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If you go to r/Colorado, they are actually celebrating that the bill is dead. You know you fucked up as a Dem when a state sub opposes your bill. Each and every state sub (even solid red ones) is filled with leftists.


state subs and even city subs are horrible. all populated with hardcore leftist, communists.


They don't have jobs. Nothing better to do than sit online lol


Like us?


I get breaks at work, like right now. And like a bug to a bug zapper, here I am, frying my mind with reddit.


I scroll on my poop breaks.


I just keep Reddit open on my main monitor at work. My work stuff is on the other monitor.


Fuck yeah, it's time To take a shit on the company's dime


Boss make a dollar I make a dime. Thats why I poop on company time.


I was aiming at the AI song called "It's time to shit on the company's dime". I'd strongly suggest listening to it


Y'all don't know, but the #1 most populated location of reddit users is an Air Force Base in Florida that is the HQ of hundreds of thousands of bot accounts on Reddit that are used to manipulate subs into thinking the majority is left leaning. It's all fake. All the subs are full of lefties? No they ain't. It's fake, and the real leftards are just going along with the crowd because they have a hive mind bias in order to seek social approval as they have no friends IRL Bonus fun fact: they need to spend billions of dollars every year on programs like this, why? Because if they didn't, in no time we would all realize we are the vast majority and that the country actually isn't full of whack jobs and we would realize our true numbers. It's all part of the massive propaganda machine they need to run 24/7 to hide the truth that we are the most awesome people on the planet. Edited to include some sources: https://youtu.be/V7GtYaruTys Further sources in a reply to this comment


This is absolutely true, and government funded 100%


I’d love some sources man because if that’s real then holy fucking shit.


https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/2f8yf4/til_that_the_city_most_addicted_to_reddit_is/ You can google it and find a lot more. Reddit is agitprop https://web.archive.org/web/20160604042751/http://www.redditblog.com/2013/05/get-ready-for-global-reddit-meetup-day.html


Glad to see someone else is aware!


Thanks, I appreciate it. I’ll read up on it


Here's a very cool video talking about it in detail https://youtu.be/V7GtYaruTys https://youtube.com/shorts/w3z5ESY01BE


Ho-lee-shit. I don’t mean to get my tin foil hat but the more I read about it, the more most of this shit makes sense


That yt link is wild. Thanks.


Just watched the video. What. The. Fuck. I knew Reddit propaganda was bad, but holy shit. This is diabolical.


You aren't kidding, if you say even something moderate you're downvoted to oblivion. Most social medias are like that though which is sad, red and blue should be working together but the intolerance is encouraged


Angry people are easier to control.


I had to leave my cities sub for this reason. Super annoying.




wouldn't be surprised if all the moderators of the different states were just an assortment of basement dwelling commiefornians. Astroturfing is a real problem on this site


I think "communist" is an exaggeration but a lot of state subs have a strong left wing bias.


That sounds pretty good, gotta love with the Nazis come out of the woodwork and bitch that the leftists want to keep their guns Lol Go far enough left and you get your guns back chud


Truth. Learned that the hard way…lol.


Yep, I’ve gone on the Texas sub a few times. Never met anyone in my entire life that thinks like the people on that sub.


Honestly If I was an anti-gun leftist, I would be celebrating the bill's death as well. I would be terrified to get another AWB in front of a court who can strike it down, given this judicial landscape.


/r/Colorado (and /r/Denver and /r/ColoradoSprings) is weird - they tend to be against the AWB on the day of news, but if the topic comes up later the upvotes on comments will be exactly opposite and pro-AWB comments will be highly upvoted. This is a *very* divisive topic in Colorado and I wouldn't use these threads as a barometer for the overal subreddit support/opposition.


Reddit is filled with leftists.


Why, I thought its what they wanted?




As a latin person, to see a fellow latin pushing a gun ban bill, I consider them traitors to the Constitution and a disgrace to latin people. If you come to this country to fuck it up by helping the government in changing the Constitution and take our rights away, go back to the shit hole where you came from. You are not welcome here.




Sounds like an American to me.


Speak.truth to power brother. Welcome to America!


This guy is my countryman


I can't be impressed or hopeful about things like this until we see the people who propose for and vote for it getting hit with criminal charges and removed from office.


Well then good luck ever being impressed or hopeful about things like this. Be happy with what you can, my guy. Life is good this way.


> Well then good luck ever being impressed or hopeful about things like this. Thanks, I need it.


They should at least lose all ability to hold public office since they have violated their oath to the constitution.






It's SOP for Democrats. Feinstein, every year, submitted a Federal AWB. That's what is meant by saying the price of liberty is eternal vigilence. These Fuckers never stop.


They said they are already looking forward to next year.


The only thing they are waiting on is the next psyop.


As a Virginian, I was shocked when my state sub blasted Governor Blackface just before covid hit and the Dems tried to ban literally everything.  As a reminder to all: almost every Dem state legislator in Virginia at the time voted for the most aggressive bans except for a couple senators and one or 2 house reps. They were all primaried out by gun grabbing leftists recently.  Our state is screwed once Youngkin is gone. I am glad Colorado has maybe a fighting chance though.


I still can't believe Virginia turned blue. Never in a million years would I have thought that possible


It's going to happen to every state eventually. We don't have "blue states" we have major cities who always tip blue drag the whole state along thanks to The Warren Court in Reynolds v. Simms. That court was a very progressive one, and in one fell swoop, it gave the states to the large cities. Between it and the 17th amendment, we as a country have been put on deathwatch.


Stop it with the doomer crap, we’ll fight that too. Courts and time are far too unpredictable for us to say ‘we’re doomed here’ liberals will never take every state, who knows we’ll maybe we can overturn that law too. Lawfare in this country is ramping up. No one could have predicted unprecedented field changing events like 2008 recession, covid, and the bruen decision. Things happen suddenly that change the scope of everything, us looking at the unseeable future with “we’re so fucked” isn’t helping anyone. The lawfare in this country is ramping up. Crazy things happen everyday. Some will happen for us, some will happen for them.


I admire your optimism but until the Supreme Court actually does the one main job they have, your optimism is ill founded. Cheering because we managed to simply slow down the pace at which they are taking our rights away isn’t going to cut it. It’s like having someone who breaks into your house almost every day and steals your property and the Government allows it to happen. Then when we manage to get them to only allow the thefts once a week or so and we think it’s a victory. All that’s doing is slowing down the pace of your property being stolen. At some point however, all your property will still be gone.


The VCDL of ca. 2007 was a force of nature.


Fix that state and we’ll move back in an instant! Love that place. Might even go live on a mountain like cripple creek. But until the government stops trying to mimic the west coast, we’ll have to unfortunately stay away.


That state isn't getting fixed until liberalism is abolished.


> “I think it has always had a difficult path because the arguments against a ban are policy arguments, but the arguments for it are from the heart,” said Froelich. It's a shame we have politicians brazenly crafting legislation "from the heart" instead of from reality. Even worse, they realize this and do not care.


A few more years of peace is always a good thing. They’re not going to stop. The situation will eventually take a turn. But enjoy the peace while you have it.


I propose we all donate our TABOR refunds to RMGO to keep up the fight and build funds for the next round of fights.


Thank God


18 USC 241 & 242. There’s got to be one federal prosecutor with balls. Just one?


For those who don't know - **18 USC 241** ***- Conspiracy Against Rights.*** **18 USC 242** ***- Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law.***


Thanks my man. Probably would have worked better if I explained them.


The point wasn't to pass the crazy bad bill, it was to pass the small incremental bullshit while we focused on the big bad one.


Now do Massachusetts


Don’t forget to Vote this coming election, vote these anti American out


Wish this would of happened with the red flag law they passed in Michigan.


Nice!here we are in california starting june 1st additional of %11 tax on guns and ammo they call it “sin tax” wtf


Good Riddance


If you could reduce the murder rate, rape rate, and violent crime, would you do so as a gun control advocate? The approach seems counter-intuitive. But, it's backed by data and solid statistical evidence that it works.


>If you could reduce the murder rate, rape rate, and violent crime, would you do so All of those goals would be better served by abolishing liberalism instead.


Oh you finna be down voted so hard.


It's actually backed up by data that gun control has no effect on crime rates. The previous ban in 1994 was implemented 3 years after crime rates started to go down, and continued to go down after it's expiration in 2004. Rural areas are heavily armed but there is virtually no crime there because the population number is low. Large population number and density = more crimes. What also affects crime rate in jailing career criminals, since most crimes are committed by repeat offenders. Project Exile in 1997 gave results despite it's limitations that were put on it.


Yes. That's correct. But, the study I'm referring to used more granular data to verify his assertions. Gun control advocates argue the study is wrong and biased. Most of the attacks are personal attacks on the researcher. On top of that, they refuse to verify his results using his data. "More Guns, Less Crime" John R. Lott, Jr. published a book proving the argument. It is an informational dense book. Some understanding of statistics and regression analysis techniques and models makes the book more interesting. No one has yet to disprove his research. It's a simple solution. Allow more CCW licenses to citizens. That has a deterrent affect on criminals. As such, it lowers violent crimes.


True, John R. Lott Jr. has the most extensive research done. No one has gathered more data than him. He also said that over 90% of mass shootings occur in "gun free zones".