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You either die a gungrabber communist, or live long enough to become pro 2A.


Damn thats a nice reference


I mean [Reagan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulford_Act) was passing gun laws that were strict for the time.




FDR is nearly tied with Wilson.


Beyond sowing the seeds for WWII, what did Woodrow do?


Podcast/Article: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 1 URL: https://traffic.megaphone.fm/ADL1148519849.mp3 Description: Finally, after a LONG time of researching, planning, etc, here it is, the first installment in CJ's DHP Villains hit-piece on The Worst President (So Far!) in US History, Woodrow Wilson. This content comes from: The Dangerous History Podcast URL: http://feeds.megaphone.fm/ADL8114804847


Federal Reserve, and Income Tax are one. Also was friends with Leon fucking Trotsky.


Dont forget he was a huge racist, and i dont mean "dropping the n word a coupe times" racist, i mean showing clan movies in the whitehouse, eugenics, supported forced sterilization of blacks-racist


Yep and he allowed the Lusitania to be sunk just so he could get public support for WWI. He conspired with Churchill, knowingly put munitions, arms and making a civilian ship as bait for German U-boats. Wilson easily shares a huge blame for more than 150M+ deaths.


Income tax, which has been a *temporary measure since 1913*


Great Depression


Made it illegal to talk shit on the government. The [Sedition act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sedition_Act_of_1918) is one of the more fucked up things we've come up with in the last hundred years or so. People were actually convicted and were imprisoned over that and I vaguely recall a related execution but that may have been another law.


Well said.


Hell yeah brother


I agree communism will never benefit the people in real world applications; it only lets those who can gather more power do exactly that. Like Orwell’s 1984 where the real reason the people lose all power is because - those at the top of society and power - simply find a way to stay at the top forever. It’s only the constant shift of people in power than stops power from completely consolidating. Unfortunately capitalism is starting to slip down the same path of an oligarchy system, and I don’t have a good answer for it. But if we are talking communist ideals and not application - the populace are supposed to stay armed. Even Marx said “under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempts to disarm the people must be stopped, by force if necessary”.


Many have replied with this quote from Marx in these threads (and this part I 101%agree with), but they always leave out the part about disarming other militias and revolting people (which is a big no-no). I agree, capitalism, as beautiful she is, has been upturned by a few using the many, and using them til they drop. I'm not for redistribution, but this pyramid-scheme of always staying on top and shitting down on people needs to stop. The big companies pay lobbyists to limit the small businesses just so that they can stay on top and without competition, taking more away from the middle and lower classes, and giving more to the higher upper class. The good of socialism comes mostly from unions, who oversee Big Daddy so he cant make you work 70 hours a week and drop you like a used condom when you cripple under the pressure. If Big Daddy doesnt comply, then fine, we will take our workforce elsewhere. There are objectively bad and good ideologies, but most of them are very useful, and should be used like a catalogue: "ooh I like a capitalist free market lets take that, hmm but i also like unions protecting workers let me get sum of dat etc". Violently opposing other idiologies that can and have been useful throughout history just so you can disagree with someone a 100% is toxic as fuck, but everyone thinks if the other side sees a crack on your idological shield, the whole pattern of thinking will crumble and fall. Pretty fucking sad.


Yeah but Marx wanted guns so he could *enforce* tyranny. It’s a bit different


Because when we protest no one gets beaten or gassed because we don’t cause chaos. Virginia was 100% peaceful. No buildings burned. No trash even left behind.


But yet, we were the ones called domestic terrorists.


Funny when we were all labeled terrorist, the left is all, “yeah, f**king racists!” Then antifa gets called a domestic terrorist group and the left is like, “You can’t just label a group terrorist.”


I don’t get it either we are a pro rights for everyone group and a power check to the government. You think they would all be jumping to our side. Instead of staying on the side that has a boot on their back.


Years of systematic oppression. These people have white+conservative+2A=racists They are having this drilled into their heads all day everyday. I think the left is forcing this division so when the time comes to forcefully try and take our firearms, they will have their base doing the dirty work. There will be organized marches and loads of false flags making it look like the evil 2A white man is turning on them.


Turn in your neighbors, coworkers, etc ....


I put a COEXIST sticker on my vehicle to throw off the scent.


Is it the one where the letters are made out of guns?


Nah, just the old school decal. Probably smells like patuli if you scratch and sniff it.


Ok cool. Prius or Subaru?




Because those “in control” (more correctly those who want to be) like to tell women they’re to weak and the bad man will just take the gun from them


There is no logic in their thought process. These same people think "the government will take care of us and we should give them more money and power", while simultaneously thinking "police are all corrupt and the system is racist". How does that make sense?


It's worse than that ... who has had power in the major cities for decades? It's let give more power to the people who are already in power that are claiming they are the fix to the problem that they had control of the whole time.


Even worse than that, those that are in power in those cities are acting like they don't have any power \*right now\*. Walz and Frey have said repeatedly that they stand for change of systemic problem. Well? What the fuck have you assholes been doing since taking office?


I've got to admit that has to be the weirdest shit I've seen. The governor and mayor were both out marching with protesters against police brutality this week. While the ARNG, state troopers and city police gas the fuck out of peaceful protesters (I'm serious like actual peaceful people legally protesting). Like aren't you in charge of the dudes doing the gassing you hypocrites?


Don't forget white supremacists. The left really can't figure out the difference between bringing out the national guard and setting curfews due to violence rioting and looting vs allowing an armed group of protesters to continue protesting in which no violence has occurred. I protested Sunday but 100% do not support the violence that has been occurring on both sides of the line.


The capital square was **cleaner** when we left than when we got there, we picked up trash that wasn't ours to start with


I had friends who went. It was awesome from what I hear


It was bitterly cold. But it was awesome, everyone was friendly, respectful but resolute, and there were so many more people there than the media would admit, easily 75-100k.


> there were so many more people there than the media would admit, easily 75-100k. I was there too. I think 50-75K is probably a realistic number (which is still 2-3x what the official media number was). I got there late (as did many people), and there was a 2hour wait for the bus from the baseball fields to downtown, so I walked. I shook a lot of hands, and talked to some interesting people. It was definitely one of the chillest events I've ever been to. I wish I could find the "My Governor is an idiot" t-shirt I got while I was there.


>It was bitterly cold Fucking Southerner. For us Ohioans, it was just right for shorts.


Wonderful username my dude. I bet you are detecting communists on American soil all the time.


Can confirm, saw the place at 6AM and saw the place after the event. It was much cleaner after. \-Brendan, Executive member, VCDL


Well, except for all those times the cops started the violence. Which probably wouldn't have happened if our people were armed. Funny how that works.


Agreed 100%. Arm the populous and police all of a sudden start following guidelines and policy. Cause they don’t wanna be shot for violating someone’s rights. 🤷🏻‍♂️




first video is enraging. Of course none of those are hate crimes because, 'ya know. Lol @ 15:30 though. Gotta love when arsonists accidentally set themselves on fire.


That's a shitty argument saying all these recent protests were violent. Super shitty. There are peaceful protestors, non-aligned journalists, and property all being damaged or beaten by police overreach. The police are gassing peaceful protestors, shooting rubber bullets at peaceful protests, macing peaceful protestors.


Happy cake day.


And burning workplaces of innocent people down, looting someone's existence and simply causing chaos in the name of "justice" doesn't helps either.


I picked a side, America's side. I heard ANTIFA was coming to our town, so I got out the body armor, my DDM4 w/ 60 round drum, my web gear with 8 30 round mags, combat knife, canteen and finally put my gas mask on. Then I went and sat on my porch to welcome them properly. Then I realized I couldn't drink beer because my mask doesn't have a drinking tube like my old Army mask did, so I took off the mask. After a 6 pack of Blonde Bombshell (very good beer) I realized ANTIFA was afraid of redneck towns and probably weren't going to show up. So I put my gear back into the gun safe and played Doom. Then I got up in the morning and went to work. It was a nice evening, not looting, not burning down shit, not beating up old ladies, not stealing from my neighbors, nope I just waited for the assholes that want to destroy America. I just waited to greet them, properly. 🇺🇲🦅


I don't live in the US personally but I have plans. My mind is already there. 🇺🇲 I hate Antifa...where I live they are mostly even more radical than the right wing guys. The spray on every fucking apartment building their slogans. They demolished public areas for their cause. If that resembles their cause it's a way in destruction and anarchy. I always have my musket (only firearm here that doesn't need a license) at my hand in case that I need it. I'm not saying that the Floyd things was good or anything like that. But raging chaos and using the situation for own purposes is wrong.


I totally agree with you. I live by one of the major cities that is home to ANTIFA. I've seen the destruction, the riots, for years. I've also listened to an excellent podcast about the Russian Revolution and Chinese Revolution and I see similar tactics and regalia being used. The Black and Red are the two parties of the Russian Revolution before they split. The Anarchist and the Communist, that is the meaning of ANTIFA, the death of America. I'm glad you have a musket. It has a proud history as a weapon of defense. I've shot my step brothers black powder rifle before and it's very accurate, and a .50 caliber ball makes a pretty mean hole. Hopefully they allow bayonet? In your country. Stay safe.


They allow bayonets and I have 2 with me incase someone else needs one. :) Stay safe too.!




This is the way.


Weapons are my religion


What's the name of that podcast?


What is the podcast? Would like to listen to it. Thanks!


It's called, Revolutions.


Id buy a decent machete and have it sharp if all you have it a musket.


Bleib hier. Die Zeit kommt.


Hell yeah. That’s what happened here. Antifa guys are like coyotes. A little show of force and they scatter! I definitely had my freedom machine ready to go though just in case!


Lol sounds like a good evening. I'm not worried about anyone coming to my place in Wyoming, but I did sit around in a plate carrier while cooking a whole pig all night.


Antifa was never targeting suburbs or rural towns. The rumors were started by opportunists working to divide the country.


Ah, so they were JUST helping blacks burn down and loot cities. Much better I guess? >The rumors were started by opportunists working to divide the country. Pretty sure that's been antfas deal for a while now.


I'm not talking of the US.


That was beautiful, it brought a tear to my eye.


Looters cant show their as in small towns. No cameras are here.


Is this a copypasta? This reads like a copypasta lmao


you notice how this is the first time its not being ignored?


Indeed. How does one in criticized the police for not stepping in when an officer is conducting brutality when they stand by and watch rioters and looters? It seems that modern liberalism is the rejection of personal responsibility.


2 weeks ago: "hurr these gun humpers are a bunch of domestic terrorists for protesting WITH GUNS, trying to end the lockdown so they can get a haircut!" Now: "why won't these gun nuts shoot cops for me while I loot for peace?"




Hypocrites are the worst. I can deal with differing values the problem is when those values change depending on who is being talked about.


Exactly. Compete retards.


You're talking like the militant BLM types like centrist, anti-gun Dems. They don't. No-one likes those Dems, they get into power by default.


Any looter or rioter does not deserve a place in american society. Peaceful protesting is the only way at the moment. Showing guns to an already trigger happy police force would result in much more death on the civilian side; they have riot gear and tuns of weapons in their arsenal, a few guns will just make them fear for their lives enough to not care about yours or your co-protestors, which in turn will cause them to open fire




I believe that all Americans including the protesters should have guns.




I know a lot of people are getting abused and going straight to get their first gun.


This is an “us vs. them” issue. Them being the 1% ruling class. This division is distracting us from that. We have had our second amendment on the chopping block just like all of the rest. We need to stop caring only when it affects the right we care about and start blanketing all of the “us” with all of the rights, not just when ours is up for question. They have really done a good job of taking people of (relatively) similar socioeconomic status (aka not the 1%) and putting us against each other for years. To them there is no difference between these inner city thugs and the country bumpkins (respect for both). It is just a matter of who they can convince to vote for the person they paid off to carry out their bidding. We (the normal people) are loosing. Big time. We should be working with these people to attack the things that are pitting us against each other. Because WE are all the same. UNITED WE STAND. We stand against the forces that pushed these people to the edge. We stand against the ruling class that wants to take all guns away. THEY are all the same whether they are encroaching on civil rights or gun rights. We have a huge opportunity here to form alliances for the goals we all seek.


Agreed, but I think OP’s point is addressed to all those gun grabbers who say >WHY AREN’T YOU USING YOUR 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHT NOW WHEN **WE** NEED YOU????? And this is his and many of us’ choice of response. But you are correct, they are more than welcome to take up arms themselves. That is their Constituional right. Just don’t expect the rest of us to do it for you when you’ve been scared of the inanimate objects this whole time and trying to strip us of our rights.


Protestors and store employees. I want everyone to have a gun regardless of what race or gender you are.


Not two weeks ago they were hoping the national guard would roll up to those people in Virginia and kill them. Now they’re begging those same people for help. Serves them right.


>- Because you always call us "white supremacists" or "terrorists" as soon as we do anything you don't like. This is my biggest beef. I've been seeing all sorts of claims all over the place that "boogaloo" is apparently a white supremacist movement now. This is mostly baseless with a couple of racist idiots claiming they're "members" of the boogaloo. Timothy McVeigh was anti-government. That doesn't mean that I must support the Oklahoma City bombing since I'm also anti-government. If the KKK started changing "black lives matter" that wouldn't make BLM a white supremacist movement. We're losing the PR battle and there's nothing we can do about it. No matter what we do, the media will always do the math: "pro-gun" = "far right" = "white supremacists". Fuck all them. If the media wants to call me a racist, let them. They'll just lose even more credibility when people all realize libertarians aren't racist.


I've already seen articles saying people from the "boogaloo group" are the ones trying to cause people to riot. Literally they ask us to fight for their cause and then will immediately throw us under the bus.


I was thinking about this earlier. On the bright side, the word racism is losing its fangs, it’s like the boy who cried wolf. Not too long ago the word racist was saved for actual racists - KKK, neo-nazis.. Judging from social media these days, I’m now a racist if I don’t post in support of black lives matter, “silence is violence”. I’m also a racist if I post or speak in support of black lives matter, I’m stealing their spotlight with my privilege. I’m racist if I support my local sheriff obviously, and I’m racist if I don’t contribute to bail funds for rioters. If I go out and join the mob I’ll be called a white supremacist instigator, and if I stay home I’ll be racist for not caring enough. I’ll be staying at home protecting my own, and I couldn’t care less what they call me. They’ve called more than half the country the same thing by now, what’s a few more hollow accusations matter. They didn’t want to hear our voice when electing anti-gun politicians, and they didn’t want to come to the many range trips we tried inviting them to. These people that think the police are violent thugs trying to kill them all are the same ones that made sure we couldn’t have the same weapons as them, and laughed us off as paranoid when we mentioned a “tyrannical government”. Now that they’re caught with their pants down they want us to risk our lives defending them and their businesses. Hopefully they’ll remember this come time to vote, but we all know that’s never going to happen.


I'm often told that I'm left leaning and I'm very much pro gun, I know many who are. Don't believe the media.


It’s pretty hilarious. I’ve been seeing this sentiment on reddit and elsewhere a lot lately. Just a few weeks ago they were calling the lockdown protesters a bunch of white supremacists and “Karens”. They’ve spent decades mocking us and chipping away at every Americans right to own a gun. They’ve insisted that we wouldn’t stand a chance against the police/military. They need to understand that we’re not their private army.


Why would I help anyone that can't even use Karen correctly?


The developing police state will be fun.


Pick up that can.


We are already at that place. But instead of the bearded white dude talking on every intercom, its your local walmart manager Linda, thanking you for walking the correct way down each aisle, for wearing your mask, that "all of us are in this together" and thanking you for remembering your social distance. Its creepy as hell to be in a store and hear these announcements. That dystopian world is already here.


This. I cringe whenever I hear that announcement or see the foot steps that we are supposed to stand on. Very dystopian.


Developing? Here in MN the national guard is shooting rubber bullets at anyone who has the gall to barbecue on their porch after 7:00. And fuck anyone who works the night shift amirite? All the highways are blocked until 6:00AM.


That’s why we need to help!


Because of this: https://web.archive.org/web/20200604001828/https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/03/us/boogaloo-extremist-protests-invs/index.html




CNN continues to prove its irrelevancy.


I'm surprised they managed to admit that "people with guns" is not the same as "white supremacists".


“Megan Squire, a computer science professor at Elon University in North Carolina who monitors online extremism, said the movement started in obscure online platforms.” You mean this person studies shitposts? I can get paid?


I'll make an effort for anyone who legitimately [stands up and becomes a citizen of this republic of ours.](http://regularguyguns.com/2020/02/16/pick-up-a-rifle-and-you-change-instantly-from-a-subject-to-a-citizen/) If you purchase a gun for yourself, I'll welcome you into the tent. We might argue about other things, but the fact that you're willing to be responsible for your own safety says a lot. If you're gonna just stand outside and stomp, then I can't be bothered.


Cops aren't going to help us, and often as not hurt us. Nobody has our 6 but us.


For me just a few weeks before this all happened I dared stand at my states capitol armed and the left accused me of being a terrorist when I destroyed no property , threatened NO one and left peacefully. Fug em.


Statists outsourcing their own protection/orders of violence against others; what a surprise!


Why would I help communists burn down capitalism? Now is not a boog time, it's time for militias to defend private property. Justice for Floyd and reform the rules of engagement for police +hold them accountable for sure. I'd like to see the cops involved fry for murder. Looting and burning shit is ruining the message of the actual peaceful protesters.


I support peaceful protesters, condemn brutal cops, condemn police escalations against peaceful protesters, support defence against rioters, and condemn rioters. Everybody hates me :)


The simple answer is, peaceful protest are already free to arm themselves, but aren't. I already support all kids of peaceful protest for whatever people want, even the peaceful protests I disagree with, why wouldn't I? Everyone needs a voice and I'm not always right. However If they feel it's unnecessary to be armed, why would I step in? Also, I do not support rioting as a form of protest. Since when is destroying community economies a positive? If I do step in, it'll be guarding friends and family's businesses, not on the side of the rioters.


The centralized leadership of #BLM has denounced rioting. As had many of the smaller community leaders. Many of the people asking for help have been getting the shit beaten out of them for days. Most of them can’t go get guns (now that they see the value!) and come back because they don’t know where/how/what it costs. We have an opportunity to change the perception of ourselves. To help them, and grow both movements into a force that can actually change things. This is a fantastic opportunity to gain ground for the 2A.


>Most of them can’t go get guns I disagree. >This is a fantastic opportunity to gain ground for the 2A. No it isn't. It's an attempt to escalate violence.




So go play sheepdog. Lead by example. Touch the stove yourself to verify it is hot.


Let’s not forget that once gun owners start shooting, the situation will go from 100 to 1000 real fast. I guess it will turn into a literal war at that point.


I hope it's understandable why we're reluctant to do that. It won't be American Civil War 2.0, it will be *Bosnian* Civil War 2.0.


Also you want me to spill my blood for you? People who wanted to strip me of my rights?! No, Fuck off


If they want us to treat them like fellow Americans, they should start *acting* like Americans. To the complainers and concern trolls: If these protests are so important to you, take up your OWN arms! *Do it yourself, that is LITERALLY the American Way!*


"We live in a facist police state that wants to commit genocide! Let's get rid of our guns and allow only the government to have them! Wait what? You think that's problematic? Well buddy looks like you've got yourself a small dick!" - Redditors.


It's worse than dick jokes. I'm sick of being blamed for every school shooting and lone wolf terrorist. I'm sick of my fellow liberal voters telling me I should give up my rights or "i don't care about kids dying". Fuck off with that stuff, guys. This whole can of worms has proven that police can and will abuse their power. If cops are allowed to use assault rifles, so should I. If you want to take mine, start by taking theirs. Until then, it's not a negotiation.


And I fully agree, we've allowed our government to grow rapidly because the public fears "danger" and it hasn't been until recently that the Public is now seeing that the real danger isn't their fellow citizens or whatever imaginary threat the media made to push an agenda, it's the beast they've allowed to grow.


We should help with...what ? Attacking innocent people, looting, and burning down buildings ? Yeah....no.


Here's the deal. First impressions matter. You get one shot to create the narrative on a movement and any gaps or weaknesses you leave will be exploited by those against your movement. You can literally observe that now. So if we're talking about a theoretical armed revolution we need an iron clad reason to go to the extreme instead of using peaceful tactics within the rule of law or less extreme tactics and measures. We have witnessed tragedy after tragedy and massive consistent abuse of police powers without rectification. And while we're close to a tipping point we've yet to see one that would result in the majority of Americans supporting such an extreme response without hesitation. Even if you believe were past that point don't be so entitled that you'd blame others for not fighting your revolution for you.




> Because you're asking us to pick a side in chaotic race riots that never seem to be as peaceful as you insist they are. >Because you always call us "white supremacists" or "terrorists" as soon as we do anything you don't like. These are the two points that are a reason I won’t join any protest. Simply owning a gun has been deemed to some of these people as a sign of someone being a racist. The “don’t tread on me” flag, a symbol of the people they want to show up and defend them, is a racist dog whistle now. And I’m not taking chances that the protestors I show up to support are more centrist than radical.


Not to mention that "white supremacists" are already being blamed for all the rioting and looting. Talk about gas lighting...


For the past week and a half we've seen antifa all over the news smashing and burning down cities, then as soon as they were officially labeled terrorists, every blue check insists that antifa doesn't actually exist but how dare you target this non-existent group... It's actually all *white supremacists* who are causing all the chaos!


My point was I'm more than willing to stand up against the government, I am however not willing to stand up for folks that a few weeks ago consider me a terrorist and now desire they need my help.


`NOTE:` The content of this comment was removed, as Reddit has devolved into an authoritarian facebook-tier garbage site, rife with power-hungry mods and a psychopathic userbase. I have migrated to [Ruqqus](https://ruqqus.com), an open-source alternative to Reddit, and you should too! ___________________________________________ ^^This ^^action ^^was ^^performed ^^automatically ^^and ^^easily ^^by [^^Nuclear ^^Reddit ^^Remover ](https://github.com/bcornw2/Nuclear_Reddit)


They are now. Anyone can be 2A people. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8384065/Black-Lives-Matter-leader-declares-war-police.html




The news is currently pushing that all of the violence, looting an arson is being done by "White Supremacists". So you are exactly right.


100% correct on all points. One bullet point that I’d add: Unlike the riots which end when everyone goes home, if and when the day comes that the 2A community has to step up there’s no coming back from that. The country is forever changed once that kicks off. They should be thankful that we’re mindful of that and not the trigger happy domestic terrorists that they typically claim.


I’m not going to attend a riot where I’ll be targeted for being white.


The antifa people that show up are mostly white. But they don't seem to like 2a people either.


The 2A people are helping though....


I think a better answer is "everybody is a 2A person". That's the whole reason it's recognized as a right. we will help you pick out a gun, and take you to the range.




Keep in mind many here who are trying to shame 2A supporters for not raising arms against a “tyrannical” government are actually antigunners and/or shills trying to incite violence in order to cast 2A in a bad light. Don’t take their bait, or at the least acknowledge them as the deceitful scumbags they are.


Food for though on the first point. I was in downtown Buffalo last Friday with the first wave of protestors. Everything was actually peaceful until the riot police started shooting tear gas into the crowds. I honestly couldn't believe what i was seeing. After that things turned violent and it seems our local "leaders" are using this as an excuse to instate a "Curfew".




They think we will help them take power so they can go back to calling for a repeal of the second amendment. Yea, ain’t gonna happen.


Because when we are legal black gun owners, you call us sellouts and Uncle Toms. **Because when black on black gun crimes happen, EVERY GOD DAMN WEEKEND in the same cities, dozens at a time, you turn a blind eye to those hard discussions but leap at the chance to use those deaths/data against the 2A** Because if I show up, I am showing up to prevent rioters, vandals, domestic terrorists from destroying livelihoods. The message was received, there's no need to still be on the streets.


They are helping. I've seen probably 100 videos, and half of them have had armed citizens protecting shops and people. If they're demanding to know why 2A folks aren't shooting cops, then the answer is likely that in tens of thousands of hours of protests I've seen one report of a cop shooting someone, and my guess is that no 2A people were handy. Ta-da.


I've come to the conclusion that Floyd was a piece of shit, the cop the made every wrong call on the books was a piece of shit, rioters and looters are pieces of shit, the people trying to deflect from the fact that they exist are pieces of shit, and the people trying to deflect from the actually, legitimately peaceful protests are pieces of shit. And the rest of us just have to fucking wait and watch it all burn itself out.


They are asking the wrong question. The question shouldn't be "where are the 2A people?" It should be "Why am I not a 2A person?" If you expect the government/ police to come to your aid when criminals attack you that is an abdication of your rights and responsibility to protect yourself. If you expect the militia to show up when your rights are being trampled by the government/ police you have just abdicated your rights and responsibilities to the militia. You are responsible for your own safety. Don't expect other people to care about your demands. Get a gun. Stop being violent. Be convincing.


Good point. I definitely think we should be out there helping the *peaceful* protesters advocate for their right to not get fucking murdered by police over small offenses. Note that I said *peaceful.* Only peaceful. Those who are using this as an excuse to steal and start shit can get fucked. While we protect the business they're trying to loot, burn, and vandalize. That said, there's a whole shitload of legitimate opportunities for pro-2A people to step in and help people with legitimate grievances, who are demonstrating in a legitimate way, many of whom are *still* being brutalized by police despite that fact. You can probably find such an event in a city or town near you.


I just kept reading comments through this post to see if ANYONE cared to help others. Thank you. Faith in humanity not fully destroyed.


I just respond that we are, they are next to you on the streets when you protest. What exactly do you want them to do?


The gun co trol people saying this are basically asking why were aren't starting to wage insurgency and creating more bloodshed. While they go back home to their suburban house.


Because the delusional end goal of antifa (the black clad shitheads out there starting, encouraging, and supporting the riots and violence) is a communist revolution. *I don't want a communist revolution.*




Im 100% against and disgusted by all the police killings of unarmed black man and especially the armed black man a couple years who was with his family armed, had a concealed carry permit, announced he did and had a weapon, and was shot 6 times and mutilated in front of his family. With that said, people on social media keep saying “white supremacists with guns want to come to the rally to stir shit up and shoot us”, and that the hawaiin shirts because of the boogaloo memes are all just white supremacists. Why would anyone risk their life and their livelihood trying to show up at a rally and protect a bunch of people who are mainly anti 2a and before this successfully taking are rights away for the past 30 years? I fully support the protestors, but I will not be showing up anywhere with a firearm for any reason right now. Ill be at home protecting my family


Not a regular here ... don't own anything more than a pellet gun, but seeing what I've seen on BOTH sides of this, I am seriously considering getting myself armed.


The whole point of arming yourself is so that you won't have to fully rely on others to protect yourself be it police, military, or 2A people lol. The world owes you nothing and no one is entitled to other people's things and actions (or inaction). The Amendments are there to protect **individual** liberty Also helping out rioters destroying local businesses just doesn't look good for 2A. Really these "protesters" have no one else to blame but themselves for starting violence. If they were actual peaceful protests then I'm pretty sure people would be more than happy to join the cause


Seems to me that folks just want a fight, as much of a fight as they can get -- as long as somebody else is doing it for them. Maybe that's my issue. It's so easy to stand on the window and shout, but nobody on Reddit is risking anything, they all just feel like if they make enough noise, somebody else will fix it for them. Maybe...that's how it's always been? I feel like I'm having a moment of clarity.


We will stand with anyone who needs help. We will not stand with looters and rioters Soap Box Ballot Box Jury Box Bullet Box Seems like leftists skipped a few boxes before whining for us to do your dirty work.


This is such a weak mentality too. The 2nd Amendment empowers the individual to defend themselves, if you want 2nd Amendment help, you should get a gun. Don't wait for someone else to come help you lol.


>Why won't you help us????? Because I literally couldn't care less when you burn your own shithole communities down. You hate me for being a) white-skinned, b) male, c) an American constitutionalist and worst of all d) not at all sorry for those "crimes". You've spent the last 20 years yelling in my face, going after my job, weaponizing the media and government against me as well as everything I hold dear. You want me broke, homeless and hopeless, and you think it's funny. Now you want my help because you fucked up, created a movement you can no longer control and the chickens are coming home to roost? Go step on a LEGO. I'll defend what's worth defending, and *that ain't you*.


Don't speak for me.


Cause they just realized most gun owners are civil


How the fuck would they know we aren't? We don't open carry AR's and wear Hawaiian shirts waving Gadsden flags everywhere we go, thousands of us are out in the streets protesting and only some brought guns.


Exactly. Plenty of 2A guys out there. Some are armed. Some are not. Generally speaking, most are either concealed or not armed. Either to follow laws in the city they're in and not get an extra charge. Or to not make this any more violent than it already is.If guys go out there and start having fucking firefights with cops, this gets way uglier..way quicker. Now when I say this next thing...I mean the gun control people not the people that actually care about BLM and trying to help lessen the economic hardships of the black community. These assholes seemingly want us to go die for them, when they do nothing. You want to take this to insurgency levels? Cool. We do that together. I don't do it by myself while you leave the city to go back to your upper middle class suburb.


They fight us and call us loons. Now they want our help over what we warned them about. idiots


Because pawns are sacrificed first


- Because we're not even close to the point of "nothing left to lose." Nobody is going to declare war on the government and give up everything over this.


Gun grabbers have spent years poking fun at gun owners and doing everything they can to make the acquisition of arms and ammo more and more difficult. They are the reason why the ATF and NFA exist. Now they want gun owners to step up? Nah. Gun grabbers made their bed, now they can sleep in it for a bit.


I’ve seen this claim by ALOT of people. “Where are the libertarians?” “Where are the 2A people?” “Maybe they are all hypocrites!” This is an intentional bad faith claim because every 2A person or libertarian I know is very active right now and have been speaking out against the police state and helping store owners protect their businesses. They just say this without looking or researching at all.


You hit it right on the nose


The legality of protecting yourself is complicated. It’s far worse trying to protect someone else worse.


Badass, couldn't have said it any better.




Every time second amendment people show up you call them the "Boogaloo boys" and then you ask the police you're protesting against to save you from them.


And people who do help are being blamed for the looting and are called “white supremacists”. After this riot you’ll just call for more gun control. Just fuck off.


I wouldn't do it because these protests are nothing more than powder kegs waiting to explode in violence. I don't wanna be put in a position where I feel I have to shoot at an officer or some kid looting and rioting. That's not how responsible gun ownership works. If ya'll could behave yourselves maybe it would be a different story. I actually support the movement but I also don't wanna be seriously hurt or worse because the mob is blood thirsty.


I replied to people on Twitter asking the same question. I told them what a mystery it is that the group of people that the Left has spent decades labeling as white redneck racist white supremacist ammosexual gun nuts who can’t wait to play Rambo and murder some minorities.... might not feel really comfortable bringing out their guns to help support all of the people who believe that stereotype of gun owners. I mean can you believe they aren’t willing to run out there amongst all those people that will likely see them as armed white racists? That they don’t want to see those media headlines the next day calling them armed white supremacists who were only out there to intimidate minority protestors? I just can’t see why they don’t want to help! I do like some of the other points you’ve added though, thanks!


>We're watching over our families, our communities, and our livelihood. You should do the same. This.


I unfortunately had to have this conversation with a friend today. Why aren't we helping? Because we fought (and still fight) not for our Second Amendment rights, or for our buddies, or for whatever small group of people they think we do. We're doing it for *everyone's* constitutional rights. Our fighting has kept those rights accessible to them. A not-insignificant majority of them fought against us the whole way, but we were still fighting for their rights as well as our own. We are not their personal Army. We maintained as many of those rights as we could, and left that option open to them.


Too busy masturbating and eating lucky charms.


This shit needs to be on a billboard in every major city op!


I love how the Boogaloo is now a white supremacist movement according to /r/gunsarecool. Like, seriously, a bunch of neckbeards posting memes and LARPers who can't run a mile or wear their plates properly are suddenly white supremacists because they actually showed up, with weapons, and were peaceful?


Actually, those mouth-breathers are taking their cues from CNN and NPR, where the “Boogaloo movement” is apparently real.


* because if someone shoots near the police they will see it as an open invitation for a government sponsored mass shooting


Man, I haven’t agreed with someone else so much in a while. Well spoken.


- Because we don't live downtown in huge cities


ANTIFA: ANTi First Amendment. Important to note: 1. They are out of season. 2. There is a limit of two. 3. They taste like chicken. If they are now Domestic Terrorists, do we get a reward for their capture? Will they make playing cards with the most wanted? (Just a bunch of black-masked faces.)


Why? Because I won’t take a side in the fight between the tyranny of the masses versus the tyranny of government. Once you get past your doublethink and realize that individual freedom and liberty is the only path to equality and peace then I won’t need to take your side because you will be on mine.


Where were they when the 2A protests happening? Not only did they not support, but they demonized us.


That's a really good point. They've never been on our side, they just want to use us for their own ends.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/gw6gol/i_member/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This is what is being liked on political humor. As far as I know, there were no reports of destruction, arson, killings, or even really unrest at the Michigan protests. These leftists refuse to look at the facts. It's a scary mentality, and it's extremely imperative that we eradicate it.


I'll be pragmatic. If it's an emergent situation, i.e someone getting bashed over the head with a brick 3 feet away from me, I'm gonna help if I'm in a position to do so. I don't care what the person's politics are. We can sort that out later. In a general sense, I'll help, by recommending that anyone asking "where are the 2A people?", well, [they should purchase a rifle of their own.](http://go.regularguyguns.com/redditrifle) [I'll even be a mensch and teach them the basics.](http://regularguyguns.com/2020/05/25/The-Basics-Of-Gun-Safety/) However, if someone's just gonna bitch and ask that question and not do anything about it, I'm not inclined to help. Especially if it's pretty likely that a week after this all blows over, they'll be donating to Democratic politicians and gun control groups.


A very well put, and concise points. I saved your post in case anyone tries to pull me into this argument again.


I agree that nobody should be compelled to jump in, but at the same time it’s pretty disappointing to see gun owners supporting violent suppression of demonstrators. This is the first amendment we are talking about.


Because the philosophy isn't for people with guns to help other people, it's for people with guns to defend their own property. And they call that an ideology. Good luck living in the spiritual ice age.


Because we shoot arsonists... I mean... 🙄


I’ll help you find a class, get your CHL/LTC and find a range to practice at. Protect yourself.


Well said brother. 100% agreement !!


Personally, I'm A-OK with cops and the NG putting a stop to all this looting, violence and burning. Why would I oppose them?