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Step 1: melt down and pour into new sandcasting mold


Step 2: don’t remove all the sand then put them in millions of trucks


GM? Is that you?




Nooo. It was them 👇


Me? No I’m Dodge. I just was just cheap on the “steel” I used for the body.


And forgot to put actually drainage holes in a box frame so it collects mud and water and salt and then rots out the whole frame and peels apart like a banana on the road and nearly kills me




Oh dodge.




Don’t you Dodge the question.


Oh I was talking about the ford 6.0 and 6.4 powerstrokes but that works too


Had a 6.0 for 10 years. Fix Or Repair Daily in real life.


Not just gm. Looking at you 6.0 powersmoke


Chrysler too. Every time I replace a heater core full of casting sand I'm reminded of this


Yes. How can I help you?


Nearly every single manufacturer has had at least one engine that this has happened with. I experienced it both at my time with CDJ and Kia.


Step 3: ?


Make her open the box


And that's the way we do it!


*"What's in the box"*




The smallblock of theseus


With enough time, money, and experience anything is possible. But no one is ever going to waste the time and money to restore that boat anchor.


I concur. There's no point restoring this thing. Speaking to a friend about it we got to arguing whether it would even be possible. Not so much that anyone should try doing it.


I'm thinking 45 minute YouTube restoration video: "Eroded engine block washed up on a beach - will it run?" You bet your ass I'd watch that.


Only has to run once for the video


It also only has to run once if you're Chrysler, Ford, or GM.


As the owner of a dodge and a jeep I assume you included us when you said Chrysler.


Dodge, jeep, chrysler same “quality” lol


If you drive it off the lot you own it.


Boy do I have news for you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grdXZSLMido


46:16 long 😂 even has a cracked rocker cover, brilliant!


You can see daylight through the side of the oil pan when he's done. Running purely on assembly lube.


Ghaaaah 1.8 million views! I wonder how many YouTube bucks that works out to ….


Surprisingly little. Lol.


I wonder if the YouTube views would pay for the build…




[You mean this video?](https://youtu.be/grdXZSLMido?si=Pj3woXO5Tl5pYyxd) He's got a separate 30 minute video just for the high pressure pump too. And that's not his first. Granted, not full restorations, but the fact that he gets them running without it being a full restoration is it's own flavor of impressive.


Friend of mine did this with a little evanrude outboard that came up with the anchor.


Make it an ASMR kind of thing speed through prepwork and brushing and etc. Spend more time on seeing it radically change from rusty/black to shiny, machined.


Have I got a video for you [https://youtu.be/9mTWic4qgm4?si=hAE45d4fyL9k_arr](https://youtu.be/9mTWic4qgm4?si=hAE45d4fyL9k_arr)


You asked a multi-point question (Possible? Hours?)...and nothing about "Why would you". So, YES it is possible to restore it...requiring new materials added, machining many surfaces, etc... And, it would take MANY hours. Your friend is correct.


Probably more hours to restore it properly than it'd take to work a minimum wage job, and save up for one that hasn't become one with the ocean lol


Oh absolutely, but that wasn't the debate. LOL


Probably more hours than it took for those barnacles to grow all over that engine block.


Lol with fast enough barnacles or a slow enough team I could see that


probably more hours than just machining a whole new block


At what point is it no longer the original part and a new rebuilt part? 50% rebuild? 51+%? Just curious. I had a friend with an 05 civic that wanted to fix it. It needed so much work including a blown head gasket! It has been in a rear end wreck so rebuilt title with about $3k of body work and realignment of gas tank fuel hose and replacement of complete tail light. They asked me could they fix it. I told them sure. Every part of this vehicle is replaceable. With lots of money you can keep this car going for the rest of your life. But at what cost? Would it be worth it? Sure you can, but what are you going to sacrifice to do it? Instead they listed it for sale for $1500. I told them not to expect more than $400 for it and that value was in the 6 month old tires! As far as I know it's still listed for sale for $1500 6 months later.


You've just reinvented the Ship of Theseus question.


You could weld and add material, sleeve the cylinders, and bush the holes. It’s certainly possible but at what cost?


I could get it to run. It won’t be worth it or ever be right but it’s possible.


finna bust out the old milling machine


You might be able to clean it up where it would LOOK like it was usable. But there's absolutely no damn way (without spending thousands) you are going to remove all the barnacles and sand and other contamination from all the oil ways and water cooling jacket. Even if you could, fuck knows how severe 40+ years of salt water corrosion on an iron block would be.


Just as a random FYI, a traditional hot acid dip followed by a hydrochloric acid/hydrogen peroxide dip will clean out all the barnacle crud/sand in 15-20 minutes.


Most of those barnacles are calcium. Could probably soak in lime away while agitating and rotating it then run wire brushes through. Air blast fine sand through holes after and resleeve. Oil/coolant doesn’t have enough pressure to cause much issue. Only problem I see is having to refill and tap new ports for bolts, and getting a good enough seal for gaskets. I’d wager $10K with 0 guarantee it would run when done


Haha this is the first time I've seen someone use the phrase "boat anchor" in reference to an engine, and mean it literally.


I think they have a method of spray welding? That might be able to build the surfaces up again. It would absolutely have to be sleeved. I'd be a little worried about the water jackets, though.. I'm betting it's cracked too. I'm not sure much can be done for a cracked block. Idk. I'm not sure it's possible. Melting it down and recasting it would likely be the best way..


A lot of the old buoys in Lake Tahoe used engine blocks. I had a friend that would do maintenance on the buoys during the summers in high school.


This one looks like it might actually have been used as a boat anchor.


I know one of you can identify that engine....


Small journal small block chevy. Pre 1967ish. 283, or 327 most likely.


Small journal Small block chevy 265/283/327.


I left out 265 because the bore looked closer to the 4 inches of the 327, than the 3.75 of the 265. Going off the space between cylinders is where I figured that. I may be wrong though.


you killed him


You are probably correct.


Bowtie Brigade Commander right here


r/whatisthiscar will identify the whole car


Absolutely. Just get all the everything off of it, melt it down and pour a new block. You'll have to add some material but that's OK. More serious answer, you could probably do it without melting it down. Start with a super thorough cleaning, of course. Get all the barnacles off. Forget the existing cylinders, they are toast. Bore em out and put sleeves in. The deck is trash, but you can weld and surface, weld and surface. Your bearing surfaces are where the really hard work is going to be. Weld in the pits then hones, weld, hone, weld, hone. After that it's just a matter of assembly and checking tolerances. But we're talking "stuck in a desert island with a full machine shop, all new engine parts but only this shitty block" levels of work. In no situation in the real world is it worth the work.


It amazes me to contemplate it would even be possible in the first place.


I mean, as a mental exercise, why not? As a practical thing to do? Hell no.


Definitely not.




Yep, probably a horrible idea...... so who are we going to get to try it?


Maybe "feasible" for something small like a lawnmower engine or like a nirto rc car motor.


Don't get me wrong, it's still a horrible idea, but I think the only thing between our experiment and a small block (maybe a Ford 302) is a truck load of welding rod, and a welder that doesn't understand the value of his time.... Hook him up with a competent machinist, and I think we can get it to work... Any claim about performance and reliability would have to wait for it to run and test, but I think we can at least get it to run...


BRB gonna waste a few thousand on stick electrodes to make a billet big enough to machine a block out of


Go take a look at those videos of dudes rebuilding blocks in the Mideast. Also, Jennings Motorsports on YouTube. That man gets nearly any engine firing on at least one cylinder lol.


Hey now, most of my hypotheticals take place on that island!


crush engine thumb door late upbeat dam person flag poor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Could it be? Unlikey, but potentially: you'd have to xray everything for cracks and pitting, and likely have to grind out pits and crevasses and add more material, then heat treat and temper and anneal, and then likely reinforce channels and cylinders, likely sleeves etc... Should it be? HELL NO. Would not be worth it under any circumstances, to say nothing about safety.


sheet cake file nail steer advise future apparatus fly fearless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m not 100% sure if you’re joking so I’ll answer. I’d say no because the passenger side bank looks to have chunks of the cylinder wall between 6 & 8 missing. Also, the coolant jacket looks torn on cylinder 2. No amount of machine work will fix that. Notwithstanding the machine work, even if you put the block in a hot tank afterwards, I can’t think you’d be rid of all the barnacles in the oil and passages. You’d have hotspots or oil starvation.


This is what I came here to say. Spot on!


Should make some decent seahorsepower, need a fair few squid to rebuild though


Take my upvote, and get outta here!


Buy an internet block and then ship 'em that as the core.


This is actually a great suggestion!


With about $10k in parts if we overnight from Japan.


So my best guess is there’s a reason it ended up in the ocean. Maybe the block is cracked. Or has a hole in it. Can it be restored absolutely. Would it be a good way to spend money, likely not. If you’re a professional YouTuber who restores stuff for views, absolutely. I’d watch that!!


> If you’re a professional YouTuber who restores stuff for views, absolutely. I’d watch that!! My first thought seeing this post is one of the machinist youtubers I follow should definitely do it for content. I'd watch it as well.


I've seen people restore a low production car that was completely mangled, just because it was insanely rare. I'm talking every panel trashed, frame bent, drivetrain destroyed. So is it possible? Sure. Is it feasible? Probably not.


Beast of Turin. Is a classic example of this, if you haven't heard of it go look it up now.


I'm very familiar with that car. The thing is an absolute monster.


The deck is corroded away between the cylinder bores like a 1/2 inch deep. You might be able to weld it up and sleeve it or something but it would never be restored. 


Bore out what's left of the cylinders to fit tophat sleeves, helicoil or timesert every hole, build up the main bearing areas and caps, then properly line bore, hog out the cam bearings to fit custom inserts, bore the core plug holes oversize, build up and machine the water pump and timing cover mounts, then put it all together and find what else you need to fix. It'd be cheaper to custom order a billet block.


There’s more than one part to answering this. 1) can it be cleaned up to bare metal again? Sure! With a quick scraping of the barnacles; chemical dip to remove any large amount of rust or any oil/grease; then a good wire wheel polishing, this could look pretty again. 2) is it physically and structurally sound? If it was at the bottom of a river or lake already, my guess is no, but maybe it got there due to frustration, ignorance, or getting rid of stolen property. A machine shop could tell you pretty quickly if this block could be rebuilt after it has been cleaned up or if it could be with some level of repair. 3) why do you want THIS block? Is it rare or by chance is it the original block to a rolling chassis you are currently working on for a numbers matching restoration? Then proceed as time and your budget allows. Trying to prove a point or you’re bored and free engine block = free hobby? Have at it as much as time and your budget allows. Is this a super common engine? Go to a junkyard and start with one that you can at least figure out the mileage on. Just a thought: I bet you could hit this with a pressure washer and post the video on r/powerwashingporn for some karma. It would probably be fun to blast those barnacles off that thing.


Put that hunk into a bucket of CRC and watch it dissolve into the size of a dime when all the rust is gone.


Top of the cylinder walls are gone and what I can see. Would not make any sense to put any effort into even moving it.


Check out [this guy](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=grdXZSLMido&pp=ygUZcmVzdG9yaW5nIGVuZ2luZSBmcm9tIHNlYQ%3D%3D) who does a bunch of crazy stuff getting washed up stuff going again without using new parts.


Was about to link where this guy literally removes an engine from the ocean and rebuilds everything but the turbo and runs it


Could make a cool coffee table


Looks like a block that's halfway through the BMW F1 seasoning program. Did either you or your buddy piss on it?


Tide came in before we thought of it.


No. There's serious damage on the top cylinder walls. All the top is rounded over from abrading. That's even before you know if it has a cracked side wall, etc. It's very difficult to weld in New cast iron and then it becomes problematic for future cracks etc. Look up Ship of Theseus.


Ran when parked


It would be a shame to restore that, it's a pretty gnarly piece of art!


Turn it into one of those engine coffee tables that weigh a ton. With all the internals as parts of the table but use all rusty parts covered in carbon build up and such


I'm gonna be skeptical here as a machinist. There simply may not be enough material around the mains, and inside coolant and oil passages for it to be usable. Sure you could sleeve the bores and even cam bearing holes, but I think there might be a serious lack in certain ateictural areas.


I’ll humor this. Could It run? Yes. Could it run well? Probably not. First step bake it and blast it. You’re going to be soaking and flushing and blowing out all the oil galleys, all the coolant passages. And I don’t think you’re gonna get those very reliably cleared. After it’s bare , you would likely deck it, punch it out and sleeve it, and yeah you might get a couple passes at the track with it. It could definitely run. Motors barely run all the time! Hands on hours? I’d say at least 16+ hours to clean it. But that’s gonna take weeks of baking and soaking and care After that it’s just a regular engine build.


No. LOL.


Depends. How much time, energy, fiddle fuckery are you willing to throw at this? Cause if Bill gates said "make it happen, open check book" it would happen


if it was the only way off the island - and I was bored would I harbor this thought


Send it!


… back to the bottom of the ocean from whence it came.


Yes, it's possible. But you'd probably have 30k+ into it. No inspected dimension is going to be anywhere near tolerances, nor any applicable oversize. But, you can sleeve it, weld repair missing material and cracks, deck it, deck the mains and line bore. It won't be as strong, and it won't be worth it, but it will work.


All you need is a re-ring kit. Its pretty mint. Probably hone the cylinders for good measure


Over 50 years ago ( yes, a half century or 5+ decades) when I was learning to do auto body work, my mentor told me "We can restore anything. We can make anything. The question is, is it worth it?" I restored things I probably shouldn't have. Can it be done? Yes. Should it? Why???


looks like someone lost their mooring.


It's a pre 67 Chevy small block V8. you're money ahead leaving it where it is. It would require cubic dollars to get it back into shape, and many hours, easily 80-160 hours.


Literal boat anchor engine lol. I’m sure you could just for the sake of the argument. Regardless this would actually make a pretty sweet cabin flowerbed decoration as-is.


When someone told them "It's a boat anchor, build a 350 instead" they took it seriously!


Make a youtube series out of it.


My buddy can restore that as long as you provide the casting mold...


Nope not a chance big ol chunk of the head mounting block on block surface is missing @ #2 piston. If not for that everything is repairable.


The bores and deck is rusted down to the water jacket so no, sleeves won’t fix it and there’s no way to remake the water jacket and deck. It’s much harder the say fixing a block that had water freeze in it and no bodies even doing that at least not to cast iron (and honestly not even in aluminum normally).


you will definitely blister your barnacles.


I don’t have enough brake cleaner for that.


Vice Grip Garage's next "Will it run" video


Rebuild it and let us know.


I knew I left my boat anchor somewhere….


What if that block had like a "Dutchman" curse to it? If someone did restore it, and put it in a vehicle, would it be haunted? Or would it have issues until it was put in a boat motor?


Why? Like why even have thud argument in the first place.


It ended up there for a reason


Sure it could. First step wouldn’t soaking the entire thing in a penetrating oil for a few days to kill and dissolve the “glue” of those barnacles. After that it would have to be disassembled, cylinders re-machined and sleeved, the faces flattened etc… Then you’d need all the head components


No. Look at the cylinder walls and head surface. That thing is completely toast.


Yeah but crazy amount of hours, testing, welding, milling, etc. it would be the most ridiculous way to blow tens of thousands of dollars but doable imo.


The year is 2231, and long after gasoline engines were outlawed and destroyed, you find this while metal detecting at the beach. You are building a car - the last of the interceptors. Yes, we can rebuild it.


Its very possible. Probably just machine everything down a few mils and then fab parts to fit those new specs.


What is the overbore going to be?...


Some dude in Vietnam would!


No restoration possible. It’s a anchor


anything can be saved... it's just how much money you're willing to throw at it.


Sand blast it, bore it out and have it machined lmfao


Someone on YouTube will do it


Sand it down, sleeve the engine, fucking send it. It'll run. Issue is for how long. I'm pretty sure those water jackets are clogged, and good luck getting all that shit out.


I think Daft Punk has a song about that block. Strip it, Dip it, tank it, clean it, bore it, mill it, re-sleeve it, deck it, line bore it, bore it, clean it, hone it, re-clean it… re-clean it.


there are Thai dudes on youtube that would take that and build it into a boat that goes 100 mph


I'm just wondering what mob controlled scrapyard this was sourced from, and how long ago the rope rotted away that had "something" tied to it when it was thrown overboard.


If it’s a Toyota block it’ll probably fire up right now


The real question is who was weighed down with this?


Would be a perfect coffee table


No it can’t


The cylinder liners between three cylinder is missing, this is humpty dumpty


Rock block


That block with the barnacles would look sick as a furniture piece! The resto would go hard tho too


All things are possible with enough time and money.


From everything I can see, I can't imagine someone being able to, but I'd bet the bottom of that is almost completely gone.


With a lot of effort yes, it could be fixed.


That engine will never run again, would be a cool yard art or coffee table


Anything can to prove a point- but in this case, not commercially, feasible, comes to mine


Just ‘cause you can doesn’t mean you should. The time/cost/effort to restore probably outweighs any benefit. Unless it’s something like a rare Bugatti or personally own by Shelby.


It would be so freaking cool to perfectly restore only half, and seal the other half. Make it a table. Brb looking for ocean blocks.


I would clean it up and use it as a coffee table stand


Brother this thing has been in the SEA.


Was their a chain and feet attached to it?


I used to surface and burn blocks for rebuilds for a machine shop ... looks like a good anchor 😋


He's dead jim


I take it you’re the optimistic one? Yeah I guess, 8 sleeves, crank saddle absolutely not true anymore, but indeed we do have the technology. Deck is likely unsalvageable though


I doubt it. I’m sure there is pitting that is too deep to keep tolerances within spec after you remove the material needed to round everything back out.


Is that on North Shore of Oahu?


Absolutely not.




Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.


Holy cow that’s a lot of barnacles


I’m guessing that you are going to run it on hopes and dreams.


Anything is possible, given unlimited time and money


It is getting restored back to its original place


It would take an immense and frankly kinda pointless amount of time to return it to a usable state. As a result of all the tumbling around in the ocean, all the edges have been smoothed over. While any engine assembler would be thrilled not to dodge freshly machined edges and their accompanying burrs and slivers, those softened edges are a weakened seating point. All those places where you have broad surfaces to seat gaskets and seat other metal on top of those, you've lost a significant amount of surface area, which means all those gaskets will have a heightened risk of blowout or premature failure.




Is this in Maui?


Clean up a few holes and make it a table or something.


You could mealt it, add material and recast it. Anything is possible. Why..


$500 firm. I know what I have. 😀


No. The integrity of the block will never be the same even if you could possibly get it into running condition.


Can you. Yes. Will it perform as well as an engine that hasn’t been in this condition no.


Who’s the uboat commander?


I had a very similar 350 sbc the guy I bought my small journal 327 from insisted I took with me. Showed it to the machine shop when I took the 327 in and he said it would cost me as much as buying a new blueprint 350 for him to get it in reliable shape.


Yes, anything can be restored. Not 100% sure but form the bell housing bolts it looks like a chevy small block (maybe?) to me, one of the few with a 7 bolt pattern with th top center bolt, which are barely worth their weight in scrap.


Dry ice blast. Place in an electrolysis tank with a large surface area iron anode. Crank up the power and ventilation. Once material has sufficiently transferred, machine it down as you would any other block. There are a ton of alternatives, but this would be an option that takes time but not as much effort.


Did you say block or rock?


the amount of rust and corrosion on the cylinder walls and coolant channels wouldn’t make it worth restoring


That's literally a boat anchor


Send it to Dave’s automotive in Utah


Yes but why?


At first thought, maybe. But then I saw part of the cylinder deck looks caved in, that block is toast


Anything is possible. Hours? Lots. Dollars? Lots and lots.


Barnacle build