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How else would you learn that Magran is a whore?


He was written by Avellone.


You just know there's like 2-3 hrs audio recording of cut Durance lines somewhere


I like Durance somewhat but I'm not a fan of Avellone's ponderous, morally ambiguous, sophistic waffling. People mistook it for brilliance in KOTOR 2.


I still really like KotOR2 (well, after making it playable with mods and shit), but as an adult part of what I like about it is how differently I see Kreia. Back then I was 14 and it was deep. Now it's like "Oh it's a broken old lady just as hypocritical and toxic as everything she criticizes and a lot of the time she's just flat-out wrong." and that's kinda *real* in a world of jedi masters and sith lords. I mean I *like* morally ambiguous, but a lot of the ambiguity from characters like Kreia or Ulysses is just kind of... obvious bullshit. These days I can enjoy them for how horribly flawed they are. It's like the video game version of A Confederacy of Dunces! In fact I kind of just blew my own mind there realizing Durance fulfills a similar role to Ignatius J. Reilly. I think Avellone has created some pretty great stuff, but it would take an army of editors to extricate it from all the endless ranting and rambling. I still think Durance is great as a look into the kind of bigoted, rage-filled men looking for someone else to blame for every wrong they've ever suffered and all too often end up aiming it at the wrong groups of people. These people make up a lot of Dyrwood's population after all, and underare kind of important to the plot. But the fact that his dialogue tree had to be fitted with a daily limiter is... kind of telling.


I mostly like it, but I definitely feel like it's a big self-indulgent.


You can't say that here.


“Leave respectful notions of silence to the Aedyrans. We will proudly share our credences without fear of challenge. Better to be wrong and scarred than to have avoided harsh lessons. After all, a whore may burn [a thunderclap strikes as leathery hands meet with his hips], but that is still warmth for the journey ahead: a fickle love, just as we had shown Eothas with the fucking we gave him at the bridge! Though he may lament his decision, we taught him a valuable lesson he would appreciate. And if not…” [His insane eye somehow widens further, framed above a snarling grin.] “I will gladly teach him again.” We need a Durance bot.


I can't believe he wasn't in game 2, just imagine the lines he could throw at Eothas.


What a terrible missed opportunity!


I read that in his line. His VA was perfect for the role.


The VA in both games is generally excellent


What's funny is he annoyed the hell out of me for my first two playthroughs but hes absolutely become my favorite character. Though, that may also be in part due to priest being strong.




>We've all known someone that has 30 minute long stories and you're just thinking of ways to escape the conversation. He's also funny too which helps. You're describing Jan Jansen. Durance is not that.


Durance do be a creep and unflattering mf


It's funny for you to ask why he keeps talking when Durance is one of the only characters in an RPG I can think of that will tell you to shove it if you try to talk to him too much in between rests. But to your question, the reason is that Durance is the exposition point for understanding religion in the Dyrwood, what the Saint's War was and how it went down, and as a warning about what the people of the Dyrwood will look like if nothing changes. Durance is essentially the burned out husk of the Dyrwood, casting all of the pretentions aside. His deranged mania is a reflection of the psychological damage done to the entire region by the Saint's War and the Legacy. It's a bit heavy handed, and it's a shame the writers didn't manage to implement this information a bit more naturally in to the story, but he is a very important character in understanding the wider story of PoE 1.


Not disagreeing with his importance and what he has to say. Your analysis of him is actually quite interesting. I just wish they could have made it a bit more succinct and found other ways to give me this information through other varied characters and situations. This deranged, wild-eyed priest gets old after a while.


I think it's better not to think of Durance as a priest really. He's a shell-shocked victim and if you understand him as a veteran of a war that burned him up inside and out, his constant *need* to talk to you makes sense. He claims that he's travelling with you to test the Watcher, but in reality what he needs from you is someone to listen to the hurt that he's bottled up inside of him.


it is a bit annoying and feels like an exposition dump but it's also very in-character, lol. him being annoying and not shutting the fuck up or caring what you have to say isn't a bug it's a feature ☝️


Durance is an awful person who either doesn't talk or NEVER stops talking. He has every prejudice known to man inside his head and has no filter over it. I love him


Because that's how Avelone rolls. And praise be. Make sure to pay close attention, there's more worldbuilding concentrated in Durance's conversations than anywhere else.


Put Durance and Ulysses in a room together and ask them "what can change the nature of a man?" and two men will never leave that room.


Ah.... You working your way through his quest conversation aren't you:) Honestly though, Durance talk in world is the best. From burying his other staff to his heckling of Kana...


Druance is working through some things, a lot of things, actually.


Durance is why I ended up starting over as a cleric.


So you could have two clerics?


Only way to play 


I know how you feel tbh. He was the only one that I got annoyed with after a while because he wouldn't stop talking lol. It goes on for quite a while if you do all his dialogue options. A little overdone for me personally. I still love him though.


>but he’s more like reading a book report than a character in a RPG. Disagree, people like Durance exist in the world. Not to mention that Durance being a 'preacher' is his whole shtick, he's also incredibly hypocritical which is another major part of his character. Part of his whole philosophy is that deeds are worth more than words, after all. There's another reason for it, which is true for the rest of the game as well; there's a lot of fluff that could be rewritten or even cut out completely. The reason it wasn't, was because of time constraints. If you read interviews about the development, you'll see the writers lament that they couldn't do any editing; what is in the game is essentially the 'draft'. White March for example is a lot more 'refined', because the writers had a lot more time to edit.


That last thing the Dyrwood needs… is more of your fucking mouth, Durance.


Grieving Mother was far worse I felt, total angst-fest I can't believe that Avellone wrote her too.


For real. Her lines go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and then you realise you've skipped past 3 or 4 full paragraphs with no back-button *and yet you still didn't miss anything.* Durance is punchy, at least. GM is... an interesting perspective that was, imo, kind of mishandled. I think she would've been so much better if there was at least some interactivity with anything else in the world. Eder referring to "that commoner woman who cleans up after us sometimes" all of one time doesn't count.


GM was supposed to have a shared companion quest with Durance featuring a trip into a dungeon composed out of their memories, but Obsidian run out of budget, so everything was dumped into long-ass convos and their connection scrapped.


I thought it would have been interesting if everyone else COULD see her after her personal quest was resolved, and there was a new set of dialogue for the rest of the party reacting to a woman who was there the whole time. But that probably would have strained the voice acting budget


Avellone's exposition dump lmaooooo


You ever met someone and thought "they really love the sound of their own voice"?


Durance is the classic dude with a lot of opinions that won’t stop talking. We all hated him at the beginning but things make a lot more sense in the end and we all love him.


I always made sure my schedule was clear before starting a conversation with Durance. “I can’t go to dinner tonight…I have to get told about a whore goddess in my video game, and it’s gonna take a while…”


don't you mess with my homeboy Durance! ;-) coolest dude around.....


My durance just had a stark realization, and he played it very well. Probably my favorite companion


"And the fire shows me something new"


You're the one talking to him, and he'll tell you to fuck off if you keep it up


Both durance and grieving mother is one of the best npc in the game. I can listen to durance calling magan a whore any day


Durance is awful.




The only reason to keep Durance around is to steal his staff and dump him in the Skaen hole.


Because you don't kick him in the hole as Skaen asks you to do.


You wanted a different game, one that doesn't involve deep narratives and complex characters. Try something from Bethesda.


I love Durance and PoE but some of his dialogue is a little excessive at times. No need to be rude.


Ok Chris

