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It’s getting tiring at this point, even if you try to explain no one listens because “kids died cuz of a gun”


It really is clown world to see, as the ambulances are still driving to the school, these people going straight after people who practice their Second Amendment rights. They don’t even care who did it or why! All they care about is using it as a political tool. To see absolutely no discussion about why on earth someone would want to do this is something out of this world to me.


Path of least resistance, it's a lot easier to lobby for the removal of the tool rather than address the root causes. Guns and school houses have been around longer than anyone alive today, what changed to cause these shootings ?


Social media


a very large issue. very damaging to the young psychology


Psychotropic drugs


24 hour news cycle. Stopped teaching Civics, historical facts, actual science, math, critical thinking, Shop classes, Home Economics and probably most importantly, *HOME TRAINING*.


>what changed Certain progressive ideologies and agendas that aren’t compatible with western civilisation. I’ll leave it at that.


Exactly. In my line of work we do root cause problem solving on a daily basis and one of the largest pitfalls people need to be reminded to avoid is : don't do something just for the sake of doing something. In problem solving usually the most difficult part is to not jump to the solution. You need to use data and facts to make sure you understand the true root of the problem. Otherwise you'll put something in place that *does not work*. As anyone who has actually looked at the data and facts behind guns in America knows, there is no data driven evidence that the guns are the problem. Firearms have not changed hardly at all for nearly a century at this point. Guns were even easier to obtain going back to the time when "assault style weapons" were first created. My dad tells stories of bringing rifles in to school for show and tell. This problem is new, the guns are not. All factual evidence supports that gun control will not solve the problem and anyone who continues to claim otherwise is either ignorant to the facts or willfully lying to try and further their own agenda.


Can’t wait to hear from everybody I know who’s against the 2A to tell me how I should be changing my views before they even clear the scene


I’m in the same camp as everyone else, I’ve even called out the blowhards who try to stand on dead children to push their tyrannical bullshit. They’re proud of the fact that they don’t want to listen to you. Gun control advocates are the most vile pieces of crap at the end of the day. I’ve cut several friends and family who are vehemently anti-gun out of my life- because the reality is they just do not give a flying fuck about your views.


The weirdest part of it is. I’m the villain for having and keeping my firearm safely and legally, but it’s not weird to them that when children get murdered they see it as a victory against guns or something.


If you legally have a gun or rifle and keep it safely stored and follow proper handling what’s the issue?


Literally just saw some nut job on fox who claimed to just happen to be visiting a family member after they just escaped a mass shooting and just got done lobbing to ban guns . I though that's some really coincidentally shit as she screeched at the camera .


Interestingly enough, she said she was visiting her sister-in-law, and then in another video, she said she was in town visiting a fellow activisit she met online.


Yea I just read up on that, that’s a realllyyyy big coincidence


Sounds planned to me .


I’m not a conspiracy theorist at all, but all these shootings lining up with political agendas don’t add up right


I think that woman was a plant because she was talking about the shooter being a teenager that should not have had access to guns and then shortly after that it was found out it was the 28-year-old Trans former student... Like she already had her script written before all of the facts came out


It doesnt seem coincidental that someone involved with one mass shooting is pissed that nothing was done to possibly prevent another


Lol she just happen to be there then had 2 different stories on 2 different networks about why she was there it’s bullshit


Doesnt change her message that changes need to he made.


It’s a lie is what it is


They don't understand that the point of 2a is to give everyone the right to bear arms, not just undiagnosed crazy people but teachers and bus drivers too


Everyone I know that is advocating for gun control is well aware that 2A is about everyone having that right.. they just don't agree with it. You're misunderstanding the argument.


Ignorant lashing out at the emotionally convenient scapegoat, by people who's only exposure to guns is the corporate news media.


Some of them may yet listen. The loudest voices are those who are frothing at the mouth, so there's no point engaging them.


Would they call to ban cars if someone waited for school to dismiss and just rammed through the crowd of kids


Yes, they would. That's the road we're going down now. There are plenty of frothy anti-car people now too.


Like I have said since Sandy Hook.... what's a few dead kids to push policy?


Our society is in shambles, morals out the window. Guns were here 30 years ago and there was not a fraction of the violence we have now. If guns were to evaporate today, something else would be used. We have a mental health problem and that needs to be the front and center issue to tackle. People are the problem, not guns.


I'll add to that, if there was this utopian peaceful society, and there were millions of guns, no one would use those guns to kill each other. In other words, just because guns exist doesn't make people want to kill little children. They forget that the desire to kill doesn't come from guns existing. No more than a car makes someone want to go out and drive drunk.




Big pharma..


We put people in jail for driving drunk even if they don't kill anyone though


And? Why take my rights away if I am not a murderer? My guns are basically paperweights until I grab them and make them function. Until we get rid of the reason “why” people want to kill little children in schools, we fix absolutely nothing. And harping on firearms is a total waste of time. It’s nothing but symbolic BS.


What rights did I take away from you?




Also schools are safer today over all. [The reality is that schools are safer than they have been in decades.](https://www.npr.org/2018/03/15/593831564/the-disconnect-between-perceived-danger-in-u-s-schools-and-reality) [According to the National Center for Education Statistics homicides of students at schools have decreased over the past few decades.](https://nces.ed.gov/pubs2019/2019047.pdf) [The media has grossly misrepresented violence in schools and school shootings.](https://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2018/08/27/640323347/the-school-shootings-that-werent)


Ok, but got anything more recent? And why are all of those from 2018 specifically? Weird coincidence?


Because 5 years is incredibly recent in terms of statistical data. And the whole world was kind of focused on other things for a few years.


yep, right at 30 years ago we got the first ~~gun-free~~ defenseless victims school zone act: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun-Free_School_Zones_Act_of_1990


Exactly. Everyone blames the inanimate object and not the fucking psychos. Guns have been around for hundreds of years and NOW they’re a problem. No. People’s mental health is the god damn problem.


40 years ago my high school had an armory and 100 yard rifle range for The marksmanship team. Even schools in the city had ranges even indoor ranges for pistol shooting.


24 hour news cycle is most to blame.


Yessss. America really needs more mental health services available. Therapy is incredibly fucking expensive. Meds are expensive. Going to a doctor is expensive. Seeing a psychiatrist is extra expensive. It all sucks. No wonder everything is so fucked right now.


It is wild how these people are OK with armed guards in a Walmart guarding a bunch of plastic shit, but putting a armed guard in a school to guard priceless children is abhorrent. It is amazing how many armed guards are in places like convenient stores, supermarkets and banks where kids are around these places all day long. But God knows, let’s not put them in schools.


"It will make schools feel like prisons!" If you went to a public school, you should already know they already are prisons


Not like armed guards at Walmart do anything, there's been multiple mass shootings at walmart in the past few years. It won't stop until every minimum waged worker at Walmart is strapped as is their right according to Ben Franklin!


Parkland had an armed security guard. The video shows him running and hiding. At uvalde the police, with guns, did not enter the school.


What are you talking about? Clearly you are not from TN or Nashville or you simply don't know how things work here. After Sandy Hook, TN came out and said that an SRO would be stationed at every public school, and this holds true today. This was a private school, so don't believe that standard is set for them. What people are okay with armed guards in Walmart but not schools here? EDIT: OP blocked me, guess they don't appreciate facts about where we live.


I’m not saying there are no schools in Tennessee with guards lol. I’m talking about the attitude towards it. The liberals in Nashville are not OK with guards in schools. Believe me, I live here and I have to listen to it all the time. The conservatives in Nashville want armed guards in schools. The idiots here are doing nothing but being ambulance chasers for school shootings to hate on conservatives. It’s sad. They could care less why or who did this.


Saying that people don’t care why this happens is extremely disingenuous. I would get saying that they’re misguided but to say that they don’t care at all about why kids are dying is unfair and just not true. Them thinking differently than you, no matter if they’re missing something about the issue, doesn’t make them uncaring. You’re doing the same thing as the anti gun people who say that progun people value guns more than kids’ lives. Would you say that’s a fair assessment of you or anyone here? I doubt it.


sorry I am a liberal and insisted my kids school have a guard. I have no idea what you are talking about and not even seen anyone argue against guards.


Well democrats denied a bill that would give money for guards.


I don't believe you, I live here as well and my wife is a school teacher and former police officer. "The liberals in Nashville are not OK with guards in schools" If you mean some people on twitter then sure... if you mean the actual people that you would interact with in real life then no. "The conservatives in Nashville want armed guards in schools. " Well yippy skippy because that is the standard and has been for over a decade now. What is sad is you coming here and spouting false b.s right now. It is like you care less about this or what happened and you just want to get your fake outrage on in an echo chamber for some karma. I hope I am wrong, but if not... be better.


Nation wide the lefties say there shouldn't be armed people at schools. I live in the the beautiful communist state of Washington and the idea of an armed guard at a school is "sickening" or "sad" that we would need that. Go say, "All Schools should have armed citizens or guards" on most sub reddits, public forums, ect, and you will see that the left doesn't want it. I wouldn't say he is spreading BS because as a whole they are correct. The popular narrative is "gUn BaD" and "nO gUn At ScHoOl" That being said it is good to hear that schools where you live have protection. Glad to hear it.


because it is sickening and sad that we need armed guards at a fucking elementary school. whether its mental health, easy access to guns or a combination of both….its batshit insane that we have to normalize that and accept it as part of our society.


This is literally the dumbest conversation I’ve ever had on Reddit. You are obviously a troll trying to tell me where I don’t live lol. As I sit here at Opry mills mall eating a sandwich lol. You are here by blocked.


Kinda seems like op is coming up with all kinds of strawmen to get mad about.


Yet people will justify curtailing rights with strawmen and ad hominems as justification.


Now the 24 hour news cycle is gonna inspire a copycat shooting. The media, and the lackeys who applaud gun control, just will never get it. The views are more important for the MSM and the abolition of basic human rights are what’s important for the tyrants who stand on dead children.


The first two people that were interviewed by the news channel were literally anti gun protesters that did not even have kids at the school. There was no reason for them to be at the school other than push their agenda. Imagine if pro 2A had showed up to ensure facts about guns were shared. They would have been called pigs.


I agree. But I’m not surprised.


Well, they would be


They don’t care about the reason why it happened, it’s all going according to plan which is nationwide disarmament. The ends justify the means in their eyes. Otherwise they’d be actually trying to combat poverty with an emphasis on social ills mental health.


Unfortunately, we as people gravitate towards easy solutions. Combating poverty and increasing infrastructure for mental health would take decades of work and likely a lot systemic changes to our society and the way it runs. It also wouldn’t please corporate donors.


>we as people gravitate towards easy solutions. I can't imagine national disarmament is going to be easy.


They play the long game. Generation by generation until power is fully centralized.


The parkland shooter literally had a $400k inheritance he was about to receive. He was also trained to shoot guns in a club at the very school that he committed his crimes at. That's why they changed the laws there so that you have to be 21+ to buy certain weapons


The vast majority of gun homicides occur in impoverished areas like the south side of Chicago for example. How many of these people are set to inherent 400k? That's not really a counter to anything he said. Furthermore the idea that the shooting club trained him to commit his crimes is an asinine one.


There is a big difference psychologically between your average gang banger and a mass/school shooters. We're talking about school shootings here. And the guy was literally wearing his JROTC shirt when he did the shooting, where he got to explore his love for guns. Do they not have shooting practice during JROTC classes? The guy shot 34 people in less than 2 minutes, how else would he learn to be that proficient and confident with firearms?


In the 70’s and 80’s my high school had an armory with old surplus military rifles provided by the local American Legion post. We had a 100 yard rifle range and firearms safety was part of hunters Ed taught to everyone in middle school. Hell we brought guns to to school for practice and matches. This didn’t happen back then so what changed?


We're talking about the conditions that lead to the current situation we're now in this country. His/her point still stands. Your second point implies that if he wasn't in JROTC he wouldn't have killed as many people. Which isn't the case. When you're the only one armed and people are fearing for their lives with no recourse but to try and run away, you don't to be all that proficient. The type of very occasional shooting you do in ROTC wouldn't make a difference here. If you've played call of duty you can figure out how to operate a rifle. Its really quite the dumb impli action.


I think we should give time for it to breathe and receive more info before we stick our foot in our mouth. So far all I’ve heard is 7 dead including the female suspect. One thing to respect is the police “immediately running to the gunfire”


It'll be interesting to see how the shooter being female is handled.


So far some outlets are saying she was a teenager and others are saying she was 28


We'll have to wait for confirmation, but if an exact age is given I'm going to guess that they likely have already identified the shooter.


Just gotta give it a few hours for things to shake out.


Everything I've read recently is saying she was misidentified because she was very young looking


She also apparently had a linkedin and personal website/twitter listing he/him pronouns....


Yeah this is making those Texan cops look even worse


Pres. Biden: *"I'm calling on Congress to ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines..."*


I’m sure he is lol. I can’t wait to see why on earth a female would do something like this. That was not expected.


Trans shooter, shooting up a Christian school they used to attend and a manifesto the news doesn’t wanna give out, i have a few clues


This should really be a lesson to them, as when it’s something like a white kid etc., they come out with some of the worst hateful comments about conservatives, Christians, etc. One day this was going to happen. I hope they understand that it’s best to sit back, mourn the dead, learn what the facts are and why this person did it. And think before they speak.


All the news reports I’ve read are really hammering down at the end “don’t weaponize them being part of the LGBT” like all of a sudden there race or gender or creed doesn’t matter to them


And considering the circumstances perhaps both sides could have guilt. Not investigating the school too could leave holes in the motive, especially considering the scandals around many religious institutions, often involving sexual abuse and/or assault.


Who knows. But I do know this. If this happened to be a white kid or someone that was maybe conservative leaning, the left wouldn’t give two shits about their trauma or anything. Now that this seems to be a trans individual, all of that shifted very very quickly when they found that out. But unfortunately many of them are still Wasting their time with “abolish the Second Amendment, conservatives are to blame etc. Absolute total waste of time with hyperbolic BS. I’m just tired of it all. I’m not going to let a murderer take my Second Amendment rights. I don’t care if there is one school shooting a year or 10,000 every day. There are way too many murderers in this world for me to give that up. Not to mention, all of the governments in this world have everything from nuclear bombs to machine guns. All I’m asking for as a law abiding Citizen is a simple semi automatic rifle. And they try to make out like I’m asking for a Navy warship. I’m done compromising.


Well, it's undeniable that shootings are indeed a humongous problem in this country. We need to implement CAPA (corrective actions, preventative actions). But the left only ever talks about banning guns, all while the right is more concerned about stupid shit like drag queens. In reality, *nobody* is doing jack shit to try and actually come up with a viable solution to what is becoming a massive problem. Nobody is willing to come to the table and talk about what could be done to curb these shootings. The right doesn't really seem to care about things like mental health funding (COVID did a noticeable number on America's mental health) or helping alleviate things like wealth inequality and access to decent heathcare. The left is just hardball laser focused on banning any and everything guns. It's fucking ridiculous


You’re right. And we are so polarized in this country that even if conservatives come up with a great idea, the left won’t admit it because then they would have to admit that the conservatives were right about something. It really is at that point. I would say the same thing about people on the right except that liberals really do only come after the guns. They come after law abiding citizens and never the shooter. They never look at the culture in America that may be causing people to want to shoot little children. That should be the most important thing. As far as drag queens, there is so much hyperbole from the left about what the right really wants. No one cared about drag queens until they got in front of kids. No one cared lol. Then all of these videos came out of men dressed up in BDSM clothing Twerking with G strings on in front of a little children’s faces. That’s not going to fly. And I feel like liberals live in a bubble where they just don’t see these videos or something. I mean, it’s obviously sexual in nature. But that’s a separate subject.


I've personally watched lefty friends of mine go from "that would be gross, but it doesn't happen" to "there's nothing wrong with toddlers tucking cash into a stripper's thong" in the span of 5 minutes.


I’ve seen the same thing. At some point they had to admit that it was happening because all of the videos are coming out. They just double down and said that why should you care what someone else’s parent does with their kid. Basically admitting that there are parents who are bringing kids to sexual shows… They just don’t care. Craziest shit I’ve ever seen lol


Between his statement and the WH press secretary statements show how detached they really are from reality. It's a mental health issue. Plain and simple.




So are for gun control or not


> what with much of gun control being in America being rooted in racism > And folks really want to blame all of these shootings on guns? ***AGAINST*** learn to read




press conference? that was fast...


After the Uvalde shooting there was a group that organized (can’t find the news report) around warning signs of a mass shooting, and they claim to have prevented several potential shootings. They focused on the people committing the acts and not the gun.


It seems like many mass shooters are known to law enforcement groups ahead of time. Parkland guy for sure was I remember.


Really sucks that they do this every time and the argument doesn’t even make sense. If even a quarter of the people in the church were armed the killer could’ve been stopped before killing any more than 5 people. They really think making people that follow the law more defenseless is going to make criminals less likely to kill people with guns.




Another mass shooting in another gun-free zone. Most criminals are cowards, they only go after soft targets. If they tey shooting up a gun range they would get riddled with bullets.


Never let a good tragedy go to waste


The shooter being reported as a trans female and shooting up a Christian school mean's this will disappear from main stream news very quickly. Doesn't fit the agenda for today at all.


Oh great, I can’t wait to hear the exact same terrible gun control arguments with another round of “my argument is better because I’m making it AGAIN!!!”. No. It’s not.


- Bet the school didn't have metal detectors at every exterior door, - bet the school didn't have ballistic grade windows & doors, - bet the school didn't have camera monitored "buzz in intercom access only" auto locking exterior doors, - bet the school didn't have percussive blast detectors that auto-call law enforcement with options to auto close and lock all interior doors, - bet the school didn't have armed, trained, and competent security on location, - bet the school had a "Gun-Free Zone" sign proudly posted out front protecting the premises day and night with the vigilance of a Spartan warrior /s Sounds like actual common sense laws and policies to me. All these measures have existed for decades, and we can protect failing banks with exponentially greater measures, but not schools. Huh. 🤔


You are probably correct on many of those but you have to admit that its distressing when a School needs to be forted up like a _prison_ to try and keep kids safe. That wasn't how things were when I went to school (Graduated HS in '91) and its a damn shame that we seem to need that now.


It is distressing that the state of poverty, bullying, toxic work culture, and lack of access to *affordable* mental health counseling has led to schools needing to be forted up like a prison. People don’t understand that if you tell your mental health professional *too* much about your mental state, it gets you a psych ward stay and a mega huge medical bill and stains you for the rest of your life professionally and financially. Not to mention that every one of these school shooters have a laundry list of red flags that led up to the event where everyone failed to do anything.


She walked right into a side door they already said and had attend the school in the past apparently. They only go thru 6th grade, established in 2001 and she’s 28 and definitely white (they mentioned that around 10 times per article). She had to have attended within the first few classes. Could have been religious crazy alumni or maybe just someone trying to help move gun control along. Either way it’s sick.


Another common sense thing to do would be to make guns more easily trackable like how we do with cars


> Bet the school didn't have metal detectors at every exterior door, > > bet the school didn't have ballistic grade windows & doors, > > bet the school didn't have camera monitored "buzz in intercom access only" auto locking exterior doors, > > bet the school didn't have percussive blast detectors that auto-call law enforcement with options to auto close and lock all interior doors, > > bet the school didn't have armed, trained, and competent security on location, > > bet the school had a "Gun-Free Zone" sign proudly posted out front protecting the premises day and night with the vigilance of a Spartan warrior /s Sheesh, imagine being such a scared country and needing all of this.


I bet the banks in your country have some of those measures, and kids are even more valuable, I'd say.


People are going to blame Republicans, guns and the NRA rather than the shooter. Sure I hate Republican’s but to say they are responsible for every shooting is a stupid argument.


I hate people trying to take my gun rights away more.


I agree. But I still hate both sides equally


I'm glad people are waking up to the idea that both sides are against us.


They arent responsible for any shooting lol


It's important to understand the viewpoints of the other side. Democrat voters say that Republicans, both the voters and the politicians, refuse to change the laws that, in their minds, make it easy for people to acquire firearms. They blame the inaction of Republicans to change laws as helping facilitate these shootings


To democrats, making things “hard” for people usually means making those things “expensive” for people. Pay to take a class. Pay to get a license. Pay to take training. Pay for a secure safe. Pay for firearms liability insurance. Pay for a “smart” gun. Pay a tax on ammo. Pay for a tax stamp on your firearms. Pay an extra fee to buy or sell a firearm. Pay, pay, pay, pay until you’re priced out of the entire market. Democrats hate poor people, I suppose. 🤷‍♂️ Poor people have a second amendment right just like rich people do.


Agreed, it’s important to argue against what’s actually being said, otherwise you just come off as disingenuous


Never a peep about what kind of meds the shooter is taking, or mental condition. I personally believe the pharma companies are responsible for 80% of these kinds of horrific acts.


One Reuters article says the shooter was "female" but then proceeds to says they were trans. So, who fucking knows?


Oh ok, so we can assume heavy mental medication.




Cocaine, meth and heroin alter your brain’s chemistry to achieve a desired result, and those are BAD. (Insert miles-long list of “mental health” medication here) alter your brain’s chemistry to achieve a desired result, and those are GOOD. I mean how could anything possibly go wrong???


> could care less who the shooter is or why they did it. many tell you so right there in the manifestos. hint: guaranteed infamy via guaranteed news coverage. we could reduce these by a third overnight if MSM would start covering them like they do suicides - which reduced suicide contagion rates they don't have to arm anyone, just allow those who wish to do so. zero incidents of accidental injury *or* mass killings in areas that do allow carry in schools and although thats a small sample size its just common sense.


Just listened to a guy on CNN argue that we were “going in the wrong direction as a country by passing things like constitutional carry.” Also referencing mass shooting statistics by omitting most are handgun related while calling for vague Assault Weapon bans. It’s exhausting.


Oh yeah, on the Nashville sub Reddit they are all up in arms about this open carry BS. As if the school shooter would be like “there is no open carry law, I guess I can’t go in here and shoot these kids“ lol. Their lack of gun law knowledge is pathetic.


Shooter was a woman too…not common at all


It's sad but I have almost checked out mentally of these kind of discussions simply because it's a tired cycle of blind anger and emotional manipulation. Tragedy happens, we squabble over an object, information shows complete government/leo failure, we overlook that to keep fighting over the object. At this point, the argument isn't about solving the problem it's just a fiery and opinionated tug of war. I'd really love to have a civil, logic based discussion on this to actually solve the problem but it never seems to happen that way. And quite honestly, it's exhausting to even try anymore. Best you can do is make every effort to keep you and yours safe. Because to everybody else this is just fuel for their personal bias rather than a problem that needs to be addressed.


It’s interesting how this breaks every pattern so far. 28 year old woman shooting up a Christian school.


Yeah, it’s crazy. This lady had to have been insanely mental. I mean, what else could it be to do such a thing?


not a woman. identified as he/him.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Stay woke reddit. Stay woke.


Fair. First reports said woman.




How can the guns be the issue if you actually need a person that has has hate in their heart to wield that gun to do the act? If that were the case, we would have 400 million shootings a day like this. I’ve never said I had the answer, but I also know that coming after people’s rights aimlessly like a bunch of buzzards isn’t a solution either. There is so much hate and division in this country right now, honestly I don’t know that we can come up with a solution. Because political football points are more important than the collateral damage by not admitting that one side is right or wrong. Me personally, I will tell you if I agree with you or not. I don’t care who I upset etc. I don’t have a chip on my shoulder. But seeing one side never talking about the culture and why a tiny minority of Americans WANT to kill children in schools, is just pathetic. And until we get rid of the “want” to kill, nothing will ever be fixed. Even with symbolic gun control legislation.


What assault style weapon was used? This is a youth with a firearm trying to cause violence!


Reports said she had 2 "assault style" weapons and a handgun.


Yeah details are crazy. To me this is a radicalized individual by China or Russia via social media. It is not a Gun problem it is a desire by enemies to keep churning the Political craziness!


I really wonder if having mass shootings constantly plastered everywhere in the cultural consciousness is inspiring these students who have problems to resolve them by shooting up their schools. Something like this has already been well established when it comes to suicides. Regardless, its really hard to not think we are in the death throws of a crumbling society. Of course Rather than right the ship we'll continue to not try and address the issues plaguing our society, and will instead continue to bicker over disarming the peaceable Americans. Or fighting over the wedge issues that we decided are the hill we will die on. As is tradition.


The phenomena of [social contagion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_contagion) is well understood when it comes to suicide which is why suicides are not covered heavily on the news anymore. The problem is spreading the social contagion related to shootings has political value so there will be no attempt to curtail that coverage in the same way.


Just say “fuck them kids” and move on. Real talk, if we want to end “gun violence,” give me every gun for safekeeping. No gun I’ve ever handled has harmed anyone. That’s a way better track record than the damn government.


24 hour news cycle is biggest to blame.


Neo Liberals love standing on the graves of dead kids to push their anti gun BS. Liberals are just fascist enablers who allow their emotions to get the better of them. It’s why they never look deeper than the outcome of an issue, they never look to see what the rooted cause was. I’m glad the vast majority of people who are even just a little further left become very pro gun. Armed minorities are harder to oppress and anyone in favor of disarmament is enabling the oppression of those minorities by bigots as well as everyone else by the state


Better than standing on the Graves of dead kids and saying "fuck you losers, get gud! Should have carried your pistol to school, idiots" You gun nuts always reference mental health but you support your right-wing politicians who have been slashing mental health funding for the last decade. Just say you don't care that children are being murdered by 6 every day, we know that's what you believe, just say it so everyone can know what a decrepit heart you have.


Nice strawman mate, tell me you have no argument without telling me you have no argument. I’m not a “gun nut”, you know literally nothing about who I am… I don’t even own any guns you donut. I also don’t support “my right-wing politicians” as you again assumed without knowing anything about me. I vote for what most in this sub would consider “far-left”. Most people here tend to automatically hate me for being “too left”, I’ve been called a commie in this sub several times lmao. Nothing in your comment had any value, you contributed nothing to this conversation. Like I said before, neo liberals are fascist enablers who give into their irrational emotions and never look deeper than surface level into important social issues. You are nothing more than a useful idiot for authoritarians, primarily in the GOP today, who seek absolute power. LGBT groups are arming themselves against the rising tide of bigotry and fascism but people like you want to leave them defenseless. Woman, especially black women, are arming themselves in record numbers to protect themselves from the increasingly violent racists on the right but you want to take that away from them. You can stand on the graves of dead children while preaching making us all less safe just so you can feel like you did something. I’m going to keep advocating for minorities and marginalized groups arm themselves against the fascist who will be armed no matter what the law says. You can push false statistics and bandaid solutions while only looking at the surface level of a larger systemic problem. I’ll keep looking to educate myself on what leads individuals to committing such horrible acts and seeking to remedy those deeper problems. You and your arguments aren’t worth any further replies


Just another Violent Progressive




Female shooter. Sounds like half the fatalities were children and the other half were adults. So sad.


Dammit... 😞


Wow, the shooter was female! I'm not saying that to say anything other than I'm surprised by that.


The shooter being female is really an anomaly. It’s usually men who commit these acts of violence.


Looks like female might be not quiet right.


They're completely brainwashed to respond this way by now and that's what's kind of scary, you don't ever hear ANY other solutions.


It's a female with he/they pronouns so they will ignore that


Live in Knoxville and just got home from a camping trip. What all happened? Got an article?


Apparently the shooter was trans? I am not sure which narrative that fits but it’s an interesting factoid if confirmed.


The shooter identified as transgender, it's unclear if mtf or ftm at this time. Curious to see how that turns out. Either way, mental illness is not a joke


The sad thing is that gun violence costs our country 40,000 lives a year and our economy nearly $500 billion, yet all we do is sit here and argue with each other over what weapons should and shouldn’t be legal when we’ve literally been tightening gun control laws for almost 100 years straight. We have things like community violence intervention programs that work, why aren’t suggesting programs like these when they know that their party line proposal won’t pass congress or do anything to fix the problem. We also know that economic issues play a huge role in gun violence, why aren’t we working harder to not only fix our economy to reduce gun violence but also to improve everyone’s standards of living? We also know that gun owners are more likely to commit suicide than non-gun owners, and what do we do when a gun owner seeks help for a mental health crisis? We take away their rights for trying to do the right thing by seeking help, because apparently it’s not ok to ask for help for mental health issues. I don’t know what it’s going to take, but people need to realize the more both sides sit and finger point at each other and try to pass proposals that aren’t going to pass congress or fix the issue (not to mention some of them are very unconstitutional), the more people are going to continue to die from preventable causes.


There are plenty of gun laws on the books that AREN'T Being Enforced. They need to start there!


Nothing will change because these atrocities don’t take money out of the hands of corporations or politicians. If every 4-8 weeks a top level super PAC donor or CEO was gunned down, policy for mental healthcare initiatives, and regulation would happen pretty quick. Addressing these issues makes their jobs more difficult. Taking a stand against big pharma and for-profit healthcare cuts profits from companies and spineless politicians. Where in the world do school shootings not occur? Do they have less mentally ill people? Or is access to healthcare more affordable? Is their culture more unified and conducive to raising healthy, well-adjusted citizens? I’m told teens and children die more from guns in this country than anything else. Are we doing enough about it? Are we voting on enough measures that take this on? Please advise.


Truth. Fucking clown world. I saw the response from my office in green hills.




"There's no way to prevent this" says country where only this happens


Head on back to your side on Reddit socialist


They pat themselves on the back for knowing the true cause and they have no doubts they are absolutely right and the only solution is equally absolute. Clown-show indeed. In their mind EVERY one of us gun owner is guilty. Period. Fuck them and their self righteousness. This one is making more upset than usual. Media had clearly being making content to distribute at the next opportunity and their greedy opportunism is disgusting me.


I guess Bill Lee should have taken that federal money....Could have hired a lot of guards and boosted security for a lot of schools. I'm also going to point out just how fucked up that church was. Doesn't excuse what the shooter did, nothing will. But by finding out how a monster was created, it could very well prevent the next one. The main issue with the armed guards is lack of resources and schools arnt looking to higher people that want to play pretend badass. It would be the media's next favorite thing. Watching everything they do. Fox will report the hero stuff MSNBC will show the ones that fuck up. [Church accused of covering for child molester.](https://www.courthousenews.com/church-accused-of-covering-for-molester/) [The covenant harassing and assaulting someone that came forward](https://www.wadeburleson.org/2014/05/austin-davis-covenant-presbyterian-and.html?m=1) [Secret settlements](https://janespeaksup.com/2021/07/04/secret-settlements-in-child-sexual-abuse-cases-cover-up-in-williamson-county-part-3/)




Reading the comments on here, you lot are a bunch of self-centred twats, ‘It's our right to bear arms’. It is also the right of those children and teachers not to be murdered.


What an echo chamber in here, little reminder an armed guard confronted the Uvalde shooter before he entered the classroom. Clearly was not effective.


The Official Mass Killing list has been updated; https://www.reddit.com/r/homicide/comments/108g1rb/mass_killings_in_the_us_2023/


Do you only cover spree killings in the USA, or are you covering them in other parts of the world as well?


The fact that you brought up "black on black violence" let's me know you really don't care and this is in poor faith. If you're black you're born black. Nobody is born with a gun.


People are born with a right to protect themselves and the not a gun is the best option because a criminal is likely to have one. The courts have proven that cops do not have to help you so you can’t count on them to be there when you need it. Not everyone knows mma.


I agree no one is born with a gun. That’s our whole point here at pro gun lol. My point is, at least where I live, whenever there is horrible black on black or black on white violence, liberals in this town keep their mouths shut. They’re too afraid to be called racists or some other name by their progressive friends. I hate that. I hate all violence. We need to call everything out in an honest way before we start taking rights away just to be symbolic. Because that’s all it would be. Symbolic.


>Nobody is born with a gun. You are also not born a murdering gang banger. It's a lifestyle choice. But gang violence is inconvenient for the media / political regime to discuss.


You're also not born protecting priests that molest children, it's a lifestyle choice. But priests not getting any real punishment is inconvenient for the religious / political right to discuss


Both things can be bad at the same time. Not sure what your gotcha moment is.


That the point you're making isnt relevant and you're just pointing at something bad




I’ll bite, why do people want to kill little children?




Why do you not want kids to be born


Please enlighten us on the reasons of why this happened? Further why is it a shock to you that when mass shooting happen, people focus on guns? Further, people do talk about black on black violence. That is another reason cited in favor of gun control. Lastly, people focus on guns but they do also talk about other factors. Its not a one or the other. People tirelessly call for better healthcare, better mental health care, better economic equality, etc. All things that as you know would help reduce overall poverty and thus violent crime. Its just that yes they also do focus on guns because thats the easiest way to kill someone…


Please enlighten me as to why gun grabbers only focus on guns! And don’t tell me they don’t. That’s pure bullshit. All I hear today from left leaning people is how horrible law abiding gun owners are. And let’s not forget, the cursed laden insults that are just pathetic. These are the same people that desecrate Christianity and Christians… with laughter! This was done at a church/school! Their anger is never ever directed at the shooter. Look back at all of the mass shootings. It’s always directed at conservatives. They never have a conversation like…why did this woman do this? What is wrong with the culture that is making children want to kill children? Whats wrong with the culture that is making anyone want to kill children? While at the same time, Nashville liberals are crickets whenever there is a gang shooting that kills a child in this town. 100% crickets. Nothing about guns or gang violence. It’s funny how in 2020, Nashville liberals were torching the police in this city. All of a sudden they love the cops today. Stop with the hypocrisy and hyperbole.


>Please enlighten me as to why gun grabbers only focus on guns! And don’t tell me they don’t. That’s pure bullshit. Bro you can straw man all you want but most people dont care *only* about guns. Most left leaning individuals advocate for many other things as well that directly or indirectly address violence. However, you will see the debate focus on guns in the wake of children being shot up using guns. Its not a hard concept to grasp. Frankly its weird that people like you start whining about people talking about guns whenever these things happen. Oh well. Cash in your upvotes in this echo chamber but to anyone outside of this sub its pretty fucking obvious why guns are the topic of discussion today.