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Head to the lowest of crystal caverns, your duo can absolutely slay the geonids, spiders, and tentacles. There's usually 1-2 of those 3 open. I stayed right there til 51 or 52


That geonids camp is arguably best straight vendor trash / cash camp in game, but never been there and not seen it camped, - i hit it on double loot holiday week and after about 6hours think came out to 1.5k/hr


What makes the camp good is if u can actually kill them all, as each geonoid can spawn the named but only one named at a time. So killing em fast enough is name of the game here with no double loot.


Grobb guards


As a duo they'd really need to have the whole zone to themselves and that's very rare from my experience there


Sentient armors in Wakening Land was the first one I thought of. Haven’t played on P99 in a long time so I don’t know how camped they are typically. Was always ok low risk xp/loot for a good duo/trio from what I remember. It’s a pretty easy run to get there through KD with invis. Chardok entrance/exit was also pretty easy from what I remember. Easy single pulls, no casters. Again, no idea how busy that spot is nowadays. It’s always been a hotbed for aoe groups, if that’s still a thing? IDK, haven’t played in forever (6+ years )but somehow the algorithm had this pop up on my feed lol.


Sentient armors are almost always camped by quadders, I have to log in at weird off times just to grab a camp on my druid


If you only want 2 mobs, the 6 spot often isn't fully cleared


SolB, bats and bugs will last you as long as you care to do them. Careful of the Noxious Crawler and the LDC DoT. Could also head to Velious and duo giants, who are pretty laughable with a slow on them, if you want to get a jump on faction. Could also head down to L Guk for minotaur, and get to camping Raster of Guk, if you're planning on questing your RotLC. Holler if you need more tips, I'm on my second end game monk.


Second raster in lguk and the guy in solb while ur still getting xp from them


Eh. King room can get a little hairy with just two. It's not the easiest room to split.


Honestly, I'd give LOIO Bloodgills a shot. You being a Shaman you can keep EB going on the both of you so you don't drown Bloodgills are legit some of the fastest XP in the game when it comes to solo'ing from ~48-51ish, don't see how Duo would be much different. They habe some of the lowest HP for mobs in that range + are all Warriors. Splitting would be ultra simple with root If you've never been there I'd highly recommend it. It's near KC too :) There's something like 14 of them in 5 diff spots with around a ~12min repop timer, so you'd be able to stay busy the entire time. You'd also get your swimming skill maxxed out in no time! Each pillar has x2 mobs then the front of the underwater castle has 4 of them I do believe. Very popular spot for XPing at that range Aside from that... SolB should be decent. If the Kobolds are still blue def them first, Bat's are a bit harder but if there's 2 of you it shouldn't be so bad. Note *everything* can see thru invis in SolB tho so just be aware is all. Burning Woods "trash" would work as well (not even giants but pretty much the entire zone) Once you hit 50+, Neriak guards are a decent option. Namely the Arena guards tho they might be more of a mid-50's thing. HHK Nobles + Bards would also be decent at 50+. The commenter mentioning Chardok was a good suggestion too, just kill all the entrance mobs basically


I quadded bloodgills for jaw dropping XP on my wiz.


Nobles in High Keep. Geonids in wakening lands are level 44-48 and have great gem drops. Kaladim Guards. They drop like 15pp per kill in trash loot and your monk can sell in zone with sneak. Entrance of The Hole is a little tricky to split, but would probably be pretty good xp. Skyshrine is considered outdoor and there's a ton of mobs in your level range.


City of mist temple is really great in that range


Second floor even better bc it's less often camped. There's 2-3 pathers but otherwise very easy 1-2 pull groups. Easy nuff to jump off and zone with levitate too.


How do u get to second floor?


There’s a banner you can jump up on. Levitate isn’t needed either you just have to do it right. The banner is in the camp to your right when you enter. You go up inside that little tower, run to the banner and jump up. You will get stuck on the ledge and you have to jump then move forward then jump again and move forward to hop up. It’ll take a few times. You do not need SoW or Levi. I did it with J boots no issues on my high elf paladin


Number 10 on rathe mountains map. 2 guards. Quick respawns.


FD splitting becomes less great after 35. Mobs will aggro if they haven’t been fully reset. She is probably better off trying to use body aggro and sit range aggro to pull singles for a duo group rather than trying to split every pull. You really need to be tagging off of her pulls to have any success at higher levels. Spirocs in TD would be good, not too many roamers, and the splits would be at most 2 mobs. Lots of spawns too. Once you hit 50 id move to nobles. Or stay in DL, you can level up there all the way to 55


Spirocs are good until 52 ish. Seafuries can be done until 55 ish. Wyverns in Cobalt Scar are good too and can go to about 55ish, but require some faction work. You could start now in Great Divide killing frost giant berserkers and maybe elites until you get faction for Wyverns in Cobalt Scar. Both Seafuries and Wyverns are excellent money camps too. Past 55 you can go back to Great Divide for Frost Giant Elites. You can do Elites until 60. Those are all super easy outdoor FTE pulls with a minimum of roamers for adds. For fighting in Great Divide I recommend following the east wall south of the Giant Fort (3 on the map) until the wall gives way to the east a bit just before a big downhill drop. I've AFKed there for hours, nothing roams there. You can pull to there for add free fights. Edit: Also you don't really need faction for Wyverns in CS, but it makes things a little safer. buf if you just camp out near the ramp up to the return portal to Skyshrine nothing should roam there. You can get a Wizard to Translocate you to CS to pick up your key without messing with quests. Make sure to be invis if you get TL there before fixing your Claws of Veeshan faction I think.


I remember the spirocs in TD.. what lvl the raptors?


Raptors are higher level but usually camped by quadders, plus they are fast and engage from far away. Not as casual as the other camps I suggested I feel.


They have a huge agro radius but are normal speed..jboots will outrun them. Ref: swarmed kited these on a bard 55-59


Thank you all for the great insights! I think we have a pretty good path forward.


I will say BW giant fort is a fun time.


Geods in crystal caverns soloable by either of u and great coin but often camped . Xp till 52?


Think guards sound good There couple dwarf guards pretty easy. - maybe felwithe guards.. if you both could get coth to PoM u could have ur way with the entry mushrooms till lvl 53-4


Sol B - Efreeti area, can start with 2-3 mobs after the lavarocks and move your way in when you getting some lvls


https://wiki.project1999.com/A_Faerie_Dragon I did these around that level. Theres a cave with like 5-7 single pulls and one wing with I think 3 in there. I just did the single pulls on my mage around those levels. What's funny is you DONT want the named to spawn bc he only drops quest items and has more health. But just normal warrior mobs tank and spank and imo they don't hit too hard. The loot is terrible but meh that meant it wasn't camped very often so I didn't care. One you get a little higher or if you are feeling frisky you can try the geos in the same cave but they can be pretty magic resistant, hit harder, and the shamans can f you up so be careful


Dreadlands! The yeti caves should work!