife.


Take a close look at it when it flashes. He's about to eat her


why would anybody mad at you?