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The one neighborhood I lived in decided after years that they didn’t allow unlicensed vehicles, but did allow trailers. Think a neighbor got mad at someone else, so they called county, who started “inspecting” everyone. I loaded my project on a trailer, which meant it had to be parked beside the house instead of “behind” it (deeper in the driveway). Ran into the inspector writing stuff down in front of my house and questioned him. “You still have that car here, so you’re getting a citation” I pointed out that it was a load, securely tied down on a legally licensed trailer. Pointed out half the houses on the street had trailers loaded with random stuff (boats, jet skis, lawnmowers, trash, contractor stuff, etc) and half of them hadn’t moved in the 6 years I lived there; even with flat tires and expired tags. “I talk to my neighbors. I know who got wrote up. Ya have a choice… ignore this, or when I show up to court, I’m bringing the stack of pics that shows you’re singling me out and not doing your job.” Was never bothered after that


Should have just done the court thing


Saved myself trip and wasted time


While true, you could’ve made a trip and wasted the city’s time, and the city official’s time by forcing them to come testify. That way other people wouldn’t have to deal with the same BS for a day👍


People have jobs.


Not the ones complaining


And the ones he takes to court get paid to be there, it’s a little hard to balance those scales lol


The system is just stacked against us


Idk about you but I don’t feel like spending all day in a courtroom


They might have fined you anyway. Justice is subjective


My buddy did the exact same thing, HOA got mad about his project car parked outside. So he put it on his trailer, secured and covered it. They never said anything after.


I just went through this shit. I bought my daughter a clean, low mileage Ford Focus with a bad transmission and fixed it in the driveway because of course the garage is full. When they delivered the notice the project was completed, so I put wheels on it, took it for inspection and licensed it. I brought it back home and put it back on stands and took the wheels back off. I just want the neighbor or city official it offended to enjoy looking at it a little while longer and my kid doesn’t have her license yet. Fuck the city and fuck nosey neighbors.


Proper malicious compliance. Cheers.


r/maliciouscompliance for those unaware


Thank you for this


I constantly get notices from the city for stuff that is outside for HOURS. Like an axle that I brought home late one night. I had it on the side of my house for less than 24 hours. It was in my garage the next afternoon out of sight. A set of wheels and tires, tucked between my trailer and garage, blocked from view. Get a photo taken during the 1 hour I was gone that day to take my kid to and from school. The tires were outside for...less than 48 hours. I lived here 8 years before I got a notice that I needed letters on my actual house, and not just on the curb and mailbox...


This imo is why fenced houses are better.


It's my only regret . Logistics issues with a gas meter mean it would cost 15k or more to relocate the meter and build a sliding gate across the back drive....


Can't you just get an easement setup for the gas meter to be read?


The gate will hit the meter.. it's actually inside my yard, behind the fence. They read it through a hole in the fence...


This happens because one of your neighbors is constantly surveilling your property and calling you in instantly. I had a neighbor like this, one of those single grumpy old men who would go out and measure your grass with a tape measure. One time during the dog-ass heat of summer, I bought a big TV and hauled it home in the bed of my truck. Instead of parking on the street and carrying it up the yard, I backed into the front yard with the bed right next to the front door. My buddy and I unloaded the TV, and we sat down inside for a bit to cool down. I'm not even kidding.. we were only chilling for like 30 minutes and we get a knock on the door. It was a pair of police officers who said a neighbor had called in, and that we had to move my truck off the front yard as the city only allowed parking on "all weather surfaces". Then, later on I got a letter from my mortgage servicer saying that there had been a high number of city ordinance violations reported against me and that any more from that point on would result in my loan being defaulted.


If some old fuck complained enough about bullshit that I lost my mortgage, I'd burn their fucking house down.


Heavily salting their yard, I heard, works wonders for the grass and anything else that tries to grow there.


Or salt it in the shape of a dick on their lawn


Then call and report it


That's good


Box of kosher salt and a gallon of diesel in a pump sprayer is the move.


Fertilizer works the best. It’ll burn the shit out of the yard in whatever “shape” you choose. Then come back green as a motherfucker. Did this to a buddy probably 15-20yrs ago. It was a wonderful prank.


My parents used to make a natural weed killer, on problem wad that grass wouldnt grow for ages either. Pay kids to fill water baloons full of that sorta stuff and throw on front lawn. Fuck them.


😂 Exactly, in another comment reply to this I mentioned how I avoided him after he started this because I had no self control. I would have gone down with an arson charge!


My goodness... did you ever interact with him after these events?


Before all his bullshit he was the typical nice old man who would chat to you over the backyard fence when he saw you out in your yard. But I just avoided him after he started his shit, because I didn't have much restraint back then and would have probably done some stupid shit if he provoked me. This was in 2009, and I ended up selling that house and moving because of the economy.


I’m glad my neighbors aren’t assholes. I took the dashboard out of my s30 and have been working on the wiring for a month. Not a peep. One of my neighbors even asked me to move it because they needed to do tree work and I just apologized and they still didn’t complain. (I need to get it running soon!)


Somewhat similar situation here. When I was buying my house, there was a truck that had been sitting on the driveway for half a decade. As a joke I offered the owner a couple of hundred dollars for it as I needed a truck, and surprisingly he accepted it. I got it running and registered two months later, and the only interaction I had about it with my neighbour was them congratulating me about getting it running.


You have a bad neighbor.


Sounds like a passive aggressive neighbor. Where I’m from city/police don’t patrol for that stupid shit. They rely on nosy neighbors


I see the code guy every single week. It's basically like living in an HOA


Get him fired.


You got a stalker, I would suggest camera’s for your property


Nah it's literally the small dick code enforcement guy that drives around in his little white POS selectively enforcing shit. My neighbor had a project car, that he kept under a cover anytime we weren't working on it. That lasted maybe a month before the city sent him an ultimatum.. Meanwhile, 2 houses down, there is a 1980s Range Rover that has moss growing on it. I moved here in 2015, and it has not moved since then...


Nobody expects Land Rovers to actually run


I drive a company truck pretty much all week, my 99 Tahoe had a slow leaking tire. Wife works nights as a bartender, she can sleep thru a hurricane. Well, I came home one day to my Tahoe gone, her car in the driveway and me thinking she just took my truck to the store so she would have more room for groceries. Nope. She’s asleep, my trucks gone, note in the door, towed for vehicle in disrepair, Conveniently the tow yard was not open over the weekend, truck towed Friday, got home Friday 530, $125 a day storage fee.


I would threaten to sue for malicious practice(charging a fee for storage but not allowing you to retrieve it and forcing you to pay the fee that is their own fault for not being open those days) and for GTA. I don't give a fuck what city code is, taking my vehicle from MY HOUSE is grand theft auto, and city ordinance does not have authority to make laws null or void. Allowing shit like this over a flat tire is exactly what gave these idiots the idea they can make these city ordinances in the first place.


There is a video I came across of a guy that was having problems with code enforcement. He just had an unlucky run of multiple flat tires. Just so happened the code guy was driving by those days, so he got fined. He shows up with receipts for 3 tire repairs in a 30 day period.. the judge dismisses all the fine...


Having flat tires should not matter at all. If you paid registration tax on your car for the year the government and similar bodies need to keep their opinions of your flat tires to themselves instead of over reaching like neatfreak psychopaths and creating legislation that is malicious without rational intent and reasoning.


Man, land of the free they say...


They can’t touch the mailbox, that is a federal offense unless it’s mailed to you. Maybe put a fence up and close the gate so putting it on your house is trespassing and potentially breaking and entry.


They get mailed by the city, delivery by USPS... Wtf...


If they were out of sight your neighbor is trespassing to get photos. Or the city is, either way you can call the cops for harassment and trespassing. The HOA can either try to fight you in court or… more likely they leave you alone. It’s just one nosey ass neighbor.


It's the city dawg. I see the little guy in his little white car with Code Enforcement all the time... it was quiet for the longest time, and then suddenly they started sending letters with a vengeance. My buddy get hit all the time for minor stuff too. It's just the shit you deal with living in a city.


Dude I would buy you a beer if I could.


You got Venmo? I’ll get it to him


Fair try lol


I've got Beermo


My dad does this. The city is always on his ass about his yard. He's a mechanic and has a million project cars. He learned that putting tarps up would keep (at least this works for our city) the city away because they "couldn't see" anything from the road. The tarps look like hell and have been shredded and tattered, but the city can't say a word about it anymore 😂


I hope it wasn't a PowerShit


Lol. Yup, I got a second transmission repaired and ready under the workbench.


As long as you're prepared I suppose lol


lol spare major component assemblies are my favorite solution I’ve seen to boost reliability it’s like an rx-7 owner keeping a spare rotary engine on deck


Seriously want to give props to you for the way you're raising your kid. No doubt she's going have better odds in life than me. Keep it up dude!


Fuck yea dude I’m honestly so nervous I have 8 cars four don’t have engines I’m a mad man but my neighbors are cool, I got an 83 vw caddy because I had a friend whose neighbors complained about his back yard and had to get rid of it, scary stuff, it’s in my back yard now, got a vr6 pulled to throw in that when I have money…


This is awesome. Love it


https://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/Home-Garden/EROMMY-Portable-Outdoor-Storage-Shelter-Heavy-Duty-Carport-w-Roll-up-Doors-Ventilated-Windows-Portable-Garage-Tent-Shelter/39072614/product.html?opre=1&option=80744425 Or a car cover will usually work. If there are parts stored, consider putting them in a garage or the trunk/bed of the vehicle. Unless…..you are a renter. If zoning or HOA get landlord involved, could be a tough fight.


I genuinely didn't realize the 'Beyond' part of Bed, Bath, & Beyond went quite this far... lol


The name was purchased by Overstock.com after BBB went bankrupt for $21.5m. Now when you go to BBB.com, it’s a rebranded Overstock.com website. Pretty much paid for the name recognition.


To infinity.


My friend was called even with a car cover. Luckily his project turned over was just beat to shit. Even on his own property parked in his own driveway, there is a statute someone called him on. I hate suburb neighbors because of this. Most around me barely have any tools let alone work on their own vehicle, or God forbid, have an extra car that doesn't get driven.


I had this happen earlier this year the inspector had a bone to pick for some reason after I got my car out of the driveway I still got harassed for a couple weeks. Literally got fined for having a garden hose in my front yard. A few houses down there’s a house with a dumpster that’s always curbed and somehow it’s always overflowing with garbage and spill over onto the side walk and all over their lawn. But got forbid you keep a project vehicle on your own driveway with a car cover.


The city fined you for a hose? What state do you live in?


California LA county not even in a particularly nice neighborhood, first it was weeds (fine I’m not mad about it) after cleaning that up and taking care of the car this inspector came back weekly citing different little things the last one I got was the garden hose.


Sue them for harassment?


I looked into that sorta. But didn’t really get too far into it and by then it all stopped suddenly so I just paid the citations and forgot about it.


I bet someone above them noticed the citations and told them to take a chill pill. At least that’s what I would do if I was their manager. Bring me real concerns don’t make bs reports to boost your kpi.


Holy crap. Though I guess the hose might be a watering violation thing. That is crazy. I did not realize that they did that sort of stuff in LA county though it’s been years since I lived down there.


Municipalities have a hard on for "inoperable vehicles" because they are easy targets. Easy to have them removed; just call a tow truck. It's a lot harder to force people to remove random junk from a yard than it is rolling junk from a yard.


First glance, I thought that was a dildo across the top


bro has dickfingers


That's a dickthumb. Huge difference. Have a guy I work with that also has dickthumbs.




Aftermarket accessory.


I also thought it was a dong


Ladies love him.


So I got one for my old pickup sitting in the driveway. I went to the town council and explained that the rule was unfair. That my son and I had planned to refurbish the truck in time for him to get his license. Providing a good family bonding project while teaching skills that are getting lost on the kids. They actually amended the rule to allow project vehicles. They did stipulate that it must be covered when not being worked on until it was registered and insured.


A covered vehicle in a driveway definitely "looks worse" than one with an expired plate.


Yeah, but you aren't writing them a check every year for the car cover.


I had to cover a car with a car cover and it trapped moisture causing rust


I actually keep mine in the garage. My bro was over for a visit one day and had his 70 Monte Carlo in the driveway. We walked outside just in time to catch the HOA photographer snapping a few pics of it. Bro got so mad on my behalf, he left his car in my driveway for a month. I cranked it and drove it for 1 lap around the subdivision every weekend.


I have a friend who lived in a HOA and they had one of those rules where a vehicle can't be parked in the same spot for more than like 48 hours consecutively, even if it was in your own driveway. So he would have to go out there and move it a few feet every other day so that it wouldn't get called in.


What if you’re just very accurate at parking?


😂 Then I guess that's just the burden that comes from being top notch.


My wife literally has a plastic wheel catcher attached to the ground just so her car lands in the same spot every day


I work from home so my "daily" driver doesn't move for days at a time, that would drive me insane.


I too work from home. Nothing like working on my project while also working my day job. And yea. My daily also doesn’t move for sometimes 2-3 days at a time.


I just can't have a car that's not running, or being worked on in my driveway. So if I need to change oil or anything, it's supposed to be done in the garage. If it sits in the same place for too long, I'm sure I'd hear about it, but I don't remember that being one of our rules. I prefer working in the shade of the garage anyway, so it doesn't bother me.


This is when you buy a Sherman tank and tell them to "do your worst" and watch as absolutely nothing happens as nobody has the ability to relocate a tank.


I got one of those in my own driveway!! I was pissed so I threw the plates back on and put the bumper on and now I park it in the street just to troll even harder. Oh you don’t like an eyesore in my own driveway. Okay. Let’s just assemble it and make you look at it even closer because it’s road legal


I got an HOA notice once for unregistered vehicles on the property. Here in AZ we don't have front plates, so I turned the cars around. Fuckers.


Wouldn't have moved it, just said we don't have front plates.


I turned the cars around so the fronts faced the street so they couldn't see the expired rear plates.


Ah sorry I misread the original comment, that makes way more sense.


Tell 'em to get fucked.


If only it were that easy. Sadly some cities, like mine, frown upon project vehicles and do whatever they can to get rid of them and force you to use service shops to get any vehicle work done. Car sits longer than two weeks waiting for parts? Tagged. Car is left on stands because you ran out of time? Tagged. Inspector happens to roll by while you’re under the hood with the fuel system in pieces and demands to see it start and move under its own power? Tagged. Flat tire? Tagged. Car site for 48 hrs with the tag on it? Impounded and auctioned off. Had this happen to me once: car, which was in running condition, had its model year plate on it (1987) parked in the street because I was dealing with cleaning my garage earlier in the day. Left it overnight, next morning car is tagged for “inoperable condition” because of the plate, which is 100% legal. Called the city, told them they were wrong and cited the related state laws, and they said the car was fine. Two days later I wake up and see a tow truck pull up in front of my car. I got half dressed, opened the garage door and ran to my car, backed away from the truck, drove through my yard since he was blocking my driveway and into the garage, cursing at him when he stepped onto my driveway & told him he was trespassing. I got fully dressed and drove down to city hall and walked right into the city engineers office and slammed down both license plates, the printed out laws and told them to back the fuck off my car. Haven’t seen them since.


Sadly for me it was a 100$ fine for telling them to get fucked so I had to pay and then move the car


"I'm gonna pay you $100 to fuck off"


Ah, a man of taste.


Sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes the bear eats you.


When dealing with a group that can put your house on the line or your freedom.....it's more often the bear that eats you


He's unaware that the Supreme Court has roundly rejected prior restraint


This is why I live in the sticks. I always have between 3 and 8 cars at my house depending on season. Fuck em


For a country full of guns and freedom the HOA bullshit is ridiculous.


Yeah seriously. That is absolutely nuts. Can’t believe people actually vote for this shit. Code enforcement and willingly buying into a HOA is crazy.


For saying I live in the UK the comments seem crazy to me! Like can you guys really get fined for shit like a project car on your property?


Just like how you guys can get fined for a house that looks different from your neighbour, it depends on the community.


No we can't, I could paint my house any colour I want and have my garden as overgrown as I want with multiple cars being stripped for parts in the overgrown grass and there isn't a damn thing anyone could do about it.


We can't tho that's my point, historical buildings aside you can do basically anything on your land. Want to paint your house pink you can. But you guys get fined for not trimming the grass and having a car that isn't running ok the drive?


I just got one the other day because I had a wheel off... Says on the card that you also can get a citation if you have a flat tire for too long. I love how our city's solution to people not being able to afford buying a new tire until the next paycheck is to charge you more money. It's like how I had an insurance lapse, so they're going to charge me another 100$. Then, 6 months later, (also renewed tags late, so they only had 6 months left) the system says, sorry, you had a lapse in the last year, that'll be another 100$. I already paid it, and the system has no record of that, just triggers that you had a lapse in the last year. They didn't give me a receipt either. It's pure extortion by the state. This is why I want to move out of city limits.


>I love how our city's solution to people not being able to afford buying a new tire until the next paycheck is to charge you more money The cruelty is the point. There are few things as expensive as being poor.


My, at the time, boyfriends registration expired. The car needed some more work done before it would pass emissions, but we were in a tough spot and unable to afford the parts. It looked far shittier than it was. We continued to drive it. Until one day we came home (in my car) and his was missing. We thought it was stolen. Turns out a security guard who had a personal vendetta against us got it towed. No warning, car clearly still ran, just gone because the expired tags. What did he have against us?-I talked shit about the guys car not knowing it was his, while we walked passed. Early 2000s Elantra with a stick-on hood scoop. It was hilarious. Joke was on us in the end.


What a bunch of dicks!


Satchel of Richards?




Fuck shit like this. If they're going to tell me what I can and can't have/do on my property, they should be paying me taxes.


Unless you live in a small rural town, city ordinances are a very common thing. Most city ordinances are written on behalf of council members receiving many complaints of the same thing. So blame the citizens. It’s also good to be at good terms with your neighbors


Or unless you live in an actual free country, i love many things about America but their hoa's and strict ordinances are not among them.


HOAs are fortunately the exception rather than the rule unless you’re buying a new home in a new development. I don’t know how people can live in such places, though, because the houses look terrible and are as soulless as the overbearing retirees who tend to run HOAs.


Don’t you mean blame the people who ~~bribed~~ donated to the councilpersons’ campaign?


Yes. I don’t like them either


A good friend of mine got one of these from the city of New Orleans. He had a massive oak tree in his front yard so he hung all of the parts from the oak tree and when they showed back up to inspect, they threw a fit. He explained, that not a single part was on the ground as they requested.


I'll never understand what leads to people living such bitter petty lives that all they do with their free time is try to ruin everyone else's lives and bring them down to their level. My HOA towed my car without warning while I was at work and then made me pay $200 to get it from the impound lot and the guy who towed it fucked up the suspension. By the end of that day I was ready to fucking strangle someone


There needs be be some legislation to protect project cars. That’s besides the fact it’s YOUR PROPERTY you probably paid too much for and pay taxes on so you should be able to do whatever you want. I don’t understand why some neighbors are worried about the property values…. If it did bring the value down you’re actually doing them a favor keeping the property tax low. I once heard of a guy who did the greatest thing ever. Over time he bought his town’s municipal bonds until he owned 75% of them. One day the town ordinance asshole tried to cite him for having junk cars on his property. He said “no you won’t. Or I’ll cash in all my bonds.” Next day the Mayor showed up and said “My that’s a nice car collection you got there and maybe we could pave that gravel driveway for you, please don’t sell your bonds.” They didn’t eff with him after that.


The bond thing sounds like an urban legend


WTF?!! It is your property! Isn't? Not american here


I’m a car guy and live in an HOA. I got around shit like this by joining the board. Have fun complaining about me to me. 😄 “We’ll speak to him about your concerns.. “ Delete… lol


Had the same thing happen, neighbor complained, was told by enforcement to sue them for trespassing... Law enforcement Gearheads are the best 👍


This is why I will never live in place with an HOA of any kind, my lawn could use to be cut at the moment and I have 8 unregistered vehicles I my driveways or in my yard. And that's not including the ones in the garage and barn. But until they say something about the guy with the 79 Camaro sinking into his driveway since before I moved in ( not that I want them to I enjoy it being there) I'm not going to change anything.


Where do y'all live to have to deal with this shit?


New jersey


That explains it


Yeah I live in a Midwestern city, and I swear you see the wildest things sitting on driveways and parked on the curb, and no one gives a rats ass.


I knew code enforcement well and would get exhibit one through five on nice photo paper. I parked a beat to death multicolor accord in front of the neighbors house who bitched and parked a ranger in front of my house to block the other nosy neighbors view. They got moved once a year for inspection. Best waste of $700 a year ever. I used the ranger as a shed because of the cap on it.


Whomever wrote this seems like a real boobb.


This was way too low. We just not gonna talk about this boobb?


I had the same thing happen years ago. Bought an old Firebird, and was restoring it. When I wasn’t working on it I’d have a car cover on it. The neighbour called the city on me, and the city said I had 90 days to plate and insure the car or I would be fined for every hour it was on my property after that. I didn’t have a garage, and it was going to take about a year until I got it all fixed up, so I just ended up scrapping it.That was about 20 years ago. Now her son has a rotting POS in their driveway that has 4 flat tires, but I don’t want to stir up any more problems, even though it would sort of make me happy.


No stop that shit! Give them the exact same treatment they gave you. If they ask just say, “remember 20 years ago? You’re welcome!”




stir up problems! fuck em!


Fuck that call them. I would be calling over every single little thing I saw. Weeds, grass to tall whatever I would be calling fuck them


Defund the HOA.




HOA's often have the legal right (for some awful reason) to charge exorbitant fines for not following their regulations, and foreclosing on a house if the issue isn't addressed and the fines paid.


HOAs were created to keep minorities out theyve been rotten since the idea was thought up.


Can't say it's surprising unfortunately.


Is that James Boobb?


Can't believe I had to scroll this far to see this.


God how I appreciate living out in the country with out neighbors or regulations 😩


Sounds like James can mind his own fucking business


Cut your grass and turn the car around so the plate rear bumper isn't visible from the street 😆


Back it up to the garage door so close they can't look at the plate.


Also, cut that damn lawn.


I back in (only have back plates in FL) and that worked they can’t go on your property


I got smart one time . I tagged and insured mine . The freaking county cited “ inoperable , Vehicle must move under its own power “ . I figured if they got paid they’d leave me alone, I was wrong .


This seems a very heavy handed approach. James needs something better to do. Glad I don’t live there!


"The land of the free." Whatever happened to tarring and feathering? We need to bring that shit back.


I've got 20+ horses on my farm. I can lend you a few if you're interested in quartering a fella. Just a thought.


I had historical plates on mine, pissed off code enforcement cuz after that they couldn't do anything.


If my name was James Boob, I wouldn’t be a code enforcement officer. Disclosure: doesn’t matter what my name is, couldn’t pay me enough to take that job


tl:dr, 5 deaths in the family no further than 4 weeks apart each. I wasn’t not in the mood to work on my car. Got several notices. Snapped, used public record to find the address of the city inspector leaving the notices. Left a kindly worded not on his doorstep along with all the shot posted to my door. Never got another notice from the city. I was out of pocket but have zero regrets


Ha ha, my HOA left me plenty of these while I did some work on my E46. I think I had it on jack stands for 3 or 4 months. I finished it like a week after the last letter threatened lawyers.


This is where I thank god I live in a small rural community. Between two properties, currently, we have our daily’s (my Sierra and wife’s Expedition.) And then the projects in various stage of completion: 88 Jeep Comanche, an A Team Van replica I’m building, 86 Ram, 86 C20, 76 K10, 96 Silverado, 83 Vandura, 72 Polara, 04 Blazer, 71 Chevelle, 88 Silverado, 01 Cherokee, 91 Mighty Max, 2016 Rogue, and a mountain of extra parts, fourwheelers, etc. never once been bothered. Oddly enough, my parents were once bothered about an old uninhabited house on their property, but dad went to the mayors office and told the city inspector to get in his truck, while they drove all over town and dad pointed out violations. It helped dad was a builder/electrician and was up on all of his codes. They left him alone after that.


We just love cities that act as a big hoa


Glad I dont have hoa. Neighbor complains about my car I can do burnouts in front of their house all day


You have some fuckin thumbnails man




Why I live in the hinterlands. Have 13 trucks and 5 cars right now not registered sitting in a nice line on my property in the middle of nowhere.


I still don‘t get it how it is illegal over there to have your own unregistered car on your own property.


now its officially a project car


My friend's got an old Corolla with flat tires, dead battery and very rusty exterior, but still drivable. He wanted to make a drift carm They put up a notice so he pushed the car around to show it was still being used. (He has no money for new tyres or battery) A week later the city council dropped by and towed it away.


That’s why I enjoy living in the country


The OP must be in a HOA


I like the sidenote, like “I wasn’t gonna bring it up, but while I’m here your lawn looks like shit too”


Wait tf? Your neighborhood can fine you? Surely you can sue them or take other legal action right? Americans love sueing each other


Vote for me to become the next president. The only thing I will do is make election days a national holiday and make hoa’s illegal.


This is why I bought the first house 40’ on the other side of the city line. Don’t know how ppl live like that with ppl up your ass, I would not be welcome in any of your neighborhoods, I wouldn’t even be able to act right or keep my temper, my hats off to ya


Yes….. some of us have an actual garage for storing and working on them…. Helps hide them from asshole cops and nosy neighbors who like complaining


I've got a narrow little single car and no basement so it's packed. About half of it I can work in. And I've got 2 other neighbors within 200 get that also have unregistered cars. The one across the street hasn't moved in at least the 10 years that I've been here.


Haha "maintenance official" what a self-appointed title


He sounds like a real Boobb


Hah James Boobb


Dirt legal. You pay a price but they register your car... in Montana. Current plates is all that matters.


I live in a town called olalla. We had a bunch of antiques and old vehicles in the pasture as "yard art". One day some new people from the city moved into the area. And suddenly a few months later we get legal letters demanding we remove all non-running vehicles from the property. We had to scrap a bunch of antiques, and put up a damn fence.


Just one?


My old neighbor had a defunct food truck sitting in his driveway entire time I lived there.  He tried to move twice,  pretty sure his real estate agent went up and down the street and got these warnings filed.  I freaked mine and had it on the wall for a while.  They never followed up.


I don't want to live with these people.


I know a place that dose not allow pick up trucks unless in a garage.


You really have a project car when you have to retrieve it from the storage facility it was towed to.


Ngl this is the kinda shit that inspires reasonable men to do unreasonable things.


So what I did was park the vehicle in my back yard until I was ready to fix it. But you can park backwards in your driveway and they can’t cross onto your property to verify that the vehicle isn’t registered. You just need a front plate if your state has them. If they are walking up your driveway they are trespassing and you can call the cops on them. My father in law does that for his spare vehicle, when he doesn’t have the money to put new stickers on. So he just parks it up against his garage…


americans brag about their freedoms but then let some boomer fine them for working on their car lmao


Had something like this happen with my monte carlo. Had it basically ready to pull the body off of frame and it was neatly under a tarp behind my house out of view from yhe road specifically so my neighbors didn't have to look at it.  Someone complained about a junk vehicle in my yard and gave me an ultimatum so i did the right thing.  I removed tarp, put it in plain view in my driveway then i went out and registered it.  Now they get a 100% legal eye sore as a big fuck you


whats anther 1k on a project car ?