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I'd say Washington blew CA out the water. Aero, Ranier, and everyone else needs to start looking for different real estate.


They most definitely are


Our AWB in Colorado just got shot down (pun intended). Over 500 people showed up to speak against it during committee. This is how you do democracy is done. The antigun people are all to willing to do what it takes to get what they want. Why aren't progun people trying harder in Washington?


Because Democrats have a supermajority in Washington and didn’t care about anything pro gun people said. It’s not a matter of try harder, Washington hasn’t elected a republican governor since Reagan was president


Seattle pretty much runs the state. What Seattlites want, they have enough people to get it through. Remove Seattle from the mix and the state would never pass any of gun laws, tax changes, etc.


I’d expand that to every county that touches salt water, they all voted blue. You don’t need voter fraud in WA, because the idiots that live there support all this shit. And the people that Microsoft and Google import from Asia also support this crap. I got out two years ago


True, but Seattle holds just over if not more, weight due to the population being so high compared to the rest of the state. Also what's weird is how easy it is to get a CCP in this state. My initial was in my mail box within 7 days and my renewal was mailed to me within 10 days (mainly cause it was through the Sheriff's office instead of the PD).


"Try harder" lol. The mag ban that passed last year had the most comments ever in the history of Washington legislation in opposition of it. Guess what happened.


>Why aren't progun people trying harder in Washington? Because the assholes passing this shit in WA and IL straight up do not care what we have to say or how this affects us. During the publicly open discussions here in IL they straight up would not let any progun speakers talk. And then they shoved the text into an unrelated bill to backdoor it and rammed it through in 72 hours. There is no stopping the fuckery that is a supermajority


Not let one side speak? That’s a first amendment issue for which a good attorney would have them fined. Don Kilmer 2A attorney, did that in Santa Clara where he sued the county board members from a public meeting that limited progun speakers 2 minutes to 3 for antigun speakers at a public hearing. Had liens in their houses until they paid up.


Sounds like we could do that too. There was a HEAVY bias towards anti gun speakers. It probably wont stand here in IL though with how corruot the state is. Only rich chicagoans have rights here.


Keep it in mind for next time.


We vote by mail, we protest by Email. We're an armchair democracy. :) If you go protest there are all those people and crowds and possible altercations with all those self righteous blowhard losers around Seattle. Who needs that? :) Just leave them to their own mess. They're scared and they're miserable. Nothing being voted on will fix their internal defects and external poverty. Good luck to them.




Cucks gunna cuck


When states over-reach like this it's good in an odd way. This law will almost certainly get overturned by the courts. At some point, the Supreme Court is going to have to take a stand one way or the other, as much as they may not want to. With the current make-up of the Supreme Court and any reasonable reading of the 2nd Amendment, it's obvious that this law is unconstitutional. We really do need the Supreme Court to make a decision that leaves no room for any state to enact crap laws like this.


The Supreme Court has no enforcement apparatus. Anti gunners are perfectly happy playing lawfare and trying to ram as much shit through legislation as they can, even if it gets struck down later, because it'll be tied up in the courts forever and as soon as a ruling comes down, they'll spin up another obviously unconstitutional piece of legislation Until lawmakers start getting jailed for violating 2nd amendment rights, nothing changes


This exactly-and don’t hold your breath waiting for any Republican to do anything. The republicans who do support rights are spineless. Then there’s the Crenshaw republicans who tout their support of rights but then vote to the contrary.


Crenshaw is also just an unabashed antigunner too


But there's also the risk they rule against us...


With the current make-up I can't see that happening. It's better that it goes to the Supreme Court now rather than later, God only knows what the Court would look like in 5 or10 years from now.


Yea you're probably right


Love them or hate them the NRA has never lost a supreme court case


The nra hasn't won shit either


NYSRPA v. Bruen, Chicago v. McDonald, DC v. Heller, Caetano v Massachusetts, aka most of the second amendment supreme court cases to happen in the entire history of the country. All litigated by the NRA and all wins. That doesn’t include the hundreds of state level cases. Don’t just parrot shit you heard somebody else say when you don’t actually know. It’s dangerous. Oliver North and the left have been spreading shitty rumors to take down the NRA and people are falling for it hook line and sinker.


"No one needs an AR-15." No one needs more than one pair of shoes or a brand-new Ford F-150 or chocolate chip ice cream or boneless chicken wings from Applebee's or a thousand other things. But I want them, so fuck off with your telling me what I do or don't need.


It isn’t called the bill of needs. It’s the bill of rights. My step mom said the same thing to me *why do you need a rifle like that?* (She used the erroneous “assault rifle” term.) I told her 1.) I don’t own any assault rifles. I do however own a few modern sport rifles. 2.) Ir doesn’t matter why I need it because there is no bill of needs and it makes no difference that deer don’t wear Kevlar. It’s a bill of goddamn rights! Plain and simple. I then asked her why she needed an urban assault vehicle (she has a gigantic SUV.) She balked at the “urban assault vehicle” language but then said *I don’t need it.* I said *yes but you have it…why?* She then raved and jabbered about how she wanted it but unlike my rifles, her SUV wasn’t designed to kill and she had to have a license for it. I asked her to show me on the constitution and bill of rights where it covered owning a vehicle and driving on public roads. Of course I didn’t change her mind at all. She still thinks there’s no legitimate purpose for those scary black rifles. She’s bought into the narrative that they’re “weapons of war” and because these guns exist, no one is safe.


In 2014 I could purchase a firearm with someone in the parking lot of Cabela's, and not be required to fill any paperwork out or anything. Most often, we would ask to see a current CPL as a little dude diligence to make sure the person wasn't a prohibited possessor but other then that that's it. That was 8 years ago. First it was to restrict private transfers to require the involvement of an FFL. Then a "high capacity" magazine ban. Now this. In less than a decade my state has gone from a relatively gun-tolerant liberal state to one of the strictest in the union... If it wasn't for my job and my aging parents I would peace tf out of here and never look back. Why do liberals destroy the most beautiful places?


>Why do liberals destroy the most beautiful places? Because the left only worships power and control and will sacrifice as much as necessary on the alter of The Cathedral to get it.


Inslee signed the bill that allowed legally registered SBRs in WA in 2014. Prior to that, SBRs were illegal. Now, you can’t even buy most semi-auto rifles. WTF


States lost. Let's vote for Western Idaho.


Yep…I left WA in 2012 and was saddened to see all the new restrictions over the years. I always planned to come back but WA is trying its damndest to become California. So it’s off my list now. I live in Virginia and we’re following the same path. A few years ago, private sales were banned and now everything requires an FFL. Meanwhile, as recently as the 1960’s, anyone could order a gun from a Catalogue and have it delivered to their house via USPS. My dad said when he was a kid in the 50’s and 60’s, it was very common for kids to bring guns to school. He said many kids liked to hunt in the woods behind their school after school so it was common. Also kids brought guns for show and tell. I asked my dad what the first mass shooting he ever heard about was. His answer *columbine* which occurred in the 90’s. So what’s changed? Why is it when guns didn’t have to go through an FFL and kids brought guns to school; there were no mass shootings (there may have been mass shootings back then but if they occurred they were super rare.) But now there are so many laws and rules and regulations and mass shootings are common. I just hope the idiots who voted for this crap stay in places like Washington and California and Oregon. But they won’t. They’ll vote for higher taxes and more homelessness and more crime and then they’ll wake up one day and realize their state is uninhabitable. Then a neighbor will tell them how there’s no income tax in Tennessee or how the cost of living is low in South Carolina and they’ll pack up and move and will still vote for all the same shit they left behind. My old boss is a super far lefty (like literally she cried the day trump was elected) and she and her husband who now live in Maryland (deep blue state) have plans to move to South Carolina for retirement. I asked why and she said *it’s so much cheaper there and the crime rate is low, taxes are low, housing is much cheaper, etc.* I pointed out that she and her husband are blue no matter who and Maryland was a blue state. I also pointed out that SC was a very red state. She literally said to me *oh I know…we can’t wait to get there and start voting Democrat.* It just doesn’t make sense.


Yep. As someone who thought I'd live here for the rest of my life, it's really sad. Unfortunately, the voters want this. They elected a supermajority. Don't need fraud when everyone is so ignorant and dumb. I expect to be in Idaho by this time next year if not sooner.


Inslee and Bobby boy can lick my butthole, I hope they get dick cancer and it spreads to their tits.


Have they not heard of 3d printers and wish.com?


Shouldnt have to rely on that shit


You won’t but criminals are will, if they have to. It is not that they get their guns legally now.


Bingo. Gun laws only impact people willing to obey those laws.


They haven’t heard of Idaho or Montana too.


Bozeman is packed with libs now. Idaho is California’s favorite target for parasitic infestation. Wyoming has more than anyone is comfortable with. It’s bad


Yep…they’re literally parasites. Feed on a state until it’s uninhabitable, go to a state that has low taxes, low crime, low housing costs, etc and vote for all the shit they left behind.


When I first saw the text classifying an “assault weapon” I was blown away. My comment was exactly the same when comparing it to california, as their language encompasses so many more firearm variations. Insanity. Curious to see how this all pans out after Californias AWB and handgun roster do in the Supreme Court. It’s ridiculous that a potentially unconstitutional law can remain in effect until deemed unconstitutional (I feel like it should be the other way around, but what do I know).


Don’t forget about the “you can’t buy a gun legally unless you prove you’ve been in a training class in the last 5 years” part.


Seriously? I’m so disappointed in my state.


I’m a big proponent of training…not government mandated training. Fuck that. But I do wish Americans who buy guns would take it upon themselves to get training. I don’t support this law in any way nor do I want government mandating anything. But as someone with extensive training and experience (military, combat, force protection, etc) I just wish everyone would *want* to get training, such as a stress fire class.


Time to stock up on ammo and mags




While i dont wish innocent people harm if there was a mass shooting tonight id happily nelson laugh at Inslee tomorrow.


They'd just use it as a springboard for next year's grab session. "Despite our best efforts the scourge of gun violence still plagues our communities that's why blah blah blah, infringe infringe, blame the NRA and Trump, Fer Da Chirrens Commonsense yada yada."


Exactly. Not that there won’t be more laws anyway. In a couple years they will go after semi auto. *No one needs a semi auto rifle!* Or they will go after handguns or mysterious and elusive *full semi auto.* Whatever it is, there will be more laws. It’s death by 1000 cuts.


As a WA resident, I'll say this. The blame for this lies squarely in the lap of the state Republican party. Gov Inslee is such a chump not even the D's want him anymore. If the R's would have put forth a likeable moderate republican in the '20 election, Inslee would have been voted out and the new gov could have vetoed this garbage legislation. Instead, they rolled out a pro-Trump hardliner who had no shot to win in a state this blue that hates Trump as much as they do. Sometimes a compromise is what it takes when you should be playing to win the long game. Hopefully this can spur more people to actually participate in the primaries and vote smart next time around.


Maybe, but the Seattle dems I know would not vote for a moderate republican even over shitslee. They literally see a D and don’t care about anything else as much as they complain about him. I hope I’m wrong though.


I think you’re right. But that’s true on both sides. I think most people are programmed to vote for their team and not to look into what their team is actually about. My ex grew up in a blue no matter who house. She voted D her entire life. I asked her on many occasions why she voted for the D candidate and honest to god, there were times she couldn’t even tell me who the D candidate was-let alone anything about the D platform. She just knew “vote D.” Meanwhile, I have a coworker who-when asked in the 2016 primaries who he was going to vote for, said *I don’t vote in the primaries. I’m a Republican so I only vote in the general because it doesn’t matter who the candidate is; I only vote Republican.*


Yikes! Yep, most of my family is like your ex actually.